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Wolverhampton 2014

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If your sick your sick I can't how he scored ten points if you are as bad you say he was . Somehow in his sickness the team he's let down is Wolves just like the rest of the season .


No point in dressing it Wolves come's last to Tai and his sickness only effects when he's in the uk



He rode, he got through it, declined his final race and is now taking a break. Had things gone his way Monday he would have scored more, I've documented as such on the match thread.


I can't see how he scored points with a broken collarbone, but he did it. Doesn't mean he should do that every night.

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No we wouldn't. We'd be off for the week.


Woffinden kept his commitments to his 3 teams and fulfilled his next fixture for each of them.


Sweden would have been annoyed had he rode Sunday/Monday and not Tuesday. As it was he did the one meeting for each team. Perfectly fair.




How are they linked? Early in the year the issues were mechanical in this country. I was quite vocal in saying that the situation wasn't acceptable. He appeared to have for the most part got that sorted, a little too late perhaps for our liking.


This situation is completely different. I saw him on Monday night, he looked terrible. A complete break for the week is the right thing instead of continuing to push it and making the matter worse.


Where things go from here is open to conjecture. It should be remembered that he didn't ride in Sweden last year, I always thought he'd find it tougher when adding that to his schedule.

If you were there, you would know and I have accepted that the bloke is ill now. But not so ill to stop him flying to and riding in Sweden, silly boy to do that on several levels not least his own wellbeing.


When he was underperforming mechanically do you suppose he might have been burning the midnight oil trying to sort it? Worrying about trying to get decent machinery for over here, engines tuned, dealing with 'what's going on?' from all & sundry while still doing Sweden, Poland, SGP, media, charity etc and getting more & more frustrated that he couldn't get it right for Wolves. I reckon that lot might top up the stress levels somewhat which have evidently led to the situation he's had to deal with now. What he didn't need in this year of all years were the bike problems. That's the link IMO.


I've got a sneaky feeling we might have seen the last of him for Wolves this year and going forward in the EL. We'll see, hope I'm wrong but as you say it's conjecture for now.

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That's his average I presume? Not great for his standard which I'm sure he'd be the 1st to admit. Listen, anybody who works their ass off and on top of that does charity work like he does. Then yes, I'd say the guy deserves a pat on the back and a rest.

obviously not a Wolves fan then

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No it wont be a shame because having a World champion in your team means nothing if he doesn't perform

and your team suffers. I notice nearly all the woffinden defenders are not Wolves fans ,as he hasn't wrecked

your teams play-off chances.He chose where he wanted to ride but my priorities are Wolves.

You are right. Maybe it's because we have no allegiance to the club, no impact on my team - we think more of the person, rather than how it effects our club. The boy is exhausted, he managed to complete a fixture for each club prior to taking a much needed break.


He a 23 World Champion and taken on too much, but still always trying to promote the sport. Give him a break, he's served you well in the past and will again. He appears very loyal to Wolves, reciprocate.

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Its obviously not an ideal situation, but with our chances pretty much over as far as the top 4 is concerned, but the most important thing is that Tai gets himself right. I know someone who suffered this type of illness some years ago and it is an extremely distressing condition to have.

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No it wont be a shame because having a World champion in your team means nothing if he doesn't perform

and your team suffers. I notice nearly all the woffinden defenders are not Wolves fans ,as he hasn't wrecked

your teams play-off chances.He chose where he wanted to ride but my priorities are Wolves.

Just about covers it :t:

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I am not a wolverhampton fan (I live in bristol) so I am expecting a tirade as apparently opinions from wolves fans only are allowed. IMO the kid woffinden should be cut a massive amount of slack ,he has dragged our sport from the mire & given it a massive boost in the national media. The lad is a credit to his sport & maybe the most important world champion we have ever had. He is knackered & suffering from exhaustion I'm not surprised as how they stay awake & remain sharp ill never know. Don't think tai will ride in england next year & after all the abuse who can blame him.

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obviously not a Wolves fan then

No, you're quite correct. Still, he's certainly done some good work for speedway in general and charity. In my books that means let's support him an get him back to his best. Then Wolves win an so do I watching a British boy fly.

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I am not a wolverhampton fan (I live in bristol) so I am expecting a tirade as apparently opinions from wolves fans only are allowed. IMO the kid woffinden should be cut a massive amount of slack ,he has dragged our sport from the mire & given it a massive boost in the national media. The lad is a credit to his sport & maybe the most important world champion we have ever had. He is knackered & suffering from exhaustion I'm not surprised as how they stay awake & remain sharp ill never know. Don't think tai will ride in england next year & after all the abuse who can blame him.

Your correct I don't think he will ride in the uk next year as the uk and the flag has served it's purpose ...as has been said all this Exhaustion sickness etc never effects him elsewhere and there lies the problem .

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I am not a wolverhampton fan (I live in bristol) so I am expecting a tirade as apparently opinions from wolves fans only are allowed. IMO the kid woffinden should be cut a massive amount of slack ,he has dragged our sport from the mire & given it a massive boost in the national media. The lad is a credit to his sport & maybe the most important world champion we have ever had. He is knackered & suffering from exhaustion I'm not surprised as how they stay awake & remain sharp ill never know. Don't think tai will ride in england next year & after all the abuse who can blame him.

9.20--->7.64. As you say you're not a Wolves fan but would you deem that acceptable from your #1?

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You slate him for being honest and saying he needs a rest..... And you would slate if he wasn't honest and only scoring 4 or 5 point. Give him some credit. From where I stand he was fair the all his teams..... One meeting in Poland, Uk and Sweden.

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Its obviously not an ideal situation, but with our chances pretty much over as far as the top 4 is concerned, but the most important thing is that Tai gets himself right. I know someone who suffered this type of illness some years ago and it is an extremely distressing condition to have.

agreed our top 4 chances are over, and that tai should get himself himself right.But he cant do the second half of the season

with the same schedule and needs to make a choice.

this critisism has'nt surfaced because tai is exhausted its been since the start of the season. A poster asked in May I think

it was if any Wolves fan would take Freddie Lindgren back in place of Woffy. My answer was simple YES

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As someone who has suffered from 'exhaustion' there are a plenty of factors that conspire before you reach the point where your body says 'I cant do this anymore'.


I had insomnia for 2 years - regularly having 2-3 hours sleep, I didn't eat properly and continued to work, play football, cricket and went to the gym regularly. I was young and fit but I put my body under an amazing amount of stress. Over this period of time, my ability to interact with my colleagues and friends deteriorated and I couldn't understand why this was. I eventually went to my doctor and was signed off work for 5 months. That was 12 years ago.


If Woffinden has anything similar, and from what I have read, he has admitted to lack of sleep and dietary issues then I can fully appreciate why he feels like he does. There is no shame to admit defeat and take a break. Every one is different and each person has differing breaking points and tolerances.


People need to understand how serious an illness this is and support him. He is top of the GP standings with a debilitating illness - how far clear would he be if he was fully fit?

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As someone who has suffered from 'exhaustion' there are a plenty of factors that conspire before you reach the point where your body says 'I cant do this anymore'.


I had insomnia for 2 years - regularly having 2-3 hours sleep, I didn't eat properly and continued to work, play football, cricket and went to the gym regularly. I was young and fit but I put my body under an amazing amount of stress. Over this period of time, my ability to interact with my colleagues and friends deteriorated and I couldn't understand why this was. I eventually went to my doctor and was signed off work for 5 months. That was 12 years ago.


If Woffinden has anything similar, and from what I have read, he has admitted to lack of sleep and dietary issues then I can fully appreciate why he feels like he does. There is no shame to admit defeat and take a break. Every one is different and each person has differing breaking points and tolerances.


People need to understand how serious an illness this is and support him. He is top of the GP standings with a debilitating illness - how far clear would he be if he was fully fit?


Actually you make a very good point.

I`m with you on the insomnia thing. 13 long years for me!

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You slate him for being honest and saying he needs a rest..... And you would slate if he wasn't honest and only scoring 4 or 5 point. Give him some credit. From where I stand he was fair the all his teams..... One meeting in Poland, Uk and Sweden.

BUT if being honest comes into it, why do these riders NEVER miss a gp? again, feel free to check at least 30 of my past posts and how i have gave Tai loads of credit, but these GP riders always put league racing secondary...yes, hes great for british speedway, yes, hes a great talent, theres no argument in those quarters, but he would of filled his diary, im sure he has a manager/advisor , that schedule would of been known since march..i recall holder having the same problem when ironically the match was filmed at monmore...again, it was the poole side that suffered that night

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Your correct I don't think he will ride in the uk next year as the uk and the flag has served it's purpose ...as has been said all this Exhaustion sickness etc never effects him elsewhere and there lies the problem .


What do mean by 'all this exhaustion/sickness'?


He hasn't had 'exhaustion/sickness' at any point during the season till now. None of his struggles earlier in the year in the UK were blamed on 'exhaustion'.


So no, therein does not lie the problem at all.

BUT if being honest comes into it, why do these riders NEVER miss a gp? again, feel free to check at least 30 of my past posts and how i have gave Tai loads of credit, but these GP riders always put league racing secondary...yes, hes great for british speedway, yes, hes a great talent, theres no argument in those quarters, but he would of filled his diary, im sure he has a manager/advisor , that schedule would of been known since march..i recall holder having the same problem when ironically the match was filmed at monmore...again, it was the poole side that suffered that night


Since when has that ever been any different?


Riders have always and will always ride in World Championship meetings when they don't in league matches.

agreed our top 4 chances are over, and that tai should get himself himself right.But he cant do the second half of the season

with the same schedule and needs to make a choice.

this critisism has'nt surfaced because tai is exhausted its been since the start of the season. A poster asked in May I think

it was if any Wolves fan would take Freddie Lindgren back in place of Woffy. My answer was simple YES


Ah yes, Freddie.. the guy a certain section of the Wolves fans were slagging off last year.

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Some of the comments I've read on this topic are a total embarrassment. Nope, I'm not a wolves fan, I've only seen them ride once this season (Lynn v wolves) but some of the criticism coming from some wolves fans towards tai is terrible. Let's go back to the start of the season, had Tai NOT signed for wolves there would of been uproar (obviously doesn't care now he's world champ, everything we've done for him now he's left us, etc etc). Tai signed, and everyone was pleased he had stayed, showing good loyalty to wolves and the elite league. Tai could of easily given up England for Sweden, where it's less meetings, more money, better opposition. But he stuck by British speedway and wanted to do as much as he could to put speedway back in the countries minds and on the TV. Now all of sudden he's had a reaction to all his great work, and all some of you fans can do is slag him off and say how you should replace him?! Absolute madness!!

If it comes to after the WC and he says 'that's it for me, no more Britain - too hectic, not worth the wage, make more money in Poland/Sweden, no doubt you'd then slag him off for ditching you during the season. Seems like he can't win either way! He's been honest enough to say he's exhausted, he wanted to ride in each meeting because he didn't want to let any of his clubs down, that shows what a good guy he is! Just because he scored 4 on Monday and whatever it was in Sweden on Tuesday, doesn't mean naff all, he's still in the same exhausted state..


I just cannot get my head round the criticism he's getting, he can't do right for doing wrong!

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Well done to Tai for identifying that he needs a break - I dread to think what could have happened if he kept riding. As world champion, I think he has taken on a lot - charity cycle, media interviews (I believe he hasn't turned any down) etc.


I think he deserves to recharge his batteries and contemplate his workload and how he can manage it better moving forward.

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