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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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I find these posts quite tedious actually. Either come out and say it or don't.....So the list is going to be amended mid month to fit this whoever in who is a staggering talent, comes below Perry on the list although they can only guest for the first month and Leicester are going to secure his services. Even Matt Ford would struggle to swing that one.

Using that theory, one hearing a rider has been dropped before moutbing off about how bad it is maybe wait and find out who it is.


The name I heard was 2 weeks ago now, it could be someone else. Why not just wait? It's not like I have announced anything new, I've just said that it's possible that the decision is not a "crazy decision".

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Using that theory, one hearing a rider has been dropped before moutbing off about how bad it is maybe wait and find out who it is.


The name I heard was 2 weeks ago now, it could be someone else. Why not just wait? It's not like I have announced anything new, I've just said that it's possible that the decision is not a "crazy decision".

Well they would be on the list now. Otherwise it's first of July and they have to guest for the 1st month by the looks of it.


I've already voiced that opinion further up the thread. If you read. After LionKing's usual woeful offerings on the subject.


I'm not that desperate to win just to enjoy myself

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Well they would be on the list now. Otherwise it's first of July and they have to guest for the 1st month by the looks of it.


I've already voiced that opinion further up the thread. If you read. After LionKing's usual woeful offerings on the subject.


I'm not that desperate to win just to enjoy myself

So just to confirm. Its ok for you to have your opinion further up the page but when I tell people if what I have heard is true it will be good (which is my opinion) it's wrong and " quite tedious".


Fine, I'll just go with the flow. WTF are the Lions management thinking? Making changes. Changes to a team thats is at the bottom (last but 1 is bottom before some smart ass points out Brum are lower) - It's madness I tell you and the World will end!

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I couldn't agree more. These sort of posts really do get on my wick.


Usually made by people who claim to know the inner secrets, but in fact know bugger all.

I have heard something similar though, some riders are to be added to the list and a couple of the names mentioned were riding EL last year. It's a normally reliable source who is in a position to know these things, could be winding me up of course but it does seem to have a ring of truth about it.

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I have heard something similar though, some riders are to be added to the list and a couple of the names mentioned were riding EL last year. It's a normally reliable source who is in a position to know these things, could be winding me up of course but it does seem to have a ring of truth about it.

If we're wrong we're going to look like birks right?

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It seems silly to drop Tom Perry. Out of the 2 reserves he is the one who is showing the most potential. But if the drop Max Clegg, who would they get to replace him, not much choice is there. It concerns me more that they have now lost 2 riders and there is no signs of the Lions management replacing them and are calling for guest riders to fill the slots.

It is stupid but this is speedway.

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Josh bates for perry

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If we're wrong we're going to look like birks right?

I've always said I can't understand why Newman is on the list and Birks isn't.


He would be in the vicinity of Worrall though so not much chance of a pick now unless for injury at the higher end. Should have been included at the begining but then after his injury would he have been picked? Hindsight is always helpful.


Anyway it's Bates was he your stormtrooper?

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Just checked out Toms face book and Twitter page and he has not mentioned anywhere that he has been dropped. They only thing on his facebook page is someone asking who will relace Tom at Leicester. For one of the up and coming races. So I think someone here has jumped the start before the tapes have gone up.

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Just checked out Toms face book and Twitter page and he has not mentioned anywhere that he has been dropped. They only thing on his facebook page is someone asking who will relace Tom at Leicester. For one of the up and coming races. So I think someone here has jumped the start before the tapes have gone up.

It's official now. Josh Bates is to replace him.

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The rider that I am sure SCB and TMW have both mentioned is not currently on the draft list but keeps putting his argument forward to join it to help further his career as last year was riding elite league this year he is not able to do so.

Hopefully Josh Bates will work out better than Tom Perry, Josh needs to stay on the bike though and calm down a little.

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Been better to have kept Perry Liked the lad, from the day I watched him in practice. Wish him the best of luck and even as a Lions fan I hope he gets another chance with another EL team and comes and sticks it up the Lions.

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