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Chris Harris Cardiff Wild Card

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So the riders were not informed, the national team manager didn't know and riders including the world champion think its s poor move??


Makes sense now that they decided to do it !!

It's British speedway, it's how we roll.


What planet are these people on?

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SORRY to be pedantic but it doesn't necessarily go to the winner...


No apology needed, but I do think that most contrubutors here understood the qualification method.


Just to clarify. If the old method of giving the wildcard place to the highest placed non GP rider was in place this year then any of the following riders could earn it

Danny King, Craig Cook, Edward Kennett, Richie Worrall, Stuart Robson, James Wright, Josh Auty, Olly Allen, Richard Hall, Ashley Birks, Chris Schramm, Scott Nicholls, Simon Stead, Ben Barker AND CHRIS HARRIS


Under this years system one rider is getting the place without earning it



Not really an improved system is it?

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This is a poor decison. It takes the edge off the British Final in some ways. The GP wild card was always a good incentive for 15 riders to do battle.


That is not anti Harris as he may well have won the spot anyway but it dilutes a good meeting.


Who made this decision. Anyone know ?

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The only reason I can think of (and its not a good one!) is that as SKY do not show the GP's they will not have to go on about riders qualifying during the British Final.


Typically shambolic effort from those concerned. To paraphrase a football song, "You had one good idea and you cocked it up"!

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Maybe it was sorted months ago, no series wild card but we'll let you do Cardiff??? Only thing I can think of !!



Nail. On. Head. The incredible sulk has got his own way again. I admit I didn't think Woffinden particularly deserved his place pre-season, but he has more than made the effort to warrant his inclusion on track. Harris had all those chances, and aside from just ONE season, he needed charity every time.


Farcical to give him yet another opportunity.



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Again no explanation why the British final qualification for the GP place has been dropped, no surprise I guess! Terrible decision! I guess we'll never find out who made this choice! If Harris had 'won' the place at the British final then fair enough now wait and see it return to the farce it was with riders pulling out left right and centre.

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Still a lot of pride in winning the British title, then on sky tell them what you think!


Worth pointing out that in fairness Harris hasn't asked for this, it's the people above who should take the flack, I just hope say Eddie or Craig Cook don't finish in the position that would have seen them through to Cardiff!


At least it's something the majority of us agree on for once.

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One of the better innovations in recent years has been using the British Final as a means of deciding the Cardiff Wild Card. That and the move to Wolves had seemed to give the declining interest in the event a bit of a shot in the arm.

So what do they do - scrap the idea. Surprised Phil Rising hasn't been able to divulge the reason for this change of policy.

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This is a joke of a decision and totally wrong, it is not as if including Chris Harris will increase the attendance. I feel for which ever rider who would have been included at Cardiff under the very fair old system. If Chris was that rider fair enough, but what if he comes 4th or 5th.

Edited by A ORLOV
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To have been a fly on the wall in a few riders households tonight? I bet a few phone calls and txts went out, what if they were not watching the meeting and got tweeted it by a fan? How long has Harris known or did he know?


It will get brushed over with some comment but I think there will be a few unhappy speedway riders out there tonight.

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Let's hope that come June 1st Chris can be relied upon to come up with just the right type of performance that will maximise any possible discomfort to BSI.


Now, which would that be?

a] Win the meeting or do well enough to scream in their face 'see, you should have seeded me again', or,

b] Do so badly that he embarasses both himself and those people that picked him, or,

c] Declare that he can live the lie no longer and own up to being Paul Bellamy's love child


answers on a postcard to Speedway Star.

Edited by Grand Central
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I don't think it's a particularly good idea to take away the carrot that was being dangled at the last few British finals. However, I do try & see both sides of every speedway argument & I honestly think this time round, they just want a Brit in there who's MOST LIKELY to score some points. If memory serves me correctly, even when Bomber wasn't doing well (ie most seasons) he generally scored ok and made the semis at Cardiff.

As I said, I still think the highest non GP rider at the BF should be the Cardiff WC, I'm just saying I understand BSI's thinking here...

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I don't think it's a particularly good idea to take away the carrot that was being dangled at the last few British finals. However, I do try & see both sides of every speedway argument & I honestly think this time round, they just want a Brit in there who's MOST LIKELY to score some points. If memory serves me correctly, even when Bomber wasn't doing well (ie most seasons) he generally scored ok and made the semis at Cardiff.


Well, he's scored six points in 2012, six points in 2011 and six points in 2010.

So, I'm not sure if that tallys with your memory, or not.


But hey, ho ... let's all look forward to another six points for the GB star.

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Its BSI who pick the wildcards I consultation with the staging promoters. Who are the staging promoters? BSI. Maybe in the past they were happy to go along with it for Sky. I'd prefer Bomber gets it than Kennett, King or Nicholls tbh. We don't really have a 16-18 year old we could give the wild card to, maybe Worrall?


I don't get the hate aimed at Bomber, he is our second best rider after Tai.

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Its BSI who pick the wildcards I consultation with the staging promoters. Who are the staging promoters? BSI. Maybe in the past they were happy to go along with it for Sky. I'd prefer Bomber gets it than Kennett, King or Nicholls tbh. We don't really have a 16-18 year old we could give the wild card to, maybe Worrall?


I don't get the hate aimed at Bomber, he is our second best rider after Tai.


SCB .. your view is probably most in tune with BSI.


2ndbendbeerhut ... cannot see how a Sky meeting can adversely affect their business. In fact, BSI are keen for Sky to continue showing speedway in this country, it all helps to spread the speedway gospel to a wider audience and potentially more Cardiff attendees. Also, BSI have nothing to do with the European Championship.


Wild cards are picked in other countries so I assume they felt it time to revert to that - the pick didn't always come from the British Final. One thing I do know categorically: Harris didn't know until it was verified by the FIM this week.


It would be lovely to have a young Brit to throw in as the Danes have done for the past couple of years but, in all honesty, do we have one? Maybe down the line riders like Cook and Worrall will warrant a go but not yet.

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