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Pirates 2014

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Eh? I did say the same about the others! I wasn't getting at Poole (or even anti-Poole), my point was that the draft system is flawed when you have "protected" riders and Poole and the others in the same boat will benefit from that!

Exactly! It wasn't a fair process and a ballot of all riders would have been fairer

I get your frustration regarding protected assets but it makes no sense what so ever for assets to not be used by parent clubs surely? Even more so in our case as Kerr & Rose have both ridden for our NL team. In no way shape or form would it have been fair (seeing as your argument is about fairness) for those 2 to have been forced to go elsewhere and for us to have been forced to have not used our own. The most blinkered must understand that, yes or no?????

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I get your frustration regarding protected assets but it makes no sense what so ever for assets to not be used by parent clubs surely? Even more so in our case as Kerr & Rose have both ridden for our NL team. In no way shape or form would it have been fair (seeing as your argument is about fairness) for those 2 to have been forced to go elsewhere and for us to have been forced to have not used our own. The most blinkered must understand that, yes or no?????

No draft rider should've been allowed in it with a Premier Lge average over 5 whether they were an asset of a top league club or not.


I guess it's going to be a good time for any young British rider with regards 2015 onwards as clubs will be fighting over them to make them assets & that is a good thing for them.


But I don't think Garrity, Kerr or Newman should've been in the draft.

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No draft rider should've been allowed in it with a Premier Lge average over 5 whether they were an asset of a top league club or not.I guess it's going to be a good time for any young British rider with regards 2015 onwards as clubs will be fighting over them to make them assets & that is a good thing for them.But I don't think Garrity, Kerr or Newman should've been in the draft.

That is excessively harsh on Kerr seeing as he's had 2-3 years NL and 1 full PL season. To say he shouldn't be a draft rider is ridiculous as he'd never of been given an EL ride in any teams 1-5 that's for sure.

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Eh? I did say the same about the others! I wasn't getting at Poole (or even anti-Poole), my point was that the draft system is flawed when you have "protected" riders and Poole and the others in the same boat will benefit from that!


Exactly! It wasn't a fair process and a ballot of all riders would have been fairer

A 'free' ballot might have seemed fairer to some clubs and some fans, but what about the riders?!


Some notice has been taken of where riders live as well as whether they are club assets - otherwise you could get riders travelling the length of the country just for home meetings at a club they may not wish to race for!!


Is it me or is it mainly Robins fans complaining about this - and on the Poole thread too!!


Perhaps there should be a thread for 'EL draft riders'??? - Oh hang on.............!! :shock::wink::D

Edited by Skidder1
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A 'free' ballot might have seemed fairer to some clubs and some fans, but what about the riders?!


Some notice has been taken of where riders live as well as whether they are club assets - otherwise you could get riders travelling the length of the country just for home meetings at a club they may not wish to race for!!


Is it me or is it mainly Robins fans complaining about this - and on the Poole thread too!!


Perhaps there should be a thread for 'EL draft riders'??? - Oh hang on.............!! :shock::wink::D

But weren't 80% of the riders a free choice anyway? So four riders had the advantage of riding where they wanted to. What about the other 16? Or was the draft not exactly as sold to the public?

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A 'free' ballot might have seemed fairer to some clubs and some fans, but what about the riders?!


Some notice has been taken of where riders live as well as whether they are club assets - otherwise you could get riders travelling the length of the country just for home meetings at a club they may not wish to race for!!


Is it me or is it mainly Robins fans complaining about this - and on the Poole thread too!!


Perhaps there should be a thread for 'EL draft riders'??? - Oh hang on.............!! :shock::wink::D

Yet again showing your ignorance as riders get mentioned on their club threads as well as this one but hey ho wouldn't expect anything less from you!!!!!!

That is excessively harsh on Kerr seeing as he's had 2-3 years NL and 1 full PL season. To say he shouldn't be a draft rider is ridiculous as he'd never of been given an EL ride in any teams 1-5 that's for sure.

How long a rider is riding should be irrelevant as Kerr averaged above 5 so obviously has more talent than a rider who has been riding longer but hasn't attained that average yet.


Sorry for posting about a Kings Lynn rider on a Poole thread "Skidder" but it was an answer to a post.

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Yet again showing your ignorance as riders get mentioned on their club threads as well as this one but hey ho wouldn't expect anything less from you!!!!!!



Unfortunately mate, he's right. And it does seem that only Swindon fans are Throwing wobblies over this..

Edited by Starman2006
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Not sure it's just the Swindon fans but do you ever wonder why?.

No i don't mate. Kyle Newman is an Asset of ours, and lives just down the road. Many clubs have their assets riding for them, but as i said before, we got last pick in the second phase, so that does, not that it matters, evens thing out if you like..

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No i don't mate. Kyle Newman is an Asset of ours, and lives just down the road. Many clubs have their assets riding for them, but as i said before, we got last pick in the second phase, so that does, not that it matters, evens thing out if you like..

I give up as you simply only see things one way & not for the good of the sport.


I've had my say on it & will look forward to Newman, Garrity & Kerr cleaning up in the top league in the reserves race & hope that the 2nd reserve is giving a chance as well but I somehow doubt it.


Will gladly apologise if proved wrong but NO RIDER regardless of who's asset they are, where they live should've been allowed in the draft with a Premier Lge average above 5.


I only wish Swindon had an asset just so I could prove that this isn't a club bias.

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I give up as you simply only see things one way & not for the good of the sport.


I've had my say on it & will look forward to Newman, Garrity & Kerr cleaning up in the top league in the reserves race & hope that the 2nd reserve is giving a chance as well but I somehow doubt it.


Will gladly apologise if proved wrong but NO RIDER regardless of who's asset they are, where they live should've been allowed in the draft with a Premier Lge average above 5.


I only wish Swindon had an asset just so I could prove that this isn't a club bias.

No mate, i / we don't see things one way. You obviously have not read my post properly.

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I agree that there should be a ceiling on the average of a premier league rider. It is obvious that the likes of Newman and Garrity will or should clean up. Length of time in the sport is irrelevant. Chris Louis and Mark Loram at Hackney and Todd Wiltshire at Winbledon all did a lot better than other experienced reserves in their first season. I don't agree with the riders in the draft as basically it seems that Newman and Garrity are at the same ability as Blackbird. However as much as I despise Ford Poole have merely just used the system to their advantage.

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Did read & answered the evening up bit with saying hope the 2nd reserve is given a chance as well.


Gonna leave it here as have had my say & it's an opinion but time to move on.

Even if you restricted the draft list to 5 pointers, there would still be complaints about some teams having higher averaged riders than others.

Edited by foreverblue
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Even if you restricted the draft list to 5 pointers, there would still be complaints about some teams having higher averaged riders than others.


Absolutely, the cut off point has to be somewhere.


Despite the reservations of some posters I don't think the system could have been drafted in a way which was any fairer to all. Those clubs with assets had to be allowed to use them and even though people disagree with Poole's use of Newman they had the last choice which evens things out.


I do agree however with the notion that the PL should have a similar system, seems a bit daft that they don't. There shouldn't be any need for foreign reserves in the PL. And as the grass roots of the sport get stronger there should be fewer and fewer non Brits in the PL over time.

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