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Darcy Showing What A Pro He Is Again

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Do none of you attend Walkabout on a day before the GP or the day of the gp in cardiff? If not i suggest you do this year to see what some riders you class as role models and professionals get up to.


Interesting but not surprising to see Wards involvement in a polish piss up gets more attention than ben barker crashing into a car and leaving the scene !!!

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Without knowing all the facts people have just made up there own minds and by knowing all the facts then youbcan only blame someone.


Once upon a time my and my mates and our hot wifes were in a v.i.p area in a club for my mates 30th we attracted alot of unwanted male attention from drunken pondlife who thought we thought we were better than them and a fight broke out.

Police were called and we all got thrown out (police need to grow baws) in the street

at 2am our minibus driver wasnt expected till 3.30(already paid for return journey so had to wait) tried to call him but he was probably sleeping somewhere. Met the lads that caused all the trouble again in a kebab shop and another rammy happened they were trying to punch the girls in the group cause they were scottish TARTS blah blah. My point is im no angel but we didnt start it and the madness of that night still haunts the girls in the group even my mate tam.

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Your post is pathetic.Ok you might be roughly the same age.....apart from that you don't really have anything in common.If you went out and got pissed every day of the week i doubt anyone on here or in the general speedway world would give one.So where is the comparison?You ain't a sporting star and you don't have sponsors to look after or clubs who are trying to make money on your image.....

Edited by iris123
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Some of you fail to realise that this is what the youth of today are like. I'm 25 and I went out last weekend and got drunk out of my tree on friday, saturday and sunday, despite having work monday morning. Are you all going to have a go at me because of it?


Just because Darcy is in the public eye doesn't mean he is denied his rights to live his life how he wants to. He's just a target for the media, given his track record (no pun intended)

are you a role model for others?

are you a professional sportsman?

does it matter what you do?


if you go out friday saturday sunday and get drunk thats up to you.

pretty boring life if you ask me


cant get my head around this way of thinking.


it happens in most towns thats the youth of today.


ok so be it does it make it right? personally if you want to go out drinking brawling and urinating in the street up to you. more reason why this country has gone downhill.


if your life is about going out getting drunk 3 -4 nights out of 7 then go waste your life.


why cant people see that THESE ARE WELL PAID PROFESSIONAL SPORTSMAN. ROLE MODELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What they did was wrong

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I thought the most shocking thing was that Holder and Batchelor were out partying together, for some reason I had it in my head that they hated each other although not sure why I thought that.


Batchelor's finally accepted that Holder's in a different league to him, No more "Australian Number 1" quotes from him. :lol:

Edited by Jepsen Jensen Fan Club
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Blimey!! You DO lead a colourful life. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :blink:


That is one way of describing it.



well if you think its acceptable then thats your view. personally i think its disgusting behaviour and shows you what is wrong with our country really doesnt it. remember the riots in london? this is called anarchy basically.


nothing would have been said ifit was hancock hampel or crump because they would never have done it!!!!!

Ward wasnt really involved this time but yet again his name is there linked in. he needs someone to grab hold of him and quick otherwise he could throw his whole career away.

Holder i thought would have known better

Batchelor is a clown full stop.


If you think that because this 'stuff goes on in city centres' means we should accept it then i feel that is the wrong attitude.


Well said.

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I couldn't agree more dude - this is just common in city centres nowadays and is EXACTLY what people are like from the ages of 17-25 and that's what a lot of people on these forums just don't see. That's life.


................ and this is precisely why I will not go in to Sunderland City Centre on a night time. I am not against young folks enjoying themselves - but I resent very much that, to people like myself (older types), the City Centre is a 'no go' Area. It should not be that way - it was not in my youth - granted there sometimes was 'bother' on a Saturdeay Night - but it was nothing compared to today.


It is not just Sunderland either - from what I read and hear it is the same throughout the Country.


Sadly saying "THAT'S LIFE" is not good enough - it shouldn't be this way. Live and let live I say - but - that includes ALL of us, both young and old alike.

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When it doesn't effect your ability to do you job and doesn't cause harm to anyone else it's acceptable.


Darcy, Chris and Troy will still be able to race speedway this week. Nobody was hurt or injured as far as we're aware so it doesn't matter.


Might be time to revisit this post.

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Darcy & Holder both poor for Poole tonight.

Maybe need to spend less time drinking and brawling & more focusing on their speedway.


Would you expect an oylmpics star to be out getting drunk all the time cos their young or would you expect to see themworking hard for the sport they love?

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Darcy & Holder both poor for Poole tonight.

Maybe need to spend less time drinking and brawling & more focusing on their speedway.


Would you expect an oylmpics star to be out getting drunk all the time cos their young or would you expect to see themworking hard for the sport they love?


No you just expect to see olympic stars killing their girlfriends

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No you just expect to see olympic stars killing their girlfriends


Oh FFS, that is a pathetic and stupid post to make.


I love how in the article it says they're role models for kids so should be getting drunk and thrown out of bars - seemingly ignoring the fact that kids wont be in bars at 11.30 anyway to see their role models being thrown out :D


TBH, this is a nothing story. Group of lads get drunk, group of lads get throw out of bar, WOW, who hasn't this happened to?


Head in sand sydrome?


The fact the pictures have surfaced mean the fact kids are in bed is irrevelant, because they will see their 'stars' and 'role models' getting wasted.

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Do none of you attend Walkabout on a day before the GP or the day of the gp in cardiff? If not i suggest you do this year to see what some riders you class as role models and professionals get up to.


Interesting but not surprising to see Wards involvement in a polish piss up gets more attention than ben barker crashing into a car and leaving the scene !!!


I've heard about the exploits in the Walkabout in Cardiff. It's not something I would want to see these days so I avoid it. It's fair to say though, that I've seen the state, by pure chance when we were walking to find a restaurant one or two being thrown out of there. Quite how they stood up is impressive in itself..


I don't think Ward get's more attention than Barker to be fair. I have equal contempt for the pair of them, I'd say it's about equal. Darcy just seems to manage to go one better!


Over to you Barker........

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Talk about things being blown out of proportion yet again!!


It seems he was play fighting with holder and batchelor, big bloody deal.


He had a few drinks and got thrown out of a pub, who the hell cares? Was he arrested, no, so he hasnt broken the law! Some of you really do need to get a life.


You walk through any town in great britain on a weekend and youll see people pissing in doorways, play fighting, getting thrown out of clubs and pubs and stripping off. Sadly for you oldies things have changed now and thats the youngsters way of life. The days of going to a club in a suit and dancing round with some heffer to a marvin gaye song are long gone!


Let the kid enjoy himself for god sake, as long as he isnt breaking the law does it really matter??


But those kids don't earn very good money are professional sportsmen role models, and top of their profession. if you have abillity in your choosen sport you maximise it tow the line. Your profession comes first. Then when you have several days off, perhaps go out and enjoy yourself, in an adult and responsable manner. Thats what being a professional sports person in the public eye means to me.

I don't know what went on with Darcy and Chris. But i would expect there clubs to ask a few questions. Chris and Darcy are in the public eye and limelight where ever they go, and they are at the point in their careers where they could do without any adverse publicity.

Edited by Starman2006
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I strongly disagree. Both are professional speedway riders and then they have no business

being in bar in the middle of the night.I would personally expect them to show some professional

manner, especially after Darcy's previous "adventure".


But perhaps Darcy's "new start" was just the start of a new pub crawl and not a new start of his life.



They have signed contracts with teams in England, Sweden and Poland, that means that they likely have obligations

to their teams. I doubt that running around at bars in the middle of the night is one of them.


I always thought that being professional meant that you during the season, stay away from drugs, alcohol,

partying, that you should eat and sleep well, that you have your equipment in good order.


Fully agreed. I am sure all sportsmen and women do now and again indulge in a wine or beer or two, but those with brains tend to do it behind closed doors.


I think it also shows that Ward as got no chance of sorting himself out, when he is hanging around peers, including the sports World Champion acting this way. Which is a shame because Ward is so talented, but I can't see him lasting in the sport to the ages of messers Gollob, Crump and Hancock the way he is going on. Actually based off previous events, if this kind of night out becomes the norm, and upsets the wrong person when pissed he is going to get another pasting like he did at the end of last season, and god forbid what might happen next time.

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But those kids don't earn very good money are professional sportsmen role models, and top of their profession. if you have abillity in your choosen sport you maximise it tow the line. Your profession comes first. Then when you have several days off, perhaps go out and enjoy yourself, in an adult and responsable manner. Thats what being a professional sports person in the public eye means to me.

I don't know what went on with Darcy and Chris. But i would expect there clubs to ask a few questions


Are you saying you don't approve of the behaviour that has been alleged about two of your beloved....?? :o :o


I need me inhaler ..............

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Are you saying you don't approve of the behaviour that has been alleged about two of your beloved....?? :o :o


I need me inhaler ..............


Im just saying they need to be a little more aware.

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