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Berwick V Newcastle - Live On Sky - May 21st

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should not have to download them especially for a meeting of this stature go round any pub/shop and you will see posters advertising Berwick Rangers games, surely approaching a local printer something could be sorted out and would do no harm for our team sponsors logo to be seen in different outlets.


agree on this one, the promotion of an event should never be down to the fans!! Was looking on bandits Facebook photos and saw all these really good designed posters for certain meetings.....but I've never seen them in real life!! Massive flaw!!!


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True,but there was Passing.


So you agree that, with the rare exception, the passing on a one line track was down to rider error, not being out wide enough to be on that line.

As the main criticism of the Berwick track is that there's one line, it follows that the difference is that riders wander from that line less frequently.


I'm unsure what the promotion can do about that.

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agree on this one, the promotion of an event should never be down to the fans!! Was looking on bandits Facebook photos and saw all these really good designed posters for certain meetings.....but I've never seen them in real life!! Massive flaw!!!


When you look at the age group that attend speedway, mostly in the 40/50+ age group. Too much reliance on the internet and facebook, it is unlikely that the majority age group use or are interested in using this medium. This forum is an example, it is frequented by a minority of a minority.


The job of advertising, is solely the responsibility of the Commercial Manager, that includes the disrtribution and erection of posters. Unlike Berwick Rangers who seem to have a poster in every pub,cafe, restaurant, caravan sites, tourist information centres etc,.etc., you could run a competition for Berwick Bandits, 'Spot The Poster'.


The club gave all those attending last Saturday the information they needed, the big question is who is informing the public at large what is happening. Most fans will tell as many people as possible, this however is not their job, nor should it be.

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In that case, if you're that concerned, go and tell her. Or better still, go and tell her and offer your services to help make up for what you perceive to be a shortfall.


Alternatively you can simply bitch on about what's not being done right in your opinion and how you could do it better. Maybe you could fix them up with a more appropriate sponsor while you're at it.


How the Hell they can "overly rely on the Internet" because predominantly over 40s attend is a joke. They're trying to generate interest amongst those who DON'T currently attend. God forbid that younger people might attend, with their loud music, kids & general noise. Chances are they'll disrupt old fogeys' chatter, sit in their seats that they've had since 1968, not use car rugs and not even bring their knitting.

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Was looking on bandits Facebook photos and saw all these really good designed posters for certain meetings.


Ive seen these posters on there facebook also they are actually really good, though it is a shame that i have never seen any of these posters put up anywhere around berwick ever not even in Andersons butchers which doesnt have anything at all advertising the Bandits!!! The only reason i know about the meeting on sky is down to the berwick website (which again not everybody uses) as i tend to switch off when Dick or the new announcer start talking and even if they have something important to say i cant really hear as they tend to send the tractors round during important announcments. The Berwick promotion need to get there s**t together and start promoting there product, theres tons of stuff they could be doing, An advert on there website and Dick Barry making an announcment during a tractor race doesnt really cut it its no wonder they are struggling. Arent they on the board of the B. S. PROMOTERS. A. Massive clue on how to get more people to the speedway in there!!!

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In that case, if you're that concerned, go and tell her. Or better still, go and tell her and offer your services to help make up for what you perceive to be a shortfall.


Alternatively you can simply bitch on about what's not being done right in your opinion and how you could do it better. Maybe you could fix them up with a more appropriate sponsor while you're at it.


How the Hell they can "overly rely on the Internet" because predominantly over 40s attend is a joke. They're trying to generate interest amongst those who DON'T currently attend. God forbid that younger people might attend, with their loud music, kids & general noise. Chances are they'll disrupt old fogeys' chatter, sit in their seats that they've had since 1968, not use car rugs and not even bring their knitting.


You are totally missing the point, if you do not use the internet or facebook, how do you find out whats going on. So the question is if you don't attend speedway any longer or don't know about it, how are they being informed.


As for my time, I use that productively for my own business, not other businesses. I have always maintained the most important thing a fan can do is one simple thing, attend every week, he/she needs do no more. However if someone is willing to volunteer, that is commendable, but not mandatory. Nor am I going to run around offering advice, especially when most of it is fairly obvious.

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So you agree that, with the rare exception, the passing on a one line track was down to rider error, not being out wide enough to be on that line.

As the main criticism of the Berwick track is that there's one line, it follows that the difference is that riders wander from that line less frequently.


I'm unsure what the promotion can do about that.

you are just sh** stirring on last nights meeting that was a decent meeting IMO.Berwick track always resembles a ploughed field on the outside line which none of the riders go near for whatever reason it is prepared like this .
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Is “shop window” marketing not a bit dated?


Are Berwick Rangers really a staple to use as an example of how “shop window marketing” does work?


At their last home game Berwick Rangers were playing in a match that still had a lot riding on it and attracted a crowd of 627….


The attraction of a Sky meeting will probably do more for “marketing” Berwick than a paper in a shop window would.


The pure attraction of a meeting being on Sky will see Berwick attracting more main stream media publicity than usual in the local area you would imagine, thus increasing the awareness of what is seen as a “big event” in the area.


Pearson and Co do a good job of putting a positive spin on a meeting and selling it to the general public, more so than a few on here do…..

Edited by wjm
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In that case, if you're that concerned, go and tell her. Or better still, go and tell her and offer your services to help make up for what you perceive to be a shortfall.


Alternatively you can simply bitch on about what's not being done right in your opinion and how you could do it better. Maybe you could fix them up with a more appropriate sponsor while you're at it.


How the Hell they can "overly rely on the Internet" because predominantly over 40s attend is a joke. They're trying to generate interest amongst those who DON'T currently attend. God forbid that younger people might attend, with their loud music, kids & general noise. Chances are they'll disrupt old fogeys' chatter, sit in their seats that they've had since 1968, not use car rugs and not even bring their knitting.


I think the point here is that fans should not need to step in to promote events!!(obviously word of mouth is bound to happen by fans but posters etc isn't)

If its left to fans to boost attendance then unfortunately the individual responsible for marketing isn't doing their job correctly!!

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I think the point here is that fans should not need to step in to promote events!!(obviously word of mouth is bound to happen by fans but posters etc isn't)

If its left to fans to boost attendance then unfortunately the individual responsible for marketing isn't doing their job correctly!!


Somebody's doing a good job if you don't come anymore, having announced proudly that you now attend Ashfield as your track!

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From website:


Berwick’s speedway Bandits have again fixed the eyes of the speedway world on Berwick-upon-Tweed.


Sky Television are to screen the Premier League clash between north-eastern rivals Berwick (who are sponsored in 2013 by New Holland Agriculture) and Newcastle Diamonds live on Sky Sports at 7.30pm (parade at 7.15pm) on Tuesday, May 21st – with the images beaming to over 20 counties worldwide, including leading speedway nations such as Australia, Poland, Denmark and Swede


SKY PRICES: For this meeting, to encourage as many as possible to attend – and bring friends to be seem on TV too – admission will be a flat £10 for all over 15, and all accompanied kids come in free!


SKY TIMING: The live broadcast will begin at 7.30, but there will be a parade around 7.15, and with Sky in town there will be a lot to look at even before that. Doors open at 6pm, with plenty going on….


DRESS UP FOR SKY SCREENS: The Bandits’ management have invited their supporters to fill the screen, and give viewers a big show. “We want to put on a BIG show!” said promoter John Anderson. “Some folk, I know, are already planning to come in fancy dress – great! We will have a prize to award to the best fancy dress captured by the cameras, so don’t be shy!


We really want viewers to sit back after the broadcast and say “Gee, these folk at Berwick have some great fans” – so we’re asking our spectators to bring every flag they can lay their hands on, and make as many funny banners as they like! If they aren’t TOO rude, the Sky people will pick them up, and viewers all over the world will lap them up!


DON’T WATCH IT LIVE! The border club’s promotion have emphasised that, with this being a once-in-45-years chance to be part of live speedway going around the world from Berwick, locals shouldn’t be tempted into sitting at home to watch it! “That’s what your Sky-boxes are for!” said club director George Hepburn. “Come out to the meeting, bring the kids in free, pay your tenner, enjoy it all as it happens, and be able to say ‘I was there!’. Then and only then, go home and watch it, and yourself and the family, all over again!”

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Somebody's doing a good job if you don't come anymore, having announced proudly that you now attend Ashfield as your track!


Don't get what your meaning?? Surely they haven't if fans are attending elsewhere and crowds are dwindling??

Was that supposed to be sarcasm?? I'm miffed


on the subject of Glasgow, their pre season and ongoing promotion of the sport should be acknowledged and respected :)

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£10 admission is good, hinting at plenty to see, but not saying what not so good.

Fancy dress: I am undecided, it is either a good laugh, or a bit naff. I can't quite decide which yet.


I think what this really needs is a "street team" to really whip up a bit of interest.

Hopefully all the casual fans will come along too to support the club.


Newcastle are a strong team, and our local rivals, so that alone should be a big draw.


What has to be a bonus is watching it without the horrible Sky presentation.

I had forgotten how bad it was.


The way the directors make the presenters look like pecking chickens with their "look at the camera, look at each other" instructions is hideous to look at.

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Somebody's doing a good job if you don't come anymore, having announced proudly that you now attend Ashfield as your track!


Thats quite incredible,you have a fan who used to go to Berwick but now,for whatever reason goes to Glasgow,thats worrying is it not.They are not alone,another poster has been once and might not go back,some dont go atall.

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I can see where you are coming from re the fancy dress thing…


The fancy dress/signs thing does seem very PL Darts, where it has worked pretty well, it will be interesting to see how it transfers over…..


I have always thought that Sky probably have Speedway pigeon holed somewhere along with PL Darts in their sports catalogue, PL Darts is a decent enough watch which is made all the more engaging by the crowd interaction, it is a pretty well packaged sport which has managed to break into a more main stream audience, something Speedway has never really managed to do.


They do have their differences, but if you were to watch them both as a neutral, and take the emotion out of it….one stands well above the other in terms of “I would try that” IMO.


Speedway does need to find a “new audience” and “target market” to subsidise the hardcore following, a decent laugh and a night out has worked well with Cricket (20/20) and Darts, it is a road speedway should have went down a while ago.

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I agree, having a good bit of banter really makes a speedway night.


When it is at its best, it is an absolutely exhilarating sport.

I think the focus should be on the sport, not on fancy dress, and the like.


We have a local derby with the away team looking to come and take a coveted away win.


Real rivalry there that we should be working up.


In my opinion, but, I am not a promoter, the very thought terrifies me!

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Excellent news,though this might upset one of our merry troop as they see poster advertising as outdated,my own opinion is something is better than nothing.Hopefully this will get that extra few along to Shielfield each and every Saturday night.

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