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Message To The Leicester Promotor

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Do you want the long list of the people DH has upset ? It's quite impressive and the lions have not completed 3 seasons yet.


And I wouldn't wonder that some have upset DH as well. You cannot blame anyone unless you clearly know the facts. You should not go by hearsay. No doubt he has upset folk at one time or another.. Have you ever upset someone!!

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And I wouldn't wonder that some have upset DH as well. You cannot blame anyone unless you clearly know the facts. You should not go by hearsay. No doubt he has upset folk at one time or another.. Have you ever upset someone!!

he upsets me every time he posts.

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what Leicester speedway finished ? That sadly may not be to long


Well lets hope you're correct then you can feel the 'big man'. Your predictions of its demise are strange though as crowds are good but as you say you don't even go then you must be a total expert on the place.

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Well lets hope you're correct then you can feel the 'big man'. Your predictions of its demise are strange though as crowds are good but as you say you don't even go then you must be a total expert on the place.

who said I don't go ? I pick my meetings, lets be realistic it can't carry on with a track like that and with lack of equipment to prepare it if what people say is true,also the fall out with sponsors & a promotor quitting,

I want to see Leicester move forward,the only way is if someone new took over as nothing has changed in 3 years

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Generally speaking the racing has got better.


If you think that Leicester will pack in your living in fantasy land, just look at the crowd there on Sunday far bigger than most premier league tracks, no question.


Whilst I agree with both statements generally, crowds levels to a a point are relative. Just because other teams may survive on say 600 doesn't mean we can. Financial viability will be different from team to team noting also that ours is the newest and should likely carry the greater overheads


I don't feel it will go to the wall now but if with the decent crowds we still have not got the correct track equipment for Glyn to prepare a track (if costs or finance were the reasons) then it wouldn't take a huge drop to make it completely non viable. If you can't have the finance in place to provide the very basics that are required then it must be a concern.

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Well, how about this for an alternative view.

  • The quality of racing has improved this year v previous seasons.
  • The Lions have for the most part ridden more competitively home and away than previous seasons.
  • The track is more conducive to better racing (though shortening the straights would make it even better)
  • The promoters have been successful in bringing speedway back to the City and their ambition to bring big time Elite League racing here along with local rivalry with The Bees, The Brummies the Wolves and Panthers should be encouraged.
  • The promoters cant please all of the people all of the time, so they shouldn’t bother trying but just carry on doing what they are doing which is pleasing most of the people most of the time and improving what is on offer year on year. i.e. from Nothing to Elite League racing in 4 years
  • Go for it!

Oh and finally, I took a 25 year old first timer to Speedway on Sunday and guess what, she thought it was utterly fantastic and can’t wait to go again. I didn’t bother telling her it wasn’t the best racing to be seen; I just let her enjoy the experience.

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Well, how about this for an alternative view.

  • The quality of racing has improved this year v previous seasons.
  • The Lions have for the most part ridden more competitively home and away than previous seasons.
  • The track is more conducive to better racing (though shortening the straights would make it even better)
  • The promoters have been successful in bringing speedway back to the City and their ambition to bring big time Elite League racing here along with local rivalry with The Bees, The Brummies the Wolves and Panthers should be encouraged.
  • The promoters cant please all of the people all of the time, so they shouldn’t bother trying but just carry on doing what they are doing which is pleasing most of the people most of the time and improving what is on offer year on year. i.e. from Nothing to Elite League racing in 4 years
  • Go for it!

Oh and finally, I took a 25 year old first timer to Speedway on Sunday and guess what, she thought it was utterly fantastic and can’t wait to go again. I didn’t bother telling her it wasn’t the best racing to be seen; I just let her enjoy the experience.


Your points are all reasonably valid and i can't really disagree in principle with anything you written. I don't have a problem with someone looking on the bright side of life but most the points you make, whilst valid, don't quite give the whole picture. I think unless you are from Newcastle or Workington or some such place and make it to Leicester once in a blue moon, if at all in some cases, then you'd have to be fooling yourself not to see the issues that are surrounding the promotion and track at Leicester. They are clear for all to see. Actually, it was perfectly summed up by the 2 posts above yours. It's all very well saying how our crowd is the envy of the premier league but it doesn't mean a thing if that size of crowd isn't paying it's way still and is on a undeniably downward spiral. The sport at BP appears to be getting bankrolled by a 'baffle barrier' of rubble from waste tipping that has now risen in places to above the height of the trees surrounding it (it's appears to be rising by 6 foot a week!). Even so, the promotion still doesn't appear to have the finances to even keep the basics such as track equipment in place. Surely the tipping can't go on indefinately. What happens when it stops.


It's all very well saying the racing has improved, and i don't disagree it has, but other than on a couple of occasions it's still not great and due to the hopelessly stupid track dimensions, when not prepared to perfection, it still has the tendency to produce racing so dire as to make you forget a good meeting just past.


Unfortunately you don't need to come on here know the issues surrounding Leicester. It's there for everyone to see week in, week out if you are unwilling to just ignore it on your visits. Whether it's fall outs with the staff, the riders, the actual promoters, the main sponsors, the small time sponsors, the people who have worked on the stadium, the people who rent stuff, the people who lent stuff, it's just goes on and most of it in a very public way. As a Leicester fan i'm afraid i find it bloody worrying.



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What if the fans try and buy the team and see if he would rent the stadium to them until enough funds could be raised to buy just the speedway side of things not the rest

I think there would be several people who would buy it if the price was sensible.


What would happen to leicester speedway if the dumping was stopped? They don't seem to to have the machinery to do the track and that's with a fair crowd and money from the dumping.


Worrying times I feel with the possibility of no play offs

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I think there would be several people who would buy it if the price was sensible.


What would happen to leicester speedway if the dumping was stopped? They don't seem to to have the machinery to do the track and that's with a fair crowd and money from the dumping.


Worrying times I feel with the possibility of no play offs


What do you class as a 'sensible' price? I think DH could do with a laugh


Well, how about this for an alternative view.

  • The quality of racing has improved this year v previous seasons.
  • The Lions have for the most part ridden more competitively home and away than previous seasons.
  • The track is more conducive to better racing (though shortening the straights would make it even better)
  • The promoters have been successful in bringing speedway back to the City and their ambition to bring big time Elite League racing here along with local rivalry with The Bees, The Brummies the Wolves and Panthers should be encouraged.
  • The promoters cant please all of the people all of the time, so they shouldn’t bother trying but just carry on doing what they are doing which is pleasing most of the people most of the time and improving what is on offer year on year. i.e. from Nothing to Elite League racing in 4 years
  • Go for it!

Oh and finally, I took a 25 year old first timer to Speedway on Sunday and guess what, she thought it was utterly fantastic and can’t wait to go again. I didn’t bother telling her it wasn’t the best racing to be seen; I just let her enjoy the experience.


Nice try !!!!!!

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not a million quid as he mentioned, that really did make people laugh


But you wouldn't just be buying the stadium you would be buying the whole complex wouldn't you? in what I would say is a sort after area. You can't just chose the bit you wan to buy.

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There is a couple of interested parties in buying the promoting rights and speedway side of Leicester but in the current fiancial climate do not want to take on the whole complex which is quite reasonable as would be huge investment.

If these persons could just buy the rights and then pay Hemsley stadium rent like most clubs do I believe that there is decent money to be made at Leicester with the correct people involved and promotion of the club. The problem with this proposal is the amount that DH would want to rent the stadium weekly in excess of 8k a week just to open the gates then you would have the refs fees,paramedics,ambulance and officials fees that is before you pay a rider

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There is a couple of interested parties in buying the promoting rights and speedway side of Leicester but in the current fiancial climate do not want to take on the whole complex which is quite reasonable as would be huge investment.

If these persons could just buy the rights and then pay Hemsley stadium rent like most clubs do I believe that there is decent money to be made at Leicester with the correct people involved and promotion of the club. The problem with this proposal is the amount that DH would want to rent the stadium weekly in excess of 8k a week just to open the gates then you would have the refs fees,paramedics,ambulance and officials fees that is before you pay a rider

yes I know of a couple of people who would be interested but not at the amount DH has said he wants,I do fear for the future of Leicester speedway.


Isn't the whole site rented off the council ?

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yes I know of a couple of people who would be interested but not at the amount DH has said he wants,I do fear for the future of Leicester speedway.


Isn't the whole site rented off the council ?


I think it's a 99 year lease.

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yes I know of a couple of people who would be interested but not at the amount DH has said he wants,I do fear for the future of Leicester speedway.


Isn't the whole site rented off the council ?


Yes, but on a very long lease. 99 years as 40-38 says above.


Makes me laugh to hear the place still described as a "Complex", as if it actually resembled the original plans rather than the reality of an eyesore collection of extremely high mud hills, made from construction industry waste, outside a fenced off enclave containing a track.

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