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As the (somewhat fluid) rules stand it's below him in whatever the current list is.


Really? I think they've got that wrong. It should be on seeding ranking.

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What is strange is that Matt did not do it before May1st before he dropped about 5 places, unless Matt has a ringer lined up..


I think Joe Jacobs* is the only available rider now out of the picture due to Smart's drop. The big question is why the great speedway brains at Poole originally chose a rider that most people expected to be fast tracking in the wrong direction rather than a lower ranked rider with more potential.


* ...but I was wrong, it's Benji Compton.

Edited by Alan_Jones
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We are talking about the reserve system Steve. But like a politician, you are muddying the waters, and answering questions with questions.

Okay, let me answer yours. If Birmingham want to replace Eddie Kennett, then fine. As long as his replacement does NOT take the team over the designated average for that team. The same applies to Nicolai Klindt and Swindon.

And the reason I haven't mentioned either of these instances is simply because, until reading your post, I wasn't even aware of them. Unlike some, I don't spend my entire time time on the Internet nor reading every little brain-fart that's being discussed. And for reasons known to me and maybe a couple of others on this forum, in the case of Eddie, I'm possibly the last person he'd ask for support.

So there you go. Yes, a team should be able to replace a seasoned, experienced rider if they have been given every chance to perform. But Steve, we aren't talking about this scenario, are we. As well you know.

We are talking about the draft system - and the two riders within each team being given sufficient time to develop their skills. THAT is the purpose of the new system. A system that you told me yesterday, that you fully agreed with. A system that you are apparently an advocate of. Reading into your responses on this matter, clearly it's more a case of you being an advocate of this system, as long as the number 6 & 7 riders at Poole perform to your standards in little over a month.

So, now answer my questions please Steve.

1. Do you think that Lee Smart was given sufficient time to prove himself?


2. WHY should a team be given special dispensation to select a replacement draft rider so quickly, particularly when the replacement is a higher average?

3. And do you still condone the veil of silence, and lack of any communication whatsoever by your promotion, in advance of Lee's non-appearance at Belle Vue?

1. Yes I do. He is no wobbling novice, though risen rides emulates that. won the NLRC a few years ago. Not a rider improving IMO.

2. Just my opinion. Think any rider left unpicked in the second section of riders should be available to be picked. Unfair on the draft riders to miss out when a berth becomes available IMO.

3. There is no veil of secrecy. A rider was lined up to come in but got injured before he could take his place in the team. So a guest was used. I guess that Smart was asked to ride on Wednesday and agreed. Within the rules no harm done.


Does it have to be someone below Smart? Surely it has to be someone at or below their original pick option for second reserve.

That's partly the point I was trying to make but have been shot down. I worded it as every rider left available in the second pick should be available. These are all riders who were passed over by every other club.
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3. There is no veil of secrecy. A rider was lined up to come in but got injured before he could take his place in the team. So a guest was used. I guess that Smart was asked to ride on Wednesday and agreed. Within the rules no harm done.




This all sounds very dodgy to me. A rider was lined up but then got injured so why wasn't Smart used if he was able to ride on Weds? Oh, of course, he was working on Monday but booked a day off to ride on Weds!!!!

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3. There is no veil of secrecy. A rider was lined up to come in but got injured before he could take his place in the team. So a guest was used. I guess that Smart was asked to ride on Wednesday and agreed. Within the rules no harm done.








Who!? Do tell us please

I don't know - you had better ask your mate Steve!!!! :rolleyes:

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I think that until this new concept firmly takes hold you are going to have to accept that there will riders used in the draft who are are simply there to make the numbers up. The system in the short term is not going to work for all Clubs. I think it is important that ALL Clubs in the National League are given the support and help of clubs from the Elite League.

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