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Pirates 2014

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Because Benji Compton doesnt have an average.

So if Benji doesn't have an average, which is supposed to be 3 like all the fast trackers, why all the fuss? Ah, i know, its Poole.. ;)




So some didn't is what you are saying.


So there is at least one promotion with a spine then.


So Ford basically only has to convince/loan/buy bricks/bribe/cut a deal .. (delete as applicable) 4 other promoters to get what he wants.. Pathetic.

Now your being very silly and just guessing. Again, its a Poole thing.. Why don't you get over yourselves..

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So some didn't is what you are saying.


So there is at least one promotion with a spine then.


So Ford basically only has to convince/loan/buy bricks/bribe/cut a deal .. (delete as applicable) 4 other promoters to get what he wants.. Pathetic.

Its strange isn't it - you would have thought that the SCB official ie the referee would have stopped Poole from using Compton on Wednesday but he didn't because there was no protest!!


There was no protest because the BSPA members were aware of the changes and the majority agreed, democratically it would seem! So what on earth its got to do with the SCB I just don't know? :nono:

I don't know how many times we have to go over this point but what it has got to do with the SCB is that they are the governing body of the sport, they are required to act in the best interests of speedway and in particular they have SOLE RESPONSIBILITY for the creation and enforcement of the rules. The fact that they delegate rule making to the BSPA does not absolve them from that responsibility . The SCB are the ruling authority, not the BSPA.


Now, if as some on here claim, the rule making process was fixed/flawed/fiddled or whatever them it's is the responsibility of the ruling body, I.e. The SCB to sort that out before approving the new rule. Even if the rule was achieved by due process the SCB have still approved a Mid-season rule change that gives an advantage to one club.


So why didn't Swindon protest and why didn't the referee stop Poole using Compton? Because by that stage it was apparently a rule approved by the SCB . Some might say a stupid rule or an unfair rule but it was still a rule and Swindon could not do anything about it.


The issue is not the rule itself it is the way it was introduced and why it was introduced this late in the season.



So some didn't is what you are saying.


So there is at least one promotion with a spine then.


So Ford basically only has to convince/loan/buy bricks/bribe/cut a deal .. (delete as applicable) 4 other promoters to get what he wants.. Pathetic.

My understanding is that it was a majority not unanimous. Edited by Daytripper
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Ford must have so little faith in his other riders, that he has to drop a local lad for a Journeyman who might get 2-3 points more, :lol:

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I don't know how many times we have to go over this point but what it has got to do with the SCB is that they are the governing body of the sport, they are required to act in the best interests of speedway and in particular they have SOLE RESPONSIBILITY for the creation of the creation and enforcement of the rules. The fact that they delegate rule making to the BSPA does not absolve them from that responsibility . The SCB are the ruling authority, not the BSPA.


Now, if as some on here claim, the rule making process was fixed/flawed/fiddled or whatever them it's is the responsibility of the ruling body, I.e. The SCB to sort that out before approving the new rule. Even if the rule was achieved by due process the SCB have still approved a Mid-season rule change that gives an advantage to one club.


So why didn't Swindon protest and why didn't the referee stop Poole using Compton? Because by that stage it was apparently a rule approved by the SCB .

So its been approved by the Governing body the SCB. So i really don't know what all the fuss is about... Oh, i know, its a poole thing.

Ford must have so little faith in his other riders, that he has to drop a local lad for a Journeyman who might get 2-3 points more, :lol:

In his other riders, please explain? You ask your team manager, is he in it to win the league, or is he in it to compete? I'l tell you the answer before you even ask him..

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Just for the benefit of the one Poole fan who doesnt get it.


Compton has fallen 10 places in the draft

Poole announce they are replacing Johnson with Compton

The rule clearly states 'guests only' therefore Compton canrt come in.

AFTER the announcement the ruling is changed.

Poole brought Compton in before the ruling was updated.

Therefore only Poole knew they could do this.

Why was a rule changed 3 quarters through the season?

What club has benefitted from the ruling change?


If you cant see why fans are upset about this , includng Poole fans, then quite clearly you dont know a lot about our sport.


Starman you are becoming a laughing stock and an embarrassment to your own fans

Of course, he might have got a new ruling much earlier.


On the Benji signing, it appears that Ford wanted to include him at the start of this season but was prevented from doing so as he wasn't in the list at that time so Lee Smart was brought in instead. He then claims that in April he submitted a request to the MC to include Benji in place of Smart who rode his final race in Poole's colours on 30th April. Benji was injured at Stoke on 3rd May spending two months on the sidelines. However, at the time of his request, Benji was 15 in the list and Smart 19 so I don't know how he was going to swing that but I am sure he would have found a way!


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Of course, he might have got a new ruling much earlier.


On the Benji signing, it appears that Ford wanted to include him at the start of this season but was prevented from doing so as he wasn't in the list at that time so Lee Smart was brought in instead. He then claims that in April he submitted a request to the MC to include Benji in place of Smart who rode his final race in Poole's colours on 30th April. Benji was injured at Stoke on 3rd May spending two months on the sidelines. However, at the time of his request, Benji was 15 in the list and Smart 19 so I don't know how he was going to swing that but I am sure he would have found a way!


And what No was Benji when Matt signed him now? Again, another fan complaining because its a poole thing.

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And what No was Benji when Matt signed him now? Again, another fan complaining because its a poole thing.

What are you on about now?

Do you not understand that Compton is now 25 and Johnson is 27. No other team will be able to sign a rider who is graded higher than the rider he is replacing.

There have been a number of clearly written posts in the past couple of days which have explained in great detail how this "process" has worked yet you still don't seem to grasp what has happened.


It's not a Poole thing it's a hate rule bending thing.

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So its been approved by the Governing body the SCB. So i really don't know what all the fuss is about... Oh, i know, its a poole thing.

In his other riders, please explain? You ask your team manager, is he in it to win the league, or is he in it to compete? I'l tell you the answer before you even ask him..


LOL so benji is the difference between competing or winning the league, don't talk wet, your team is well capable of winning with the six other riders, but hopefully they won't. :drink:

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What are you on about now?

Do you not understand that Compton is now 25 and Johnson is 27. No other team will be able to sign a rider who is graded higher than the rider he is replacing.

There have been a number of clearly written posts in the past couple of days which have explained in great detail how this "process" has worked yet you still don't seem to grasp what has happened.


It's not a Poole thing it's a hate rule bending thing.

Amasing, you've spent the last 15 minutes on here trying to work out what to say. He's been SCB approved, so theres no argument.. Except from the argumentive poole boo boys.


LOL so benji is the difference between competing or winning the league, don't talk wet, your team is well capable of winning with the six other riders, but hopefully they won't. :drink:

We know that, but you have to have 7 riders in a team. Benji was avaliable so he was signed.

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Amasing, you've spent the last 15 minutes on here trying to work out what to say. He's been SCB approved, so theres no argument.. Except from the argumentive poole boo boys.


Sorry how do you know he took 15 mins ? No doubt because Fifa gave Qatar the Football world cup there is no argument using your logic .

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What are you on about now?

Do you not understand that Compton is now 25 and Johnson is 27. No other team will be able to sign a rider who is graded higher than the rider he is replacing.

There have been a number of clearly written posts in the past couple of days which have explained in great detail how this "process" has worked yet you still don't seem to grasp what has happened.


It's not a Poole thing it's a hate rule bending thing.

Im a poole fan. So why don't you phone the stadium and tell Matt he's a cheat?

Sorry how do you know he took 15 mins ? No doubt because Fifa gave Qatar the Football world cup there is no argument using your logic .

Whats football got to do with signing Benji Compton? Id give up you lot if i were you, because you ain't goona win.

Edited by Starman2006
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Im a poole fan. So why don't you phone the stadium and tell Matt he's a cheat?

Whats football got to do with signing Benji Compton? Id give up you lot if i were you, because you ain't goona win.

To be fair it would be wasted on you as it's way above your remit in terms of brain power .

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Poole cheated. I'm sorry mate. It doesn't matter how, it doesn't matter if the Queen of England gave it the nod, it was cheating. You cannot change the goal posts a month before the end of the season. It's just not right. Not right on the supporters and not right on the sport in general.


Any positive effect the draft system may have had improving the future of the sport has been cancelled out by this. It's wrong and it's morally indefensible to say we haven't.

Mate, its been sactioned by the SCB, had they not done so he wouldn't have been allowed to ride last Wednesday, and Brendon would have probably still been riding.

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Mate, its been sactioned by the SCB, had they not done so he wouldn't have been allowed to ride last Wednesday, and Brendon would have probably still been riding.


Remember when we all found out that they'd been putting horse meat and all sorts of other crazy things in our food? Just because something has been given the all clear does not mean it's right. You are missing the entire premise of the argument and I am not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you.

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Your not a fan of speedway, your just a Matt Ford Lap-dog.. Its pointless trying to reason with you, there nothing there to reason with.


Probably, like you say, it must be that Poole thing.

I've been a speedway fan and poole fan longer than i care to remember. As you rightly say, its a poole thing..


Remember when we all found out that they'd been putting horse meat and all sorts of other crazy things in our food? Just because something has been given the all clear does not mean it's right. You are missing the entire premise of the argument and I am not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you.

Please do, then go and explain it to Matt and the SCB.. Clearly you didn't read my post.

Edited by Starman2006
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Amasing, you've spent the last 15 minutes on here trying to work out what to say. He's been SCB approved, so theres no argument.. Except from the argumentive poole boo boys.

We know that, but you have to have 7 riders in a team. Benji was avaliable so he was signed.

"amasing" that you can tell how long it took me to try and "yet again' make you see a bit of sense.


As others have said it actually is a waste of time to trying to talk sense to you, but I'll have another go.

Nobody is saying that using Benji is illegal - we are aware that Poole have got permission. What we are saying - and there is widespread agreement from the majority of posters, including a refreshing number of Poole fans - is that the process of how they came to be able to sign Compton is massively flawed.

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