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How is it a joke. Its in black and white in the rule book. Can't be any clearer than that

What is in the rulebook is a maximum of 2 years for a first offence - likely to be reduced if no performance-enhancing medication is found.


At least its been referred to the FIM Medical Council for a decision, after his fine of 3000 euros.


Any FIM punishment should at least be based only on this incident, as any 'previous' has not been an FIM matter.

Edited by Skidder1
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What is in the rulebook is a maximum of 2 years for a first offence - likely to be reduced if no performance-enhancing medication is found.




Rule 10.2 states:-


First violation: Two (2) years’ Ineligibility.


Rule 10.4 states:-


Where a rider or other person can establish how a specified substance entered his or her body


Substance was not intended to enhance the Rider’s sport performance or mask

the use of a performance-­enhancing substance, the period of Ineligibility found in

Article 10.2 shall be replaced with the following


First violation: At a minimum, a reprimand and no period of Ineligibility from

future events, and at a maximum, two (2) years of Ineligibility.

The Rider or other Person’s degree of fault shall be the criterion

considered in assessing any reduction of the period of Ineligibility.

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The only thing that may come into it is the incident earlyer this year were he admitted in court that he was high on dope when he was running from the cops



As it should. Its all recent and current and will have a bearing on any `story` Darcy may spin.

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As it should. Its all recent and current and will have a bearing on any `story` Darcy may spin.


And still we don't know about this "bad news"..


I really want to post my true thoughts on what he perceives as bad news but i wont, as i fear it will spark something here..


Cant be a bereavement or one of his lackies, ie Middeditch would have piped up by now - me thinks a girlfriend story that cant be proved/disproved easily.

Edited by The Doctor...
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A mistake certainly but this punishment is a joke,i see this all those years ago with Mike Lee.Has there been any suggestion of hearing Ward's side of the story? or maybe talking to him and trying to maybe help him.Some people on here want him slaughtered he has made a bad mistake but lets put it into perspective.If this punishment is severe the GP series will suffer missing him and Emil both in the top five riders in the world would be a crying shame.


I agree with you Sydney, It's a real shame. An unbelievable talent, and a joy to watch, but he is not above the law. He has broken the rules and has to be punished in line with them rules. Yes, it may seem harsh, but so was his behaviour. He is at the top of game and professional people have to behave in a certain way. I cannot imagine another rider, who was riding in the SGP putting themselves in that situation. Whatever the reason, Darcy should have been more professional. If those migrating circumstances were that bad he should have redrawn from the meeting, before drowning his sorrows, or waited till Sunday night. He cannot justify his actions in that way.

I believe this has highlighted some issues he needs to address in his private life. He not a boy any more and has to grow up. he has to be responsible for his own actions and not rely on others to direct and protect him when he so wishes. A ban may be catastrophic now for his racing career, but it may be his saviour of his future life. Lets hope he takes on board this penalty for the way it is intended, and use it to start a new beginning. Hopefully, he will get back on track and achieve the greatness he was always destined for,

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What to say! Can't defend Darcy now blue tints. The boy is an idiot and is throwing away his career. As for Middlo he just proves what I've said all along he is a clown


You love it, don't you? What has Middlo actually done here? He made a short statement saying he doesn't condone what Darcy did but added that there were mitigating circumstances. That's it. One sentence where he makes a point of saying Darcy was wrong.


As for Darcy, he's been silly. It's not wise to be drinking the night before a GP, and he's paid the price for that and any hopes he would have had of winning the World title have gone now. I just think it's a shame that people seem to take such great delight in other people's mistakes.

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You love it, don't you? What has Middlo actually done here? He made a short statement saying he doesn't condone what Darcy did but added that there were mitigating circumstances. That's it. One sentence where he makes a point of saying Darcy was wrong.


As for Darcy, he's been silly. It's not wise to be drinking the night before a GP, and he's paid the price for that and any hopes he would have had of winning the World title have gone now. I just think it's a shame that people seem to take such great delight in other people's mistakes.


What has Muddlo done here you ask ? Actually he has not done much as you correctly say. The problem is that the man has made such a fool of himself on previous occasions with his stupid comments on behalf of Ward that nobody takes him seriously anymore.


Darcy is perfectly capable of speaking up for himself and I thought came over fairly well in his TV interview yesterday, and , as others have said , it took a bit of courage to do that. . The trouble is Middleditch has made himself look a buffoon in the past and that in turn tarnishes peoples view of Darcy. Its a bit like the boy who cried wolf now. Every time Muddlo opens his mouth he will seem to be putting his foot in it. He is just an idiot and should take a back seat and let Darcy fight his own corner.

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What has Muddlo done here you ask ? Actually he has not done much as you correctly say. The problem is that the man has made such a fool of himself on previous occasions with his stupid comments on behalf of Ward that nobody takes him seriously anymore.


Darcy is perfectly capable of speaking up for himself and I thought came over fairly well in his TV interview yesterday, and , as others have said , it took a bit of courage to do that. . The trouble is Middleditch has made himself look a buffoon in the past and that in turn tarnishes peoples view of Darcy. Its a bit like the boy who cried wolf now. Every time Muddlo opens his mouth he will seem to be putting his foot in it. He is just an idiot and should take a back seat and let Darcy fight his own corner.


I would imagine the local paper, from where it seems the quote came, asked him for a comment.

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You love it, don't you? What has Middlo actually done here? He made a short statement saying he doesn't condone what Darcy did but added that there were mitigating circumstances. That's it. One sentence where he makes a point of saying Darcy was wrong.


As for Darcy, he's been silly. It's not wise to be drinking the night before a GP, and he's paid the price for that and any hopes he would have had of winning the World title have gone now. I just think it's a shame that people seem to take such great delight in other people's mistakes.


That's where Muddlo went wrong. There are absolutely no mitigating circumstances to have an alcoholic drink at all, never mind the night before a speedway meeting starting at lunch-time. We don't have to imbibe alcohol, we choose to. He should not have chosen to.

Seems to me Muddlo added the mitigating circumstances bit so he didn't upset the poor lad!

Edited by Vincent Blackshadow
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Darcy made a mistake. Nobody in their right mind can say he did it intentionally, he would of known after being breath tested recently (and found to have 0 alcohol in his breath) that he couldn't take chances like that, nor would he ever wish to intentionally put another rider in danger or risk potentially years of professional earnings.


Can't help but feel for Darcy. The guy has been very stupid and he will certainly pay the price but a lot of people on here seem to be using his mistake as an excuse just to be malicious towards not only Darcy, but also Neil and Poole who have done nothing wrong! It's not right to use things that have happened in the past as an excuse just to be nasty. In my opinion the vindictive nature of some of the biggest mouths on this forum do more damage to speedway than Darcy being marginally over the limit ever could.


I didn't think adults needed reminding that two wrongs don't make a right. It was a mistake, nothing more. He will pay his price and hopefully it will make him a better rider. Some posters on here would rather have Darcy banned from professional speedway life and lose a very exciting rider and potentially a future world champion. Those certain posters cannot honestly say they want the best for the future of speedway.


That's where Muddlo went wrong. There are absolutely no mitigating circumstances to have an alcoholic drink at all, never mind the night before a speedway meeting starting at lunch-time. We don't have to imbibe alcohol, we choose to. He should not have chosen to.

Seems to me Muddlo added the mitigating circumstances bit so he didn't upset the poor lad!


Yes you're exactly right. No human has ever turned to alcohol during tough times. That's practically unheard of.

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That's where Muddlo went wrong. There are absolutely no mitigating circumstances to have an alcoholic drink at all, never mind the night before a speedway meeting starting at lunch-time. We don't have to imbibe alcohol, we choose to. He should not have chosen to.

Seems to me Muddlo added the mitigating circumstances bit so he didn't upset the poor lad!


It seemed a perfectly reasonable and well balanced quote to me.

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Yes you're exactly right. No human has ever turned to alcohol during tough times. That's practically unheard of.


Yes, they have. And, when it was unwise to do so (shall we say) and got collared by the authorities, paid the price, in many circumstances with their jobs. I had no sympathy with those, I have none for Ward. Drinking alcohol is an option not compulsory. The wise know when not to take the option.

Edited by Vincent Blackshadow
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If the bad news Ward received made him have a drink,then surely it would have affected him mentally and made him not in the right frame of mind to tackle a GP anyway,a risk whichever way you look at it!!

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