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Poole V Birmingham 1st Leg Grand Final

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Why cheer at all when anyone falls off?



Never understood it myself. My natural reaction was not to be pleased that my team was getting an advantage, but to wonder whether the rider was OK.


Every speedway fan knows that when a rider falls he risks injury, possibly seriously so. Whatever a team might gain from an opposition rider falling, it is no cause for celebration at all and at any time.


A year or so ago, I was at Coventry when they held both two minutes silence and two minutes applause for Lee Richardson. In heat two of the meeting two Peterborough riders went into the fence. The celebrations, given that we had only minutes before paid tribute to a rider who had paid the ultimate price in a track crash, were sickening.


There has been no cheating at all. Just an easy excuse from the green eyed monster brigade to cover the shortfalls of their own promotions. If there had been cheating surely one promoter would have brought a complaint. Truth is Poole did it within the rules and the anti Poole brigade are clutching at a straw to keep themselves afloat.


Matt Ford showed last night why he is head and shoulders above his rivals. They have to put in the work and many don't. Huge crowds, big spponsorship, a tight ship backed up by a team manager that bleeds blue and white.


Ben Duddington in his 60 second interview in the Poole program last night, asked Matt Ford:

Do you get fed up with the critisism on the social networks to you and Poole Speedway?


"People how know me understand that the social network doesn't interest me in the slightest. Even before the social network came along, rivals have always tried to destroyand critise anyting that is successful.


"It's when rivals like you is the time I will be fed up because it means I am not doing my job properly.


"It's complete and utter jealousy becaue they want what we've got. And what we've got takes a lot of hard work - and it's a sacrifice that nat many people are willing to make.


"A club is noting without its people and what we have here is a foundation of wonderful supporters, tremendous sponsors and a team of riders and a manager who are desperate to make us successful".


While I think all this talk of Matt Ford as Darth Vader is nonsense (and I agree with virtually every word he has said above) until someone can give me a good explanation why that match at Belle Vue was abandoned at heat 11 rather than heat 10 I will be convinced that the result was fixed.


That's cheating, without a shadow of a doubt.


No-one made a complaint because it is passively accepted by everyone else. Indeed, I suspect that if someone had they would be the ones who were shafted from all sides, rather than those who were cheating in the first place. In my experience - because this is far from the first occasion and it won't be the last - its the way the BSPA works, and shows just how rotten and corrupt that organisation is.


As I said last week this is really boring when people keep saying this ..a % of fans no matter what track will cheer when a rider falls ...the same happened last night thou no down sounded worst due to size of the crowd .


Absolutely correct.............but some tracks are worse (far worse) than others, believe me.

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Yes I am 51 & maybe losing it a bit but as an ex marine I do keep myself fit & healthy with an active mind ,but reading on this forum that a human being thinks it is ok to cheer when another human being falls or crashes is absoloutely disgusting. I am totally shocked by these comments by people who should no better as speedway is a terribly dangerous sport & sometimes innocuous looking tumbles can result in life threatening injuries. Isn't it strange when if someone abuses another regarding there skin colour or sexual preference there is uproar yet we allow cheering when a rider crashes ,for all we know that rider could be dead. I am saddened & shocked I really am.


Seriously? That is rather pathetic and really childish to try and excuse such pathetic behaviour. It's funny though, I followed my team home and away for many. many years, and not once did I, nor the fans I travelled with do it, nor experience such vociferous cheering by home fans on my travels as we heard at Poole. Riders risk their lives, and the least us fans could do is try and keep our big fat mouths shut for a moment when they fall, to ensure they get up. FFS, are you for real?


Maybe you want to speak to riders and team managers, many of whom have been seen to cheer, punch the air when a rider falls and it gives them an advantage.


It's a sport, the riders are there to win, falls are part of the game. If you don't like that, don't watch it.


NOBODY wants to see a rider get hurt and to suggest that cheering when a rider slides off is akin to hoping they are hurt is ridiculous and pathetic.


As I said last week this is really boring when people keep saying this ..a % of fans no matter what track will cheer when a rider falls ...the same happened last night thou no down sounded worst due to size of the crowd .


Correct and its not done in a malicious fashion (in the vast majority of cases).


Also if it is a bad crash its rare to hear cheers (although sometimes does happen, but soon goes very quiet).


The cheer is for the advantage gained for the team, nothing more. There is no disrespect shown to any rider.

Edited by BWitcher
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Well got over the drubbing, just, we had a good day till the racing started and it just went down hill from there.

Just wanted to say it was very nice chating to the Poole supporters in the queue, we were the two Brummies supporters at the front, talking to a bloke called maurice and his missus, it was all very nice and sensible, non of this stupid bickering that you get now and again.

roll on monday when we beat you by 30points :party: wont you be shocked, not to mention us. :t:

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Great meeting last night, with the Pirates in imperious form. Wards pass of Harris in ht6 was amazing to watch from the track, it looked like he just went straight through Harris and out the other side (watching the replay on the screens in the glass stand dispelled us of our opinion the he was using the Dark Arts though)!


MOM JG was very good value, great race with Rebels team mate Jason Doyle and will do well in the Elite (if there is one) next year.


God knows what happened to Smolinski, definitely not the same rider the rode in the GP Challenge.


Looking forward to a great night out with Bluejam next Monday (not so much the hangover that is going to come with it though :drink: ).


Of course the most important point is obviously that the Gavan and Shovvy show will be here for another week! :wink:


Thought I'd let you know that after struggling to get the day off work next Monday for your visit to PB,I've now got Tuesday off to get over it! :cheers:

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halifaxtiger ... an top class, ex-rider I spoke to recently who was at BV on the night of the Poole fiasco told me: "The track was bad from the start but just about rideable. The work carried out after heat 10 pushed it over the edge and after one more heat it was obvious that the meeting had to stop there and then."


Now some might think that was deliberate sabotage but he didn't think so.


The chances are that even if the meeting had continued Poole would only have gone on to win by more.


Make of that what you will...

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halifaxtiger ... an top class, ex-rider I spoke to recently who was at BV on the night of the Poole fiasco told me: "The track was bad from the start but just about rideable. The work carried out after heat 10 pushed it over the edge and after one more heat it was obvious that the meeting had to stop there and then."


Now some might think that was deliberate sabotage but he didn't think so.


The chances are that even if the meeting had continued Poole would only have gone on to win by more.


Make of that what you will...


Don't expect them to believe you Phil, its all Matt and Neils fault... :o:D

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Don't expect them to believe you Phil, its all Matt and Neils fault... :o:D


What is there to believe?


Mr Rising tells us the work carried out after Heat 10 caused the track to be unrideable and it became obvious after one more race.


Did anyone else witness Heat 11 in this meeting? If not, then Mr Rising is wrong.

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What is there to believe?


Mr Rising tells us the work carried out after Heat 10 caused the track to be unrideable and it became obvious after one more race.


Did anyone else witness Heat 11 in this meeting? If not, then Mr Rising is wrong.


Read the bottom 3 sentances.

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Guessing Phil means work carried out after the initial running of Heat 10 (when Puk fell) and it was obvious after the second running of Heat 10 (when Hancock passed Bjerre) that the meeting just had to be abandoned.

In other news we are also now told that Santa,the Tooth Fairy and Bigfoot are all alive and kicking.

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They're irrelevant. Not interested in what might have happened. Only what did happen.


You mean you only want to see what YOU want to see. Sounds right to me..

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Well I am happy to congratulate you. On the wooden spoon. :lol:


Thanks very much. :) Doesn't bother me in the slightest where Coventry finished. It would have been nice if they had been up near the top of the league and in the play-offs but I'm not one of the fans who has continually moaned all season so I've just enjoyed the racing win or lose. It's only sport and not one that can be taken seriously anyway.

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Oh dear, i knew as soon as the crowd cheered when the luckless Danny King went down we would all this rubbish about fans wanting riders injured, whatever anyone says it happens everywhere, i was at Coventry when poor Lee Richardson fell and they were still cheering as he entered the ambulance, when Darcy fell at Eastbourne the laughter and cheering was deafening. I am a big fan of Danny King, he is a good rider, should have been in the world cup and a really nice guy but crowds will cheer when a rider goes down especially when he is on a double tac ride! I don't think the crowd cheered when Josh Auty went down.

Eastbourne is bad for it, I noticed. But might only be like it when it's Poole riders! I remember a couple of Coventry fans cheering because they thought a Poole rider had broken his leg. Now that's messed up!! The said rider had slightly hurt their shoulder in the end. And yes I told them exactly what I thought of their reaction!!!

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Each to their own, but I'm with HT and dislike any cheering when a rider falls. When it happens at Lynn I cringe, and it does regularly.


Obviously sounds louder at Poole due to the home straight stand but doesn't paint the sport in a very good light on telly IMO.

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the type of crash is irrelevent is it not. each club has its idiots who cheer when a rider falls off. ban them from the stadium then. as for managers punching the air i very much doubt that! most managers are ex riders and they know the serious of it all. Cant imagine Havelock or Louis or Rosco cheering a rider falling off as all these guys have had bad crashes over the years.


I saw Paul Muchene slid off and get killed at Hackney.

Per Jonsson if i remember correctly was a fairly minor accident and he ended up in a wheelchair

When Havvy broke his back he slid into the fence.


poole fans are no worse then any other club. the fact is it is wrong

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halifaxtiger ... an top class, ex-rider I spoke to recently who was at BV on the night of the Poole fiasco told me: "The track was bad from the start but just about rideable. The work carried out after heat 10 pushed it over the edge and after one more heat it was obvious that the meeting had to stop there and then."


Now some might think that was deliberate sabotage but he didn't think so.


The chances are that even if the meeting had continued Poole would only have gone on to win by more.


Make of that what you will...

This post counts for nothing unless you name the ex rider, as most will assume he has Poole connections...
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