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I understand that, but why would they prepare it midweek if they are confident that (after fences etc put in) they could get the actual track prep done to the same standard in a few hours. There is obviously going to have to be considerable compromise in my opinion as it is inconceivable for it not to go ahead. Good luck to all concerned.

Edited by JC!
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There is a difference between laying the meat of the track itself, and creating the whole track area (fencing etc), which having seen it at close quarters in the past, can often drag things out.


They obviously wont be laying the entire track area, so they obviously fancy their chances of pulling it off.


Cheers Mr Rising for the sensible update.

Which is fine providing we have a raceable track for a 5pm start time later today. Anything else and BSI will have run out of excuses.


Must say we were in stitches this afternoon. It was announced that practice was delayed until 6pm due to further track preparation. What happened was nothing; it was a variation on watching paint dry, except we were watching a track dry, not that it was puddle wet of course.

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Has there been any official statement about this? absolutely crazy situation to be in, hope the rumours of delays and cancellations are unfounded - disappointed to only pick up this news via the forum and twitter and no official comment, not the best way to manage one's communications

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The silence from official sources is deafening. They know fans will be desperate for news. Speedway logic again. Treat fans like mushrooms. It's akin to the recorded message "no rain so far, meeting definitely on". Or am I an old cynic? Still setting off at 8am! They don't deserve us!


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Has there been any official statement about this? absolutely crazy situation to be in, hope the rumours of delays and cancellations are unfounded - disappointed to only pick up this news via the forum and twitter and no official comment, not the best way to manage one's communications


Probably no announcement in light of the fact that in their eyes, business is, to a point, as usual. They plan to start at the time they have to. What goes on in the days and hours up til then isnt important.


They think they can pull off a raceable track by the time the fim open the meeting, and it's up to them to do it. If it goes wrong on live tv, then thats their beef.


It will be on.

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This is a shocker indeed, who did they get to drive the lorries transporting the shale in order for it to get wet, If that is the case? - sorry i only just got in and with horror am quickly reading the thread. Was it left uncovered in the transport depot before going on the road? but surely you'd need a mini monsoon to get so deep into all the shale?


Oh well if it is driver/depot error then next season i look forward to seeing an episode of the Eddie Stobart TV series showing our Cardiff shale being lovingly cared for and protected all the way on it's journey to the stadium.


I agree that no official press release giving any details on the eve of the meeting is very poor form indeed. A statement at 6am on the day of the meeting, that starts one hour earlier than other GP's. is puzzling. I surely hope it's not that early because they think that will curtail fans from travelling etc, if it's likely to be off, then announce it the night before.


Seeing as the GP takes precedence over the Polish leagues maybe they are going to go for a Sunday staging?. Albeit despite the drastic effect on the attendance and the large number of fans who can't, be it for logistical or financial reasons, stay overnight in Cardiff.


Then again maybe they'll either risk the rider's safety by demanding they race, or risk the sport looking comical when riders can't/won't attempt to race and trundle round for the 12 heat cut-off margin for a result?

Edited by manchesterpaul
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Manchesterpaul.. please don't think i'm having a pop at you! but when have speedway promoters or governing bodys ever given a flying proverbial about the fans? The track may be sorted out, if it is then backs will be patted and hands shaken, if it isn't no one will ever take the blame, it will be no ones fault, but who pays.... we do! speedway has always taken from the fans and never given back!

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Manchesterpaul.. please don't think i'm having a pop at you! but when have speedway promoters or governing bodys ever given a flying proverbial about the fans? The track may be sorted out, if it is then backs will be patted and hands shaken, if it isn't no one will ever take the blame, it will be no ones fault, but who pays.... we do! speedway has always taken from the fans and never given back!


No sweat at all lol. One would think though that with the huge amount of money involved in the staging of this (and other GP's) it's in their best interests to do everything they can to get the meeting on. I would be disappointed if no blame was clearly identified and apportioned. Guess we'll see what happens, you never know for once it might all go ahead despite the extreme obstacles that have arisen.


Oh well i knew it......if i wanted to watch an international speedway meeting on Saturday 1st June......i should have gone to Blijham lol.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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The reports I have been hearing this evening seem to indicate the shale is stored in Wales all year but the bad cold and wet winter has knackered it making it like quick sand and sloppy.

Hopefully they can sort it out overnight and get a track relaid in time as seems many reports that they are having to start again with track

As someone who lives in Cardiff, that's bollocks. Wet my backside. The forecast has been pretty much spot on so no excuses.


LET'S just clear up some mis-information ... time taken to lay the track was same as in previous years, material was same as in 2012 and had been kept in an environmentally controlled storage facility which should (and I repeat should) have ensured that it retained no more than a seven per cent moisture content. That moisture content is supposedly constantly monitored and BSI provided with regular updates.


When the material was laid the moisture content was higher and how that happened (possibly in transportation when the Cardiff weather was extremely wet earlier in the week) will obviously be the subject of a later investigation.


The riders wanted the chance to test the track, hence a limited practice schedule to determine what needed to be done. They have a huge amount of equipment on hand at the stadium and they will be working through the night to completely relay the track. On Friday the roof of the stadium was opened but only certain areas of the track were exposed to the sun and they were by and large okay.


Ole Olsen, who is in charge of preparing the track before handing it over to the Race Director (which hasn't happened yet) is confident that they have enough time to rectify the situation and to have a track up to recent Cardiff standards. Conditions inside the stadium, the state of the materials and the equipment on hand is very different to Gelsenkirchen but obviously as far as BSI are concerned this is their worst nightmare.

I live less than a mile from the stadium, you're talking b0110cks. Weather had been as predicted this week, better of anything.
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I dont understand it at all tbh. The track at the last couple of Cardiff Gp's has been excellent, so if they have changed the shale, what sense is there for doing it.


Even if they have, surely it cant be hard to prepare a race track. Afterall the bloody stadium has a roof, so cant blame bad weather and they get a fair amount of time to prepare one..

Unfortunately I no longer prepare tracks but if I did you would retract the part of your statement in which you said it can,t be hard to prepare a track after working with me for a couple of weeks doing what is a bloody hard job you would hopefully change your mind .Its not a 9 to 5 job it is goverened totally by the weather and time lines eg..when the stadium allow you on track .I was involved on practice and race day for 7 yrs with Colin Meredith at Cardiff and believe me Sleep for the week is about 7th or 8th on the list of things to do ..I know there is a roof but if the shale has maybe come in wet or damp you are on the backfoot from the get go.Usually the shale is stored in the same place every year but according to some one there today they said it is totally different colour to that which normally gets used.The plot thickens.. :neutral:

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BSI are quite aware that the buck stops with them. But responsibility and blame are not always bed fellows.


If I owned a restaurant and employed a proven and experienced chef but one night he produced inedible meals I would be responsible but not necessarily to blame. The chef might explain that he did everything as normal with the usual ingredients. He might not even be to blame but the responsibility would still be mine.


As one who works alongside the BSI team at these events I can assure you that they are absolutely gutted by what happened yesterday and the senior members have been at the stadium all night. But they remain confident that it will be all right on the night and it certainly won't be for the lack of trying.

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BSI are quite aware that the buck stops with them. But responsibility and blame are not always bed fellows.


If I owned a restaurant and employed a proven and experienced chef but one night he produced inedible meals I would be responsible but not necessarily to blame. The chef might explain that he did everything as normal with the usual ingredients. He might not even be to blame but the responsibility would still be mine.


As one who works alongside the BSI team at these events I can assure you that they are absolutely gutted by what happened yesterday and the senior members have been at the stadium all night. But they remain confident that it will be all right on the night and it certainly won't be for the lack of trying.


Do you know if this new shale arrived in time and have they got it down onto the track yet?

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As someone who lives in Cardiff, that's bollocks. Wet my backside. The forecast has been pretty much spot on so no excuses.


I live less than a mile from the stadium, you're talking b0110cks. Weather had been as predicted this week, better of anything.


CARE to clarify that remark? Don't understand... are you saying there was no rain in Cardiff earlier this week when 40 trucks were bring thousands of tons of material into the stadium? We are not talking about the weather from Thursday onwards.


Do you know if this new shale arrived in time and have they got it down onto the track yet?


I DON'T know as yet. When I left around 8pm yesterday the plan was to dig up all the affected areas (primarily the third and fourth bends), turned over all the material, which in itself helps remove much of the moisture, and then relay from the base upwards. From one text this morning Olsen is confident the track will be fine.


There has to be some moisture in the material for it to bind and bed down properly and over the years Olsen, along with a university in Denmark, have undertaken many test to determine the optimum amount ... hence the seven per cent.


Whether they subsequently deemed some new material was required I don't know but as stated previously no stone will be left unturned. The consequences of a cancellation are simply mind-boggling. But, I repeat, from what I hear this morning that possibility is rapidly fading.

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CARE to clarify that remark? Don't understand... are you saying there was no rain in Cardiff earlier this week when 40 trucks were bring thousands of tons of material into the stadium? We are not talking about the weather from Thursday onwards.




I DON'T know as yet. When I left around 8pm yesterday the plan was to dig up all the affected areas (primarily the third and fourth bends), turned over all the material, which in itself helps remove much of the moisture, and then relay from the base upwards. From one text this morning Olsen is confident the track will be fine.


There has to be some moisture in the material for it to bind and bed down properly and over the years Olsen, along with a university in Denmark, have undertaken many test to determine the optimum amount ... hence the seven per cent.


Whether they subsequently deemed some new material was required I don't know but as stated previously no stone will be left unturned. The consequences of a cancellation are simply mind-boggling. But, I repeat, from what I hear this morning that possibility is rapidly fading.


Ok Phil thanks for the update.

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Been told there will be an announcement released at 6am.....need to sort out what could be a total disaster!


Who told you that? Did they say it was going to be a very long statement that would take a long time to read out? Only i notice it's now 7am! ;)


But they remain confident that it will be all right on the night and it certainly won't be for the lack of trying.


In spite of giving most of us who really care about our sport a heart attack, i hope praise will be given to those involved if the meeting is saved and we get actual racing and not riders plodding around the track scared to make a move.


Whether they subsequently deemed some new material was required I don't know but as stated previously no stone will be left unturned. The consequences of a cancellation are simply mind-boggling. But, I repeat, from what I hear this morning that possibility is rapidly fading.


I think it would have far-reaching detrimental effects on the sport if it was cancelled or becomes an on track debacle. As i mentioned in an earlier reply there is way too much money involved for anyone to be unconcerned or not care about the fans.

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