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Pirates 2014

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Poole's behaviour towards Smart surprises even me. They bend the rules to acquire Howarth as their first choice of FTR, and then moan when they are allocated Smart. Instead of welcoming into the fold, from the first instance they have wanted him to be replaced from day one.

So what, if he's been about some time, a good club would have used that to an advantage. In a Good club he would have been welcomed with open arms and immediately become one of the team. He would have received all the help and advice he needed to step up his performances. He could have become the best rider in the Draft system.

I feel for Smart, who must wonder what he has done wrong. Because of the way he's has been treated, his confidence must he shot to pieces. They drop him at will and replaced when the feeling take them. Don't give me the crap about he wont make the grade, he'll never get the chance whilst he at a club like POOLE.


As per usual, Poole does nothing to enhance this sport, they bend all the rules, they jump into all loopholes, they discard riders at the drop of a hat. and all for the good for the sport. And you wonder why people have no respect for your club.....

Howarth =Newman

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Howarth =Newman


Yeah, Apologises, rider mix up..... but you knew who I meant.

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Poole's behaviour towards Smart surprises even me. They bend the rules to acquire Howarth as their first choice of FTR, and then moan when they are allocated Smart. Instead of welcoming into the fold, from the first instance they have wanted him to be replaced from day one.

So what, if he's been about some time, a good club would have used that to an advantage. In a Good club he would have been welcomed with open arms and immediately become one of the team. He would have received all the help and advice he needed to step up his performances. He could have become the best rider in the Draft system.

I feel for Smart, who must wonder what he has done wrong. Because of the way he's has been treated, his confidence must he shot to pieces. They drop him at will and replaced when the feeling take them. Don't give me the crap about he wont make the grade, he'll never get the chance whilst he at a club like POOLE.


As per usual, Poole does nothing to enhance this sport, they bend all the rules, they jump into all loopholes, they discard riders at the drop of a hat. and all for the good for the sport. And you wonder why people have no respect for your club.....

Please try to get your facts right if you are going to go off on one.


Your rant is so full of mistakes I take my hat off to you. First of all we bend the rules to get NEWMAN? How do you work that one out? Absolutely no different to Kings Lynn getting Kerr. So Kings Lynn bend the rules to get Kerr? Newman is a Poole asset who rode for the Buccs and lives locally. Our application for Newman was accepted because it fitted the criteria. Completely legit.


We were not allocated Smart. Matt Ford chose him from the very small pool of riders which remained on the list. There was very little in the way of choice as every other club had made their pick. Poole had the choice of what was left.


You can't make a silk purse out of a sours ear. The way Smart has been riding Matt Ford had no choice. Smart looked disinterested and he was most certainly over weight. If you feel for Smart, why not have a word with Buster? Pretty sure he will move one of your reserves out to accommodate him. If you don't know what he has done wrong, you don't know the sport. Let me explain. He didn't score any points. He is bottom of the pile with his average of around 2. And he has shown no signs of improvement.


Poole are the most successful team of the last dozen years by the proverbial mile. Poole will remain at the pinnacle of the sport for the foreseeable future.


If you are going to rant, at least be accurate in your facts otherwise you will come across like Gavan. By the way, where is he?

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You sack Smart you pick someone BELOW him in the list. That list is announced so instead of trying to bend the rules how about a discussion on which rider it should be?

Correct............or you stick with him, which may have changed his disinterested demeanour towards the team. Radical I know!


I seem to recall back in December supporters saying he will get great support from Matt & Middlo and they will get the best out of him!!!!

Edited by TesarRacing
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Steve - you didn't answer my previous point.


Whilst I agree that if certain riders do not make the grade it's probably best for all parties concerned to make a change, can you honestly tell me that Lee Smart has been given a sufficient opportunity to prove his worth? He's been replaced before your team have turned a wheel in May. We are all still at the start of the season in many respects.


I agree that there are possibly occasions when changes have to be made BUT there should be (and hopefully there will be when the situation is reviewed) a specific period BEFORE a change can be made. That period needs to be an agreed duration in time, such as three months or alternatively, after xx amount of meetings undertaken by that particular rider.


And it makes no sense whatsoever for that dropped rider to be replaced by someone with a higher average - no matter how minimal. Otherwise, the system is simply flawed from the outset and open to manipulation and/or foul play.


And I can only reiterate my previous point. Lee Smart, in my honest opinion, has clearly NOT been given sufficient time to develop his skills and improve. And bear in mind, that Lee apparently has one of the sport's top team managers in Middlo. A guy that has, for a number of years, held the highest honour of any manager of the sport in this country - Manager of Team GB. If we are saying that Middlo couldn't integrate Lee into the team, nor develop and improve his performances, then I think this speaks volumes about Neil Middleditch.


Now, you may come back with the usual "he was overweight and would never improve" rhetoric.


Well sorry but I wasn't aware that all Speedway Riders needed to possess the physique of an Olympic Athlete. And to say the guy would have never improved is something that you have no way whatsoever of substantiating. It is therefore flawed reasoning. It doesn't even come into the equation mate.


Lee WAS NOT given sufficient time - period.


And NO, neither Poole, NOR any other team, should be given special dispensation in these circumstances.


It was YOUR Promotions choice to select Lee Smart. Maybe they made a wrong choice.


SHAME. DEAL WITH IT. In the same way that everyone else will have to.

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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Steve - you didn't answer my previous point.

Whilst I agree that if certain riders do not make the grade it's probably best for all parties concerned to make a change, can you honestly tell me that Lee Smart has been given a sufficient opportunity to prove his worth? He's been replaced before your team have turned a wheel in May.


Lee WAS NOT given sufficient time - period.

And NO, neither Poole, NOR any other team, should be given special dispensation in these circumstances.

It was YOUR Promotions choice to select Lee Smart. Maybe they made a wrong choice.

SHAME. DEAL WITH IT. In the same way that everyone else is having to.

Just how long should a rider be given? Birmingham are on about replacing Kennett, who we know is a better rider than he is showing. Is that wrong? Should he be given more time?


Kennett is a much higher standard than Smart. Outrageous to suggest Kennett should be kicked out, eh? Where are your posts defending him?


What about Klindt at Swindon? Again a much higher standard rider not doing his job. So why all this outburst over a rider half a lap behind who was basically the last pick of the draft?


Answer is simple. Because it is Poole. Just anti Poole claptrap. If Smart was riding for any other club there would be no more than a couple of posts on the subject.

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If there is a general opinion that Smart was worth being given every chance, then why hasn't he been signed by any PL club??


Much of Lee's inability to improve as he stated himself, was down to a lack of racing elsewhere and the difficulty of investing in better equipment.


Not wishing Lee any ill will or disrespect at all, but the main purpose of the draft is to 'fast track' those young riders that are displaying the ability and aspiration to represent Team GB at some point.


As I've said before I hope Lee gets a PL place and even another EL place if he wants one and gets the chance to show what he used to have!!

Edited by Skidder1
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Steve - you didn't answer my previous point.


Whilst I agree that if certain riders do not make the grade it's probably best for all parties concerned to make a change, can you honestly tell me that Lee Smart has been given a sufficient opportunity to prove his worth? He's been replaced before your team have turned a wheel in May. We are all still at the start of the season in many respects.


I agree that there are possibly occasions when changes have to be made BUT there should be (and hopefully there will be when the situation is reviewed) a specific period BEFORE a change can be made. That period needs to be an agreed duration in time, such as three months or alternatively, after xx amount of meetings undertaken by that particular rider.


And it makes no sense whatsoever for that dropped rider to be replaced by someone with a higher average - no matter how minimal. Otherwise, the system is simply flawed from the outset and open to manipulation and/or foul play.


And I can only reiterate my previous point. Lee Smart, in my honest opinion, has clearly NOT been given sufficient time to develop his skills and improve. And bear in mind, that Lee apparently has one of the sport's top team managers in Middlo. A guy that has, for a number of years, held the highest honour of any manager of the sport in this country - Manager of Team GB. If we are saying that Middlo couldn't integrate Lee into the team, nor develop and improve his performances, then I think this speaks volumes about Neil Middleditch.


Now, you may come back with the usual "he was overweight and would never improve" rhetoric.


Well sorry but I wasn't aware that all Speedway Riders needed to possess the physique of an Olympic Athlete. And to say the guy would have never improved is something that you have no way whatsoever of substantiating. It is therefore flawed reasoning. It doesn't even come into the equation mate.


Lee WAS NOT given sufficient time - period.


And NO, neither Poole, NOR any other team, should be given special dispensation in these circumstances.


It was YOUR Promotions choice to select Lee Smart. Maybe they made a wrong choice.


SHAME. DEAL WITH IT. In the same way that everyone else will have to.


Lee has been given plenty of time, he clearly isn't good enough.

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We are talking about the reserve system Steve. But like a politician, you are muddying the waters, and answering questions with questions.


Okay, let me answer yours. If Birmingham want to replace Eddie Kennett, then fine. As long as his replacement does NOT take the team over the designated average for that team. The same applies to Nicolai Klindt and Swindon.


And the reason I haven't mentioned either of these instances is simply because, until reading your post, I wasn't even aware of them. Unlike some, I don't spend my entire time time on the Internet nor reading every little brain-fart that's being discussed. And for reasons known to me and maybe a couple of others on this forum, in the case of Eddie, I'm possibly the last person he'd ask for support.


So there you go. Yes, a team should be able to replace a seasoned, experienced rider if they have been given every chance to perform. But Steve, we aren't talking about this scenario, are we. As well you know.


We are talking about the draft system - and the two riders within each team being given sufficient time to develop their skills. THAT is the purpose of the new system. A system that you told me yesterday, that you fully agreed with. A system that you are apparently an advocate of. Reading into your responses on this matter, clearly it's more a case of you being an advocate of this system, as long as the number 6 & 7 riders at Poole perform to your standards in little over a month.


So, now answer my questions please Steve.


1. Do you think that Lee Smart was given sufficient time to prove himself?

2. WHY should a team be given special dispensation to select a replacement draft rider so quickly, particularly when the replacement is a higher average?

3. And do you still condone the veil of silence, and lack of any communication whatsoever by your promotion, in advance of Lee's non-appearance at Belle Vue?

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poole fans talking in riddles again , smart is not bottom of the list, therefore poole have to pick a rider below him in the draft if they want to replace him ,


it didnt instill much confidence in him with the statements made by the poole management before the season had even begun , as regards to smart ,

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At the end of the day Poole did not even want Smart. There was talk of Lee being dropped before a wheel was even turned. I feel that half of the problem with Lee was down to the Poole management denting his confidence before the season even started with all the sack talk.

TBF, Matt Ford got this one right. He was left with a load of strugglers. Bets way was to pick the highest in the list then hope one of them improved as the season went on. If he'd picked the guy at the bottom of the list and hoped he come good but he didnt and the guy above him (but below Smart) had a good season he'd not have been able to bring him in.


This is just good management in all fairness to Matt.

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Lewis is an outstanding talent, I advised him past week to switch EL clubs and move to a bigger track and a bigger club like Poole.


Riding under Ward,Magic and Shamek would help him hugely.


I'm sure you did and his reply would have been a couple of words one that rhymes with Duck beginning with F and the other one off.

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TBF, Matt Ford got this one right. He was left with a load of strugglers. Bets way was to pick the highest in the list then hope one of them improved as the season went on. If he'd picked the guy at the bottom of the list and hoped he come good but he didnt and the guy above him (but below Smart) had a good season he'd not have been able to bring him in.


This is just good management in all fairness to Matt.

It's not exactly 'rocket-science' is it Shawn?

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Does it have to be someone below Smart? Surely it has to be someone at or below their original pick option for second reserve.

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