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£10 Sport?

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No pay rises and 3% inflation year on year..yet still the sport increases cost of admission, parking, progs....the reason why oap's can afford to go is that their pensions are inflation protected and they get a concessionary rate too! they must wonder what the rest of us are whinging about..recession..what recession? Those baby boomers eh.. They've never had it so good!

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Ii we 'elder citizens' didn't go - the young ones that do go now would have no Speedway to Support at all. Cutting Concessions will not make the Sport more popular - it WILL though reduce people coming through the Gates - with no new young ones coming along to replace them. Financial suicide for some Tracks.


Not ALL Pensioners are living in the lap of luxury you know.

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Ii we 'elder citizens' didn't go - the young ones that do go now would have no Speedway to Support at all. Cutting Concessions will not make the Sport more popular - it WILL though reduce people coming through the Gates - with no new young ones coming along to replace them. Financial suicide for some Tracks.


Not ALL Pensioners are living in the lap of luxury you know.

But under 25 have no jobs and pensioners "earnings" are increasing at a greater rate (see this link or this link) than anyone elses. When all the OAPs die int he next 20 years then what? there will be half a dozen fans left watching speedway and 5 of them will be OAPs themselves.

Edited by SCB
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But under 25 have no jobs and pensioners "earnings" are increasing at a greater rate (see this link or this link) than anyone elses. When all the OAPs die int he next 20 years then what? there will be half a dozen fans left watching speedway and 5 of them will be OAPs themselves.


I always wonder if speedway would be better marketing itself at over 50s. They typically have more disposable income, more free time and there's no reasn why they wouldn't enjoy motorsports as much as the next person.

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I always wonder if speedway would be better marketing itself at over 50s. They typically have more disposable income, more free time and there's no reasn why they wouldn't enjoy motorsports as much as the next person.

It'd be better than the current, "speedway is everything to everyone"
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I always wonder if speedway would be better marketing itself at over 50s. They typically have more disposable income, more free time and there's no reasn why they wouldn't enjoy motorsports as much as the next person.


Now there's an idea...The "Saga Insurance Elite League" - Yep, the sure fire way to be cool!

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How to attract kids ? EASY. No charge for under 18 s. Give them something to fill out a free scoresheet. Make the riders and pit areas more accesible to kids. Why don't kids go because I can't afford to take them that's why.


First ever speedway meeting I ever went to at eastville as a 14 year old I had a free programme and met Phil(god)crump. I never looked back it was magic. Can't remember how much it was to get in then but It can't of been that much as my pocket money paid for entry and a programme.


I first went to speedway at New Cross in 1946. I have made some relative notes in regard to costs then and now - as I remember them and I know some will just love the chance to ridicule what I say. Basically it's this (remember old money 1946 - now decimlisation:

Average weekly wage 1946 £5 - now value £177 (according to a comparison site)

My actual wage was £1.15shillings - now £62.01 value

Entry to speedway was 1sh 9p - now £3.10 value

Progamme 6p - now £1.17p value

I think riders were paid £1 a point - now £35.43 value

They were on a minumum £3.10s a meeting - now also £124 value.

Those on contract also had a weekly machine maintenance payment £3.10s a week - now £124 value

Payment of 1s a mile - now worth £1.77 today.

Crowds were average 15,000 a meeting then - which x 1s 9p is £1305 and today's value £47.835

I have no idea what promoters paid in regard to stadium rent and other costs but even if it was an overall £700 they were making a masive profit on my calculations of about £500 a meeting at today's value £17,716.

Including programme, entrance and fares (6p) it cost me 2s 9p to attend a 1946 meeting - at today's value that's £4.87 which falls well within this thread's £10 a meetig topic.


PS: I am prepared to accept any amendments to my calculations. Maths was never my strong point at school. I would also add that in 1946 speedwy (and other sports promoters) were charged Entertainment Tax, It was very hight but I am unsure of the actual rate but hazard a guess that it was 15 percent - possibly only on the actual profit made rather than the amount actually taken on admission - but sure on that point..

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No pay rises and 3% inflation year on year..yet still the sport increases cost of admission, parking, progs....the reason why oap's can afford to go is that their pensions are inflation protected and they get a concessionary rate too! they must wonder what the rest of us are whinging about..recession..what recession? Those baby boomers eh.. They've never had it so good!


What £110-00 Wk State Pension (£5720-00 per year) goes a long way for speedway.


But under 25 have no jobs and pensioners "earnings" are increasing at a greater rate (see this link or this link) than anyone elses. When all the OAPs die int he next 20 years then what? there will be half a dozen fans left watching speedway and 5 of them will be OAPs themselves.


With the Government pushing the retirement age up to 67 for men & 62 for women (with their work till they drop attitude) there will be even less job for the under 25s

Edited by Mad Potter 2
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as i say, fans of tomorrow (ie young adults) priced out never to return...just you old folks make sure you hang around for a bit so when us middle-agers get there we can still get in for a tenner (or 20 as it will be then!).. ps i'm 55 and working with little prospect of early retirement.


i'm 54 and little prospect of retiring never mind early

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I may also add that motorcycles were always popular in Poland especially after WW 2 where cars were for many years luxury items people a fond of motorcycles both of my grandfathers never owned a car but both rode motorcycles so did my father I live in Canada now where motorcycles are looked upon as extra toys( I have a motorcycle too) for grownups I guess its different mentality, speedway was always popular in Poland maybe less so now but its still nr one sport in the country when it come to attracting people when Lee Richardson died last year that was nr 1 news on all national networks not sure if that was the case in UK ( I may be wrong there).Another valid reason for speedway popularity is that the speedway cities never really had good football teams

Edited by pawel115
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No pay rises and 3% inflation year on year..yet still the sport increases cost of admission, parking, progs....the reason why oap's can afford to go is that their pensions are inflation protected and they get a concessionary rate too! they must wonder what the rest of us are whinging about..recession..what recession? Those baby boomers eh.. They've never had it so good!


Those baby boomers also had working lives wherein they paid all the normal income tax, National Health costs, and so one which at the time of the baby boomers working lives helped those who were older than them with their pensions and health charge needs. That's how the system works. When you retire, you'll also benefit from what people who are younger than you are currently payng - if they are working - from which you will benefit upon your retirement.

The so-calledn baby boomers and other pensioners haven't and are not getting somthing for nothing. Many will jave had full working lives for 50 years - from starting age at 15 to retiring at 65 years. Get things in perspective!


I may also add that motorcycles were always popular in Poland especially after WW 2 where cars were for many years luxury items people a fond of motorcycles both of my grandfathers never owned a car but both rode motorcycles so did my father I live in Canada now where motorcycles are looked upon as extra toys( I have a motorcycle too) for grownups I guess its different mentality, speedway was always popular in Poland maybe less so now but its still nr one sport in the country when it come to attracting people when Lee Richardson died last year that was nr 1 news on all national networks not sure if that was the case in UK ( I may be wrong there).Another valid reason for speedway popularity is that the speedway cities never really had good football teams


This relativity between the popularity of motorcycles in the UK and speedway could be a reason for its success here. On the other had, American once told me that it was because they were more interested in cars this was a reason why there was so much interest there for car sports rather than motorcycle speedway. I suppose that could be what's beginning to happen in the UK? I have no answer myself.

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No pay rises and 3% inflation year on year..yet still the sport increases cost of admission, parking, progs....the reason why oap's can afford to go is that their pensions are inflation protected and they get a concessionary rate too! they must wonder what the rest of us are whinging about..recession..what recession? Those baby boomers eh.. They've never had it so good!


In the last 5years VAT has gone up to 20%, things like insurance has rocketed for everybody, fuel costs have increased, the cost of first aiders has increased but the cost of admission to speedway has only increased by £2 in that period so a lot of costs have been absorbed by the clubs. So the picture you are trying to paint is no quite accurate.

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The post about Speedway in Poland being 'cool' I would think is spot on. I'm not sure if the racing is any better or worse than the Uk but the sport has a high regard & is respected. That Is the main problem we have in this country the sport is not respected by those outside the sport & it would appear by some of those who run it. Change is needed.

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I haven't attended a match all season. I never used to see the point in 'challenge' matches, and with the league becoming nothing more than a a 26-match qualifying stage, I don't see any point in wasting £15 to attend matches, with nothing really to 'win' from it.


Plus the local Odeon is only £3.90 on a Tuesday - guess which one entertains me more? :P


Tenner's a fair price, but there's other problems which need to be sorted out as well.

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I always wonder if speedway would be better marketing itself at over 50s. They typically have more disposable income, more free time and there's no reasn why they wouldn't enjoy motorsports as much as the next person.

Unless you're a 57-year-old taxi driver in Swindon...very little income and free time :sad::cry: 17 quid to stand at the Abbey in a dilapidated stadium with restricted views is far too much. 29 quid for the Cardiff GP about right. Seated at somewhere like Brandon probably worth no more than 15 quid. 15 quid to stand undercover at Gloucester Rugby about right. 25 quid to sit at STFC too dear. Standing to watch a top German football match for 11 Euros too cheap, was excellent view and atmosphere.45 quid to watch the Gunners too dear for me now, but the ground is full to 60,000 capacity every match. Haven't been to the Oval to watch Surrey for years so cant comment. Speedway is mainly a working-class sport, so cant compete financially with the now more middle-class football prawn-sandwich eating brigade, and the traditional "posh" sports such as tennis, golf, cricket, rugby union. Horse racing is pretty good value, sometimes free admission, I never pay more than 15 quid. Dog racing at Blunsdon is very cheap, sometimes free, and you can actually return home with more money than you set out with on rare occasions!

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We've got to find out where the missing fans are. Why do 15-20,000 people go to Cardiff but not go to speedway on a regular basis? Is it crap stadia? poor product? value for money? prefer to watch it on the telly? As it's the riders who will also suffer in the long run, I'd love to see a week of free (or dirt cheap) speedway for everyone, the riders ride for expenses for just one meeting, then all the clubs give out a questionnaire and plead with the fans to fill it in and tell them why they don't go anymore. When Lakeside did a free night, thousands turned up, I'm sure this would be repeated, but it would only be worth it if we found out why these people don't go anymore. I think it's a case of disposable income, we used to get home from work on a Friday, pay our bills, put a bit away for a rainy day and spend the rest. When I was a boy, if my dad had said to me on a Monday night, do you fancy going out and watching bowls, I'd have probably have said yes. What were my options? Panorama on BBC1 and World in action on ITV. It's not just speedway that is suffering, 1,000's of pubs have shut, midweek crowds at non league football are awful. But the main reason for lack of disposable income is home entertainment, I spend about £100 a month on Sky TV, internet access and mobile phone bills, never had to do that years ago. that's where the money has gone. and from where I'm looking, people cant afford to go out to midweek sport and pay for all these extras we have these days.

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We've got to find out where the missing fans are. Why do 15-20,000 people go to Cardiff but not go to speedway on a regular basis? Is it crap stadia? poor product? value for money? prefer to watch it on the telly? As it's the riders who will also suffer in the long run, I'd love to see a week of free (or dirt cheap) speedway for everyone, the riders ride for expenses for just one meeting, then all the clubs give out a questionnaire and plead with the fans to fill it in and tell them why they don't go anymore. When Lakeside did a free night, thousands turned up, I'm sure this would be repeated, but it would only be worth it if we found out why these people don't go anymore. I think it's a case of disposable income, we used to get home from work on a Friday, pay our bills, put a bit away for a rainy day and spend the rest. When I was a boy, if my dad had said to me on a Monday night, do you fancy going out and watching bowls, I'd have probably have said yes. What were my options? Panorama on BBC1 and World in action on ITV. It's not just speedway that is suffering, 1,000's of pubs have shut, midweek crowds at non league football are awful. But the main reason for lack of disposable income is home entertainment, I spend about £100 a month on Sky TV, internet access and mobile phone bills, never had to do that years ago. that's where the money has gone. and from where I'm looking, people cant afford to go out to midweek sport and pay for all these extras we have these days.

Bloody hell mate no wonder you cant afford to go out! There were nearly 39,000 at Cardiff, which is over 10,000 more than you get at all the 30-plus league tracks weekly. Crowds at football and ice-hockey in Swindon have increased so cant always make the excuse of a recession, wages freezes etc.,. When speedway was raced on a Saturday at Swindon more people attended. I think British peeps prefer weekend entertainment. I'm sure if we had a great summer weather-wise the crowds would be a lot better, always are bigger when its a warm evening and during school holidays. Has been generally a duff summer for the last 4years. At least when you go to Cardiff you know it will definitely be on because of the roof. There are cheaper alternatives for the leisure pound on a Thursday night to speedway, such as pub quizzes, cinema, meals out, ten-pin bowling etc.,

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Well, those nice people at BSI have the database on the Cardiff ticket holders (except those that buy from touts, SCB) - and have done for the past 13 years.

They have certainly made use of it; though purely for reminder cards that get routinely sent.

I'm sure they would charge only the smallest fee tor the BSPA to have access to it for marketing research purposes.

I wonder if anyone has asked?


The extra numbers at Cardiff could probably be explained by three main groups, though.

1) The dragged along spouses (and other family). It does seem quite easy to pursuade them to go to Cardiff for the weekend. HiEdge Raceway is a more difficult ask.

2) The overseas fans. There were quite a few there.

3) The Fans-without-a-team-to-support. Those from Bradford, Reading, Oxford, Exeter, Wimbledon, Cradley, Hull, Newport and the rest. They may still go, occasionally, to their nearest track without becoming regulars. Some were in evidence at Cardiff.


And, on top of all that, from what you read on here 'regular' fans themselves are just not 'as regular' as they used to be, anyway.

I blame the diet.



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PS: I am prepared to accept any amendments to my calculations. Maths was never my strong point at school. I would also add that in 1946 speedwy (and other sports promoters) were charged Entertainment Tax, It was very hight but I am unsure of the actual rate but hazard a guess that it was 15 percent - possibly only on the actual profit made rather than the amount actually taken on admission - but sure on that point..

Entertainment Tax after the war was 45% which was increased to 52% in 1951. This was paid on admission at Sports, Theatres and Cinemas.

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