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Robins 2014

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...........so there is no rift or falling out! Hmmm!


I guess that means personally with the Rossiters.

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The little blighter's put in a transfer request. Hope Sheffield have got plenty of money.



should have just followed the Swindon rule , wait to march the 1st and signed for who he liked

Edited by hans fan
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If young Nick Morris wants to do the right thing, he will honour his verbal/written contract with Swindon, and wait for a Premier gig to fall into his lap..

Does anyone know if a rider is an asset for a club aka Morris is at Swindon then there is no need for the club to have a riding contract in place for a particular season i.e. 2014? I am guessing that if you are an asset you cannot just decide to ride for another club without permission from the club that owns you as an asset. However, a riding contract would set out your pay and other T&C's for the season so surely there is always the possibility that although a rider is an asset he can be unhappy at his earning potential and therfore the only way forward is to seek a transfer or a loan deal for a period untill things can work be worked out.

From a Swindon perspective given the current circumstances I would have thought the long term beneficial approach for Swindon would be to loan Morris out for one season and keep the guy happy by letting him earn suitable money for 2014 before recalling him in 2015 by which time his status may be that he does not need PL racing as opportunities will arrise in Poland or Sweden. A case of Swindon promotion avoiding biting their nose off to spite their face?

...........so there is no rift or falling out! Hmmm!

Maybe he just cant see how he can make a living riding only for swindon in 2014?

Maybe if Swindon agree to loan him out for 2014 they will have him back for 2015 and for many more years to come.

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I am sure Morris would have had a gig in the PL by the end of March.


However the EL expected to have first rights over the PL, taking out one of their top stars in any fixture clash. A shame Rosco put lodger Morris above Doyle methinks, where the same would apply. For weeks it has been obvious it could only be Leicester and Sheffield for the kid.


So I guess its recall Mads and please come back Ashley Birks, who is a show in at Belle Vue And is Josh Bates the next through the Blunsdon revolving door? If it is Ritchings or Reade should come in, but please god not Lee Smart.


Let Morris and the puppet string pullers sod off and go without him. Its time Swindon Speedway stood up for their fans


We have our full quota of double up riders at Belle Vue, so no chance of Birks joining us

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Re the asset system, is this THE ONE.


Now I don't know what level of agreement was reached between Morris and Swindon for this season, i.e. is there a binding contract.


However, if any attempt is made to use the asset system to prevent him moving, due to the financial implications from Morris's perspective, then Morris may be the rider to challenge the legality of the system. Not sure the BSPA as a whole would wish to reach that point, as I have little doubt the system would be found to be an unfair restraint on employment. Whilst it remains a method for clubs to exchange riders at profit but in no way prevents an out of contract rider seeking new employment, then it's (reasonably) ok. The moment it is challenged for restraint, that's an entirely different matter. The whole thing would go.

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I think when it comes to work the majority do. I don't know one person who would take a 50% wage cut, and with loss of a PL sign on fee plus wages it wouldn't be far off that for Nick.

Depends if other people are making money out of the deal i guess and i expect that is the real reason he's sign for someone else ...at 19 and only having only to wait for a few weeks before a pl gig comes up i doubt he's going to go without food . And as i said he got the rest of his life to make a packet out of the sport with his talent .

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Depends if other people are making money out of the deal i guess and i expect that is the real reason he's sign for someone else ...at 19 and only having only to wait for a few weeks before a pl gig comes up i doubt he's going to go without food . And as i said he got the rest of his life to make a packet out of the sport with his talent .

maybe he would rather be at a track he likes than ending up somewhere else that he does not enjoy which could harm his progress.

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Perhaps it's time for Matt to buy his contract and loan him out until next season. Suit all parties I should imagine.

I have to be honest Steve thats what I feel will happen anyway! Nick will be a big loss for Swindon but to ask for a transfer to just move to Sheffield doesnt ring right!


I would guess someone had already put a package together for him! Still its going to cost someone a lot of money if Rosco has any sense!!!

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I have to be honest Steve thats what I feel will happen anyway! Nick will be a big loss for Swindon but to ask for a transfer to just move to Sheffield doesnt ring right!


I would guess someone had already put a package together for him! Still its going to cost someone a lot of money if Rosco has any sense!!!


Presumably he was told that if he wanted to leave he would have to put in a transfer request.


So, all this is down to Brady Kurtz average being changed then. So why was it changed? Because that single event is having a ripple effect throughout the leagues.

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To be honest, I don't see this as an 'asset' situation!! Morris' so-called agreement to be back at Swindon in 2014 could probably be nothing more or less than a 'See ya in the Spring' comment as he boarded his flight back to Oz, expecting as he (and others) did think that he would still be lodging with Rosco and riding for Somerset and Swindon!!


Its not Morris' fault that he seems unlikely to be riding for either. Its not Swindon's fault either!


It'll be very interesting to see how the BSPA General Council meeting deals with this later this month, as its their (and Somerset's) earlier actions that are the cause of all this!


Of course, also bubbling under the surface is the apparent issue of Visa rejections, which if true, may well affect other line-ups (and have a possible bearing on the Morris issue) before teams finally take to the track in March/April!!

Edited by Skidder1
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Presumably he was told that if he wanted to leave he would have to put in a transfer request.


So, all this is down to Brady Kurtz average being changed then. So why was it changed? Because that single event is having a ripple effect throughout the leagues.

The BSPA are the only ones to blame for this. They were the ones issuing an assessed average to then decide to change it (for B Kurtz).

Morris is only doing what is best for him. It is the consequence of the BSPA actions and not those of Morris that is causing the problem here!

Morris, like a few others need to ride in more than one league so his priorities are to getting team places sorted in BOTH leagues.

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Not sure why they changed it. Somerset asked last year if Kurtz rode in the Danish league in 2013, would this effect his 3.00 average and apparently they said no. They announced him and then the BSPA changed their minds. Maybe they should have said yes it will effect his average in the first place to avoid all these issues.

Cant see Matt wanting to buy Morris, it was all set last year but Nick decided to remain at Swindon.

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The BSPA are the only ones to blame for this. They were the ones issuing an assessed average to then decide to change it (for B Kurtz).Morris is only doing what is best for him. It is the consequence of the BSPA actions and not those of Morris that is causing the problem here!Morris, like a few others need to ride in more than one league so his priorities are to getting team places sorted in BOTH leagues.

Exactly what i tried to explain to Shocker and Orion, what is wrong with this sport how hard is it to give an average and stick to it.If there was a problem weeks ago maybe something could of been done about it.I was looking forward to going this year mainly because i wanted to see Nick improve also he is a real racer an entertainer.So there is no one more disappointed than me the way it has turned out,but i fully understand Nick,s stance he has to think of his career he has only one shot at it blame the sport not Nick.
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Exactly what i tried to explain to Shocker and Orion, what is wrong with this sport how hard is it to give an average and stick to it.If there was a problem weeks ago maybe something could of been done about it.I was looking forward to going this year mainly because i wanted to see Nick improve also he is a real racer an entertainer.So there is no one more disappointed than me the way it has turned out,but i fully understand Nick,s stance he has to think of his career he has only one shot at it blame the sport not Nick.

Think Somerset must have been a bit green if they truly believed a rider that can get a ride in Denmark should stay on a 3 point assessed average.

There are too many teams trying to get riders on bargain averages. I thought those days were meant to be behind us with a `fairer` assessed system supposedly in place (dependant of course who asks!)

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Not sure why they changed it. Somerset asked last year if Kurtz rode in the Danish league in 2013, would this effect his 3.00 average and apparently they said no. They announced him and then the BSPA changed their minds. Maybe they should have said yes it will effect his average in the first place to avoid all these issues.

Cant see Matt wanting to buy Morris, it was all set last year but Nick decided to remain at Swindon.

Or did they ask the question that when Kurtz's turns 17 he is eligible for patriality?


Somerset no doubt have written clarification that Kurtz could ride in the Danish League last year and still be eligible for a 3. I mean you wouldn't run a business based on a verbal answer (especially if you asked the wrong question). More so when there is recent history of disagreements between promoters and what they were told by the MC.

Think Somerset must have been a bit green if they truly believed a rider that can get a ride in Denmark should stay on a 3 point assessed average.


Especially when last year's regulations explicitly exclude such a rider from a 3 point assessed average.

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So it wasn't changed then? Maybe they were given wrong information? Yes, they should definitely have been given a written confirmation - even just an email reply - before going with him. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn't.

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Results from 2nd round of Aus Championships.


Final line up

Batch 14 points

J. Doyle 13 points

J. Sedgmen 11 points

C. Holder won B final and sneaked in to the final



C. Holder, jammy b

J. Doyle

J. Sedgmen

Troy fell and was excluded.

Edited by A ORLOV
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