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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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I just hope that all this dithering around chosing the team for 2014 is well worth the wait. Good luck to the 2 reserves, hope the other guys in the team give them all the help that they will need. Just maybe, we will see some prgress in all these youngsters that will be riding in the New Elite Leage.

I just hope that the fans get behind them and help them to settle in to thier new homes and not slag them off, from race one. These lads are the future of British Speedway. With a bit of help from other setting up thier nachines and leaning more about racing lines from them it may turn out to be a good season, or then again if they are just put there whith no help then it may just be a big belly flop. I hope it is the first case.

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been out and got a couple of 500 kwackers just in case.. maybe see you in 2014. lol.

Jenga, whoever you support, you come on here taking the p*** out of Leicester, well it's just not needed you know. WE are perfectly capable of doing that ourselves, so go and wind up someone else, like Poole.

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And his Twitter spat with new signing Hans Andersen during this year's World Cup. Still blames him for Team GB missing out in 2004 so I can't imagine a happy pits at Brandon if he stays. Mind you, imagine, Havvy and DH working together.... What a Dream Team!!! :lol:

Perhaps Mick signed Andersen hoping Gary would hand his notice in. Well, I can wish can't I? :lol: I don't really know what the situation with Havelock is and whether he signed a contract for more than one season but it does seem strange why Mick would keep him when a) he is not at all popular with the fans and b ) the team he managed came bottom of the league. If it was football he would have been out long ago.

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Jenga, whoever you support, you come on here taking the p*** out of Leicester, well it's just not needed you know. WE are perfectly capable of doing that ourselves, so go and wind up someone else, like Poole.


now you know how your promotion feels like when you so called supporters get on their case.. hope you enjoy the national lite league. oh and merry freeking christmas..

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Me thinks Jenga is not a very nice speedway suporter. Which ever team he supports they are very welcome to him. And yes we will make ourselves very much at home in the EL. If we end up the bottom of the leauge which I don't think we will at least the Lions will do thier best and give it a damn good try. Don't piddle about with Lions supports, they can get very nasty and have sharp claws.


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so how you lot gonna find me then. think big al capone has it in for me, but thats life. i live in Cumbria. you know the place. its where you lot get your water from. lol. looks like lions are givers and not takers. eh. just remember , its ONLY banter.. can i add you as a friend. pm me please.

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Got my season ticket renewal e-mail today. Even though i was told different by the man himself there is nary a mention of an acknowledgement for the piss poor value of last years season ticket, just mention of how it will be us, the season ticket holders and sponsors that will allow the club to secure an Elite league team for the coming season. Unfortunately it won't be any my money helping to do it. So how many season ticket holders on here are renewing? I'm clearly not, but will i be in a minority?. I know of at least one other season ticket holder who is holding off this year though that is rather because, like me, he doesn't rate the chances of us having the business plan or finances to make the season out.



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Got my season ticket renewal e-mail today. Even though i was told different by the man himself there is nary a mention of an acknowledgement for the piss poor value of last years season ticket, just mention of how it will be us, the season ticket holders and sponsors that will allow the club to secure an Elite league team for the coming season. Unfortunately it won't be any my money helping to do it. So how many season ticket holders on here are renewing? I'm clearly not, but will i be in a minority?. I know of at least one other season ticket holder who is holding off this year though that is rather because, like me, he doesn't rate the chances of us having the business plan or finances to make the season out.



Got my renewal e-mail today too. Certainly not renewing before i've seen the team declared. I'm not impressed with the picks they made at reserve for a start, couldn't believe they went for Clegg when they had a choice from 12 other riders, hope i'm proved wrong but i'd have thought someone like Simon Lambert would have been a better bet, at least he might have scored 3 or 4 points & has more experience, To throw a 16 year old just out of the MDL into the pressures of the elite seems crazy & totally unfair on the lad.

With no early-bird discount on the season ticket either i'll wait until the fixtures are announced before buying because it looks like fixtures could be on different days, already 3 league fixtures announced & all on different days ( sat., mon.& thurs) so keeping my options open before deciding to buy season ticket or not.

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Although not seemingly in Havelock's case.

I would say Motivation is the job of the team captain , Leicester though it is neither the team manager or the team captain it's the promoters wife who lets the riders know who pays their wages, with the odd input from him indoors to tell them how he could beat most of them on his bicycle .

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so how you lot gonna find me then. think big al capone has it in for me, but thats life. i live in Cumbria. you know the place. its where you lot get your water from. lol. looks like lions are givers and not takers. eh. just remember , its ONLY banter.. can i add you as a friend. pm me please.

Yep, I've got the mob on the way up there now. Hope you got some spare kneecaps ready. And our water is from Derbyshire.


I also wish to be not associated with the Weatherwatchers comments!

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Cheers for the fixture updates. I never fully read the article on the signing of Perry & Clegg, so missed the fixture info.

The article of Perry & Clegg signing does at least IMO confirm why they were signed, it's based on their performances at BP, albeit at MDL level for Clegg.


In previous months any talk of Yulia running the team was (I thought) in jest, but over the last week everyone seems to stating it as if its fact.

Is everyone on the wind up and I have missed it or is there now general acceptance that this is the case? If it is the case, what evidence is there apart from that update on the supporters club Facebook page this week?

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Well i was informed that it was Yulia that has been speaking to riders about deals. But with the season approaching i think people are startin to think maybe she will be TM next year


So who do we think would make the best team manager, Gary Havelock or Yulia Hemsley?



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So who do we think would make the best team manager, Gary Havelock or Yulia Hemsley?



Latest odds on Team Manager's job....


Evens DH (can he resist being on tv?)

3/1 Yulia Hemsley (women know best, right?)

5/1 Gary Havelock (if he'll accept a pay cut)

7/1 Jason Attwood (homecoming for Mr Motivator?)

10/1 Hitler (impressive on YouTube)

12/1 Glyn Taylor (if all the above are n/a and he gets a pay rise)

15/1 Dave Howard/Rob Sensical (Hemsleyite insiders)

20/1 Volty

25/1 Peter Soulsby (he owns the land afterall!)

33/1 David Moyes (might need a job soon)

150/1 Chris Popple

250/1 Jim The Whipper

1000/1 Ken Naylor (not sure those odds are long enough)

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Its f**k up so maybe aswell give the job to Chris Popple & complete the job.


Then again he might send the wrong riders out or call them by the wrong name

Latest odds on Team Manager's job....


Evens DH (can he resist being on tv?)

3/1 Yulia Hemsley (women know best, right?)

5/1 Gary Havelock (if he'll accept a pay cut)

7/1 Jason Attwood (homecoming for Mr Motivator?)

10/1 Hitler (impressive on YouTube)

12/1 Glyn Taylor (if all the above are n/a and he gets a pay rise)

15/1 Dave Howard/Rob Sensical (Hemsleyite insiders)

20/1 Volty

25/1 Peter Soulsby (he owns the land afterall!)

33/1 David Moyes (might need a job soon)

150/1 Chris Popple

250/1 Jim The Whipper

1000/1 Ken Naylor (not sure those odds are long enough)

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What riders

Apparently Mrs H thought you got to pick 2 riders off the list and the Bspa gave you the other 5 , it was only when she heard names not on the list had signed for other teams she felt it necessary to question it . Having had team building explained to her by an experienced team manager , she now understands that she must find riders that are available and that she must contact them and also offer to pay them for the points they will score and to travel to the meetings , Having had her misconception that riders would come knocking on her door and would be eager to ride for nothing as long as they got to wear a Leicester racejacket clarified , she will now set about the task of building a Lions team fit to challenge for the Elite league title . She has told her husband not to expect any pocket money from now until March , as the £5 a week he has been getting will be needed for team building purposes , she did however promise him that if all went well with the step up and new sponsors came on board that she would buy him the Lego speedway bike he's been saving up for out of the sponsor money , provided he didn't piss them off before she could get to Toys'R'us.

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