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Ok i know no one will agree as Tai is the peoples sweetheart. But what the hell was the ref thinking excluding Freddie lastnight. Tai was clearly the cause of the incident and has now wiped Nicki out twice this season. Im thinking Tai maybe doesnt like Nicki much.

I agree thought Tai should have been excluded.
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Sidney, 1981 was a great meeting. Like you I went to many Wembley finals and yes some were poor meetings with little racing. But 1981 was special. Bruce Penhall, Ole Olsen, Knutsen, Gundersen, Jessup Carter all figured in exciting races, far better then we saw last night. I think that final will be the one that I will always remember......... 90,000 people ( Full House) watching speedway as it should be ....brilliant, unforgetable meeting.... The Buzz from the crowd when Penhal went by Olsen will live with me forever.....

I agree 99 per cent with you on most things and the debate with you is always good.Was 1981 that good?there were some isolated good races but the race that sticks with me was when Lee got squeezed out in his first race.The occasion was special atmosphere awesome the same in 1975(dusty) 1978 not so good?. But do i remember 81 for the racing or the unbelievable occasion in my experience 1981 and the Mike Tyson/Francis/Calzaghe bill are the best two sporting events i have ever been to.


Christ Almighty people here would whine if they won a million on the lottery.

'A lousy million the X,Y or Z lottery is much more organised and this makes me feel cheated and will probably be the last lottery ticket I ever buy'.


Yes the track was bad but it wasn't the worst GP track by any means.

The racing was processional except for the times when somebody passed somebody.

Like all speedway meetings good races and not so good races.

Yes the organisers deserve a blast for allowing such a situation to emerge and yes somebody wants a rocket up their arce.


But it was a pretty decent GP and was absorbing to the last race.


Tai's injury could be blamed on the track but also could be blamed on Freddie riding a bit to hard.

Freddie's subsequent fall completely due to the track.

But I have seen such things in may places over the last 4 decades.

Was it dangerous? Not being a rider I like many here have no real idea of that.


For all the moaning the crowd seemed to enjoy themselves and the presentation at trackside and by Eurosport was excellent and for once I would say better than SKYs.

Sophie and Scott added a very welcome element and hopefully will both be involved again this year.

The attendance looked up on recent years and if the 38000 figure is right then the recent attendances have been a lot less than the figures bandied about by SKY and the organisers.

But then I once went to Knebworth to see Led Zeppelin and the 'official' attendance was 80,000 but in reality was at least 3 times that so these things must be taken with a large pinch of salt.


I enjoyed the meeting. Of course I did not fork out a lot of money to go to Wales so I defer to those who went who have the right to criticise what they paid to see.

I am a huge fan of Emil and was glad he won but being English I also wanted to see Woofy triumph so am sad he had such misfortune.

He is very fit so should recover quickly so don't rule out the lad for the next GP.

He would not be the first rider with that injury to brave the pain barrier.


Of course the organisers deserve to be questioned and someone needs to answer for that. But that folks is speedway and I have seen bad tracks at normally good venues and good tracks at normally awful venues.

Cardiff should have done better but somebody miscalculated and they didn't.

The least they should do is give everybody who bought a ticket a big discount for next year as a sign of good faith.

But they probably won't.

Again that's speedway.


I stopped going as the team I love is no more and the price too much of a barrier.

But I never stopped loving the sport and I enjoyed the hell out of watching yesterday.

I hope Emil goes all the way and that Woofy is right there giving him a run for his money.

Great post!
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Over the past few years BSI appeared to get the surface at Cardiff pretty much nailed on - it has always been excellent. However clearly something went wrong on this occasion. ( I still enjoyed the meeting though ). I would hope that BSI have a full enquiry into what happened, publish it - and take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. And I will be going again next year.


On the plus side I enjoyed the riders introduction great idea.

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Lindgren's fault totally. He rode into Woffinden's leg and caused the accident. So he was the cause of the stoppage. Take Lindgren out of the equation there and you get no crash. Nothing to do with anyone being anybody's sweetheart. That's just what happened.

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I seem to remember Tai at Edinburgh in the televised meeting taking out Wethers leg and front wheel. He was excluded when Stormy went down. His reply in an interview was "Wethers should grow a pair and stop riding like a woman" or words to those effect. Maybe Tai should man up. If there was contact between Freddie and Tai it was minimal at most. Not enough to cause Tai to fly across the bend and take out Nicki as he did. Ref got that wrong, i wonder if it was another gp at another track if Tai would have been out.

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HAVE posted this countless times ... I am not the Editor of Speedway Star.



Lol I was going to point that out to a couple of posters. I was under the impression that you were a former editor who still contributes freelance articles. To confirm this before i posted I opened up this weeks edition of the Speedway Star to check and saw the following;



EDITOR: Richard Clark


I then used Wikipedia and Google to determine the difference between the two and was left with contradictory advice. I'm guessing though that Richard does the hands-on daily work and you act in an advisory or management capacity? Philip 'Fergie' Rising?

Whilst we are fortunate to have your ear on this thread can i ask for your thoughts on the attendance vagaries i refer to below.



Spotowefakte are quoting 50,000! Even allowing for overestimates i guess that puts us into the question of whether the 'official' figures only include turnstile clicks and not the actual physical numbers of people present?

On the topic of declining sports attendances worldwide and the very clear effects of financial depressions we shouldn't forget the effect of corporate bookings and the like. On a NASCAR programme the other day a promoter mentioned that until the last couple of years or so the corporate sector for his meeting used to purchase around 30,000 tickets and that has now fallen to.......wait for this.....800.

Maybe the corporate sector has completely disappeared from the SGP then lol.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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I seem to remember Tai at Edinburgh in the televised meeting taking out Wethers leg and front wheel. He was excluded when Stormy went down. His reply in an interview was "Wethers should grow a pair and stop riding like a woman" or words to those effect.


Which is completely irrelevant. Decisions are based on what happened on the track, not what someone said in a previous interview or, as in your case, whether or not they are English.

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Christ Almighty people here would whine if they won a million on the lottery.

'A lousy million the X,Y or Z lottery is much more organised and this makes me feel cheated and will probably be the last lottery ticket I ever buy'.


Yes the track was bad but it wasn't the worst GP track by any means.

The racing was processional except for the times when somebody passed somebody.

Like all speedway meetings good races and not so good races.

Yes the organisers deserve a blast for allowing such a situation to emerge and yes somebody wants a rocket up their arce.


But it was a pretty decent GP and was absorbing to the last race.


Tai's injury could be blamed on the track but also could be blamed on Freddie riding a bit to hard.

Freddie's subsequent fall completely due to the track.

But I have seen such things in may places over the last 4 decades.

Was it dangerous? Not being a rider I like many here have no real idea of that.


For all the moaning the crowd seemed to enjoy themselves and the presentation at trackside and by Eurosport was excellent and for once I would say better than SKYs.

Sophie and Scott added a very welcome element and hopefully will both be involved again this year.

The attendance looked up on recent years and if the 38000 figure is right then the recent attendances have been a lot less than the figures bandied about by SKY and the organisers.

But then I once went to Knebworth to see Led Zeppelin and the 'official' attendance was 80,000 but in reality was at least 3 times that so these things must be taken with a large pinch of salt.


I enjoyed the meeting. Of course I did not fork out a lot of money to go to Wales so I defer to those who went who have the right to criticise what they paid to see.

I am a huge fan of Emil and was glad he won but being English I also wanted to see Woofy triumph so am sad he had such misfortune.

He is very fit so should recover quickly so don't rule out the lad for the next GP.

He would not be the first rider with that injury to brave the pain barrier.


Of course the organisers deserve to be questioned and someone needs to answer for that. But that folks is speedway and I have seen bad tracks at normally good venues and good tracks at normally awful venues.

Cardiff should have done better but somebody miscalculated and they didn't.

The least they should do is give everybody who bought a ticket a big discount for next year as a sign of good faith.

But they probably won't.

Again that's speedway.


I stopped going as the team I love is no more and the price too much of a barrier.

But I never stopped loving the sport and I enjoyed the hell out of watching yesterday.

I hope Emil goes all the way and that Woofy is right there giving him a run for his money.



Great post Pandorum most of which I agree with strongly.


I had to smirk at a memory you triggered with your mention of the lottery. I was in a supermarket queue with a previous girlfriend and she wanted to buy a lottery ticket for the Wednesday draw ( I don't know how many a week there are nowadays but that was the only other one at the time) There was a massive queue behind us and she was so dithering as to whether to purchase a/or how many tickets due to the prize being 'only' a million or so and far less than the weekend prize. I swear if she had won she soooo would have bemoaned that if she had won the weekend lottery she would have got more millions lol lol.


Got to agree that some on this forum if found a fiver on the street would heartily whine that they knew someone who had found a tenner previously lol.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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Watched the meeting this morning. First thought is how awful the track was, Nitro Circus would have struggled with that, so fairplay to the riders last night.

Thought the ref got the decison right regarding Tai's crash. I hear that Nicki is blaming Woffy for the incident, can't really understand that at all.

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With respect, the bloke has gone way beyond what any pr official with Bsi (Img) would be doing in passing on info to some frankly cretinous people on this forum. If you take out the contribution he has made on this subject alone, what we would have been left with ? Lindback's tweets, Pedersen's picture ? Wonderful...


I'm sure a good number of people travelling long distance were assured by his posts giving updates.



Oh you mean his updates aka the BSI propaganda? Did he not report that that the track would be fine by tape drop? Was the track fine? no it wasn't. It was rubbish.

His reports would be valuable if he stopped with the BSI propaganda and actually reported what was going on. What the track actually looked like.

What the riders really thought about the track instead of just going with what BSI told him.LIke the would actually tell the truth to a reporter.


Obviously BSI will never admit that there was something wrong and that is why reporters like Philips needs to

be more neautral and stop being BSI's PR person.

Edited by Ghostwalker
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