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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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Thats not true. Coventry have loaned riders in and out.

There is a level of sarcasm in my original post SCB. We all know that's not the issue but if, heaven help us, it is, it shows a level of naivety from our promotion even I wasn't willing to attribute to them.


Luckily for Julia and David, there does still seem to be a high level of Lions fans willing to give the promotion the benefit of the doubt even when the truth about our new signings or lack thereof Is slapping them squarely around the chops!

Edited by volty
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you no what lionking,maybe you should put your name forward and get on a bike yourself.To$$er.Praise to leicester for giving these boys a chance,afterall isnt that what this new rule is all about,bringing on the young english kids.Max is only 16 years old,and Tom HAS pl experience,who had a lot of health problems last year.Give them a break..Everyone is too quick to blame the reserves for a bad result when it should be the well paid more experienced main five that should be looked at.you go boys and enjoy it.


I agree with your sentiments, but to me this is possibly the biggest limitation of this system. Nobody, I think, is denigrating the riders, but it's clear that some are at an earlier stage in their development than others. If the 1-5 (who after all are the promotion's selection) are keeping it tight each week, only to lose because the young lads ('selected' from a limited choice) concede around ten points to the other team's reserves, it's going to be a horrible situation for everyone. The promoters will start to get twitchy as the team is failing, attendance may begin to fall, and the reserves confidence is going to take a massive dip. The pressure on the youngsters will be enourmous. I really hope I'm wrong about it, but I can see the top handful of reserves filling their boots, while the rest find it increasingly difficult.

Edited by Nellie
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There is a level of sarcasm in my original post SCB. We all know that's not the issue but if, heaven help us, it is, it shows a level of naivety from our promotion even I wasn't willing to attribute to them.


Luckily for Julia and David, there does still seem to be a high level of Lions fans willing to give the promotion the benefit of the doubt even when the truth about our new signings or lack thereof Is slapping them squarely around the chops!

you should know better by now , sarcasm ,Irony and humor take a small amount of Intelligence to understand , something that a large proportion of the blinkered on here don't have , having said that even when you post something absolutely black and white ,they can still manage to read something to into it that isn't there

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I believe that you have a gem in Max, having watched him develop in team speedway at Scunthorpe. Give him five or six meetings to find the best way around and he will surprise you how good he can be. He is one for the future and no doubt will find the challenge tough, BUT he will take on the challenge and get you some critical points.

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My comment regarding reserves was a general one about having to use NL level riders in elite teams. I know littrle about Tom Perry but I have watched Max on 250 and 500 bikes and have a lot of respect for him. I have to agree he's an excellent prospect for the future.

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My comment regarding reserves was a general one about having to use NL level riders in elite teams. I know littrle about Tom Perry but I have watched Max on 250 and 500 bikes and have a lot of respect for him. I have to agree he's an excellent prospect for the future.

Is Max Clegg anyone's asset?? If not, this could be quite a shrewd signing, young, still made of rubber, obviously had talent and if not tied to anyone, lets get him on our books! ! Simples!!

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Is Max Clegg anyone's asset?? If not, this could be quite a shrewd signing, young, still made of rubber, obviously had talent and if not tied to anyone, lets get him on our books! ! Simples!!

I should guess he's not an asset , as he rode for Dudley in NL and I dont think NL teams can have Assets , you cant have him on the books until he's done 6 meetings

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I believe that you have a gem in Max, having watched him develop in team speedway at Scunthorpe. Give him five or six meetings to find the best way around and he will surprise you how good he can be. He is one for the future and no doubt will find the challenge tough, BUT he will take on the challenge and get you some critical points.

It's going to be hard for all the reserves in the races where they take on main team riders , but the cream always rises to the top and Flotsom gets washed ashore , I think thats the point of this fast track Idea , come the end of this year some will have settled down and indeed taken a few Scalps along the way and some will have stagnated or fallen by the wayside with any luck we should see some future british stars in the making this year

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Agreed it was KL not LS he rode for after which the EL bookings flooded in for him & I believe he scored well - I for one would have him in the Lions 2014 team, not just for his scoring but also his attitude to winning and the fans...perfect no.4 in my book.

I have to admit, you could be right although I was really pointing out the unsuitability of Lasse and Magnus.

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I wish both of the lads all the best. At least they have had a nice welcome to the Lions by the management, with the wish that in time they will both be able to improve. More than I can say the moans and groans that are coming from Poole because MR Ford don't like one of the reserves they have given him. But what can you expect.

Also it looks like we should soon hear who we are getting to make up the team hope it is worth the wait.

Or we will be ending up calling on the services of Mark Loram, Peter Collins. The Boocock Brothers and Gary Havelock, that would have made a good team if it could ever have happened.

They must know by now who they have in the pipeline, just hope that they are a team, that will be competative for the Elite League.

For whom the Bell Tolls, Time will only tell. Just hope it is announced very soon, the waiting is killing me.

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Gary Havelock.....please. :P






Someone will be taking a very close look at your posts from now on. :lol:

So it's flotsam - one letter out.

Edited by Gemini
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