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Pirates 2014

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Who cares about Benji Compton anyway. He ain't going to do a lot.


I'd much rather have a young lad like Nathan Greaves giving his all and steadily improving that keep chopping and cganging just to try and shoe horn an extra point in at reserve.



Exactly. Pick a rider lower down the list that could REALLY do with some guidance by one of the better clubs in the Country, instead of a rider that has proven he belongs in the NL!

Poole would rather pick a rider with a bit more experience that might pick up 1-3 points instead of 0`s.

You only need 1 good reserve anyway!

And pick a rider that is GENUINELY rated below 24th instead of getting a rider re-graded to suit. :nono:

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was obvious from day one that the FTR rules would be broken/fiddled/amended, :mad:

Yes, just as soon as conditions were brought in that stopped the cherry-picking of riders by the wealthier clubs, we just knew something like this would happen!
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How can a sport that amends rules willy nilly be taken seriously, what's the point of an agm apart from a big piss up, speedway is the simplest of sports with the most complicated and convoluted rules going, the credibilty of our sport is lower than whale dung, was obvious from day one that the FTR rules would be broken/fiddled/amended, :mad:

As I have said many times the rule would have never have seen the light of day if Poole had not got the best of it by being able to use Newman .


Why these people year after year sit back and let him do it I will never know .

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Exactly. Pick a rider lower down the list that could REALLY do with some guidance by one of the better clubs in the Country, instead of a rider that has proven he belongs in the NL!

Poole would rather pick a rider with a bit more experience that might pick up 1-3 points instead of 0`s.

You only need 1 good reserve anyway!

And pick a rider that is GENUINELY rated below 24th instead of getting a rider re-graded to suit. :nono:


Says the club that hired a 40+ year old foreigner while young British riders are without a spot in the EL.

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Who cares about Benji Compton anyway. He ain't going to do a lot.


I'd much rather have a young lad like Nathan Greaves giving his all and steadily improving that keep chopping and cganging just to try and shoe horn an extra point in at reserve.


Absolutely. Then you can really see how good your team manager is to get the best out of these young riders rather than your promoter constantly trying eek out another point for the team by swapping riders.

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I pointed out that your answer was wrong.


In your opinion you said that the rule was changed because the (FTR) system is a farce. I just pointed out, quite correctly, that this rule change doesn't in any shape or form change the FTR system, it simply enables one team to introduce one rider which they couldn't have done under the previous rules. No other team or rider will be affected by this rule change.

So what you should say is...."Thanks Salty, I didn't really understand it before but now I do"

but does he.... :unsure: that is the million dollar question :D

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Just for the benefit of the one Poole fan who doesnt get it.


Compton has fallen 10 places in the draft

Poole announce they are replacing Johnson with Compton

The rule clearly states 'guests only' therefore Compton canrt come in.

AFTER the announcement the ruling is changed.

Poole brought Compton in before the ruling was updated.

Therefore only Poole knew they could do this.

Why was a rule changed 3 quarters through the season?

What club has benefitted from the ruling change?


If you cant see why fans are upset about this , includng Poole fans, then quite clearly you dont know a lot about our sport.


Starman you are becoming a laughing stock and an embarrassment to your own fans

The more I think about it, i don't see why there was the need for the rule change. If you are going to drop Compton from 15 to 25, why not simply drop him down 2 more to 27 (or move Johnson up a couple to 24 as well). People might have questioned it but there would have been no requirement for the clumsy change of wording and the ridiculous changing of a rule so late in the season.
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The more I think about it, i don't see why there was the need for the rule change. If you are going to drop Compton from 15 to 25, why not simply drop him down 2 more to 27 (or move Johnson up a couple to 24 as well). People might have questioned it but there would have been no requirement for the clumsy change of wording and the ridiculous changing of a rule so late in the season.


Exactly. The more I think about it, the more strange it becomes. Like you say, with the calibration of the FTR list being doctored to suit, Poole could have achieved their directive just by getting Compton positioned at 27. There would have been no need for any rule change, and Poole would have their rider.

Compton is no Darcy Ward, and clubs aren't rushing to sign him. Any normal club would have persevered with the rider they had, hoping he would benefit from riding with their star riders. Changing this FTR isn't going to make Poole stronger. So why create all these problems.


The obvious answer, starring everyone in the face is Matt Ford. He wants to let others know, he can do as he wants when he wants. He loves being in the limelight, He loves people talking about him, He wants to rock the boat. This is all about his self esteem. He don't give a damn for the damage he causes, it don't concern him... All he's interested in is Matt Ford.


I just hope one day he gets his just deserves....

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The obvious answer, starring everyone in the face is Matt Ford. He wants to let others know, he can do as he wants when he wants. He loves being in the limelight, He loves people talking about him, He wants to rock the boat. This is all about his self esteem. He don't give a damn for the damage he causes, it don't concern him... All he's interested in is Matt Ford.

Ive said this before. A few times he';s broken rules, pointless, irrelevant rules. But he does it knowing it will annoy people, its like he has some complusion to be a bad boy and piss people off.

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GRW123, on 08 Aug 2014 - 08:54 AM, said:


Exactly. The more I think about it, the more strange it becomes. Like you say, with the calibration of the FTR list being doctored to suit, Poole could have achieved their directive just by getting Compton positioned at 27. There would have been no need for any rule change, and Poole would have their rider.

Compton is no Darcy Ward, and clubs aren't rushing to sign him. Any normal club would have persevered with the rider they had, hoping he would benefit from riding with their star riders. Changing this FTR isn't going to make Poole stronger. So why create all these problems.


The obvious answer, starring everyone in the face is Matt Ford. He wants to let others know, he can do as he wants when he wants. He loves being in the limelight, He loves people talking about him, He wants to rock the boat. This is all about his self esteem. He don't give a damn for the damage he causes, it don't concern him... All he's interested in is Matt Ford.


I just hope one day he gets his just deserves....


Ive said this before. A few times he';s broken rules, pointless, irrelevant rules. But he does it knowing it will annoy people, its like he has some complusion to be a bad boy and piss people off.

But surely he cant do it all on his own ! There MUST be others who are in it with him !! They are as guilty , do you agree ?

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But surely he cant do it all on his own ! There MUST be others who are in it with him !! They are as guilty , do you agree ?

I think half the time they're just stupid - tell them the sky is pink and they're just not sure so believe you!

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But surely he cant do it all on his own ! There MUST be others who are in it with him !! They are as guilty , do you agree ?

Of course there are others, he's no longer on the MC so has to have a buddy or two. You don't get away with some of the strokes he's pulled without support from somewhere.

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The obvious answer, staring everyone in the face is Matt Ford. He loves being in the limelight, He loves people talking about him

Bang on target. And you can add talking about Poole Speedway to that as well. Over the last three days this thread has expanded by over 260 posts covering over 18 pages. Says it all, really.


So much for bad publicity. These days, any publicity is good publicity.

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But surely he cant do it all on his own ! There MUST be others who are in it with him !! They are as guilty , do you agree ?


Of course there are. The bigger question is why do the others do it?


Does he threaten to pull out of the EL?

Does he threaten to influence Sky even more than Poole seem to now?

Do brown envelopes come into play?

Does he hypnotise people into thinking it is in fact in the best interests of the sport?


I've no idea but as long as the above theories come to mind, the sport is seen as corrupt and that most definitely is not in the best interests of speedway.

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If, as has been suggested, not all the EL promoters agreed with the FT changes, who were they?


At the very worst there had to be at least a majority of 5-4 to agree to the proposals - or simply a decision to accept the proposed changes made by the MC, which effectively means CVS and Jon Cook!

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If, as has been suggested, not all the EL promoters agreed with the FT changes, who were they?


At the very worst there had to be at least a majority of 5-4 to agree to the proposals - or simply a decision to accept the proposed changes made by the MC, which effectively means CVS and Jon Cook!

It shouldn't matter if it's 5-4 or 9-0. Rules should NOT be changed during the season.


"Act in haste repent at leisure"

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It shouldn't matter if it's 5-4 or 9-0. Rules should NOT be changed during the season.


"Act in haste repent at leisure"

Oh I don't know - why not suddenly change to have 6 teams in the play-offs?? I'm sure at least a couple of clubs would be delighted!? :D


Didn't something similar happen a few years ago.......? :wink: Can't remember a massive outcry at the time....... :o

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Bang on target. And you can add talking about Poole Speedway to that as well. Over the last three days this thread has expanded by over 260 posts covering over 18 pages. Says it all, really.


So much for bad publicity. These days, any publicity is good publicity.


I am not so sure about that last statement - ask Gerald Ratner!

Edited by TesarRacing
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