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Darcy Showing What A Pro He Is Again

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I strongly disagree. Both are professional speedway riders and then they have no business

being in bar in the middle of the night.I would personally expect them to show some professional

manner, especially after Darcy's previous "adventure".


But perhaps Darcy's "new start" was just the start of a new pub crawl and not a new start of his life.



They have signed contracts with teams in England, Sweden and Poland, that means that they likely have obligations

to their teams. I doubt that running around at bars in the middle of the night is one of them.


I always thought that being professional meant that you during the season, stay away from drugs, alcohol,

partying, that you should eat and sleep well, that you have your equipment in good order.


Can you point me to an article and one with a translation please... I'm struggling with mine? Thanks :)

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Young lads who just happen to ride a speedway bike for a living in getting p*ssed shocker!

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To us here in the UK, yes it's a non story but it's completely different kettle of fish in Poland. One of there biggest sports and these guys get recognised when out and about everywhere they go. They are celebrities & seen like pro footballers over here, when getting wasted, fighting etc is seriously frowned upon & all over the papers.


There's a time and a place and Poland isn't one of those places for them to be 'letting go' so to speak

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What it shows is that Ward is continuing to place himself in situations where he is liable to get himself into a heap of trouble.

Short of staying in knitting and drinking cocoa thats always possible. Lets be honest, anyone other than Ward and nobody would care. Nobody has mentioned Holder of Batchelor in this other than in passing.


Was he a bit silly? Yes. Has he hurt anyone? No. Whats the point of him earning many thousands if he's not able to go out and enjoy it? As for being a professional and acting as one, I'm a professional and as such when I turn up to work I behave in such a way but what I do on a weekend and in the evening is up to me and my boss has no say in it.


If this is the worst thing Darcy does this year I'd say it's progress after the last two years!

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Except Darcy is a professional sportsman and a role model to many young fans, and his choice of sport is MOTOR sport where huge amounts of alcohol really doesn't belong at all. And on top of that he has found him self in trouble with the law recently. I'm not saying that he's not allowed to have e few drinks or party or what ever, but he should choose his occasions carefully during season, keep his clothes on, keep of harassing the ladies, use the toilet for his needs and make sure no one is taking pictures. It's really not that hard to behave like an adult.

Edited by aslan
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maybe Darcy should lay low for awhile?



What a surprise, not.



this news about both of them being thrown out of a pub in Torun is all over polish speedway media, mainly they accuse them of behaving un sportsman like


And it is unsportsmanlike.



I strongly disagree. Both are professional speedway riders and then they have no business

being in bar in the middle of the night.I would personally expect them to show some professional

manner, especially after Darcy's previous "adventure".


But perhaps Darcy's "new start" was just the start of a new pub crawl and not a new start of his life.



They have signed contracts with teams in England, Sweden and Poland, that means that they likely have obligations

to their teams. I doubt that running around at bars in the middle of the night is one of them.


I always thought that being professional meant that you during the season, stay away from drugs, alcohol,

partying, that you should eat and sleep well, that you have your equipment in good order.


Well said.



What it shows is that Ward is continuing to place himself in situations where he is liable to get himself into a heap of trouble.


And looks like he is never going to learn.

Just a newsline story away from a ban in my opinion.

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TBH, this is a nothing story. Group of lads get drunk, group of lads get throw out of bar, WOW, who hasn't this happened to?


Hang on, you're not considering at the reported facts. Got drunk and got thrown out - hardly worthy of breaking news. But two well-paid professional sportsmen getting drunk, fighting (why they had to take their clothes off for this is open to debate) and urinating in the street is a story. The fact that Ward is involved again makes it a bigger story and one that the sport should not brush under the carpet. You can be damn sure that if it were a more high profile sport and happened in this country it would be all over the news. And more importantly you can be damn sure that another sport would take action to distance itself from the individual's actions and make sure the public image of the sport was not damaged by taking action against the individuals.


As you stated yourself, I believe, after Ward's previous indiscretions it's doing him no favours by not being slapped into line both from the view of the sport and for himself away from speedway. I believe you are also one of those that slated Middleditch for his 'it is what all young people do' comments a few weeks ago. Perhaps he thinks this is also what all young people do. Well, it's not.


Has he hurt anyone? No.


So you're assuming he lost the fight without landing a blow? ;)

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Except Darcy is a professional sportsman and a role model to many young fans, and his choice of sport is MOTOR sport where huge amounts of alcohol really doesn't belong at all.

How would younger fans know of his drinking habits? They're in bed! Moot point IMO.


So you're assuming he lost the fight without landing a blow? ;)

Doesn't strike me as a guy who could do much damage! He's not very big.
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Having a few drinks and get slung out of a bar who the hell cares it happens to us all!!


Actually it doesn't. The majority of people, including youngsters can go out, have a good time without getting involved in fights and being thrown out of places.


What some of you are forgetting are the words of Matt Ford who identified Ward had a problem. An alcohol problem. Quite clearly, he still does. It is EXTREMELY foolish of Ward to get himself into such a situation again so shortly after his last incidents.

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Hang on, you're not considering at the reported facts. Got drunk and got thrown out - hardly worthy of breaking news. But two well-paid professional sportsmen getting drunk, fighting (why they had to take their clothes off for this is open to debate) and urinating in the street is a story. The fact that Ward is involved again makes it a bigger story and one that the sport should not brush under the carpet. You can be damn sure that if it were a more high profile sport and happened in this country it would be all over the news. And more importantly you can be damn sure that another sport would take action to distance itself from the individual's actions and make sure the public image of the sport was not damaged by taking action against the individuals.


As you stated yourself, I believe, after Ward's previous indiscretions it's doing him no favours by not being slapped into line both from the view of the sport and for himself away from speedway. I believe you are also one of those that slated Middleditch for his 'it is what all young people do' comments a few weeks ago. Perhaps he thinks this is also what all young people do. Well, it's not.




So you're assuming he lost the fight without landing a blow? ;)


And fighting with a wrist injury??

I'm sure the Poole fans will be delighted he is putting his club loyalty first by trying to re-injure his injured wrist for a meeting in a few days time.

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How would younger fans know of his drinking habits? They're in bed! Moot point IMO.


For one thing young fans read the internet you know, and this story is all over Polish media. You really don't think young fans of his know about his partying habits?

Off course they know. Also everyone, remotely close to speedway know about Darcy's partying, it was known well before he hit the news.

I knew about his partying long before you could read it on line, and I have never been out parting at the same time as him. I was at home sleeping when this happened and I still know. ;)

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Actually it doesn't. The majority of people, including youngsters can go out, have a good time without getting involved in fights and being thrown out of places.


What some of you are forgetting are the words of Matt Ford who identified Ward had a problem. An alcohol problem. Quite clearly, he still does. It is EXTREMELY foolish of Ward to get himself into such a situation again so shortly after his last incidents.


It`s ok bwitcher. He is young and all kids behave this way. :neutral:

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Talk about things being blown out of proportion yet again!!


It seems he was play fighting with holder and batchelor, big bloody deal.


He had a few drinks and got thrown out of a pub, who the hell cares? Was he arrested, no, so he hasnt broken the law! Some of you really do need to get a life.


You walk through any town in great britain on a weekend and youll see people pissing in doorways, play fighting, getting thrown out of clubs and pubs and stripping off. Sadly for you oldies things have changed now and thats the youngsters way of life. The days of going to a club in a suit and dancing round with some heffer to a marvin gaye song are long gone!


Let the kid enjoy himself for god sake, as long as he isnt breaking the law does it really matter??

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Talk about things being blown out of proportion yet again!!


It seems he was play fighting with holder and batchelor, big bloody deal.


He had a few drinks and got thrown out of a pub, who the hell cares? Was he arrested, no, so he hasnt broken the law! Some of you really do need to get a life.


You walk through any town in great britain on a weekend and youll see people pissing in doorways, play fighting, getting thrown out of clubs and pubs and stripping off. Sadly for you oldies things have changed now and thats the youngsters way of life. The days of going to a club in a suit and dancing round with some heffer to a marvin gaye song are long gone!


Let the kid enjoy himself for god sake, as long as he isnt breaking the law does it really matter??


Once again, it isn't. You will see 'some' people pissing in doorways, fighting and getting thrown out of clubs.. and you will see hundreds/thousands of others having a good night out who don't get thrown out of clubs/pubs. If you think that is 'normal' behaviour it says more about you than anything else.


Disorderly behaviour, urinating in the street... that IS breaking the law. What you fail to realise is, if there happened to be any police around at the time of the incident who took it the wrong way he could quite easily find himself being charged YET AGAIN. Despite a number of warnings, scrapes with the law he continues to put himselves in positions where things can go very wrong. That is foolish.


Again, I refer to the words of Matt Ford after his previous incident in Australia. Perhaps he is a Darcy hater too?


I don't hate Ward, I think he's a brilliant rider who has won me over with his natural ability on a bike. What I don't want to see is him throw it away.

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