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Italian Gp Saturday 3rd August

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Thought it was another good GP, improved as it went on. Congrats to Niels...cheered me up after we (Stars) were docked two points on Friday. After Woffy, he is my next choice for a winner - got to back Woffy as his is the only 'Brit' this year and would be good for the sport in this country to have a world champ.

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Firstly, of course the racing wasn't brilliant last night, the track is not really conducive to that.. however, it's all part and parcel of becoming World Champion. Riders ability to adapt to different conditions and still get points on the board.


Last night Tai did that brilliantly. It seems this year that whatever the shape, size, condition of the track, he gets on with the job in hand. I must admit was a little concerned before last nights meet, since his injury he has slowed up just a tad in the last month or so and my concern was it would carry over into the GP's. Far from it. If it wasn't for his unfortunate crash at Cardiff he would very likely be leading the World Championship right now.


I echo SCB's comments from earlier.. I actually found the GP gripping, purely from supporting Tai throughout. I found myself not really giving a **** about the racing. When Tai was out, I was just wanted him to fly out the gate, hit the front and be gone. More often than not that is what he did. Just one miscalculation in the final cost him the win.


I think credit must also be given to the team that Tai has around him. He's dedicated himself to getting physically and mentally fit this season. From his fitness coach through to Jacko his mechanic who is doing a brilliant job of staying on top of the setup. Finally, I think the influence of Peter Adams should not be underestimated. He's been there and seen it before with riders such as Olsen, Penhall, Ermolenko. When it comes to making the right gate picks, keeping Tai calm and focused, monitoring lines ridden by riders I am sure his advice is invaluable. For those who may suggest Tai made the wrong pick in the final, I disagree.. he was well clear into the turn, he simply didn't move out to block Iversens run in time.


Too be honest, I kind of hope that the remaining GP's are gaters tracks as I'm quite sure Tai will be World Champion if they are! If they're not, he is still a racer and it's going to go down to the wire. Let's hope both he and Emil stay injury free to the end of the season so we get an epic finale.

Edited by BWitcher
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I don't think it was a bad GP at all for the Italian round. OK, not much passing but that's not everything in speedway. The track had more than one line and having to watch the slower riders skilfully defend their lines was great. In term of hard riding Iversen was the best on show especially the 2 races against Pedersen.


Iversen & Woffinden were the fastest men on show and both deserved to be on the podium. Suyfutinov can count himself lucky but to be a World champion it's all about getting results when not fully on it


The series is about to get exciting with the top 2 battling it out and the fought for the top 8 is looking tough too

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Oh FFS, my heart bleeds for them.



I can't understand why Kelv and Nigel continue to express puzzlement and bewilderment about the poor performances recently by Gollob.


The man is 42 years old, and quite clearly he is losing his edge as age begins to take it's tole, and quite naturally he is now approaching the end of his career.

He is noticeably riding more carefully and very obviously at this stage of his life doesn't want to get badly injured.


There's no mystery at all.


Re the age thing, Greg Hancock must be some kind of a freak!


Pretty good point

Edited by pandorum
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I can't understand why Kelv and Nigel continue to express puzzlement and bewilderment about the poor performances recently by Gollob.


The man is 42 years old, and quite clearly he is losing his edge as age begins to take it's tole, and quite naturally he is now approaching the end of his career.

He is noticeably riding more carefully and very obviously at this stage of his life doesn't want to get badly injured.


There's no mystery at all.


Re the age thing, Greg Hancock must be some kind of a freak!


I think if that is it, then it is time to retire for Mr G, which is such a shame. But I hate seeing him like this, I want to remember the man that would blast around the outside for nowhere. I am not sure that Mr G problem is, is he injured? Otherwise, well Kelvin talked about confidence last night, and I hate saying this about any rider, as the show such balls being on track, but the way he shut off a couple of times last night, it is almost like the bottle/confidence as gone. I hate saying that, but he just does not seem to be the same Gollob we have loved for all these years.

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funny how the weather makes some riders look worse for wear!!,Tia looked as fresh as a daisy,but poor old Darcy Ward look as if he had been through one hell of a battle!!!


I think that was covered last night, Tai as been working really hard with a fitness trainer, and changing diets etc. Makes the world of difference.

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Despite it being a long drawn out meeting with little overtaking, I enjoyed the show and thought NP & KT and Nicholls & Day did well to fill in as much as they had to. Just really pleased Eurosport have picked up the GPs and I can still see them on TV.


Tai has turned into a really professional sportsman and is reaping the rewards this season. I'm not a fan of tattoos or holes in ears, but its his style and good luck to him and if it does help to attract a younger audience, all the better. From making silly gestures on the British Final rostrum last season to the way he interviews this, has been a giant leap forward. And his effort to learn and speak Polish when in that country is admirable.


It was strange how the higher scoring riders seemed to become befuddled by the limited success of Gate 2 later in the meeting. Yes, Jarek gated from 2 but it probably also put him in the position he found himself in when losing 2nd place to Emil. NKI looked delighted with the more successful outside gate and took advantage. Whilst it would have been good IMO if Tai had won the Final and eroded Emil's lead further, I was pleased for NKI who also appears as a very professional sportsman. The way he went past NP deserved its reward later in the meeting - and to think he was excluded for knocking off Emil and then beat him in the Final. An impressive come back. Good to see Emil take the knock so well, realising that NKI hadn't done it deliberately. Seeing so many smiles on the rostrum was brilliant.


And as regards Mr G, yes it does look as if he is holding back a lot this season. Tomasz has always been a confidence rider and it all appears to have evaporated since SGP2 this season. I hope he does get his mojo back as he is a delight to watch in full flight and it has been a pleasure to have seen him entertain us over so many seasons. It does look as if the two senior members of the SGP are finding it tough this season with Greg only 3pts in front of Tomasz in 8th & 9th places repspectively and both possibly having to look for nominations for next season if they want to stay in the series.


Edited to add: well done to Leon Madsen on his performance last night too, particularly after a difficult season with illness and injuries (3 concussions in a month). The track may well have suited but even so a semi-final from 2nd Reserve is good.

Edited by macca56
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Tai has turned into a really professional sportsman and is reaping the rewards this season. I'm not a fan of tattoos or holes in ears, but its his style and good luck to him and if it does help to attract a younger audience, all the better. From making silly gestures on the British Final rostrum last season to the way he interviews this, has been a giant leap forward. And his effort to learn and speak Polish when in that country is admirable.


I 100% agree with this, I commented similar about his effort to learn Polish earlier in the season. When interview now, he comes across incredibly professional.

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I have owned up before to say that I was massively wrong about Tai's chances this year.

Revelation is certainly the word to use.


SCB has said it best; he is now the reason why I am watching the GP from start to finish.

I think I would have given up on last night without Tai.

But he is making a pretty poor GP into compulsive viewing and long may it continue.


Just 5 points down and anything is possible.

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I think that is even more impressive when we remember he rode through the pain barrier for the best part of a month with that damaged shoulder.


Yes, that is undeniable.


But the impressive thing to me is the way in which he has become the complete package in such a short space of time.

He is genuine world class in a way that British riders just usually never are.


You don't have to look in the programme in the hope that he has any easy ride next.

He can beat them all.


You don't have to look through your fingers at the start because you fear he'll fluff the gate.

Unlike all our recent best hopes he really can get out of the start consistently well.


And he's doing this on every type of track, every week.

This is pretty unprecedented for a Briitish rider.


As I say I have gone from being a total pessimist regarding his chances to a born-again out-an-out fan.

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The two idiots "commentating" have plumbed new depths tonight. Absolutely awful.


Idiots is the right word!!


If I ever met Pearson..........


I e mailed him on his website and I got back `send failure`


I only asked him why was he such a T**???

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Nigel can indeed be a bit shouty at times (especially regarding Woffy & Darcy) and Kelvin can get his words befuddled..


I can live with that however as I enjoy the TV broadcasts and they both provide the relevant info on whatever the meeting.


Think they both get some unfair bad press on here..

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