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Message To The Leicester Promotor

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  On 5/1/2013 at 9:30 PM, Tsunami said:

No, why should I. You all seem to be giving him it but none of you have got it right. I visited Leicester in April and had a good look at what has been done. There obviously had been a change to the inside line, and I watched Joe Screen ride flat out, for the youngsters in the British Championship, and he rode the inside line never leaving the new part of the track. I was there to see it, but you would have thought it hadn't been done or happened according to the bile on here by the usual few.


and back to type. it was good while it lasted!


Taking a neutral view i would point out that the inside line isn't the problem... that's the one everyone is riding. Here's the thing Tsunami, you appear to have a opinion you've formed about the track based on your irrefutable experience and what appears to be one visit to watch a bunch of kids and Joe Screen. Has it occured to you some of the people on here who have a different opinion on what needs doing to the track have had that opinion formed by also talking to other people who have equal if not more insight in track work than you and may and have been seeing the issues on a regular basis over many more meetings than you have seen. And yet you are stating your certainty we have not got it right and you have. How can you say you have neutrality and then straight away argue that any other opinion someone may have on the track is 'bile'. Do you see why you wind people up so. Or is that your intent?


  On 5/1/2013 at 10:19 PM, Tsunami said:

Yes Newcastle, Wembley. It is, or was, more noticeable when teams like Sheffield used to come to Newcastle and just go straight across the corner, and have to ride the fence line, doing more distance, when the likes of Stuey Swales. Kevin Little,etc, used to cut to the line and sneek around the kerb and getting ahead of the faster rider. It's down to the rider how to ride it, it's not the tracks fault.


BTW I obviously haven't been to Leicester as much as you have, but so what. Does that make you a more neutral, and better judge to decide what needs to be done cos you have been there more times. It's not logic. Perhaps listening to neutrals who regularly talk to track curators, might introduce something to the table instead of carrying on with the same old, same old.


BTW I have following and debating on the Leicester project for all the years since the P & P was first granted. Check the archives. I am no newcomer on here, just ask the original protagonist speedibee, who thankfully has left this thread some time ago.



I don't think either has bends as sharp and tight as BP though, certainly not Wembley. i don't agree with you at all, sorry. There are no options with line that i have seen at BP . You cannot crawl around the inside as you would need to slow up too much to enter the bend. Your idea may work, i don't see it myself but i'm not foolish enough to dismiss anything without it having been tried. The riders are already currently backing their way around the corners on the line they are all riding now. It looks to me like both the inside and outside line in one.


I know you've been here on since the beginning. I remember your spats with speedibee, though I'm not so sure what makes you think he has ever left the thread.I mean't you've been following the 'track changes' threads for 3 months

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i think one of the main problems at leicester is the track get's ridden to death during the week sometimes and with no one there to keep on top of the preparation when glyn gets there on fri/sat its almost like he has to lay a complete new track again ready for sat night.i understand they have to rent the track out to bring some money back in for the club but if they have someone there on hand during the week to keep on top of the track prep it would make life a lot easier for glyn on a weekend and in turn the track would be far easier to prep and probably be a better racing surface and more consistent, producing better racing keeping fans and riders happy. .

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  On 5/1/2013 at 8:05 PM, Tsunami said:

My solution would be to increase the shale and clay in it, to make it grippy and neutralise the chippings which seem to be the majority material used


Another point worth making. It's been alluded to by others and was one of the specific points David Hemsley made in the questionairre last season. He made a point of asking if the track had improved with the Scunthorpe shale but as others have pointed out it now appears to be back to the hopeless Breedon stuff again. I thought the point he was making was that the Scunthorpe shale had improved matters and yet i'm guessing it's now mixed in with the rest to the point that it makes no odds. We know this improved the racing a little but finances don't even appear to be able to stretch to the cheap solution. Much like our remedies I'd say your remedy doesn't seem wanted / deliverable either.

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  On 5/1/2013 at 8:05 PM, Tsunami said:



I have similar views to you Vince. There are plenty of tracks that have long straights and tight corners, namely Newcastle and Belle Vue. BV has stocks but Newcastle doesn't. Our track is fairly consistant and enjoys good racing on a smoothish grippy track. Even with little banking on either bends, riders know they can pick up the dirt and ride both outside and inside and gain an advantage. Like all tracks, gaters are fancied to win but there is the chance inside or out to pass.

At Leicester, there is little wrong with the shape, and it has the great advantage of good banking. In my visits to it, there is an inability to stop drift coming out of the bends and riders need to shut off a little to save drifting into the fence. Berwick, Worky, Redcar, etc, suffer from the same characteristic. My solution would be to increase the shale and clay in it, to make it grippy and neutralise the chippings which seem to be the majority material used and is the prime cause IMO of the drift due to lack of grip. It does not need any major surgery, the shape is NOT that different from many other tracks. It is certainly a better shape than some of the current and past square or trick tracks where home fans raved about the standard of racing at their track. Get the material mix right, add some water and you will get decent racing and yes from the riders that are in the current team.

I have tried to post as a neutral, but unfortunately some posters on here are totally unable to, and seem to only want to seek remedies that are not or cannot be delivered.

Change the clay./shale mix, not the Promotor or the track shape. Newcastle has proved what can be done with a grippy track which has long straights and tight turns. Leicester can do it as well.


I think you have a point here.


I have never totally been convinced its all about the shape, particularly after I went to the Scunny match last season - by far and away the best I have seen at the track.


The surface that day was very different, only to return to a super slick consistency the following week.


Its why I believe that Glyn - and make no mistake, I have a great deal of regard for him as a track man, Redcar hasn't been the same since he left - is pandering to riders opinions rather than setting it up for racing.

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  On 5/1/2013 at 9:30 PM, Tsunami said:

No, why should I. You all seem to be giving him it but none of you have got it right. I visited Leicester in April and had a good look at what has been done. There obviously had been a change to the inside line, and I watched Joe Screen ride flat out, for the youngsters in the British Championship, and he rode the inside line never leaving the new part of the track. I was there to see it, but you would have thought it hadn't been done or happened according to the bile on here by the usual few. Your attitudes and inflexibilty to serious discussion about what might be done to improve the situation, will always get in the way and DH will always be the villain regardless.

Don't worry, the folks on here on the protest will eventually have their way, but I wonder if Coventry will be around then in their search for the perfect speedway.


I resent being accused of not contributing to serious discussion. As I said earlier, I'm always sceptical about people who declare themselves neutral. I'd hope that most people, regardless of their initial standpoint, are at least open to - and respectful of - the views of others, even if they don't change their minds. To accuse others of inflexibility and then put everyone who you don't agree with into one group, the "usual few", and label everyone's opinions and points as "bile" doesn't strike me as serious discussion, and certainly not from someone who says they are neutral.


You saw Joe Screen ride flat out (if that's possible where the riders obviously have to lose quite a lot of speed at the end of the straights) all the way around the inside line at Leicester. Was he racing against anyone of comparable ability, or was he riding alone?

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  On 5/1/2013 at 10:45 PM, volty said:

and back to type. it was good while it lasted!


Taking a neutral view i would point out that the inside line isn't the problem... that's the one everyone is riding. Here's the thing Tsunami, you appear to have a opinion you've formed about the track based on your irrefutable experience and what appears to be one visit to watch a bunch of kids and Joe Screen. Has it occured to you some of the people on here who have a different opinion on what needs doing to the track have had that opinion formed by also talking to other people who have equal if not more insight in track work than you and may and have been seeing the issues on a regular basis over many more meetings than you have seen. And yet you are stating your certainty we have not got it right and you have. How can you say you have neutrality and then straight away argue that any other opinion someone may have on the track is 'bile'. Do you see why you wind people up so. Or is that your intent?





I don't think either has bends as sharp and tight as BP though, certainly not Wembley. i don't agree with you at all, sorry. There are no options with line that i have seen at BP . You cannot crawl around the inside as you would need to slow up too much to enter the bend. Your idea may work, i don't see it myself but i'm not foolish enough to dismiss anything without it having been tried. The riders are already currently backing their way around the corners on the line they are all riding now. It looks to me like both the inside and outside line in one.


I know you've been here on since the beginning. I remember your spats with speedibee, though I'm not so sure what makes you think he has ever left the thread.I mean't you've been following the 'track changes' threads for 3 months


Too many wrongs assumptions and condescending comments Volty, to justify and/or attempt to debate.


I think I will leave it there and let you wallow in your problems.


  On 5/2/2013 at 12:21 PM, Leicester Lion said:

I resent being accused of not contributing to serious discussion. As I said earlier, I'm always sceptical about people who declare themselves neutral. I'd hope that most people, regardless of their initial standpoint, are at least open to - and respectful of - the views of others, even if they don't change their minds. To accuse others of inflexibility and then put everyone who you don't agree with into one group, the "usual few", and label everyone's opinions and points as "bile" doesn't strike me as serious discussion, and certainly not from someone who says they are neutral.


You saw Joe Screen ride flat out (if that's possible where the riders obviously have to lose quite a lot of speed at the end of the straights) all the way around the inside line at Leicester. Was he racing against anyone of comparable ability, or was he riding alone?


Given the condescending nature of some of the replies I get from the Leicester faithful, are you saying that only they are allowed to give it, but I am not allowed as a neutral. Only on a Leicester thread eh.

Joe was on the track on his own for all his rides.

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  On 5/2/2013 at 2:08 PM, Tsunami said:

Too many wrongs assumptions and condescending comments Volty, to justify and/or attempt to debate.


there i was reading your comments and thinking the same Tsunami. That was the reason for the slightly tongue in cheek and patronising tone of my reply. Particularly the bit where you point out you're right and we are all wrong. But there you go.



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  On 5/2/2013 at 2:08 PM, Tsunami said:

Given the condescending nature of some of the replies I get from the Leicester faithful, are you saying that only they are allowed to give it, but I am not allowed as a neutral. Only on a Leicester thread eh.

Joe was on the track on his own for all his rides.

Accusing others of wrong assumptions, only to make one of your own! I'm not saying anything of the sort and would never say someone isn't allowed an opinion. Anyway, this is all sidetracking...


So Joe Screen was riding alone. A rider going around on his own may demonstrate that the bits they sliced off the inside can be ridden on, but it doesn't show that those changes have made the slightest difference to the quality of the racing, which is, after all, why they were supposed to have been made. The changes can only be shown to be successful or not when riders of comparable ability are racing against each other. Sadly the evidence so far has shown that there is little difference, with no prospect of improvement.

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Fantastic venue, crap track!


As paying customers we shouldn't have to point out to the promoter that his product is poor! It is rank!


Either improvements will be made by a promoter recognising that people will vote with their feet if they're not or crowds will drop whereby the track closes.


I intended to be a regular at BP, but I'm not paying to watch the utter garbage claiming to be racing on show!

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  On 5/5/2013 at 9:26 PM, BuckTaylor64 said:

Fantastic venue, crap track!


As paying customers we shouldn't have to point out to the promoter that his product is poor! It is rank!


Either improvements will be made by a promoter recognising that people will vote with their feet if they're not or crowds will drop whereby the track closes.


I intended to be a regular at BP, but I'm not paying to watch the utter garbage claiming to be racing on show!


What was the reason behind blackbird leaving ?

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  On 5/6/2013 at 7:57 PM, montie said:



Don't know......don't care ......but thank you x x x


Blackbird scored more than BOTH our reserves put together today so yes i do care and i bet a number of lions fans also feel the same, we should of kept blackbird and got rid of nielsen & graversen first,oops i also forgot about kerr who got paid 9 today, thats 2 good riders we chucked away.

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I don't understand the whole Blackbird situation. Last year he weakened the team massively with an average of 1.87. At times he should have been binned or only given 3 rides but was given the full four as without track time he won't learn or improve. He signs for this year and then goes down under and Glyn says he has improved. He shows promise, point scoring ability and with luck could have had more and he and rides at over 4.


We then seek to reduce his track time and then ultimately push him out of the door for a rider who rides at less than 3 over the last 2 years and seems not to have added much to the team all be it only a short time.


Was Glyn or the management disappointed with 4+? Were they expecting a 6 point season? Why go through last season with a massively weak reserve to build up track time and experience to then bin him early this season despite big improvement? What was the point?

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I actually thought Branford looked half decent last year around BP and i hope he steps up. I may regret saying that he'll be better than Blackbird though, especially now Lewis is at a track he can both ride and seems to like :blink: .


I definately think it's in Lewis's best interests to be riding at Scunthorpe rather than Leicester as he never really seemed to adapt to BP. I really wish him well as he seemed to put more effort into riding for the Lions than quite a few who are still here.


Pre-season we had Glyn signing up Lewis Kerr and Lewis Blackbird and boldly stating they would boast 4-6pt averages this season. He was mocked by quite a few people on here but fair dues to him, he looks to have got it spot on. Pity neither will be doing it for Glyn or Leicester.

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I wouldn't class myself a speedway expert by any means, so bear with me.First time I went to BP was against Rye House August 2012. Was very processional to say the least. Second time, this season against Sheffield, I felt was good, no better, no worse than many tracks.

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  On 5/6/2013 at 7:50 PM, robert72 said:

What was the reason behind blackbird leaving ?


Glynn wants to run a squad of 8 so when there is a clash of NL/PL fixture he has a no.7 to call on rather than get, in his eyes a NL guest to make up the numbers. He seems to be struggling a little to get this tactic off the ground as the riders don't seem to be keen to share the rides. Scunthorpe, at the time of signing Branford, needed a reserve change and Blackbird made himself available, to quote the press release. Had Scunthorpe been happy with their NO7 then Blackbird would still be a Leicester but probably operating as the senior no7 The same thing happened with Kerr at the beggining of the season when Jason King declared himself unfit and Newcastle nabbed Kerr as he wasn't guaranted a full season of meetings but who is? if you ask me. the idea, in principle, is good it's taking the no.8 strategy a step further and obviously needs a little work but must Leicester be knocked for trying it? You will probably say yes so i'll leave others to decide bearing in mind that Sheffield maybe looking to increase their reserve scoring and Branford may get going with Leicester then do one to Sheffield should Glynn sign another no.7. Also the NL is the bread and butter for these lads who are developing into NL riders so should be allowed to DU

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  On 5/7/2013 at 10:09 AM, Mauger_Magic said:

The Leicester promoter should be thanked for keeping Speedway alive in Leicester...go and talk to him face to face about your grievances and not on here!


cheers for the advice. what if we've done that though? what do we do then? I'm seeing Jenga's answer already..



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