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British Speedway Forum

Wishes For The New Year

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Thought I'd put down some of my hopes for the New Year for those involved in the our great sport.



No serious injuries please. But also remember a wage rise for you is a price rise for the fans so please be realistic in your demands. Fans don't have bottomless pockets



Please think carefully about any new innovations. None of the riders wanted or liked the silencers last year so why bring them in, if the riders can find cheaper ways to reduce noise listen to them. Titanium parts? What's that all about? Just more expense for the riders which ultimately means more expense for the fans. The bikes don't need to be any faster, it doesn't improve the racing so think carefully before any changes and consult with the riders FIRST.



Promote. Get out to the schools, shopping centres, fetes etc. Bombard your local newspaper and TV station. Posters, leaflets all used to be used in the "Old Days" give em a try again.

Stick to the spirit and not just the letter of any new ruling. Going over any new rule to find a loophole so you can get a world class foreigner on a three point average may not be technically cheating but to all but your own supporters it is. If the new adjudicator says says the new Polish/Swedish/Danish wonder kid is given a six or seven point average accept it don't go whining and crying that your being hard done by. To use one of your own phrases "It's in the best interest of the sport"



I wish you many happy hours of enjoyment and that your team are crowned champions come October, unless you are a Premier League follower then may your team finish second to the mighty Rockets. But most importantly be nice to each other just because someone has a different opinion doesn't make them a moron or evil we are all speedway fans remember that. Cut the promoters some slack remember they were supporters before they were promoters and they love the sport as much as we do.


and finally






A happy new year to you all

Edited by Cockney Rebel
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