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Poole V Birmingham 1st Leg Grand Final

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So its the morning after the huge 1st leg triumph and now had the chance to watch the Sky production. Still elated and a bit surprised at the size of the win, but pleased that Matt and the Poole team are doing their absolute best to influence a new Sky contract - for the benefit of British Speedway!!


Just a point not picked up from last night (unless I've missed it on here amongst all the congratulatory posts?), but in the '60-second' interview slot in the meeting programme, this week with Matt Ford, he reports that in addition to the return of Meridian Lifts sponsoring last night (and Kyle Newman), 2 of the clubs biggest recent sponsors - Draper Tools and MMCG are back on board for 2014 having missed this year due to changes in their marketing strategy - those decisions being made before Poole had confirmed their place in the finals! They just couldn't stay away!! Success breeds success! :t:


Poole are the marmite of speedway - love them or hate them. It seems there are a lot of the latter on here but, at the end of the day, they put in a magnificent performance and were worthy winners on the night. They got to the play-offs (like it or not) and they have resoundly beaten the second and first placed teams in the league around their own circuit.


While my heart wanted Brum to do well (and miracles can still happen in the second leg), my head had Poole down for the win on aggregate and that's looking likely so well done to Poole - no sour grapes from me.

Nice post Steve0! Cheers :cheers:

Edited by Skidder1
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SKY were very pleased with how things went. They ran several live interviews during the day on SKY Sports News, including live interviews with the Poole manager. They proposed upwards of 5,000 fans at the stadium and it did come across very well on the TV. It's clear the fans are still out there, though I accept the play-offs to have an affect on crowd levels. I am confident SKY will stick with Speedway if they [bSPA] can make the product more attractive.

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SKY were very pleased with how things went. They ran several live interviews during the day on SKY Sports News, including live interviews with the Poole manager. They proposed upwards of 5,000 fans at the stadium and it did come across very well on the TV. It's clear the fans are still out there, though I accept the play-offs to have an affect on crowd levels. I am confident SKY will stick with Speedway if they [bSPA] can make the product more attractive.

It wont happen, viewing figures are very poor...
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..so Poole will become the most unjust champions in the sports history..but that's what you are liable to get with play-offs so the other promoters cannot complain can they. Rules that allow those with the nous to manipulate so blatantly for their own means are alienating the majority of would be EL punters i'm afraid...as many have said before...who will poole race against when everyone else has given up...Bournemouth?

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Poole are the marmite of speedway - love them or hate them. It seems there are a lot of the latter on here but, at the end of the day, they put in a magnificent performance and were worthy winners on the night. They got to the play-offs (like it or not) and they have resoundly beaten the second and first placed teams in the league around their own circuit.


While my heart wanted Brum to do well (and miracles can still happen in the second leg), my head had Poole down for the win on aggregate and that's looking likely so well done to Poole - no sour grapes from me.



Agree completely :approve:




enjoy the title Poole and thank you fo destroying any ounce of credibility in the sport most of us (except shovlar, poole quay,) want fair play to win.


Pirates best team in the play offs but cheated to get there


If its so obvious that they have cheated, why hasn't your promoter (or, for that matter, any promoter) done something about it ?


Cheats only get away with cheating if others do nothing and, in my book, are therefore absolutely complicit.


If you want to start pointing fingers, I suggest you look at a place far closer to home than the south coast.

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Perfectly normal. The only classless comments are the people who think they are cheering because they want a rider to be injured.

Really? Rarely happens anywhere else. So by your stupid comment you are saying it is ok to cheer when another rider falls, but what happens if that rider stays down injured, serious life threatening injuries? Would it still have been ok to cheer at the point the rider crashed? No, it bloody well is NEVER EVER right to cheer when a rider falls. Ever!
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Really? Rarely happens anywhere else. So by your stupid comment you are saying it is ok to cheer when another rider falls, but what happens if that rider stays down injured, serious life threatening injuries? Would it still have been ok to cheer at the point the rider crashed? No, it bloody well is NEVER EVER right to cheer when a rider falls. Ever!

Happened at coventry in 2010 holder crashed 2nd bend at full speed and the grandstand full of bees fans roared uncontrollably so I'm afraid it does more than you think.
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..so Poole will become the most unjust champions in the sports history..but that's what you are liable to get with play-offs so the other promoters cannot complain can they. Rules that allow those with the nous to manipulate so blatantly for their own means are alienating the majority of would be EL punters i'm afraid...as many have said before...who will poole race against when everyone else has given up...Bournemouth?

In which other sport do they have the play-offs? Would you have wanted to tell Sir Alex Ferguson that, although his team were top of the premiership, they would have to play off for the title...........Or tell Tai Woffinden that although he was top of the Grand Prix standings, he would have to race off with the 3 who finished behind him and that any of them could be World Champion..............I have been a speedway supporter for 50 years............yes, the sport has to move on and we have to get more interest, but am sorry, in my opinion, it hasn't worked. If you want to reward a team for their efforts, then make an award for them.........don't take away the achievements that a team like Birmingham have worked all season for.

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Agree completely :approve:




If its so obvious that they have cheated, why hasn't your promoter (or, for that matter, any promoter) done something about it ?


Cheats only get away with cheating if others do nothing and, in my book, are therefore absolutely complicit.


If you want to start pointing fingers, I suggest you look at a place far closer to home than the south coast.


There has been no cheating at all. Just an easy excuse from the green eyed monster brigade to cover the shortfalls of their own promotions. If there had been cheating surely one promoter would have brought a complaint. Truth is Poole did it within the rules and the anti Poole brigade are clutching at a straw to keep themselves afloat.


Matt Ford showed last night why he is head and shoulders above his rivals. They have to put in the work and many don't. Huge crowds, big spponsorship, a tight ship backed up by a team manager that bleeds blue and white.


Ben Duddington in his 60 second interview in the Poole program last night, asked Matt Ford:

Do you get fed up with the critisism on the social networks to you and Poole Speedway?


"People how know me understand that the social network doesn't interest me in the slightest. Even before the social network came along, rivals have always tried to destroyand critise anyting that is successful.


"It's when rivals like you is the time I will be fed up because it means I am not doing my job properly.


"It's complete and utter jealousy becaue they want what we've got. And what we've got takes a lot of hard work - and it's a sacrifice that nat many people are willing to make.


"A club is noting without its people and what we have here is a foundation of wonderful supporters, tremendous sponsors and a team of riders and a manager who are desperate to make us successful".

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Bloody despise fans who laugh & cheer when a rider falls or crashes The worst incident for me just happened to be at poole when alan rossiter crashed ,I kid you not people were laughing & calling him a w***** my wife went berserk with a large gentlemen for his use of foul language he told her to f*** off so my wife picked up his pristine programme & tore it into a million pieces & threw it in the air like confetti. The sad thing about that day way rossiter never rode again.

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