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Pirates 2014

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Fair play to Matt Ford who has secured future success for all included in this initiative & whether it's mainly for Poole's benefit he's gone out & done it which has to be applauded.


Just a shame the teenage girl from Bridport forgot the other clubs in the Elite League who already run a National League side though & what Lakeside were also doing.

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When you bypass the banter etc and contrary to what a few think of us (Poole) on here - we know the world of speedway doesn't revolve around Poole and without all the other teams there wouldn't be a team in Poole for us to support - so well done to all the teams mentioned, and those that haven't that are trying to ensure the future of British speedway and encourage the youngsters.



That is true and to some extent it is also going to be a bit of an unbalanced playing field with some teams better placed to do some things than others, some better placed than others to sign certain riders, and some in a better position to attract larger crowds than others.


For example nobody could have worked harder or put more money in to Peterborough than Rick Frost but it seems clear that whatever anyone does top league racing is just not going to be sustainable in that area. That's no reflection on the club or its fans. Its tragic that all the effort Gary Patchet put into Swindon only resulted in him losing a lot of money rather than getting big crowds back and getting near a break-even figure.


Time for fans to stop some of the "my clubs better than your club" comments and recognise that all clubs need each other, all clubs want to win and whenever you have winners there will always be losers, but the bottom line is its all one sport and without losers there wouldn't be any winners.

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No but others on here are very quick to jump on any rider Matt happens to pull out of the bag, and scream foul, whether rightly or wrongly..

At least you agree that no one is Poole bashing with regards Milik`s assessed averaged. Its just the usual blinkered view bluenoses.



so much paranoia its laughable!! its not poole bashing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


everyone is saying that Poole acted fairly with Milik and within the rules.


we are also saying that based on Kurtz its not beyond the realms of possibility it could be reassessed!


can you comprehend people?????

The sensible Poole posters get it Gavan. King troll Shovlar and his band of hanger-ons Home Straight and PooleQuay/Internetman love to turn it into something it isnt in all instances.



How long before some turnip, (probably with the initial SB) turns up accusing MF of nefarious motives?

MF has played it by the book no one is accusing him of not doing so over Milik. You don't get that tho do you clearly.

Edited by stevebrum
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At least you agree that no one is Poole bashing with regards Milik`s assessed averaged. Its just the usual blinkered view bluenoses.




The sensible Poole posters get it Gavan. King troll Shovlar and his band of hanger-ons Home Straight and PooleQuay/Internetman love to turn it into something it isnt in all instances.




MF has played it by the book no one is accusing him of not doing so over Milik. You don't get that tho do you clearly.



Pay attention SB....We was talking about Poole's new link up with Scunthorpe Stags and other clubs projects....At no time have Home Straight or I ( Poole Quay 7) even mentioned Milik......But of course that wouldn't suit the agenda would it. :rolleyes:


As per usual, you give us a post full of ill thought-out nonsense, hypocrisy and Poole insults. And yet again, you have disrupted the flow of an interesting debate on a teams thread with back pedalling, petty one-liners that only you seem to find intelligent and in other embarrassing posts, silly one-liners that only you seem to find funny :oops: ....But of course, that's nothing new as many team threads have found out on this forum. :nono:


Back on the ignore button for you and if nothing else - thanks for reconfirming why you are there.

Edited by Poole Quay 7
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MF has played it by the book no one is accusing him of not doing so over Milik. You don't get that tho do you clearly.


This should be fun.


Stevey, could you point me in the direction of any post where I have said anything about Vaklav Milik?

The sensible Poole posters get it Gavan. King troll Shovlar and his band of hanger-ons Home Straight and PooleQuay/Internetman love to turn it into something it isnt in all instances.


You do make me laugh Steve.

In what way am I a "hanger on" of Steve Shovlar? (Being a Poole fan who thinks you talk bollocks doesn't count, that's just a fact, just so you know....)

We're all well aware that you like to wear your ignorance as a badge of honour, but now it seems you've taken leave of your senses altogether, We're not even talking about Milik........

Edited by home straight
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Shovlar is the only Poole fan most of us have a problem with.


The rest stick up for their team but can have a debate.


Shovlar trolls plain and simple.


If he doesnt like anything you are Poole bashing or he simply twists words to suit himself.


I have praised Ford for the Milik signing as the rules quite clearly say he should be a 4.

What i said was it could be changed re the Kurtz scenario but apparantly im anti poole saying that.


Im sure decent Poole fans will agree the Poole track was poor in preparation last season.

Nope thats anti-poole again.


We say Darcy Ward didnt have as good a season as Tai Woffinden - anti poole.


He is the reason a lot of you get tarred with the same brush


He is the issue why a lot of you get tarred with the same brush.

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This should be fun.


Stevey, could you point me in the direction of any post where I have said anything about Vaklav Milik?


You do make me laugh Steve.


In what way am I a "hanger on" of Steve Shovlar? (Being a Poole fan who thinks you talk bollocks doesn't count, that's just a fact, just so you know....)


We're all well aware that you like to wear your ignorance as a badge of honour, but now it seems you've taken leave of your senses altogether, We're not even talking about Milik........


Straight talking (pun intended!) and correct on all accounts :lol:

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Pay attention SB....We was talking about Poole's new link up with Scunthorpe Stags and other clubs projects....At no time have Home Straight or I ( Poole Quay 7) even mentioned Milik......But of course that wouldn't suit the agenda would it. :rolleyes:


As per usual, you give us a post full of ill thought-out nonsense, hypocrisy and Poole insults. And yet again, you have disrupted the flow of an interesting debate on a teams thread with back pedalling, petty one-liners that only you seem to find intelligent and in other embarrassing posts, silly one-liners that only you seem to find funny :oops: ....But of course, that's nothing new as many team threads have found out on this forum. :nono:


Back on the ignore button for you and if nothing else - thanks for reconfirming why you are there.

Oh I forgot the Poole posters always follow a flowing debate on the other threads!!

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This should be fun.


Stevey, could you point me in the direction of any post where I have said anything about Vaklav Milik?



You do make me laugh Steve.


In what way am I a "hanger on" of Steve Shovlar? (Being a Poole fan who thinks you talk bollocks doesn't count, that's just a fact, just so you know....)


We're all well aware that you like to wear your ignorance as a badge of honour, but now it seems you've taken leave of your senses altogether, We're not even talking about Milik........

It is so difficult to work out what you and some of your fellow Pooleites are on about at the best of times.

It was you that mentioned my name when you talking about the link up. The only discussion i have been having on this thread was in regards to the possibility of Milik being assessed because Brady already has been.

For some reason you like to throw in a line that includes me on a subject i havent even made an opinion on.


To be honest i can barely tell the difference between the 3 of yours posts at the best of times - you 3 all seem to follow a theme.



Anyway finally now the nonesense that you started is out the out way i can at last comment on the link up between Poole and Scunthorpe. Its a great idea and what a savvy move that is. Scunthorpe have unearthed some gems to be stole by other clubs. MF has played a blinder in linking up with Scunthorpe.


Feel free to have a rant against that opinion like you 3 usually do. I know i wont be disappointed.

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Anyway finally now the nonesense that you started is out the out way i can at last comment on the link up between Poole and Scunthorpe. Its a great idea and what a savvy move that is. Scunthorpe have unearthed some gems to be stole by other clubs. MF has played a blinder in linking up with Scunthorpe.



No suprise though that is it. Again Matt is one step ahead of the rest, while everybody else was kipping Matt was working, thats why Matt has been so successful in the last 15 years. Its not rocket science, you only get out what you put in...

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No suprise though that is it. Again Matt is one step ahead of the rest, while everybody else was kipping Matt was working, thats why Matt has been so successful in the last 15 years. Its not rocket science, you only get out what you put in...

What? Coventry have a NL team and will obviously have a close tie in with a PL team (Peterborough) now. In fact Oliver Greenwood, James Sarjeant and Ryan Fisher are all riding for 2 of Mick Hortons teams this season.

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What? Coventry have a NL team and will obviously have a close tie in with a PL team (Peterborough) now. In fact Oliver Greenwood, James Sarjeant and Ryan Fisher are all riding for 2 of Mick Hortons teams this season.

I'm sure Havvy will be keeping his eye on any future young stars for the Pirates!!!! :D:t:

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What? Coventry have a NL team and will obviously have a close tie in with a PL team (Peterborough) now. In fact Oliver Greenwood, James Sarjeant and Ryan Fisher are all riding for 2 of Mick Hortons teams this season.

Great, we look forward to you winning the EL in 2025.. :rofl:

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No suprise though that is it. Again Matt is one step ahead of the rest, while everybody else was kipping Matt was working, thats why Matt has been so successful in the last 15 years. Its not rocket science, you only get out what you put in...


What? Coventry have a NL team and will obviously have a close tie in with a PL team (Peterborough) now. In fact Oliver Greenwood, James Sarjeant and Ryan Fisher are all riding for 2 of Mick Hortons teams this season.

It was rude of me to point out the obvious................... MF - 1st for doing everything. :rofl:

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What is up with these Poole fans! Everyone is praising Matt Ford for what he is doing yet rather than accepting that you bleat how wonderful his foresight was! Sorry to disappoint you but he isn't the first promoter to do this so just accept it when we praise the one decent thing the man has done for British ( not Poole ) speedway

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What is up with these Poole fans! Everyone is praising Matt Ford for what he is doing yet rather than accepting that you bleat how wonderful his foresight was! Sorry to disappoint you but he isn't the first promoter to do this so just accept it when we praise the one decent thing the man has done for British ( not Poole ) speedway


No doubt the usual trio will slate us for being anti Ford / anti Poole for saying what a good job he has done for getting Milik on a 4 and linking up with Scunthorpe in the NL.


Sometimes you just cant make some of this stuff up.


To be honest it is no wonder those 3 get such flack.

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No doubt the usual trio will slate us for being anti Ford / anti Poole for saying what a good job he has done for getting Milik on a 4 and linking up with Scunthorpe in the NL.


Sometimes you just cant make some of this stuff up.


To be honest it is no wonder those 3 get such flack.

Its not make up mate, its actually real...

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Its not make up mate, its actually real...



I don't think anyone else's opinion is real in this guys world Starman. Only his own point of view holds any importance and we've all seen today how that has been exposed. As for the last message you quoted well Wow! I find it difficult to think that he actually believes the tripe that was written and it's clearly a poor attempt to deflect from the attention his condescending and inaccurate post rightly received. The back-pedalling and vagueness in another was funny though!


However, all the false LOL, PMFSL & laughing avatars attached to posts isn't fooling anyone and the need felt to have to continually keep on using them speaks volumes about the content and dismissive nature.





Edited by Poole Quay 7
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No doubt the usual trio will slate us for being anti Ford / anti Poole for saying what a good job he has done for getting Milik on a 4 and linking up with Scunthorpe in the NL.


Sometimes you just cant make some of this stuff up.


To be honest it is no wonder those 3 get such flack.


19,429 posts. Not one of note..........

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