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Message To The Leicester Promotor

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Along with other people I agree that the Leicester track is pretty bad in terms of producing anything near decent racing.


The problem is that the promotion obviously don’t want to make the necessary changes to improve things or they believe that nothing is wrong with the way things are at present. The other reason could be that perhaps they simply don’t have the funds available to make any changes.


I’m not sure what the percentage of dissatisfaction is amongst the paying public. But, I have to say that the gates continue to be very healthy at Leicester. A lot of people continue to turn up week in, week out, regardless.


I think Leicester could probably be kept as it is for sometime and it would still attract bigger crowds than some other clubs.

It would be a very interesting exercise to try and find out the true feeling from the regular support and I mean not just the ones who post on here. Maybe some kind of tick box survey could be arranged.


If the majority do feel that the track needs changing then something could be organized to raise the funds needed.


Just a thought.


A very sensible suggestion nightshift. :t::approve: :approve:

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Can anyone leave a message to the Leicester Promotor? good; here goes:


Dear David,


You are truly one of the all time great cycle speedway riders and deserve your place in British Cycling's hall of fame.


The attributes that brought you sporting success must have been displayed in achieving the dream, for many speedway supporters, of bringing the sport back to Leicester:

  • Drive
  • Determination
  • Focus
  • Willingness to take risks
  • Embracing the positives and learning from the negatives.

Yet many cannot see that the attributes needed to achieve this great success, are the same attributes that mean anyone who wishes to influence or persuade you, must have all their ducks in a row; if they haven't it's going to be a very short conversation.


I salute you,




Nellie Elephantman


very clever post elephantman. Unfortunately without the god given talent to go with those attributes you mention id think that attitude will get you so far then leave you wanting. This is how it;s looking to me anyways. It's more likely to leave Hemsley with deep holes in his pockets. For that reason Elephantman, i fear you may find yourself saluting a fool. I'm sure we've all done it though


Along with other people I agree that the Leicester track is pretty bad in terms of producing anything near decent racing.


The problem is that the promotion obviously don’t want to make the necessary changes to improve things or they believe that nothing is wrong with the way things are at present. The other reason could be that perhaps they simply don’t have the funds available to make any changes.


I’m not sure what the percentage of dissatisfaction is amongst the paying public. But, I have to say that the gates continue to be very healthy at Leicester. A lot of people continue to turn up week in, week out, regardless.


I think Leicester could probably be kept as it is for sometime and it would still attract bigger crowds than some other clubs.

It would be a very interesting exercise to try and find out the true feeling from the regular support and I mean not just the ones who post on here. Maybe some kind of tick box survey could be arranged.


If the majority do feel that the track needs changing then something could be organized to raise the funds needed.


Just a thought.


Here's a game for everyone to try. I have to say that my money is on Long Eye to be the winner.

I was told by David Hemsley that the new track is working and it was shown by the fact that in the Redcar meeting he saw 3 clear passes that just wouldn't have happened prior to the changes.


The game is 'name those passes'. Bear in mind these are not just passes, but passes that were down to the change in track.


I've spent all week racking my brains and i'm at 1 pass, Jan Graversen, unless that counts as two. But then it doesn't count as any really, because it had nothing to do with the track changes, right. The game is harder than It looks.

Edited by volty
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I've spent all week racking my brains and i'm at 1 pass, Jan Graversen, unless that counts as two. But then it doesn't count as any really, because it had nothing to do with the track changes, right. The game is harder than It looks.


Are you simple? :blink:

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heat 11 i remember a nice double pass by simon and magnus on ostergaard simon round the outside and magnus on the kerb.


that was on the first bend of lap 1 wasn't it? That was 4 riders entering the first bend and finding their position.. I think i'm beginning to see how we may differ in our views of what constitutes a pass, maybe this is what Hemsley was talking about. Maybe i am that simple :o



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that was on the first bend of lap 1 wasn't it? That was 4 riders entering the first bend and finding their position.. I think i'm beginning to see how we may differ in our views of what constitutes a pass, maybe this is what Hemsley was talking about. Maybe i am that simple :o



to be fair it was but whatever way you look at it a pass is a pass and there we saw two.at most tracks it would be fair to say most races are won from the gate and most are won from the exit of bend two of the first lap,however i do understand where you are coming from and yes i do agree improvements could be made and when finances allow i feel sure the necessary changes will be carried out.

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to be fair it was but whatever way you look at it a pass is a pass and there we saw two.at most tracks it would be fair to say most races are won from the gate and most are won from the exit of bend two of the first lap,however i do understand where you are coming from and yes i do agree improvements could be made and when finances allow i feel sure the necessary changes will be carried out.


Why would changes be made when finances allow. I'm fairly confident that David Hemsley thinks the alterations he made in the winter have made an already good track into a very good one. Interestingly enough, if finances were an issue, i definately know of at least one sponsor who would have personally paid for some proper track changes to have been made if he had been approached at any point over the last couple of seasons. Unfortunately he hasn't, he has had enough of it all this year, and that opportuntity has been missed.

Edited by volty
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When you build a new track /stadium why not get the track right first them fit everything else around it they only had to travel to Kings Lynn or Pboro to see what was needed track wise it's not like it was a existing stadium they had to fit the track into how can it be so difficult to get it so wrong track wise ?

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to be fair it was but whatever way you look at it a pass is a pass .


Correct, A pass is A pass.....but there are passes and there are passes and Lasse Bjerre pass on MPT was the best pass i have ever seen...EVER


one of the greatest races ever seen,so it all cant be that bad at BP,plus tyres tracks have been spotted[and confirmed] on the new bits of the track,so all is falling into place ladies...keep the faith

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When you build a new track /stadium why not get the track right first them fit everything else around it they only had to travel to Kings Lynn or Pboro to see what was needed track wise it's not like it was a existing stadium they had to fit the track into how can it be so difficult to get it so wrong track wise ?


Spot on post

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Sadly, the infrastructure, the terracing, banked standing areas, referee's box and the track drainage were all installed with no consideration for the possibility that the most important thing - the track - might require significant alterations. It's obvious there is now no money to do anything meaningful about it. Hemsley's programme notes ring alarm bells. Attacking the fans suggests the promoter is in trouble.

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Went to Peterborough last night. The track looked somewhat tricky. The first 12 heats produced approximately 3 passes. The last 3 heats produced speedway straight out of the top drawer. Racing of a standard we sadly don't get at Leicester. Nemo's track craft and passes in heats 14 and 15 won it for the Aces.

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very clever post elephantman. Unfortunately without the god given talent to go with those attributes you mention id think that attitude will get you so far then leave you wanting. This is how it;s looking to me anyways. It's more likely to leave Hemsley with deep holes in his pockets. For that reason Elephantman, i fear you may find yourself saluting a fool. I'm sure we've all done it though




Here's a game for everyone to try. I have to say that my money is on Long Eye to be the winner.

I was told by David Hemsley that the new track is working and it was shown by the fact that in the Redcar meeting he saw 3 clear passes that just wouldn't have happened prior to the changes.


The game is 'name those passes'. Bear in mind these are not just passes, but passes that were down to the change in track.


I've spent all week racking my brains and i'm at 1 pass, Jan Graversen, unless that counts as two. But then it doesn't count as any really, because it had nothing to do with the track changes, right. The game is harder than It looks.


I may well be saluting a fool; but at least the fool has achieved something of substance; it is that which I salute.

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I may well be saluting a fool; but at least the fool has achieved something of substance; it is that which I salute.


I do feel myself at times getting drawn into making personal comments on David Hemsley by posts made on here, which is never my intention. All my comments are made with a passion for the subject i'm talking about, that is the well being of Leicester Speedway, and at times that can cross into comments on DH as they clearly go hand in hand. I always trying keep these comments to an impersonal nature but that isn't always easy. My points have been clearly made hopefully elsewhere in the thread and hopefully they may have resonated with a few people, even if you choose to ignore them. That's your perogative though and as i don't want to be drawn into more personal comments about DH I'll leave it with you saluting away.

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Why are you yawning?

What could possibly be boring about the same topics repeated ad nauseam?

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Why are you yawning?

What could possibly be boring about the same topics repeated ad nauseam?


I assume you mean primarily the track. Are you not surprised though? Surely the reason for the ongoing discussion is because nothing has changed, save for a cosmetic appeasement that has affected nothing. Only DH seems to belive there's been an improvement and frankly, it's now time for his blinkers to come off.


It's the single biggest talking point on here and amongst virtually every fan I speak to because the track is always at the core of any speedway business. Speedway, like all professional sports, is in the entertainment business. People pay their hard-earned money to be entertained and if they're not, eventually they will stopping handing over that money, whether they are supporters through the turnstiles or sponsors contributing extra revenue to the club. It's not good enough to simply say "if you don't like it don't go" and to keep on with an incessant "you're boring us" retort. If enough people decide to stop handing over money there will be no business to be had, and no speedway at all here, which after 28 years of waiting would be a crying shame. The people making these points aren't doing it because they want to have a pop at DH. They're doing it because they demand a decent speedway track and are concerned about how it can be sustained in the long term without one. The attendance on the Edinburgh meeting was a perfect example of people weighing up their options and choosing not to go. The value for money ratio is all out of kilter at Leicester and only the loyal head-in-the-sand few seem to think nothing's wrong, and their number will definitely dwindle further as time goes on.


The debate about how it happened has been had over and over so I do agree that's no longer needed. However, what is needed, and somewhat urgently I would suggest, is a properly executed solution to the lack of racing entertainment served up at BP. The only other way this repeated track debate will end is for people not to care anymore, and that will be a sorry day for everyone who loves speedway in Leicester, whatever side of the fence you're on.

Edited by LionsDen
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I assume you mean primarily the track. Are you not surprised though? Surely the reason for the ongoing discussion is because nothing has changed, save for a cosmetic appeasement that has affected nothing. Only DH seems to belive there's been an improvement and frankly, it's now time for his blinkers to come off.


It's the single biggest talking point on here and amongst virtually every fan I speak to because the track is always at the core of any speedway business. Speedway, like all professional sports, is in the entertainment business. People pay their hard-earned money to be entertained and if they're not, eventually they will stopping handing over that money, whether they are supporters through the turnstiles or sponsors contributing extra revenue to the club. It's not good enough to simply say "if you don't like it don't go" and to keep on with an incessant "you're boring us" retort. If enough people decide to stop handing over money there will be no business to be had, and no speedway at all here, which after 28 years of waiting would be a crying shame. The people making these points aren't doing it because they want to have a pop at DH. They're doing it because they demand a decent speedway track and are concerned about how it can be sustained in the long term without one. The attendance on the Edinburgh meeting was a perfect example of people weighing up their options and choosing not to go. The value for money ratio is all out of kilter at Leicester and only the loyal head-in-the-sand few seem to think nothing's wrong, and their number will definitely dwindle further as time goes on.


The debate about how it happened has been had over and over so I do agree that's no longer needed. However, what is needed, and somewhat urgently I would suggest, is a properly executed solution to the lack of racing entertainment served up at BP. The only other way this repeated track debate will end is for people not to care anymore, and that will be a sorry day for everyone who loves speedway in Leicester, whatever side of the fence you're on.

I'm genuinely surprised at your comments after all the dealings you had with Hemsley.Do you really think he is going to alter the track because a few people on here constantly moan about it......I think he would rather see you in hell or close the track down than admit he got it wrong....The only way the track will be significantly altered is if he sells up.
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