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Pirates 2014

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I may have missed somethinf but can somebody explain how people are talking about Newman in one of the reserve berths? I thought the reserves were from the NL, Newman is not a NL rider? Is this in the interests of speedway?

Hold your horses. Obviously another person who just wants a go at Poole. No evidence but just have a go hey.


The full information has not come out yet. I do not know if Newman will be eligible or not. I will just wait and see like everyone has to.


If Poole have Newman and every other team is allocated riders with a lower average then I will join you and call foul.


However, until then I will keep my powder dry as should everyone who is in the dark.

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What I find most odd, apart from the insults and put downs from crazy robin, is the number of anti poole pirates posters on here.

Most strange for a Poole Pirates forum don't you think.

Successful club yet people do not understand how little many other clubs do not promote themselves.

I do also think poole could work a lot harder at it too.

Mention speedway in some circles and you get blank looks.

Even though we have a world champion. Makes you think and wonder what the organisations are doing for speedway?

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Alot of people dont understand basic practicalities of running a speedway club its no a case of oh just sign him and him then all point a finger at poole, have any of you poole haters got any good reason that can be backed up with hard facts that are isolated incidents that only occur at poole, please note I will not accept green eyes or jealousy as a answer.

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Crazy robin - why do you have to be so insulting. Whining - is there any need for that on an open forum.


Are you a pirates fan then.?


The main problem is that clubs are not being promoted - why do we have to suffer a lower quality because of bad business by some

promoters. ?


I could just imagine what would be said if something like this was applied to the Premier league in football.

Sorry if you feel insulted by the word I used & maybe moaning would have been better.


No not a Poole fan although have watched speedway a lot there over the years as spend a fair bit of time holidaying on the South Coast & have always enjoyed it as a neutral speedway fan on the night.


Other promotors do promote but don't do it as a full time job & also as has been said before the are in & around Poole is a very wealthy area which must help.


This is speedway & so to compare it to football is totally irrelevant & these rules have always been around just like rider control was in the 60's, 70's & 80's.


In those days Chris or Darcy would have been given to another club & there would've been nothing anyone could do about it.


Things had to change & whilst I don't agree with some of them we simply can't have riders threatening to walk away if they can't have their own way.

What I find most odd, apart from the insults and put downs from crazy robin, is the number of anti poole pirates posters on here.

Most strange for a Poole Pirates forum don't you think.

Successful club yet people do not understand how little many other clubs do not promote themselves.

I do also think poole could work a lot harder at it too.

Mention speedway in some circles and you get blank looks.

Even though we have a world champion. Makes you think and wonder what the organisations are doing for speedway?

Crikey just because I don't agree with you that everything is stacked against Poole is hardly an insult or put down to you or to Poole fans.


This is a forum.

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As I have said. It is quite odd that so many fans from other clubs want to come on here and have a go at poole.

I detect a hint of jealousy.


It is not irrelevant to examine how other sports conduct themselves. Most importantly it is advertising the sport.

Get the names out there and the excitement of racing.

I believe that promoters /clubs are suffering from a type of fatigue, continually struggling to break even.

It is very difficult for them but advertise, advertise , advertise.

Make a lot of noise about our world champion.


It is not just the other clubs but poole also really do not splash the sport everywhere.

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As I have said. It is quite odd that so many fans from other clubs want to come on here and have a go at poole.

I detect a hint of jealousy.


It is not irrelevant to examine how other sports conduct themselves. Most importantly it is advertising the sport.

Get the names out there and the excitement of racing.

I believe that promoters /clubs are suffering from a type of fatigue, continually struggling to break even.

It is very difficult for them but advertise, advertise , advertise.

Make a lot of noise about our world champion.


It is not just the other clubs but poole also really do not splash the sport everywhere.

Why say it again then ?

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Holder not to ride for Poole in 2014. Just seen the news on Pooles website. That he will not race in the UK this coming season.

Do you by any chance handle the press side of things for the BSPA?

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