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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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I think most recognise the Saturday race night will present problems for the promotion on a number of fronts. But just before we all leap to blame the promotion for bad planning or whatever other blame can be laid at their door, does anyone know if the Saturday race night was something vounteered by the promotion or if the pwers that be made it somewhat conditional on Leicester being accepted into the Elite league?

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I wouldn't have thought Leicester would want to change their race night as weekend racing is always better attended, not only by the locals but neutral supporters as well. But saying that I doubt if they would be able to use Friday's if they did want to change to that night bearing in mind Coventry is only 20 miles away and quite a few fans go to both tracks so I'd guess Friday's would be out.

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From my crow's nest in the outer isles, I see many recent posts about Leicester already carry concern over the brave new world of elite league membership.

Let us hope they are false concerns, and that in a short time young David slays them all and emerges triumphant.

However, if the struggle is proving beyond his powers, including the difficult task of building an elite league team for Saturdays, would it be a more noble and sensible thing to return Leicester to the Premier League, before it is too late?

If that would be too much of an admission of failure for him, then David could realise his ambition by stepping in to promote in the elite league at Peterborough, where I gather there is a current promotorial vacancy. There, he could employ his friend Mr Kasprzak (and indeed other Polish riders) without undue hindrance from the Polish authorities by continuing to operate on Fridays. A new (but experienced) promoter could then step in to operate Leicester, perhaps on a license arrangement?

Or is it all too late.

Or are all of the concerns of no value?

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During my conversations with the Leicester promotion earlier this year it was mentioned that Saturday night was speedway night and should it remain that way. I am quite sure that the management has will have a solution to any potential problems this may create.

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All this saturday night stuff is irrelivent because GP weekends Leicester will run on a monday.


When there is no GP , Euro or F.I.M meetings on the continent we will run saturdays



During my conversations with the Leicester promotion earlier this year it was mentioned that Saturday night was speedway night and should it remain that way. I am quite sure that the management has will have a solution to any potential problems this may create.

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Kasprzak has been sacked by his last 3 EL clubs, apart from Poole. If you get 4 good meeting out of him in a season you will be lucky.

Ask a few Lakeside, Birmingham and Coventry supporters, there opinon of KK before you all start raving about the great signing if you sign him, beware he isnt the great rider he is made out to be.

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Thats doesn't matter to lions fans because according to reports KK can't ride at Leicester because his polish club won't allow him to ride on the saturdays when there is no euro's or GP

Kasprzak has been sacked by his last 3 EL clubs, apart from Poole. If you get 4 good meeting out of him in a season you will be lucky.

Ask a few Lakeside, Birmingham and Coventry supporters, there opinon of KK before you all start raving about the great signing if you sign him, beware he isnt the great rider he is made out to be.

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All this saturday night stuff is irrelivent because GP weekends Leicester will run on a monday.


When there is no GP , Euro or F.I.M meetings on the continent we will run saturdays




Wont that be about only half a dozen available Saturdays during the year and thats without giving Eastbourne priority.
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So, what about a team with no GP riders and no poles?


1.Peter Karlsson (if fit)

2.Magnus Karlsson

3.Antonio Lindback

4.Lasse Bjerre / Kevin Doolan

5.Craig Cook.




Would it work? Its an alternative.

How about;

1.Magnus Karlsson; 2.Adam Roynon; 3. Lasse Bjerre; 4. Kauko Nieminen; 5. Kev Doolan

I think they should all still be available

How about;

1.Magnus Karlsson; 2.Adam Roynon; 3. Lasse Bjerre; 4. Kauko Nieminen; 5. Kev Doolan

I think they should all still be available

Oh....and 6. Lewis Blackbird, 7. James Sarjeant

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How about;

1.Magnus Karlsson; 2.Adam Roynon; 3. Lasse Bjerre; 4. Kauko Nieminen; 5. Kev Doolan

I think they should all still be available.


That would make a cracking team.....for the Premier League. :lol:


Just beat me to it Steve.

Edited by Gemini
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During my conversations with the Leicester promotion earlier this year it was mentioned that Saturday night was speedway night and should it remain that way. I am quite sure that the management has will have a solution to any potential problems this may create.

Saturdays are speedway nights, yes, and they'll be mainly on the telly

Saturdays are speedway nights, yes, and they'll be mainly on the telly

....or maybe a big screen on the centre green

Saturdays are speedway nights, yes, and they'll be mainly on the telly

....or maybe a big screen on the centre green

...after all, the stadium is now FIM accredited!

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Saturdays are speedway nights, yes, and they'll be mainly on the telly

....or maybe a big screen on the centre green

...after all, the stadium is now FIM accredited!

and we will see an FIM event at Leicester next season - on a Saturday!

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It seems that Leicester are getting a bit of a shock with their elite league team planning for 2014.


They are getting a surprise at rider wage demands and some have simply said No to them.


I have heard strong reports that the Kaprazak deal will not happen due to his Poliish club not allowing him to ride on Saturdays before the Polish league and remember his previous club refusing to give him start permission when riding for Birmingham.

I can see Kenneth Bjerre at Leicester and possibly Danny King

Cannot imagine why

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Kasprzak has been sacked by his last 3 EL clubs, apart from Poole. If you get 4 good meeting out of him in a season you will be lucky.

Ask a few Lakeside, Birmingham and Coventry supporters, there opinon of KK before you all start raving about the great signing if you sign him, beware he isnt the great rider he is made out to be.

The only raving I'd be doing is if (when) it all goes pear-shaped!

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I said a few weeks ago thyey needed to move fast I just hope they have moved fast enough or the Lions team will be looking a little sad and depleated. Maybe better to move to a Thurday night then it rules out all the Saturday fixtures every other week.

Shame but I can see it having to happen.

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I said a few weeks ago thyey needed to move fast I just hope they have moved fast enough or the Lions team will be looking a little sad and depleated. Maybe better to move to a Thurday night then it rules out all the Saturday fixtures every other week.

Shame but I can see it having to happen.

Not sure if the shopping centre would be as co-operative over parking on Thursdays, but it may have to happen in order to have a better chance of building a team.

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