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Speedway On Eurosport

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Eurosport's coverage is mile better than Sky's. Much better pictures & the commentary is so much better. Eurosport have even made the racing better. Eurosport are extremely talented people, in fact, the person running the show there must be Jesus Christ Our Lord :rofl:



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Missed the first GP, enjoyed the one at the weekend, the racing was awesome and pleased its on Eurosport, too many adverts on the sky version sometimes but overall I can't say I noticed too much difference, same commentators, Steve Brandon interviews at trackside still and the graphics all the same so as previously said it's just a feed being broadcast.

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The broadcast does seem to flow better when there's no studio to cut back to every 4 races, but other than that, there's really no difference to what Sky used to offer.


I do think British speedway may benefit more with the GP's being on Eurosport than when they were on Sky though. Eurosport IS the bike racing channel, and it was fantastic to see the Polish GP and replays mingled in with the MotoGP coverage at the weekend, and with it not being a premium channel, it's likely to hit the screens of far more people interested in bike racing than the Sky coverage used to.

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As far as I can see, the Eurosport GP coverage is almost identical to that of Sky - both use the same world feed.


Only difference is we don't cut back to the studio every four races, and I'm not sure if that is a loss at all.


EDIT: Just seen that SCB said the same - but in rather more forceful tones :D


All the best


Edited by lucifer sam
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Backless, we don't tend to agree at the best of times, but you are right. The Eurosport coverage is to the point and we get to see what we want to see, racing. None of this back and forth to a studio where we get more of the same opinions from Keith 'This isn't road racing' Huwen and Sam Ermolenko and friends.


The Eurosport coverage (even though it's essentially just a feed + commentators) is no frills, just racing and the occasional interview (which is always, beautifully given by Steve Brandon)

Just need to replace the screaming banshee Pearson and it will be perfect.
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Just need to replace the screaming banshee Pearson and it will be perfect.


Totally agree. Tonight is a prime example, the way he screamed and constantly sucked up about Ward was embarrassing and also disrespectful to the other riders. At one point he screamed Ward is all over Iversen, when in fact Iversen was a good 4 or 5 bike lengths clear by that point.

Awful commentator, if Eurosport can do their own feed without Pearson, then Happy Days.

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Totally agree. Tonight is a prime example, the way he screamed and constantly sucked up about Ward was embarrassing and also disrespectful to the other riders. At one point he screamed Ward is all over Iversen, when in fact Iversen was a good 4 or 5 bike lengths clear by that point.


Awful commentator, if Eurosport can do their own feed without Pearson, then Happy Days.


As i said many times the bloke is a complete Plum along with his side kick. Sooner gone the better and with a bit of luck a stray dart may take him out :D

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Pearson and Tatum may be a bit "shouty" but they are good at what they do. The style may not appeal to some people, but for a taste of Eurosport's (presumably) own input you only have to listen to the guy doing the voice overs in the parts where previously Sky would have goner to the studion.


Well meaning but very amateurish. Sounds like someone from a club DVD. Tom Woffinden? Imagine the uproar on here if one of the other two had said that?

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HAPPY to report that Eurosport are delighted to have Nigel and Kelvin on board and very impressed with the pair. Their commentary of Heat 22 in Bydgoszcz was brilliant ... "Speedway from the gods" ... "Obscene speedway" ... "I'm going to have a lie down in a dark room."


I actually spent some time yesterday watching the highlights show being put together when they both have to redo their commentary from a sound booth, tailoring their words to a specific time frame measured in seconds. And then adding other comments before and after races, again measured in seconds. They are both brilliant at it and work superbly in tandem.


In the TV industry their rankings are very high so sorry Andy and the rest of the usual suspects... they ain't going anyway.



The Pearson and Tatum thing has been done a thousand times over, alas, their belated appearance at the front end of Eurosport's coverage makes them a valid aspect of this topic. I'll, unusually for me lol, try and make my contribution on them short as i'm able too :)


Ok i am no fan at all of Nigel Pearson and Kelvin Tatum's hysterics, they simply are not to my taste. However, i do appreciate that they get up of their posteriors every day to go out to work and have progressed in their chosen profession to a great degree. I hold no 'personal' dislike of them or out to criticize them at every opportunity as many people on here are, i don't like to see people being bullied or hounded in any walk of life. Anyways, good for them that the nature of their job benefits them with travelling around the world and partaking of nice hotels and night life etc. So they will hardly lose any sleep to unconstructive criticizm or insults on a forum during their eight months of globetrotting.


Their commentary of Heat 22 in Bydgoszcz was brilliant ... "Speedway from the gods" ... "Obscene speedway" ... "I'm going to have a lie down in a dark room."


Regarding Nigel Pearson, my biggest criticism is that on occasions he engages in behaviour that is in reality damaging to the sport! Ok, not anything to be hung, drawn and quartered for but when he is waxing lyrical about a race that is NOT, i repeat NOT, remotely an exciting one then the 'non-speedway casual viewer/potential new visitor to a track' thinks that if this is 'a fantastic speedway race' and the height of what the sport has to offer well i'll look elsewhere to spend my money to get thrills.


Both of them are often waiting on edge to apply one of their stock phrases which then results in them doing so in total contrast to the eveidence before our eyes on the screen. The comments above were well matched to some of the the action we had at the SGP, but oucheeee if they apply even one of those phrases during a race that simply just isn't 'all that'. It DOES have a damaging effect on the sport for the reason i mentioned above.


I actually spent some time yesterday watching the highlights show being put together when they both have to redo their commentary from a sound booth, tailoring their words to a specific time frame measured in seconds. And then adding other comments before and after races, again measured in seconds. They are both brilliant at it and work superbly in tandem.


Uh Oh an instant alarm bells triggers when someone says they have met or spent a little time with somone (relatively) 'famous'. It usually heavily colours and clouds judgement and sways opinions in people without any valid justification. You see it all the time when a member of the public happens to bump into or....oh my God the sheer honour of it....gets spoken to by a celebrity. Now that famous person in reality might be quite a nasty person behind closed doors or as is proven more and more on a daily basis these days a criminal pervert. However, just because they have got to speak to someone of the telly they'll always trump up with "Oh actually i've met them and their not really like that, they're a really nice person", they'll do this despite a mountain of proof elsewhere of their indescretions and behaviour.


Lol, oooops! guess who's waffling away and should also hastily point out that i'm not suggesting or expecting either Nige or Kelvin to anyday soon be uncloaked as Beelzebub, yep meeeee. Ok the point i'm finally getting to is that there are many competent and superior sports commentators out there who ALSO put in the work and skills that you witnessed yesterday, so that shouldn't count as a factor for keeping them if they end up creating a large number of people who are put off watching the programme.


I too thought that they had initially toned down, even on their Sky coverage too, but i now fear the worst. The other day on Sky we had the excruciating ever increasing vicious circle of when one of them raises and heightens their voice the other follows suit. Within seconds it's all rising high-pitched screaming with the speed of a tornado lol. How it really jars is, as often happens, once they've triggered this frenzy they are totally oblivious and blind to a change of events on the track. They are often guilty of.....ok i stop right now....that's enough i'm not going to list a whole load of examples lol.


I do feel if they are encouraged to go down the screamy shouting path instead of being reigned in they will turn out to be detrimental to Eurosport's coverage by puttng people off watching. Whilst the vast majority of speedway fans like me will accept anyone commentating as we are so thankful to get to watch our exciting sport, floating sports viewers flicking through the channels may speedily pass by. I was very impressed by their early season performances, which now looks like it could be a false dawn/hope.


Aside from the missing out on one of the semi-final draws and the final draw, which hopefully won't happen again, Eurosport did the sport and themselves proud. It was great to read in the Speedway Star that some of their executives were in attendance and were rightly thrilled. Please everyone who enjoyed the coverage let them know. I'm certainly grateful and enjoyed it all immensely.


Only possible massive downer, although i've not checked back since to see if it has changed, after the meeting and also at some point the next day i went to the homepage of Eurosport UK, ouch.....i don't think i've ever seen a page with so many links to stories and reports of events, scroll after scroll but.....where was the MENTION of the GP? I went back a few days later and all that i could find was a couple of bare paragraphs in the meeting's report page. I know they now have a speedway tab but after the superb entertainment that the sport provided for Eurosport i would have expected it to have been profiled right at the top of the page. Also, i'd have expected to see considerable mentions or articles on what a great night it was. Come on Eurosport don't be like Sky and let's fully appreciate the Jewel In The Crown the SGP is. Sky had the same old, same old ball sports on all their channels whilst Eurosport was hot and rocking!

Edited by manchesterpaul
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thank you euro sport!


£2.99 per month of the player system, great to hear tatum and great not to have to pay for sky football.


plus i have already been discussing the coverage with big motogp fans who watched it for the first time, so its actually getting to the correct audience rather than the football crowd, who think biting and kicking a pigs bladder around is entertainment!


much better than sky and will i think benefit speedway in the long term, we are a small sport and need to be advertised to the correct people

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