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Oh Dear, Lee Guilty Of Drug Possession

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Its only a little pot, its just a little weed, I have heard it all before. If mr Lee wants to work with young people he has to be CRB checked. I have been checked & one of the questions was about drugs & have i taken any in the last 5 years? You can not put mr Lee in the same bracket as saville/hall, different crimes but still an epic fail on your CRB check .

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With Lee's record looks like he has been addicted for life ...by the way where do you think he gets his drugs from ? the bottom line is that the money he makes from Speedway is given to drug dealers who inturn used that cash to supply harder drugs to kids etc ....not just about some guy having a smoke and takeing a couple of pills .

youve been watching the bill too much.
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Sorry Agrotron that is an appalling post...


What has Mr Gadd's (Glitter) pedophila got to do with anything here

agree with this completely michael lee is abusing himself not a little kid. gary glitter is a sick pervert who prayed on innocent children for kicks and i hope he rots in his cell. skeletor has anyone in your family ever been addicted to alcohol? would you turn your back on them or make them feel lower? The thing is michael enjoys being stoned and its his choice the wrong choice but his. he could be shown how to make the right choices and legal choice beer but what if he likes that too much? Its ok hes a alkie thats what people do and die from everyday eh..some people have addictive personalitys and cant help themselves so need others help. hendrix, cobian, winehouse, best, to name a few when will gazza join that list hopefully he gets help and can salvage something from his existance before its too late.
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Can't believe some of the 1950's, Daily Mail reading, outdated comments on here.


Never had a spliff in my life. However, I smoke normal fags, and always will. I also like a pint. Are these also drugs? Am I an addict? :(


And the high and mighty'ness of those on here jumping onto soap boxes and spouting the 'but it's illegal' rant - it truly beggars belief.


Well, got a question for you lot. Next time you find yourselves driving over the respective speed limit(s), I do hope that given your 'holier than thou' attitudes, it will see you all driving to the nearest cop shop and handing yourselves in with the words "it's a fair cop guv, I've been speeding and as that's illegal, I need to be punished accordingly".


As speeding takes more innocent lives than someone smoking cannabis, I'm sure that you'll all do the right thing. ;)

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Can't believe some of the 1950's, Daily Mail reading, outdated comments on here.


Never had a spliff in my life. However, I smoke normal fags, and always will. I also like a pint. Are these also drugs? Am I an addict? :(


And the high and mighty'ness of those on here jumping onto soap boxes and spouting the 'but it's illegal' rant - it truly beggars belief.


Well, got a question for you lot. Next time you find yourselves driving over the respective speed limit(s), I do hope that given your 'holier than thou' attitudes, it will see you all driving to the nearest cop shop and handing yourselves in with the words "it's a fair cop guv, I've been speeding and as that's illegal, I need to be punished accordingly".


As speeding takes more innocent lives than someone smoking cannabis, I'm sure that you'll all do the right thing. ;)


I think you are missing the point here - there is a world of difference between driving a couple of miles an hour over the Speed Limit (I try not to - but occasionally I do) and doing Drugs. As you say, BOTH of these are wrong/illegal, but as with everything, there are degrees of illegality. That is why a punch on the nose is Assault - and killing someone is Murder/Manslaughter.


PS: I am not heading to the Cop Shop - so I hope you won't 'Grass me up' for occasionally Speeding.. :wink::blink:

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Michael Lee has paid his debt to society so I don't want to comment on him in particular but it does seem that taking cannabis is not the harmless fun that some on here try to tell us it is, although of course some will always tell us the NHS have got it wrong and they themselves know best.. If some peoples lives are so dull that the only way they think they can relax or get a bit of pleasure is to smoke a bit of weed at home fair enough but I do object to them turning up at hospital with drug related illnesses and expecting the tax-payer to fund it from the over-stretched NHS budget.

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Maybe if millionaire's weren't given tax refunds by this dire, two-faced 'we're all in it together' government; whilst multi-million pound making businesses weren't screwing HMRC, then I may agree that the deficit within the NHS needs seriously looking at. At the same time, if you cannot see that this current 'crisis' is simply a tory led initiative to privatise health care, then you sir are severely blinkered.

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Maybe if millionaire's weren't given tax refunds by this dire, two-faced 'we're all in it together' government; whilst multi-million pound making businesses weren't screwing HMRC, then I may agree that the deficit within the NHS needs seriously looking at. At the same time, if you cannot see that this current 'crisis' is simply a tory led initiative to privatise health care, then you sir are severely blinkered.



Nothing to do with politics. Two wrongs don't make a right. If the NHS is being ripped off in other ways in doesn't justify more waste on people who by their own free will suffer an illness caused by an illegal habit. I felt the same way under the previous governments as well.

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I think you are missing the point here - there is a world of difference between driving a couple of miles an hour over the Speed Limit (I try not to - but occasionally I do) and doing Drugs. As you say, BOTH of these are wrong/illegal, but as with everything, there are degrees of illegality. That is why a punch on the nose is Assault - and killing someone is Murder/Manslaughter.


PS: I am not heading to the Cop Shop - so I hope you won't 'Grass me up' for occasionally Speeding.. :wink::blink:


I think you are right and there are degrees of legality. Clearly the most harmless offences are those that may harm oneself (like taking Cannibis or speed for instance) and the most serious those which may cause harm or even death to others (like speeding for example).


I won't criticise you for speeding as it is something I do often, I won't criticise Michael Lee for his drug taking either and I don't do drugs or believe cannibis should be made legal. However what he has been convicted off - forget all the over the top theories about who gets paid etc - is as near to a victimless crime as it gets. Certainly alcohol, cigarettes and road accidents claim far more lives than 'soft' drugs.

Edited by Vince
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I think you are right and there are degrees of legality. Clearly the most harmless offences are those that may harm oneself (like taking Cannibis or speed for instance) and the most serious those which may cause harm or even death to others (like speeding for example).


I won't criticise you for speeding as it is something I do often, I won't criticise Michael Lee for his drug taking either and I don't do drugs or believe cannibis should be made legal. However what he has been convicted off - forget all the over the top theories about who gets paid etc - is as near to a victimless crime as it gets. Certainly alcohol, cigarettes and road accidents claim far more lives than 'soft' drugs.


I don't think that I have criticised Michael Lee too much - all I have said is that what he did was wrong/illegal - and so it is. I have also said that I hope that he can get over this and get back to doing his job.


My argument is with the people who come on here and say "it was only a little weed" - there is nothing wrong with that - well I'm sorry but YES there is something wrong with that. Without going in to a long Political wrangle about this Drugs are NOT a good thing and nobody will convince me that they are.


Personally I would ban Nicotine and Alcohol too but I am sensible enough to realise that this will not happen.


Before anyone says anything about being a 'killjoy' I used to smoke forty 'Fags' a day up until 1969 when I stopped smoking and I still like the odd Single Malt Whisky which I would have to give up (regrettably) if Alcohol were to be banned..

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Actually - it isn't. He is buying from a Dealer who will use his money to purchase further Drugs to sell in his local Community. So it not just himself he is harming - he is financing the Dealer to supply others.


but is he??

do you KNOW this??

as i put before, what if it's just a mate growing enough for the 2 of them, no harm to anyone else then is there, no 'local dealer' damaging the community.

i'm sure Mike Lee is a lot less danger to the people that still go to the pub, have 8 pints of Stella then drive home, and there are plenty of them.

and with the NHS, how many smokers end up under the NHS for smoking related illness, or drink related illness .. i'd guess at rather a lot more than those that smoke a bit of weed

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but is he??

do you KNOW this??

as i put before, what if it's just a mate growing enough for the 2 of them, no harm to anyone else then is there, no 'local dealer' damaging the community.

i'm sure Mike Lee is a lot less danger to the people that still go to the pub, have 8 pints of Stella then drive home, and there are plenty of them.

and with the NHS, how many smokers end up under the NHS for smoking related illness, or drink related illness .. i'd guess at rather a lot more than those that smoke a bit of weed

That's irrelevant, he has broken the law, you cant cherry pick...
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Michael Lee has paid his debt to society so I don't want to comment on him in particular but it does seem that taking cannabis is not the harmless fun that some on here try to tell us it is, although of course some will always tell us the NHS have got it wrong and they themselves know best.. If some peoples lives are so dull that the only way they think they can relax or get a bit of pleasure is to smoke a bit of weed at home fair enough but I do object to them turning up at hospital with drug related illnesses and expecting the tax-payer to fund it from the over-stretched NHS budget.


What about those that participate in and suffer injuries from 'dangerous' sports, for example speedway riders...


Would you object to the tax payer (NHS) funding their treatment too...

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What about those that participate in and suffer injuries from 'dangerous' sports, for example speedway riders...


Would you object to the tax payer (NHS) funding their treatment too...



I thought something like that old chestnut would come out. Obviously you can take it to any lengths you like- dangerous sports, smokers, people who eat too much etc, so the question is where do we draw the line. We live in a democracy and the broad will of the people is to make the taking of recreational cannabis illegal, whereas dangerous sports etc are not illegal. I don't see why I should pay for the ailments of someone who by their own choice indulges in the taking of illegal substances likely to cause them harm.


Of course the reality is, that in a civilised society no hospital is going to turn away people who are hurt by doing illegal things, whether it be drugs, fights or drunk driving. However the main point being made is that despite those on here who tell us that smoking a bit of pot is harmless the NHS says different. I can't remember what the NHS spends on treating people with drug-related illnesses but it runs into millions and I would rather see that money spent on legitimate illnesses.

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I feel more concern for Michael that his relationship has broke down than the fact he drowns his sorrows in a bit of pot. I have never touched the stuff myself but, aye, if it makes him come through a difficult patch, then so-be-it. And what has his age (as someone brought up) to do with anything? Michael Lee always creates interest, always has. A somewhat wasted talent but with many a tale to tell (I bet) that didn't make his book.

Edited by moxey63
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I thought something like that old chestnut would come out. Obviously you can take it to any lengths you like- dangerous sports, smokers, people who eat too much etc, so the question is where do we draw the line. We live in a democracy and the broad will of the people is to make the taking of recreational cannabis illegal, whereas dangerous sports etc are not illegal. I don't see why I should pay for the ailments of someone who by their own choice indulges in the taking of illegal substances likely to cause them harm.


Of course the reality is, that in a civilised society no hospital is going to turn away people who are hurt by doing illegal things, whether it be drugs, fights or drunk driving. However the main point being made is that despite those on here who tell us that smoking a bit of pot is harmless the NHS says different. I can't remember what the NHS spends on treating people with drug-related illnesses but it runs into millions and I would rather see that money spent on legitimate illnesses.


As you allude too, there are so many easy targets that could be denied free Health Care as has been proposed by a small number of MP's and a bigger number of vested interests...


Does anyone really want to end up in Hospital though..


Denying Health Care would be a dangerous precedent and ultimately lead to the end of the 'free' NHS..


I'm just glad that Tufty taught me how to cross the road properly... :t:

Edited by yerropes
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Michael Lee has paid his debt to society so I don't want to comment on him in particular but it does seem that taking cannabis is not the harmless fun that some on here try to tell us it is, although of course some will always tell us the NHS have got it wrong and they themselves know best.. If some peoples lives are so dull that the only way they think they can relax or get a bit of pleasure is to smoke a bit of weed at home fair enough but I do object to them turning up at hospital with drug related illnesses and expecting the tax-payer to fund it from the over-stretched NHS budget.



Like iv already said. I smoked the rubbish for years! Never did me any harm at all nor ANY of my many friends that did/still do. I jacked it all in 7 years ago. No side effects for me old boy. But then i MUST be wrong cos your bullrubbish text book says so dosnt it? Sorry. YOU AND YOUR BOOK are wrong.

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Couldn't agree more.


As stated, I know a number of people that smoke a spliff purely for recreational purposes; from all walks of life and various ages. Personally, it's just never 'floated my boat' to try it. I am not aware of ANY of them becoming a financial drain on the NHS.


And whilst I'm not making a pro-drug argument (I don't preach how people should ever live their lives), cannabis is possibly doing less harm to people than junk food; particularly if we bring the UK's apparent ever-increasing levels of obesity into the equation.


But there you go. There are always going to be people such as E I Addio who don't just have an opinion (which is fine) but are actually opinionated.


As for the 'dull lives' reference. Can we HONESTLY say that someone who smokes a spliff has a duller life than us lot - wasting countless hours each year, typing away on a forum associated with a minority sport? ;)

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