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"Yes - great isn't? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:"


TV is big business for BSI Pretty sure live GP`s are on a pay-per-view channel in Sweden(c more ) so it`s a no brainer not having a Swede in it.


I totally agree - not right though is it?? :sad: :sad:


THJ should be Sweden's representative, AJ and Lindgren are stale and boring.


What happened to University HRF? :shock: :shock: :unsure: :unsure:

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"Yes - great isn't? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:"


TV is big business for BSI Pretty sure live GP`s are on a pay-per-view channel in Sweden(c more ) so it`s a no brainer not having a Swede in it.


Grand Prixs and Polish Speedway are shown by TV10/VIASAT Sport . Elitserien and the Elite League are shown by C more.

Also SVT (equivalent of BBC) shows summaries from each GP.

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THJ should be Sweden's representative, AJ and Lindgren are stale and boring.

ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahah


i know lets have a second string in the elite league in ahead of a former world number 2 in 2011 and a guy who is consistently in the top 10 in the gp's and is in the top 5 of the averages over here. you are clueless


I think the wild cards should be:


Tungate not Holder

Hougaard instead of Gollob


Holder and Gollob have had their chance and are a bit stale now having won it only once each. Lets get elite league second strings in there liven it up a bit!!


you really need to stay off this forum with your idiotic statements

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ALL being well there will be a British World Champion in the series next year. Why do BSI need another Brit? And, let's not forget, judging by this year Harris likely to get a few appearances anyway...

Agree don't think we do need another Brit as we will have the WC and can see him being just as strong next year. Harris would just be an embarrassment and the SGP does not need him.
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Thanks-out of interest how do they show them-world feed with their own commentators ? I have seen Erik Stenlund at GP`S is he involved ? Do they go back to a studio at any stage ?

Ghostie knows better, but I believe Micke Teurnberg is the commentator (from a booth near Stockholm) for the Swedish live Viasat broadcast. Viasat also shows the GP in Finland, but I dont know anyone who's watched it. Stenlend and the other fellow I think are working for SVT and are live at every track.
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Ghostie knows better, but I believe Micke Teurnberg is the commentator (from a booth near Stockholm) for the Swedish live Viasat broadcast. Viasat also shows the GP in Finland, but I dont know anyone who's watched it. Stenlend and the other fellow I think are working for SVT and are live at every track.

Thanks-I didn`t twig that 2 different outfits were broadcasting the GP`s-is 1 cable and 1 satellite ? bit like SKY and Virgin over here.
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Is TV10/VIASAT a subscription channel ?


Viasat sport definitely is (£25/month) Tv10 is usually included with most subscriptions packages is usually available for free for those who have analogue cable.


Also FSP is right, Mikael Teurnberg and Tobias Lyons are doing from Stockholm, no studio and no own interviews.

Erik Stenlund is still doing some commentary for the highlights at SVT.

Edited by Ghostwalker
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That isn't the question nor the point,


The question remains you have a wild card to hand out and you can only choose between KK and FL. So how would you decide who is the better rider?

Match race best of 3 on bog standard no shiny trickbits no tuner involvement bikes at a neutral track.

Ladies and Gentlemen lets find the best rider not the rider wbo has the best bike.

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Protasiewicz has always been woeful at Grand Prix level, but the next Pole in line, Janowski, would be an interesting addition to the series. His links to Hancock (but not his Red Bull sponsorship!), World Cup win and former status as World U21 Champion may work in his favour as well.


Out of interest, where does Harris sit on the list?


Out of the Swedes, I think Jonsson has the best shout. I know it shouldn't go on past glories, but 2011 World No. 2 should put him ahead of the serial wild carder, Lindgren.


I agree PP would add little to the series, and would much rather have Janowski or Dudek. Any sort of statistical ranking system is always going to throw up the dd rider who performs well at League level, but never seems able to make the “step up” to SGP level. For that reason, I think any rankng system should only be a guide to what riders should get a GP spot, not an absolute, as it doesn’t take into account potential etc.


Harris is 43rd on my list. The reason King is higher is that he was fortunate enough not to be picked for the SWC shambles,w hich brought down all the GB riders ratings.


Jonsson is 3rd highest swede (33rd) on my rankings list, but in my view it has to be him or Lindgren for a sweish spot. I'd prefer Lindgren, but there's stuff all in it, and neither is likely (IMHO) to push for a rostrum spot next year, or likely any other.


Also on the list, how come Janowski is higher then Dudek?

Dudek have a higher average then Janowski in Sweden and Poland as well as the U21 champ title.

Janowski is eight in the SEC in which Dudek does not ride. While Janowski didn't ride in the U21 championship.

So in my book Dudek should be ranked higher then Janowski.


I was surprised too that Dudek ranked lower than Janowski and MJJ. To be clear, I didn’t take into account the U21 world champs, nor national championships, in my ratings – I’ll see if I can add the u21 champs to the model later today, but I imagine doing that would see Dudek leap frog them both. The reason Janowski ranked higher than Dudek as it stands was due solely to the SWC, here Janowski was one of the outstanding performers, whereas Dudeks performance, although solid, actually lowered his overall ranking. MJJ’s performance in SWC and SGP qualifiers are the reason he finished ahead of Dudek.


If only for Swedish TV`s sake they have to have a Swedish rider in the series.

Yes - great isn't? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:


Of course, as long as riders expect to be paid, then commercial considerations have to be a factor, and TV is obviously a major component. One place in a fifteen man field to be awarded on basis of nationality is not (IMHO) excessive, especially when such a rider is not markedly worse than top 15 riders, and when you compare to other sports (I’m thinking Olympic events, World Cup football etc. all having a significant number of places available to nations from weaker regions, and of course the old Speedway C used to have 5 places available to the weaker contintental qualifiers – to be genuine world events I think it is desirable to have a spread of nations, so long as this does not dilute the quality too much). I’d be disappointed though if Sweden do get two WC spots, when you have much more deserving candidates such as the LAgutas, MJJ and a raft of young Polish talent.


Super Post. :approve:


I know I don't like the GP System - but this really is good information. Thank you for all the work you must have put in to this and for sharing it. :t::approve::) :)


Thanks TWK. One thing which I hoped would be shown was that the riders are not really being “gifted” places, but have generally earned them on merit. One could even argue it's a "fairer" approach, rewarding riders on performances over a whole seasons rather than a handful of qualifying meetings (I know you won't agree, but there is at least an argument).



THJ should be Sweden's representative, AJ and Lindgren are stale and boring.

Must be something wrong with my calculations as THJ doesn't make the top 60...

Edited by waihekeaces1
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Spook:I agree with a number of your points regarding the selection process, however, I think you are wrong concerning Bomber.

Up to 3 or 4 years ago I would agree that BSI seemed determined to maintain the British representation at two, but since Tai dropped out after his initial year they have gone with one. I see no reason why they would be persuaded to return to two, especially for a rider who has had plenty of nominations in the past. Cardiff will still have two Brits (as in the past couple of years) where crowds don't seem to show a great decline.

Far more likely that they will plump for two Swedes, can't see past Freddie and AJ myself.

Would make a line up of...

3 Danes

3 Poles (assuming Tomasz)

2 Aussies (assuming Chris)

2 Swedes

1 Brit

1 American

1 Slovenian

1 Russian

1 German


based on 'Cardiff will still have 2 Brits' ... then lets say 3 Brits at Cardiff is the issue as that is what we are talking about here and is what it was at least for donkeys years.................................. the only reason we have only had one representative in the GP's for the last few years is because Tai & Bomber did so badly that they were unpickable for the following year...........that isnt the issue this year and I truly believe that they arent bothered how many WC's they give to any singular rider...... I believe they are more bothered about being seen to give a WC to someone who was clearly adrift in the previous series



An Elite League 2nd string!




but not one who made themselves unpickable like Antonio or AJ............ if not THJ then which Swede? Nermark? Magnus? Kim?


THJ reached a final last season in one of his two GP's (average score of 8) ...... made a semi the year before in one, and was on course to in the other before the meeting was postponed (average 8 points).... in 2010 he failed to reach the semis on 8 pts...............He has pretty impressively staked a claim within the series itself and has most likely up to now been a victim of Swedish quota............. there arent many (any?!) riders who have consistently managed his success in the GP's with meeting wild cards





Sweden is the big problem for BSI i think.IMO there isn't at the moment even one rider who can bring much to the series and i can't see one on the horizon either.To put two in will bring the series down somewhat.I can't honestly see the benefit of having two riders struggling for a few points every meeting.



It seems to me that machinery has suddenly become everything............. all the talk about diets and fitness regimes are impressive but that doesnt explain why some riders are SO much faster than the others.... and so consistently regardless of the track, conditions, and it seems engine/bike ........................... i'm sure there is a whole other thread waiting to be started on that....... but for me it does ask a few questions about some riders and by extension on what basis should they be picked when WC's are dished out on previous performance


Freddie isn't a problem for the series.......... he is of a good enough standard to warrant being there and he is the kind of guy who could stick in a top 4 season out of the blue................ offering a spot to someone like THJ surely has to be dependent on what backing he has or can have and if he can have those super fast engines he had in previous years.............


Another thing to consider is that we have known in the past that certain quota based picks were going to struggle but it didnt stop them picking them


SPOOK ... views about Harris are my own but I can add that in conversations I have heard or been part of his name hasn't been mentioned. Things can always change but think IMG are more confident of Cardiff attendances now than before and having a British rider as the defending World champion should be sufficient.


They also have less wiggle room with Holder and Gollob (assuming both make full recoveries) taking two of the four. One, if not two, will definitely be a Swede and frankly there isn't a really outstanding candidate like, for example, Ward this year.


Every year there seems to be at least one rider or riders who fails to live up to expectations. This time it is Lindback and, to a lesser extent, Vaculik. Martin is a nice guy but a one dimensional rider who might actually benefit from a spell in the UK although he is set against it.


Next year the concern will be Smolinski. Another nice guy, very enthusiastic and professional but the strong possibility is that he will be out of his depth.


Well I guess you will know more than most whether a lack of noise on a rider means they are unlikely.........


for the record I think the WC's should be Holder, Gollob, Laguta & MJJ........but that doesnt take into account quota, politics or the need to fill IMG promoted GP's ............... Stockholm didnt look impressively populated to me and that was with 4 home riders............ I suspect only having 2 including the meeting wildcard is going to be a problem

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Holder, Gollob, MJJ and Laguta are obvious choices. Any Swede getting a spot would not contend and probably not finish top 8 either. MJJ is a future Champion and must be a 2014 pick IMO. I don't care where they come from, I just want the top 15 riders in the world competing...

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Holder, Gollob, MJJ and Laguta are obvious choices. Any Swede getting a spot would not contend and probably not finish top 8 either. MJJ is a future Champion and must be a 2014 pick IMO. I don't care where they come from, I just want the top 15 riders in the world competing...

You might want it but you will never get it !
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regarding Cadiff, Stockholm, Copenhagen and etc, I don't think the number of Brits, Swedes and Danes at those GP's.

I think the most important isn't how many there are but how good they are. If Tai wins the title and stays a top contender next year

I think that would bring more people then Harris, Nicholls and King would bring together if they all would ride at Cardiff (with no Tai).

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The top 8 are all but sorted with KK, Bjerre and Smolinski from the GP Challenge leaving four wild card picks.



Chris Holder and Tomasz Gollob are nailed on and Sweden have to have one rider at least and only AJ or Freddie can be under consideration and Freddie and this season they have both competed in 9 rounds together and its so far 4-4 as to who scored the most with one tie. Both have valid reasons to be included next season as the Swedish representative.


That leaves one space and unless both Freddie and AJ are given wild cards, the only riders I see that could bring something to the series are Grigory Laguta or Patryk Dudek and for pure entertainment, Laguta should get the vote.

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