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Sick Of Bad Sgp's

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Firstly new to the forum so apologies if this has been covered.


So as more of a casual speedway fan these days (since Bradford closed) I'm not really up to speed on all the ins and outs of whats going on in the Speedway World.


So just a question - why so many bad SGP's? You have 16 of the best riders in the world and if you put them on a half decent track you get a fantastic meeting. So why do the 'powers that be' persist in sending GP's to Prague, Copenhagen and NZ (OK I can sort of understand NZ) where you can pretty muich bank on the fact that the racing will be rubbish. I'm also pretty sure the future rounds at Slovenia, Italy and Latvia* will also be equally depressing viewing.


Surely the most important part of the SGP "product" is the quality of the racing that seems to be let down by the choice of venue. If the FIM want to send speedway to less enthusiastic parts of the world (which in principle seems a good idea) surely they need to select a venue capable of producing a quality speedway match.



* Just a note some of those countries might do decent GP's I just have a bad memory

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It boils down to a simple matter of semantics.

Define 'BAD'.

I enjoy the SGP even when the racing might not be fantastic as I find it absorbing wondering who will make it through and it's effect on the leader board.

Of course we all would like to see every heat filled with gripping racing but that has NEVER happened in a speedway meeting in the entire history of the sport.

Generally you get a meeting with a few good races and the excitement comes from watching your team do well or the individual you came to support do well.

Or not as the case may be!


Yes some SGP have not been conducive to great speedway racing but that happens day in day out with the sport.

Sometimes a track you expect a good racing meeting on produces a poorer one and then a track you expect a poor racing meeting turns out to be a good one.

That's speedway as they say :)


And lets face it the riders don't give 110% as that is impossible and some give a lot less than the 100 they should give but again thats the nature of any sport.

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So just a question - why so many bad SGP's? You have 16 of the best riders in the world and if you put them on a half decent track you get a fantastic meeting. So why do the 'powers that be' persist in sending GP's to Prague, Copenhagen and NZ (OK I can sort of understand NZ) where you can pretty muich bank on the fact that the racing will be rubbish.


It's entirely about money and from whom BSI can extract staging fees and/or sponsorship.


If the FIM want to send speedway to less enthusiastic parts of the world (which in principle seems a good idea) surely they need to select a venue capable of producing a quality speedway match.


Don't think the FIM really cares that much about speedway so long as they continue to get their licensing fees out of BSI.

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i don't know how much influence ole olsen has since tony olsson took over the race director role a few years back but when he was responsible for the gp tracks far far too often the tracks were too slick and simply made passing nigh on impossible at times. i do understand to a point the reason for olsen producing tracks like this was the possibility of rain,so by making tracks this way he gave the gp a better chance of surviving the rain if it came. however sometimes the track resembled a road as sky's keith heuwen always pointed out i remember. veering away slightly from that subject some of the tracks on the calendar never produce great racing - prague is usually one that springs to mind,gothenburg can be bad on both extremes - i've seen gps there with no action yet also gps that have produced shocking accidents. don't think latvia was that great when it was a gp track 4 or 5 years ago either. as the post above mentions copenhagen is one of the better ones in my opinion, cardiff malilla and bydgoszcz more often than not produce(d) decent racing too. lastly another bugbear of mine is when one gate is useless,such as the last gp when gate 4 was the graveyard gate. i don't know how you get round that particular problem and it does close the field up scores wise but its far better when all gates are relatively equal. but all in all i think this season has been ok so far

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