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Message To The Leicester Promotor

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Any thoughts that DH could of upset these people and they pulled out because they couldn't work with him.



Why do you persist in saying DH has upset people whenever anything goes wrong. With regards to the football pitches and the velodrome, there was no falling out. The people involvbed with the football could not find the funding and the super velodrome built in Derby meant that BCF pulled out of building one at Beaumont Park.

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Any thoughts that DH could of upset these people and they pulled out because they couldn't work with him.

I gather there were a number of fall outs with speedway people before a wheel was turned


Have you ever stopped to think what your posts look and read like? You come across as a very bitter and twisted individual yet you are probably a decent person. It is beginning to look like you are harassing or inciting harassment of Hemsley and he is the sort of guy who will turn on you when you least expect it. Have you not followed the recent successful prosecutions, settlements out of court and lost civil actions following adverse public comments on Twitter?


FYI here is an extract from a report on a minor complaint courtesy of BBC News;


"And last year, a councillor in Caerphilly, Wales, was ordered to pay £3,000 and costs to a political rival for posting libellous comments on Twitter.

People need to remember that Twitter and other social networking sites are "published" in much the same way as a newspaper, Kelcey says.

"In fact publications through this type of medium are arguably worse as they stay on the internet for a long time and can be difficult to remove. There is no doubt either as to the author which makes prosecution easier.

"Publications in newspapers have usually gone through an editorial process so the more dangerous remarks are likely to be edited out and there is time for mature reflection before publication," he says".


Get Googling and you might just want to reconsider what could happen beyond the next 30 seconds at your keyboard.

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what does it matter why worry dont let it take over your life like it seems to be doing as long as its not costing you money then dont make it a concern just go to speedway like i do and watch and if your not happy then dont come back next year simples,go and watch football if you cant do that then buy the frigging club if you cant do that then shut up or put up. you seem to have all the answers put your money where your mouth is.


As much as i appreciate the life coaching skills you keep offering me, unfortunately i don't need your advice. I'm happy spending my time and my life in a way i'm happy doing. I don't need to be told by you where and on what i should be sending charitable donations, what i should be spending my spare time being interested in and whatever advice it was that you offered in a post a week or so ago to me that i was busy ignoring before you either removed yourself or was more likely removed by the mods for being rude and abusive. This is a forum for debating speedway and yet whether someone is debating the merits of riders, track or promotion and has a view you don't agree with you're right in there giving it some abuse. Unlike you, I'm not looking to start a slanging match so that's my last word on it.




Edited by volty
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Any thoughts that DH could of upset these people and they pulled out because they couldn't work with him.

I gather there were a number of fall outs with speedway people before a wheel was turned


I don't think he upset British Cycling. In fact he may have been the architect involved in their velodrome project in Derby.

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As much as i appreciate the life coaching skills you keep offering me, unfortunately i don't need your advice. I'm happy spending my time and my life in a way i'm happy doing. I don't need to be told by you where and on what i should be sending charitable donations, what i should be spending my spare time being interested in and whatever advice it was that you offered in a post a week or so ago to me that i was busy ignoring before you either removed yourself or was more likely removed by the mods for being rude and abusive. This is a forum for debating speedway and yet whether someone is debating the merits of riders, track or promotion and has a view you don't agree with you're right in there giving it some abuse. Unlike you, I'm not looking to start a slanging match so that's my last word on it.




i used to respect and agree with what you said but recently you have turned a corner your constant moans and complaints about everything to do with leicester speedway the promotion,tractors,track prep,team manager,riders (seemingly magnus has always been subject to your abuse) just to name but a few are getting very tiresome,you are starting to sound more like robert 72 with every post.debating is one thing but you yourself are very rude and abusive towards everyone and everything to do with leicester speedway its just your clever with your wording but i can see through your sentences you are coming across as a trouble causer you load the gun and let the others fire the bullets the signs of a very bitter and twisted person who adds nothing constructive anymore but seems dead set on trying to cause trouble for leicester speedway is this your aim?you wonder why it begs the question why do you go you obviously dont enjoy your speedway at leicester,that shines through in your posts,why not go elsewhere where you might enjoy it why torment yourself each week? like i said you seem to have all the answers why not put your inside knowledge to good use and be positive for once.

Edited by neb
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Sadly any constructive argument on here soon gets drowned out by abuse. I would imagine anybody who takes the trouble to post on here has a valid reason for doing so. We don't all have a vendetta against DH or Leicester Speedway. We are just paying customers who think, and hope, it can be improved for the good of all. If people are happy with the entertainment currently on offer that is fine. Doesn't necessarily mean those of us losing interest are wrong.

Edited by lionstigersnotbearsohmy
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Sadly any constructive argument on here soon gets drowned out by abuse. I would imagine anybody who takes the trouble to post on here has a valid reason for doing so. We don't all have a vendetta against DH or Leicester Speedway. We are just paying customers who think, and hope, it can be improved for the good of all. If people are habit with the entertainment currently on offer that is fine. Doesn't necessarily mean those of us losing interest are wrong.



Well said.


If I were DH and read some of the bile Posted on this Thread - I would close the place down straight away. It's one thing to be critical - it's something totally different to be abusive. :angry: :angry:

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Well said.


If I were DH and read some of the bile Posted on this Thread - I would close the place down straight away. It's one thing to be critical - it's something totally different to be abusive. :angry: :angry:

well said

i am not DH number 1 fan and i dont agree with everything he does or the way he seems to go about it but we have what we have,like it or lump it the more crap he reads on here the harder he will dig his heels in all the abuse he gets on here will only make the guy more determined to do what he wants to do its not the right way to go about it.i am sure things will change at leicester in the future but before that happens i think the guy needs to be given a bit of slack and lay off the abuse.

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It gives me NO pleasure whatsoever to Post as I did in my previous Post.


We in Sunderland have been longing for FORTY years near enough for someone to come in and Promote Speedway. I sincerely hope that if WE had some Promoter brave enough to take a chance that we (Supporters) would NOT treat him/her to the kind of abusive comments appearing on here.


We would be eternally grateful that we had some Speedway to watch.


I tell you what - if DH were to come to Sunderland - I/We would welcome him with open arms.


Please try to be grateful for what you have - you NEVER know when it may be taken away from you.



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This is why nobody posts on here anymore.....if you don't entirely agree with the Gang of Four you get accused of being 'rose tinted'.

This whole thread is beyond farcical .

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Can I ask why you think DH would be responsible for all the investment groups?


The planning permission and lease was agreed with Beaumont Sports Complex Ltd. They are three directors within that company include DH and two guys based in Bristol. They are essentially responsible.


Any thoughts that DH could of upset these people and they pulled out because they couldn't work with him.


I doubt it. There's logical reasons for why the other parties dropped out.

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Wasn't it Len Silver who was involved with Sunderland. Lasted about 3 seasons then folded due to lack of support.


1971 to 1974.


Yes Len Silver opened Sunderland in 1971 under the Allied Promotions banner.


He did not close Sunderland though they were sold to another Promoter, then sold again to some people who didn't seem to have a clue. Finally those Promoters had to sell the Team back to the original sellers - but by then - our support had dwindled to almost nothing and that group had no alternative but to finish the Fixtures and close early.


So, to answer your question directly, we WERE closed down due to lack of Support but there WERE reasons for that lack of Support - Losing all of our HOME Meetings for the first half of the Season (1974) until the Promoters, who had the last Promotional Rights, took over and injected new talent to our Team. But by then it was too late - our core Support had been lost.


As most folk know, once Support is lost, it is very difficult to get it back. We failed in that regard hence our closure.

Edited by The White Knight
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The planning permission and lease was agreed with Beaumont Sports Complex Ltd. They are three directors within that company include DH and two guys based in Bristol. They are essentially responsible.




I doubt it. There's logical reasons for why the other parties dropped out.


But don't let that get in the way of good old wholesome speculation. Far more fun !!!!!!!!! :-)

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Have you ever stopped to think what your posts look and read like? You come across as a very bitter and twisted individual yet you are probably a decent person. It is beginning to look like you are harassing or inciting harassment of Hemsley and he is the sort of guy who will turn on you when you least expect it. Have you not followed the recent successful prosecutions, settlements out of court and lost civil actions following adverse public comments on Twitter?


FYI here is an extract from a report on a minor complaint courtesy of BBC News;


"And last year, a councillor in Caerphilly, Wales, was ordered to pay £3,000 and costs to a political rival for posting libellous comments on Twitter.

People need to remember that Twitter and other social networking sites are "published" in much the same way as a newspaper, Kelcey says.

"In fact publications through this type of medium are arguably worse as they stay on the internet for a long time and can be difficult to remove. There is no doubt either as to the author which makes prosecution easier.

"Publications in newspapers have usually gone through an editorial process so the more dangerous remarks are likely to be edited out and there is time for mature reflection before publication," he says".


Get Googling and you might just want to reconsider what could happen beyond the next 30 seconds at your keyboard.

nothing I have said is untrue or libel, I speak as a fan who has paid for a product and expected it to be a lot better.if you can't have an opinion then what's the point of a forum?
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recently you have turned a corner your constant moans and complaints about everything to do with leicester speedway the promotion,tractors,track prep,team manager,riders (seemingly magnus has always been subject to your abuse) just to name but a few are getting very tiresome.


As much as i'd like to just ignore you (and i honestly do my best) i do have to make these points with regards to your last post, starting back to front.


At what point have i complained about the riders? You clearly read what you want, and for whatever reason, into what is written. I don't recall writing anything but praise for Doolan, Bjerre, Edberg or Sargeant. The only thing I have said about Graversen was when the debate was talking about our struggle to make the play-offs when i pointed out it's difficult to win things when you have a rider in your team who's home and away form are so different as it gives him a false high average in the important area of away meetings. Again, at no point i have i said i have an issue with Graversen over this, I was just pointing it out. i like him. I haven't said anything about Nieminen other than mention his form is considerably down on previous years and to question whether the situation affecting the running of his testimonial may be a factor or not. That's got to be a debatable topic, whether i'm right or wrong, that's what forums are all about. I've never complained about Rob Branford. All i have done is question whether he'd be better off in himself at a track other than BP as he seems to have the same issues mastering it as Lewis Blackbird had (and ditto Blackbird). This is then kind of linked to my pushing of Sargeant as a replacement should Branford be dropped as was being speculated on the terraces widely.. Along with a number of other clearly capable riders, Sargeant is the kind of battling young british rider who should have a place in the PL. Finally Karlsson. I'm not the uber fan you are, no. I didn't think he was good enough last year as the team was built around him being a far better rider than he ended up being. This year i haven't had a single problem with what he's done though. He's actually doing better than i thought he would. The only point i have made about Karlsson is that due to circumstances that are beyond his and the managements control we ended up replacing a rider expected to dominate the league in the way Craig Cook has with a rider who is a 7-8 point rider. That unfortunately has affected our chances of being successful. I have then questioned whether because of this the team balance needed altering. That's all i have said. You need to take more time understanding what is being said if you think i have said something different. Go and have a look again now. Irresepective, that's what forums are about Neb. debating stuff.


Re: team manager. I'd love to see where i have complained or moaned about the team manager. I think Glyn is a top bloke. If anything i would say i'm more positive to him than anyone on here..


track prep. Surely having problems with the preparation of the track bought about by lack of equipment is a valid point to be making on a forum. Even Glyn was publicly pointing out some of the issues with the track and the reason Bjerre couldn't get going last week were due to his lack of tractors again. When the entertainment is affected by these issues then it becomes a debatable issue.


Again, i try and give valid reasons for my issues with the promotion, but there you go, everyone has different agenda's and different way to deal with it. I try to just ignore the 3 or 4 people on both sides of the fence who sit there abusing each other and others constantly over issues to do with the promotion of the club. it's not hard to do. I don't want to name names but you know who i'm talking about don't you, they've all appeared over the last page or two of this thread? I don't get involved in what they say full stop as they add nothing to the debate and most decent debate end up floundering because of them (although when one of them drags me into the argument by being abusive to me, i might, now and again, end up writing a post just like this). If you don't want to read what someone has written, such as me, then you could just do the same.


that's definately my last word on what you've got to say (though on this occasion i admit i have left the loaded gun or however you refer to it, fire away)




Edited by volty
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