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Darcy Showing What A Pro He Is Again

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Well at least one good thing will come from all this , speedways street cred will have a boost , Poole will have increased attendance due to the local hoodies turning up . I can see them now in the park with bottles of white star on thursdays , yea man sick innit , i went to dat speedway fing last night innit, it was sick man A bro from the Aussie is winnin all de races while the fossils is all cheering him on innit , dem old farts don't know that the bro is off his head on da smoke and the cans and they is thinking he is da bomb innit . I dont know if all them speedway riders is on the smoke but if they are it cant be as good as the Darcy bro's rubbish cos he is still beating them all innit , I think we should get a posse and go down there next week , we can mug a few fossils and maybe meet up with Darcy Bro after for some smoke and a bit of trouble down the pub innit , :lol:


Haha - very good. :t::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Blimey, people do like to jump on peoples backs dont they?

I will be honest, I really dont like Darcy a great deal but he should be judged by what he does on the track.

You will always get great sportman that are idiots off the track whether it be drink, drugs, fame or whatever. James Hunt, Alex Higgins, George Best.


Do people really think that Speedway is going to have less fans next year because Darcy Ward rode a 50cc bike home from the park to his house when he saw the Police.....oh, and he had had a joint! Shock Horror!!


If he had had a drink and a joint on the day of a match, then Ban him.

If he gets in to a fight at the stadium while representing the Pirates, Ban him


A little bit of naughty stuff back home in Aus should not affect his carreer in any way at all, as much as I would like it to!


I've no doubt that Poole will track him - as is their right, and for what it's worth it's probably the correct decision from a purely speedway perspective.

The potential fly in the ointment is if he gets a UK visa, that is down to the UKBA and nothing to do with speedway clubs, his riding ability or what is good for the sport in the UK.


What concerns me however is Neil Middleditch's comments on the subject as covered in the other thread on here.

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for the record, Cannabis IS listed as a forbidden substance by WADA.


Page 8: http://www.wada-ama.org/Documents/World_Anti-Doping_Program/WADP-Prohibited-list/2013/WADA-Prohibited-List-2013-EN.pdf



Natural (e.g. cannabis, hashish, marijuana) or synthetic delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and

cannabimimetics (e.g. “Spice”, JWH018, JWH073, HU-210) are prohibited.

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Disgusting stuff .............. why?


A mental thing... Makes athletes relax and think they are better than they actually are. A widespread problem in Finnish ice hockey (possibly Swedish also) even though science says the effects to your performance are all negative.

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A mental thing... Makes athletes relax and think they are better than they actually are. A widespread problem in Finnish ice hockey (possibly Swedish also) even though science says the effects to your performance are all negative.

Obviously not a banned substance in speedway though, easy to spot a rider with it shoved up behind his top lip!

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Can someone come to Britain to work if they have a recent criminal conviction in their own country ?



Regardless of the person being a 10+ EL star r a 5 point Premier League rider ..... should they be allowed a Visa to work here ?

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I think that on Darcy Ward's track record he can't help but get into strife. Eventually he will grow out of it but when that point is and if his career is down the tubes by that point will remain to be seen. This season will show whether he can walk the talk of his recent statement, as actions speak louder then words. He must have many of his sponsors looking at if he is a viable investment. Maybe some would love the attention, even if it is not of a good sort!

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Can someone come to Britain to work if they have a recent criminal conviction in their own country ?



Regardless of the person being a 10+ EL star r a 5 point Premier League rider ..... should they be allowed a Visa to work here ?

but he doesnt have a conviction

if he did he would have had to have declared it on his visa applucation and a decision made by the authorities. given the penalty he got for the offence was only a fine i inagine he would have been ok - but clearly this would have been the key reason his lawyers pushed for no conviction to be recorded.

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Do you only judge people on what they do at work? (On the track)


Its clear that Darcy gets himself into more bother than most.

Is he just unlucky? or does he get himself into these situations?


If he does not clear his mind quickly he could lose the gift he has been given (FANTASTIC NATURAL SPEEDWAY RIDER) and end up in prison or worse!


He can not keep being so naive and getting away living so close to the edge!


Darcy please dont throw it all away!



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but he doesnt have a conviction

if he did he would have had to have declared it on his visa applucation and a decision made by the authorities. given the penalty he got for the offence was only a fine i inagine he would have been ok - but clearly this would have been the key reason his lawyers pushed for no conviction to be recorded.


Not strictly true.

The Sentancing Act under which his lawyers were able to ask for 'no convictions to be recorded' is a totally Aussie thing.

The outcome of the case is still held on file. The UK Border Agency or the Border Control of any other country are still able to ask whatever questions they like of a person entering their country, passport/visa or not. And to make whatever determinations they deem correct.

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A Danish article about Darcy: http://ekstrabladet.dk/sport/anden_sport/motorsport/speedway/article1925425.ece


I don't like what the article is implying that FIM might look through the fingers because Darcy is the new

big star in Speedway and that Monster might put pressure on FIM to look through their fingers

since they have been backing Darcy and since they have invested allot of money in the sport.

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That would certainly be our loss.


So professional speedway riders can be as reckless and criminal as they like, provided they're exciting? If it had been some local hoon, then people would have been insisting they were locked up and the key thrown away, yet somehow the same rules don't apply for 'superstars'.


Okay, this particular offence wasn't the worst in the world (it doesn't sound there was much of a hot pursuit), although riding under the influence of drink/drugs could potentially have been fatal to someone. However, it just seems to be the latest in a long string of things, and whilst he was acquitted in the rape trial and therefore technically innocent, it was still a pretty distasteful episode.

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So professional speedway riders can be as reckless and criminal as they like, provided they're exciting? If it had been some local hoon, then people would have been insisting they were locked up and the key thrown away, yet somehow the same rules don't apply for 'superstars'.


Okay, this particular offence wasn't the worst in the world (it doesn't sound there was much of a hot pursuit), although riding under the influence of drink/drugs could potentially have been fatal to someone. However, it just seems to be the latest in a long string of things, and whilst he was acquitted in the rape trial and therefore technically innocent, it was still a pretty distasteful episode.

What you say is undeniable, but my memories of George Best and Alex Higgins was their brilliance, more than their misdemeanour's. Ward is a young fool at times, he is also the most exciting and potentially best rider that I have seen since the 50s. I hope he gets his head down and uses his seemingly limitless talent to achieve what he is obviously capable of. If he is denied the chance, Speedway will suffer at a time when exciting characters such as him would seem to be the only thing likely to draw respectable sized crowds. Yes it would be his own fault if he is restricted in where he can go.
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If he is going to be a bit of a loose canon like maybe Best and only hurt himself and his own career then no problems.But at the moment i can't see the comparison.He seems more like some stars who have been in the press recently who hurt others as well.Fingers crossed we don't have to compare him to any who let fame go to their head and couldn't keep themselves under control

Edited by iris123
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He can still be refused entry by UKBA immigration when he arrives in the UK, the passport and visa would of been applied for before this latest episode I expect.



I cannot believe that some are so niave as to think its just a simple an easy thing to deal with.


Having his passport and visa from Oz gives no guarantees he will be allowed in the UK,

He could still maintain he has no convictions (from this latest issue at least) but any exploration from any border/passport control will uncover that the incident is on file and could easily choose to refuse entry.


Nothing is certain just because Oz have given him his visa.

Edited by stevebrum
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