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Save Speedway In Poznan


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Please look at: http://pszpoznan.com.pl/


Please put your name, surname and email.


Confirm by link in email your petition.


Many thanks for all signuters !





Edited by Puma23
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A short summary:


Tthe city council of Poznan wants to build to new sports arenas in Poznan. Unfortunately forspeedway in Poznan, the location

of these two arenas are where the speedway track is located and speedway are not included in the plans for the new arenas.

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The message to speedway fans the world over........use it or lose it.


Wishing you every success with your campaign.

Is that the message?Is it because of lack of fans or just that speedway isn't as prestigious as other sports?At least in Poznan or to the Poznan council.What sports will be included in the new stadium as there are few that are more popular,but plenty that are internationally more prestigious

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The message to speedway fans the world over........use it or lose it.

I think thats a good call. For both riders and supporters.


Is that the message?Is it because of lack of fans or just that speedway isn't as prestigious as other sports?At least in Poznan or to the Poznan council.What sports will be included in the new stadium as there are few that are more popular,but plenty that are internationally more prestigious

I might be wrong, but recall that maybe ten years ago the Poznan track was almost wooded, growing trees and someone came and decided we are live again. Maybe thats not happened "big" enough in the eyes of the council...


Where I live, there's a track 5 mins and 55 mins away, both sort of in my city. Both are currently lost because of the lack of use.

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Why has the Poznan team folded TWICE in the last few years?


Is this a dead horse that's for flogging or for turning into beefburgers?


I know that the romantic notion is to save the speedway, but for whom? If Poznanians aren't interested enough to follow a team and to make it viable, then who's going to listen to us foreigners?

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