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An Evening With Bruce & Co


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Saturday night with Bruce,guest appearances by Bobby Boogaloo Swartz must say he hardly looked a day older,than i last saw him 15 years ago,Rocket Ronnie Corey

now living,and settled near Gloucester,Kelly Moran,and Michael Lee.

Bruce reckoned the rider he most feared as an opponent was Michael Lee who just shaded Kenny Carter,and he said he definately did not knock Kenny of in LA,just shut the gate on him,best team mate rider,and friend Boogaloo.As an evening i thought it was interesting,but Dick Bott? asked the pre arranged questions perhaps 4/5 taken from the floor,and that aspect was dissapointing not helped by microphone problems.Must admit the blond locks have gone,now wears glasses,and slightly heavier,on first imps he looks a lot different to 20 years ago,in fact at 1st i did not reckognise him,my missus says she would rather have Boogaloo any day now as opposed to Bruce,just a brief summary of the evening.

Edited by greyhoundp
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Must admit the blond locks have gone,now wears glasses,and slightly heavier,on first imps he looks a lot different to 20 years ago,in fact at 1st i did not reckognise him....

It's the hard life he has lead since giving up Speedway that's taken it's toll on his good looks. :D

I agree though as I was quite disappointed when I saw him on TV a few years ago. I know we unfortunately all have to grow older and can't keep our youthful good looks, but Bruce seems to have changed more than most.

I guess I will just have to keep looking at those Superstar photos in my scrapbook when he was young and handsome. :wink:

Thanks for the details by the way.

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How do we know that the guy who appeared is actually Bruce Penhall?


Maybe it's just my suspicious mind, but a few years ago I was staying in a hotel in Kuala Lumpur where Paul Anka (remember him?) was appearing. Next day I spent a couple of hours in the bar with Paul and his roadies, and found him to be quite an intelligent and interesting bloke.


Anyway, two or three weeks later I was in Washington. US television on Sunday mornings is wall-to-wall chat shows, and lo and behold - the guest was Paul Anka!


Interestingly, it was a different person from the one in Malaysia. It did occur to me that there could be a different Paul Anka stationed on each continent. Is someone out there running Rent-a-Penhall?

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Too right, give the man the credit he deserves!


Almost 22 years years may have passed since Bruce last rode here, but he remains the ultimate professional. He gave straight, often fascinating, answers to all the questions he faced and it wasn't his fault the mic played up a bit.


He showed a lot of humility, too, in recognising that his acting career didn't exactly end at the Oscars, and was very praiseworthy of others who helped him reach the top, like Eddie Bull, his team-mates, the promoters and team managers at Cradley.


He signed every autograph request, posed for countless pictures wearing Heathens' t-shirts and an old racejacket and kept smilling all the way through.


Even at gone 1am, Bruce was still chatting happily, courteously and patiently to supporters in the hotel and remains a great ambassador for the sport. It's a pity the FIM does make use of his enduring charisma and knowledge of our sport.


Everyone who turned up for the forum on Saturday night got great value for their £10 admission. Those who missed it missed a great night.


Bruce's blond locks may have faded but he is still a top man.


Tony Mc

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What's the usual spiel that's rolled out every time someone makes a slightly contentious remark about a riders ability??


"Be careful riders read the Forum, they're only human, you'll hurt their feelings.blah..blah...blah"


Well, it seems to me that some of the people who are first to jump on posters in that manner are the ones calling Bruce a "minger"!!


Usual Forum consistency at work!!!!

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Lighten up Frigbo and put the old shovel away. It's only a few comments about the effect the passing of time has on the human face/figure. I'm sure Bruce's vibrant personality would have won me over if I'd been there and I wouldn't have noticed he'd become a minger. :D Anyway, perhaps it was just a bad photo. I will reserve judgement until I see this week's Speedway Star. :wink:

By the way, I for one, have never criticized other posters comments on the ability of riders. I reserve the right to say they've had a rubbish night if they have and I'm not bothered if other people do either.

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I'm perfectly lightened thanks. :D


Couldn't really give two hoots what anyone says about anyone else to be honest.


Just another case of double standards!! :rolleyes:

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Just another case of double standards!!

By me? :unsure:

If so please enlighten me as I don't like to upset anyone.

You can send me an email if you like.

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Just goes to show how persons opinions differ,I,and my wife were slightly dissapointed with Saturday night,maybe because Dan the Man was cut off before he really got going,maybe it was because of the few questions from the floor.

I felt the evening was a poor attempt at a stagemanagement,I know full well had Bruce arranged it the show would have been better,as he is the ultimate proffesional,and still full of charisma.

We both felt we paid Ten pounds for a Five pound night.,all in all i spent over One hundred pounds over the two days would i do it again?.No.

I say this as a Cradley fan of over fourty years,and a Penhall fan for twenty years

and a person who is constantly attempting to find a new site,but as i say this is just MY opinion.

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  greyhoundp said:
Just goes to show how persons opinions differ,I,and my wife were slightly dissapointed with Saturday night,maybe because Dan the Man was cut off before he really got going,maybe it was because of the few questions from the floor.

I felt the evening was a poor attempt at a stagemanagement,I know full well had Bruce arranged it the show would have been better,as he is the ultimate proffesional,and still full of charisma.

We both felt we paid Ten pounds for a Five pound night.,all in all i spent over One hundred pounds over the two days would i do it again?.No.

I say this as a Cradley fan of over fourty years,and a Penhall fan for twenty years

and a person who is constantly attempting to find a new site,but as i say this is just MY opinion.

Wasn't there (out celebrating my big 30!) but can pretty much picture it. I'm sure we have all been victims of poor preparation and organisation by speedway promters in the past. Tannoy not working, tapes not functioning, no ambulance in attendance etc. etc. - we've all been there. :rolleyes:


Maybe the organisers could have enlisted some assistance from the professionals at SKY and BSI, who - on the whole - are slick and know how to put on a show.


BTW - bit disconcerted that Brucie's getting a hard time for his looks. Having just reached the top of the slippery slope to middle age, I hope people don't soon talk about me in a similar way! Also wonder if it had been a middle-aged woman that the guys had been slagging off, it might have provoked a stronger reaction. :wink:

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Also wonder if it had been a middle-aged woman that the guys had been slagging off, it might have provoked a stronger reaction.

Yes, just think in twenty years time we might be saying the same things about Jordan. ;)

I think the whole point about the comments was because Bruce was always so stunningly handsome and it's a bit of a shock to see the ravages of time and the change in his golden locks, whereas Bobby Schwartz for example doesn't look very much different.

No disrespect to Bruce as he was a cracking rider and one of my all time heros.

(Thanks for the email Frigbo.)

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It is only because you recall how Bruce Penhall looked 22 years ago as to why you're all so shocked by his recent photograph.

If you didn't know who he was or how he once appeared, no doubt you'd admit he is still a handsome fella.

I don't think time's been unkind to him at all. Until I saw the photo I was expecting him to look like singer Joe Jackson or something, the way you lot were going on.

Have any of you compared a current picture of yourselves with one from two decades ago?

Seems Bruce isn't the same for some because his blond hair has darkened, wears glasses, and has put on a few inches.

People can be cruel sometimes.


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