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Pirates 2014

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If the BSPA has accepted the team change, then at least the reasoning behind the decision should be shared with the opposing team/fans so at least then we'll all have clarity and can move on.

It's surely what everyone wants, honesty, openness and clarity.


Don't hold your breath

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The worst part in all this is not Poole breaking/bend rules - thats there managements job to some extent (to see what they can get away with) but it's the BSPA constant allowing them to get away with it and that no promoter seems to want to stand up to them.

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The worst part in all this is not Poole breaking/bend rules - thats there managements job to some extent (to see what they can get away with) but it's the BSPA constant allowing them to get away with it and that no promoter seems to want to stand up to them.

And the Speedway Control Bureau about as much use as a chocolate teapot.

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Several Poole fans have questioned the decision on the Poole forum.


Poole's webmaster has explained that as far as he has been informed the 'Fast Track Co-ordinator' has changed the rulings as far as the 'lower graded 'riders are concerned, as it was clear it wasn't working as well as originally hoped!!


As long as all promoters are aware of, and in agreement with, any changes, then where's the problem? Apart from various fans wanting to make their own 'for and against' comments on forums such as this, then its really none of our business - as long as all the BSPA members are in agreement!!!


If they are not, then I guess we'll be hearing more about it - hopefully before this evening!

Edited by Skidder1
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Charizard, on 06 Aug 2014 - 10:14 AM, said:Charizard, on 06 Aug 2014 - 10:14 AM, said:

I believe strongly in "pushing" the rules. I think its a big and entertaining part of team tactics to get the most out of what the rules allowed, but in this case it looks clear the rules have been completely ignored, which I do not believe in at all.

If you have been following this SPORT for a few seasons , which I think now is alarmingly plunging in to the realms of farce .....You should start believing in the Loch Ness Monster ,Fairies at the bottom of the garden , Liverpool being Premier League Champions & owt JJR/KKS writes .. They do what they like , ALL PROMOTIONS are in it together ..its called back scratching ..The only clubs who have ever protested are Panthers & Bees and look where that got them !!

Accept it ..Because there is no way you or any of us supporters will change it !!!! .......... IT HAPPENS EVERY SEASON ....

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Shouldn't we all be excited that another tremendous young prospect is now on the fast track to glory.


Who knows, by the time he is 28 (that's next month) he could be ....well doing much as he is now.

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Benji Compton is being discussed on a thread for the 2013 Elite League champs. No wonder clubs are going bust and the league is on its @rse.


Sh1te system which is getting worse and worse every time the rules are changed because they realise they had no idea what they were doing in Nov when it was thought of.

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Several Poole fans have questioned the decision on the Poole forum.


Poole's webmaster has explained that as far as he has been informed the 'Fast Track Co-ordinator' has changed the rulings as far as the 'lower graded 'riders are concerned, as it was clear it wasn't working as well as originally hoped!!


As long as all promoters are aware of, and in agreement with, any changes, then where's the problem? Apart from various fans wanting to make their own 'for and against' comments on forums such as this, then its really none of our business - as long as all the BSPA members are in agreement!!!


If they are not, then I guess we'll be hearing more about it - hopefully before this evening!

So a rule change with nearly 3 quarters of the season gone,another professional decision in our sport.Ok there might need to be changes to the FTR system,but surely these are made at the end of the season in readiness for the new season.

How is it not working for the lower graded riders?They have hardly been used anyway.Although with Compton this will be Poole's 3rd.

How has Compton conveniently dropped to 25th in the rankings?

You can see why most fans see the crooked side to our sport.

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Several Poole fans have questioned the decision on the Poole forum.


Poole's webmaster has explained that as far as he has been informed the 'Fast Track Co-ordinator' has changed the rulings as far as the 'lower graded 'riders are concerned, as it was clear it wasn't working as well as originally hoped!!


As long as all promoters are aware of, and in agreement with, any changes, then where's the problem? Apart from various fans wanting to make their own 'for and against' comments on forums such as this, then its really none of our business - as long as all the BSPA members are in agreement!!!


If they are not, then I guess we'll be hearing more about it - hopefully before this evening!

Just because other promoters agree with it doesn't make it right. The sport's core gets more and more rotten with every season.


I'd suggest its very much the business of the people who pay to watch and therefore provide riders and promoters with their income.

Edited by Gordon Bennett
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Just because other promoters agree with it doesn't make it right. The sport's core gets more and more rotten with every season.


I'd suggest its very much the business of the people who pay to watch and therefore provide riders and promoters with their income.

I for one would like to see Adam Roynon put onto the Fast Track List , the young lad could do with a bit of luck & more meetings after his injuries ......BUT he would possibly be linked with Coventry wouldn't he ? so that would not be allowed to happen because its " Not in the best interests of the sport " !!

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The only real improver in my eyes is Worrall from last season and Blackbird. If you think the fast track system has bought riders on you are mistaken.


It has bought some riders on tho. Kerr has improved massively at all levels because of it.

Likewise Ben Morley scored a paid maximum beating second string EL riders.

Plenty have failed as expected but there are several success stories that wouldnt have happened without it.



And that's worth damaging the integrity of the entire sport?


That ship has long sailed. The Poole management are happy to further push its integrity.



I think it was Middlo who was quoted during their bad spell last summer as saying "winning means everything".



He stands by that. He said exactly the same thing on Facebook last night.



Several Poole fans have questioned the decision on the Poole forum.


Poole's webmaster has explained that as far as he has been informed the 'Fast Track Co-ordinator' has changed the rulings as far as the 'lower graded 'riders are concerned, as it was clear it wasn't working as well as originally hoped!!




Doesn't make a blind bit of difference what the Poole webmaster says.

Checking this morning on the BSPA website on the CURRENT FTR rules NOTHING has been changed.

That rules still ONLY applies to Guests.

Something as per stinks and its the 2 usual suspects - Poole and the BSPA.

The integrity of the sport every season sinks lower and lower.

Make rules, stick to them and change them at the end of the season - end of.

And teams PLAY by the rules not try and PUSH them. :neutral:

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After 40 years supporting Speedway, I am very close indeed to walking away from it and spending my money elsewhere.


In fact, I've probably been a little more than a supporter in the past. Speedway has become one of the greatest passions in my life.


I supported Hackney home and away since I was 10; and travelled thousands of miles in the process. Since their demise, I have supported Lakeside. Okay, there has never been the same passion in my heart as there was for Hackney but I've remained loyal to them nonetheless. And, like many on here, I can get nearly as much enjoyment watching ANY Speedway meeting purely as a neutral (as I often do now with Coventry since moving to a The Midlands).


So, as far as Speedway is concerned, I've so far donated 80% of my life to supporting a sport that I truly love. I've also given up hundreds of hours as a track staff volunteer and a machine examiner at Lakeside. Not moaning - that was my choice.


But now I look at the sport as it's being run today. In a word - farcical.


Tonight, we are riding at Swindon. An Elite League team fighting to retain it's play-off ambitions - yet riding at Swindon tonight with THREE fast-track reserves. Farcical.



Who are the 3 fast track riders Swindon are using ? by the way you support a club that has help Poole cheat and a man in Cook who stands by and let's Ford him do it .

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Who are the 3 fast track riders Swindon are using ? by the way you support a club that has help Poole cheat and a man in Cook who stands by and let's Ford him do it .


It's Lakeside that are using 3 FTR's.


Seems like every promoter let's Ford walk all over them - including Cook. I won't even mention agent Watt.

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Several Poole fans have questioned the decision on the Poole forum.


Poole's webmaster has explained that as far as he has been informed the 'Fast Track Co-ordinator' has changed the rulings as far as the 'lower graded 'riders are concerned, as it was clear it wasn't working as well as originally hoped!!


As long as all promoters are aware of, and in agreement with, any changes, then where's the problem? Apart from various fans wanting to make their own 'for and against' comments on forums such as this, then its really none of our business - as long as all the BSPA members are in agreement!!!


If they are not, then I guess we'll be hearing more about it - hopefully before this evening!

If what you say is correct, then yet again I despair for the sport.

The change re the rules about who can guest was changed in Mid May. No change was made regarding team declarations.

Why was it changed? Swindon complained how difficult they found it to replace Darryl Ritchings and of course Middlo complained 2 weeks ago how the rules stopped them "strengthening up". The rules haven't changed since then, but Compton has sunk to number 25. Unprecedented move as no other riders has moved anywhere near as much.


One would have to question the role of the "Fast Track Co-ordinator" in thiis

Why was it felt the rules needed to be changed mid-season?

Why was the rule change not written in the rules regarding team declarations and only written with regard to guests?

Why has Compton's grading fallen so low?


Amazing that all those changes have benefited one team.


You say it's none of our business, which sums up why the promoters attitude has brought the sport to its knees.

I vowed not to attend any Elite League meetings after the winter of discontent and I have seen nothing to change my mind. Still follow the sport and still despair at the direction it continues to take.

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If what you say is correct, then yet again I despair for the sport.

The change re the rules about who can guest was changed in Mid May. No change was made regarding team declarations.

Why was it changed? Swindon complained how difficult they found it to replace Darryl Ritchings and of course Middlo complained 2 weeks ago how the rules stopped them "strengthening up". The rules haven't changed since then, but Compton has sunk to number 25. Unprecedented move as no other riders has moved anywhere near as much.


One would have to question the role of the "Fast Track Co-ordinator" in thiis

Why was it felt the rules needed to be changed mid-season?

Why was the rule change not written in the rules regarding team declarations and only written with regard to guests?

Why has Compton's grading fallen so low?


Amazing that all those changes have benefited one team.


You say it's none of our business, which sums up why the promoters attitude has brought the sport to its knees.



Well said.

No doubt the blind blue faithful will just say your are jealous.

Sadly this is the attitude some fans take to their club and rules.

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I see @speedwayGB has just tweeted this announcement. Interesting the language used by Ford - implies that the re-declaration was sorted before the injury, and that since it has merely been put on hold.

never believed anything this man ever said and stil dont.


a complete poisen on the league.

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