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Message To The Leicester Promotor

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Doesn't look like he would be too bothered if it was lost again and I'm afraid there a lot like him as well . During the honeymoon period the promotion had the chance to listen to the wishes of a healthy crowd, unfortunately they took their support for granted and carried on doing as they saw fit ,regardless of the rumblings from the terraces , Many like Bornagain stayed away after 2 seasons of processional racing and various fallings out behind the scenes . the promotion are now faced with an uphill battle to try to win back the lost support .The current economic climate means that the great unwashed analyze their disposable income and insist on maximizing the value of every pound , Leicester are now in the same position as all other speedway clubs in as much as they are down to the hardcore now that the crowd has dropped to it's natural level . And now, financing the changes that may bring some of the stayaways back is increasingly difficult on a budget that is just about breaking even . the next few weeks should see the best crowds while the other local sports are on their all too short summer break , so lets hope lessons have been learned about the track preparation and also how to air your dirty washing in private ..

If the product was good then people would be supporting it more often than not, sadly the promotor thinks everything is ok and its clearly not with the amount of fans who have walked away.

For heavan's sake guy's, give it a rest!!

Yes we know all about it now, DH has done tremendous damage to the future of Leicester Speedway and it will fail abysmally very soon due to the lack of support. The track shape is all wrong, the racing is crap (because the track shape is all wrong), everyone is upset, no one talks to each other, there's a skeleton staff, all the sponsors have left, the riders have all resigned and thrown their race jackets in the bin, the promotors wife is interefering, Glyn's been sacked again for saying things on the forum, the sun's out so the meeting's off, the grass on the centre green is three inches too long, the track anouncer gets on everyones nerves so he should be sacked, we haven't got a tractor, the water bowser's been reposessed by the balifs, ... the negativity is relentless!


I think you lot are looking forward to the day when the doors close on BP and you can smugly say "I told you so" TWK is right. If it's not supported it will cease to be - it won't be viable. By all means, have your say, don't pay you hard earned at the gate for something you don't think is worth the price, but is it within you to let people make up their own minds as to what is a good nights entertainment, or are you so bitter that you just can't stop yourself from having a dig at the promotion when the opportunity presents itself? Must you constantly come on here and bang on with the same old stories and, by doing so, put off potential visitors to BP? There may have been a number of visitors who would have come to the meetings, that have been as good as those at other tracks, but they have been put off by your constant critisism, not just of the track but of the promotion too.


The nay-sayers on here suggest that the only reason that the Somerset and Ipswich meetings were good was because of the previous wet weather. So, the track shape is OK now then? It suggests to me that there may be something in the track base that needs changing or the composition and mix of the shale? If you look at comments on other threads, processional racing seems par for the course at most tracks. In fact, speedway has, for as long as I have been fan, (42years), been known as a sport where "the one to the corner first wins" We know that's not always the case but BP isn't the only track to have processional racing. Look on updates - "from the gate"


Jim the whipper-uppererer makes out that bornagainlion is a loss to the sport (like so many others), when he himself states that "his love and passion is football" , so he is taking his son to watch Liverpool instead of coming to BP. I don't see that as a loss, more of a choice. He was never "into" the sport in the first place! He also states that all other speedway clubs are down to the hardcore fans. So why keep banging on about Leicester's crowds dropping? It's the same all over the country apparently.


Come on you lot, stop banging the same old drum, OK, moan when you want to, air your grievencies when you need to, but get behind the team, turn up and watch the spectacle of those four men on two wheels, 500cc and no brakes sliding a bike around a shale track.


Rant over

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As rants go that was pretty good. :D


as good as it may have been, it lost it's way at the point where it tried to make out people have stayed away from Leicester on the basis of the what Robert72 or Jim the Whipper say!


that crazy talk, so to speak..


Irrespective of the reasons for 3 years of dismal racing the facts are that but for odd occasion, such as last week, that's exactly what the entertainment has been... dismal. We've all willed it to be different but that's how it is. The amount of people who don't go because they've been and the racing is crap far outweighs the amount of people who haven't even been because Jim The Whipper and Robert72 say it's crap. Probably to a factor of 100% (or whatever the factor of everyone to nobody is). Sounds good when you read it, a rallying cry so to speak, but on reflection It's an awful, awful argument.

Edited by volty
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For heavan's sake guy's, give it a rest!!

Yes we know all about it now, DH has done tremendous damage to the future of Leicester Speedway and it will fail abysmally very soon due to the lack of support. The track shape is all wrong, the racing is crap (because the track shape is all wrong), everyone is upset, no one talks to each other, there's a skeleton staff, all the sponsors have left, the riders have all resigned and thrown their race jackets in the bin, the promotors wife is interefering, Glyn's been sacked again for saying things on the forum, the sun's out so the meeting's off, the grass on the centre green is three inches too long, the track anouncer gets on everyones nerves so he should be sacked, we haven't got a tractor, the water bowser's been reposessed by the balifs, ... the negativity is relentless!


I think you lot are looking forward to the day when the doors close on BP and you can smugly say "I told you so" TWK is right. If it's not supported it will cease to be - it won't be viable. By all means, have your say, don't pay you hard earned at the gate for something you don't think is worth the price, but is it within you to let people make up their own minds as to what is a good nights entertainment, or are you so bitter that you just can't stop yourself from having a dig at the promotion when the opportunity presents itself? Must you constantly come on here and bang on with the same old stories and, by doing so, put off potential visitors to BP? There may have been a number of visitors who would have come to the meetings, that have been as good as those at other tracks, but they have been put off by your constant critisism, not just of the track but of the promotion too.


The nay-sayers on here suggest that the only reason that the Somerset and Ipswich meetings were good was because of the previous wet weather. So, the track shape is OK now then? It suggests to me that there may be something in the track base that needs changing or the composition and mix of the shale? If you look at comments on other threads, processional racing seems par for the course at most tracks. In fact, speedway has, for as long as I have been fan, (42years), been known as a sport where "the one to the corner first wins" We know that's not always the case but BP isn't the only track to have processional racing. Look on updates - "from the gate"


Jim the whipper-uppererer makes out that bornagainlion is a loss to the sport (like so many others), when he himself states that "his love and passion is football" , so he is taking his son to watch Liverpool instead of coming to BP. I don't see that as a loss, more of a choice. He was never "into" the sport in the first place! He also states that all other speedway clubs are down to the hardcore fans. So why keep banging on about Leicester's crowds dropping? It's the same all over the country apparently.


Come on you lot, stop banging the same old drum, OK, moan when you want to, air your grievencies when you need to, but get behind the team, turn up and watch the spectacle of those four men on two wheels, 500cc and no brakes sliding a bike around a shale track.


Rant over

Probably the best post I've read on this forum.
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as good as it may have been, it lost it's way at the point where it tried to make out people have stayed away from Leicester on the basis of the what Robert72 or Jim the Whipper say!


that crazy talk, so to speak..


Irrespective of the reasons for 3 years of dismal racing the facts are that but for odd occasion, such as last week, that's exactly what the entertainment has been... dismal. We've all willed it to be different but that's how it is. The amount of people who don't go because they've been and the racing is crap far outweighs the amount of people who haven't even been because Jim The Whipper and Robert72 say it's crap. Probably to a factor of 100% (or whatever the factor of everyone to nobody is). Sounds good when you read it, a rallying cry so to speak, but on reflection It's an awful, awful argument.

I was not putting forward an argument, just sick and tired of hearing the same old gripes from the usual folk, (and not just those two), and pointing out that if you don't go, then it won't be there. Hence the note to the rant at the end.

I think I may have read a comment by someone saying that it sounds so bad at BP that they won't bother coming (if ever I find it, I'll post it) so I think that the comments can affect attendances. I know the racing at BP isn't the best but it's what we have. If it goes, we have nothing, maybe not even a track where the shape can be changed in the future.

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I was not putting forward an argument, just sick and tired of hearing the same old gripes from the usual folk, (and not just those two), and pointing out that if you don't go, then it won't be there. Hence the note to the rant at the end.

I think I may have read a comment by someone saying that it sounds so bad at BP that they won't bother coming (if ever I find it, I'll post it) so I think that the comments can affect attendances. I know the racing at BP isn't the best but it's what we have. If it goes, we have nothing, maybe not even a track where the shape can be changed in the future.


Whilst i agree to a point with this, if it goes and we end up with nothing, then it's likely to be the fault of people who have had the ability to do something about it. If it does goes then it will be because of the intransigence of the people in charge, nothing more, nothing less. It will have been their choice and their choice alone. IMO, If god forbid it was to happen then you would do a dissersive to the actual reasons were you to blame people on internet forums as a cause.

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Whilst i agree to a point with this, if it goes and we end up with nothing, then it's likely to be the fault of people who have had the ability to do something about it. If it does goes then it will be because of the intransigence of the people in charge, nothing more, nothing less. It will have been their choice and their choice alone. IMO, If god forbid it was to happen then you would do a dissersive to the actual reasons were you to blame people on internet forums as a cause.


Probably the best post I've read on this forum. ;)


Sheer bloodymindedness from the owner, who tells everyone they're wrong and that the entertainment is great, coupled with acceptance and apathy from the 'true fans' is a very damaging combination. This forum only discusses that fact, not causes it.


Tonight will be a good indicator on whether the Somerset and Ippo meetings were simply down to the weather and a decent watering from Mother Nature. Really hope you guys get to see some decent racing in the sunshine tonight.

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Whilst i agree to a point with this, if it goes and we end up with nothing, then it's likely to be the fault of people who have had the ability to do something about it. If it does goes then it will be because of the intransigence of the people in charge, nothing more, nothing less. It will have been their choice and their choice alone. IMO, If god forbid it was to happen then you would do a dissersive to the actual reasons were you to blame people on internet forums as a cause.


It may be the fault of those who in your opinion didn't listen.........But who will be the losers ? !!!!! I wont be going to any other tracks I've had a gutful of going to 'neutra'l meetings.... complete waste of money.

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It may be the fault of those who in your opinion didn't listen.........But who will be the losers ? !!!!! I wont be going to any other tracks I've had a gutful of going to 'neutra'l meetings.... complete waste of money.


I agree with you Tina, I guess we would all be losers. But it wouldnt be the fault of those that have been and think it's crap so don't go anymore. That's the point Nobblytriers is trying to make, that if people don't go it will be their fault when it doesn't exist anymore.. Unless the racing improves to something along the lines of what i watched at the last meeting between now and the end of the season then i won't be buying season tickets next year. I already know i definately will not be sponsoring Leicester next year. That's over a grand they won't be getting next year. The loss of that revenue to the owners is due to one thing and one thing only. If that affects the sustainability of Leicester Speedway then there is nothing i can do about it. There is something others could have done about it but not me. If things don't change and if i've lost interest in the fare on offer then using it or losing it makes no difference does it? I'll leave the extra financing required to keep the speedway going to the people who are seem happy watching what's on offer, people like you and Mrcts.


I would guess the point that puts most potential customers off visiting Leicester to watch the speedway is they've likely tried it already and it's generally not up to much, see Bornagainlion or Nightshift and a whole host of others. It's a point Jim the Whipper quite eloquently made re: parallels between Newport and Leicester. Thats the single biggest issue with getting people to BP of a night now, not whether someone is moaning about it on the internet or elsewhere.

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Well, this is difficult, trying to get a point across without being misunderstood. I don't think I've said the racing's great, or the crowd, or the whole of the set up at BP. I've already explained the rant, sorry but I'm getting old now, and I just felt that I had to say something because once again, the same complaints were being posted.

My post ended up being a bit of a rant more out of frustration than anything else and as this is an open forum, I think I can do that. I suppose all I was trying to say was, can we give it a rest? We all know how you feel but what can we do? It would be nice to be able to post on here without being slated for maybe wearing a pair of rose tinteds and seeing things differently.

I still feel that all the negativity on here can have a detrimental effect but I don't think that it would be the sole cause of BP's demise, I'm as aware as the next supporter that all is not well within Leicester Speedway. I just think that we have what we have and that the team should be supported.


No doubt if more problems develop at BP, for whatever reason, then they'll be discussed on here, and I haven't got a problem with that!

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I agree with you Tina, I guess we would all be losers. But it wouldnt be the fault of those that have been and think it's crap so don't go anymore. That's the point Nobblytriers is trying to make, that if people don't go it will be their fault when it doesn't exist anymore.. Unless the racing improves to something along the lines of what i watched at the last meeting between now and the end of the season then i won't be buying season tickets next year. I already know i definately will not be sponsoring Leicester next year. That's over a grand they won't be getting next year. The loss of that revenue to the owners is due to one thing and one thing only. If that affects the sustainability of Leicester Speedway then there is nothing i can do about it. There is something others could have done about it but not me. If things don't change and if i've lost interest in the fare on offer then using it or losing it makes no difference does it? I'll leave the extra financing required to keep the speedway going to the people who are seem happy watching what's on offer, people like you and Mrcts.


I would guess the point that puts most potential customers off visiting Leicester to watch the speedway is they've likely tried it already and it's generally not up to much, see Bornagainlion or Nightshift and a whole host of others. It's a point Jim the Whipper quite eloquently made re: parallels between Newport and Leicester. Thats the single biggest issue with getting people to BP of a night now, not whether someone is moaning about it on the internet or elsewhere.


First timers will either like it or not. A work colleague has been once and hasn't been again as it's not much fun on your own apparently, Maybe if people see what look like 'newbies' they could be a bit more friendly, I know I do I didn't even realise he had gone I did welcome him to join us but he hasn't taken me up on my offer yet. No mention of racing there but then he doesn't know any of the politics....When Long Eaton rode in the 80's I could take it or leave it it wasn't a must do thing for me even though my husband went every week. I used it as an opportunity to enjoy an evening in on my own. I would go once or twice a season at best as a token gesture. Nothing to do with promotions or racing. It just didn't float my boat. I'm not sure what the answer is to attracting new custom.

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There was some questions over a work permit but the UK border agency have let him in the country to ride last week so he may already have one. The question is what his average would be and who he would replace

there was a rumor going round that magnus could be dropped and darkin brought in to replace him,that way it could free up a point or two that could be used to get a stronger reserve.

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there was a rumor going round that magnus could be dropped and darkin brought in to replace him,that way it could free up a point or two that could be used to get a stronger reserve.


As far as I can see Magnus and Sergei have very similar averages. Darkin's final average was 6.53 so less than half a point currently between them. I think you would need to drop Nieminen for Darkin to create some 'reserve points' so to speak. Something along the lines of what I mentioned in the pride thread. It's a little worrying that if Edberg is out for a while and needs replacing I can't see a decent replacement anywhere (Steve Boxhall being the lowest average rider that i think could do a job as best reserve and his average is so high it would actually put Graversen at reserve).



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