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Derek Cattle

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A friend of mine's father has been telling her about a Speedway rider from Stepney in the East End of London called Derek Cattle.

The only trace I can find is of this person in Cycle Speedway but overall it's a new name on me.. Did he ride motor cycle Speedway - perhaps for West Ham?


Derek Cattle is, so far as I know, still actively involved in Cycle Speedway. His local area was in south west London in the early 1950s but I think he may be based in Essex these days. From what I recall he was a leading rider in the late 1950s. Nowadays he is a leading historian/researcher on the sport.

On the BSF if you go to the Cycle Speedway thread you will find some links for history sites regarding cycle speedway. The name Derek Cattle should be mentioned. Alternatively a Google search for Derek Cattle cycle speedway will bring up references to him.

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A friend of mine's father has been telling her about a Speedway rider from Stepney in the East End of London called Derek Cattle.

The only trace I can find is of this person in Cycle Speedway but overall it's a new name on me.. Did he ride motor cycle Speedway - perhaps for West Ham?


Derek Cattle rode mainly for Tooting Tigers in the 1950s. The club's track was originally in the Wimbledon Stadium car park. Tarmac was eventually on the track to enlarge car parking facilities at the stadium and Tooting Tigers moved to a new purpose-built track in nearby Garrett Park.

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Thanks. The gentleman who's my friend's now elderly Dad has lived his whole life in Stepney and Derek Cattle he knows from the estate where they both lived.

I've seen the stuff about Derek's Cycle Speedway career but seems that the old Dad believes Derek also rode for West Ham Hammers Speedway club...

Did he? Or perhaps he's got a bit confused and it was the pedal-powered version only of the sport that Cattle was the leader of the herd at!

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Thanks. The gentleman who's my friend's now elderly Dad has lived his whole life in Stepney and Derek Cattle he knows from the estate where they both lived.

I've seen the stuff about Derek's Cycle Speedway career but seems that the old Dad believes Derek also rode for West Ham Hammers Speedway club...

Did he? Or perhaps he's got a bit confused and it was the pedal-powered version only of the sport that Cattle was the leader of the herd at!


I am fairly certain that Derek Cattle was not from the Stepney area. He rode mainly for Tooting Tigers, see the link, and this club seems to have been also run by other members of the Cattle family, all based in south west London.


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I am fairly certain that Derek Cattle was not from the Stepney area. He rode mainly for Tooting Tigers, see the link, and this club seems to have been also run by other members of the Cattle family, all based in south west London.



Might be someone else then - coz the person lived in Stepney & rode for west ham..


Derek, it does look that way, but I do remember Derek Cattle phoned me at home about 10 years aho asking if the files of the 'South London Press' were available in Streatham or would he have to go to Colindale to see them. He explained his interest was to research on Tooting Tigers reports from the early 1950s, adding that he no longer lived in south London but in east London.

I didn't ask him when he moved out of south London or where to, but surmising it was late 1950s and it was Stepney he might well have then be the 'mystery' speedway rider/junior about whom the original Post was made?

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