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Pirates 2014

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Don't bite mate!!!!!


The thing that surprises me is how Worky have raised the cash to buy Howarth, after giving Josh G a hefty signing on fee and buying an airfence?! :wink:

Why should it surprise or bother you so much where Workington get the money from.


I would be far more concerned, that a rider we are being told is a nailed on certainty for your 2014 team and dating your team managers daughter, has told Ford to swivel.


IF we do get fined, it is so worth it.

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...and please send details of where donations can be sent...


If Mick and Co do cop a fine for this, we should have a whip around. By swiping Howarth (who appeared nailed on for a team place at Poole this year) from underneath the Poole promotion's nose they have given us Bees fans a nice early Christmas present.


Perhaps we could pass a bucket around at the NSSC quiz on Tuesday. I would happily throw a fiver in.


Just read the link below with a wry smile on my face!


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In the Bournemouth Echo article Matt Ford is quoted as saying I asked him immediately to have no negotiations with him as it had just been agreed in a room with Elite League promoters that nobody would speak to other clubs assets until December 15."


Someone clarify this to me, this December 15th date is this just about asset transfers or all deals? If all deals, how could any riders be announced in teams they are not assets for?

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Illegal approach ?...from my experience riders come to an end of a season and talk to anybody about a possible team spot..in that case there are dozens of illegal approaches going on if you want to go down that route

A speedway rider cannot afford to sit on his hands whilst a club decides they might want him or not as they would find themselves without a club easily...clubs have no loyalty to middle to lower end riders so a rider has to look after himself ....I think a rider or two has spoken to Poole without their parent club knowing about it over the years

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From Poole Website this afternoon::-[b

Ford reveals, "There is strong evidence of some contractual talks having occurred which is in contravention of the rules and regulations within the sport and that has been brought to the attention of the governing authorities. I will leave it everyone to draw their own conclusions from what has happened) :P:D

Now that's funny

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" in contravention of the rules and regulations within the sport" LOL, you could not make it up! Mind you,he should know, he's the expert on breaking rules! LOL!



Really, and you can catagorically prove that can you??


The thing is Poole have previously been fined for an illegal approach, so the proof exists.


What surprises me is that Ford has actually made such an emotive quote as he unnecessarily exposes himself. To be honest I thought he had a little more business nous than that.


He has publicly stated there is clear evidence of fellow promoter(s) breaching rules. You'd assume he is certain of that, because if nobody is found guilty, he exposes himself to libel. He has specifically asked people to draw conclusions exclusively from his quote. If the resulting comments further damage the accused, the case of libel becomes stronger.


He has to all intent and purpose accused Kyle Howarth of being a liar; at best not clever. From a pure business perspective you'd suggest the timing to be very strange. Just as the league makes a move towards a greater British content, he releases one of the most prized British assets for future years. That very much goes against his recent business strategy.


For Ford this unusually looks like an emotive decision over a business call.


It could once again bring the asset rule to the fore. Unless Poole and Howarth had a signed agreement for next season, then effectively Poole are preventing him from earning a living.


This isn't a Poole issue. The asset issue is across the sport. The behavior of promoters is also across the sport. Its a self destructive sport, but that's the result of self governance I'm afraid.

Edited by 500cc
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That statement from MF, was little more than a self parody. He must have known the absurdness of it. Well done to Kyle for showing Ford that he cannot always get away with treating riders like cattle, and well done to Coventry for out-doing the mighty Pirates! I'm enjoying next season already!

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Good for Kyle Poole didn't need or want him last year so you can't blame him for not hanging around to see if Poole decide whether they want him or not at the end of the day he needs to earn a living and by going to clubs that clearly want him then who can blame him for not waiting, it's a two way thing if Matt wanted him that badly then he should have maybe spoken to him sooner!

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What I find so incredulous within the article is how Ford is trying to take credit for Kyle's improvement last season, as a direct result of him being dropped by the Poole Promotion. Another smoke-screen from 'the holier than thou' duo to seemingly justify their error of judgement.


Best of luck Kyle in your future career. Let's hope that you go from strength to strength - and that you develop your skills under a promotion where you are treated as a human-being..........NOT as a commodity.

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Mate, reguardless of what anybody says, you know as well as I do, Matt will have his reasons why he's sold him..

Doesn't possess an Aussie passport!

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