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New Zealand Gp.

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Bad/OK camera work? Do people not know that what you see on your telly comes from the same World feed and therefore the picture is the same in all Countries? What you saw last night would have been exactly what you would have seen on Sky Sports...


Not quite, Sky used to dip in and out of the coverage to go back to the studio.

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Having just watched this have to agree on the camerawork. It was the same last year from NZ and unfortunately lessons appeared not to have been learnt. Far too often the camera on bend 4 lingered on the tail ender, direction then sluggish to cut to lead of the race, direction all through was average, apparently Bunyan vs Vaculik was a battle raging but close up of Emil preferred? Again the semi final draws were poorly done, with a cut away from AJs pick, and then cameramen not knowing to go tight on the listed line up.


The KK vs Bunyan clash was typical, not 1 camera getting it clearly ? No doubt it'll be a whole lot better from here on in when using crews that have much more experience, but on certain shots, such as the bend 2 replay camera, an experienced operative should have been used.


That said, refreshing to see the VT at the start of the show, and the Hancock feature during the interval. Not sure about the talking head graphics for every heat line up - was bored by that by the end - and despite the 'all bets on red' meeting, the wrapped production felt much more up to date than Sky's 'guys in London - lets get back to the racing' set up (although it felt weird not seeing Keith after 18 years as host)

Edited by ballinger
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Now up after a late night. Was it worth watching it live? I guess so but not a great start to the series. As Pete said the Hancock piece was good to watch in the interval. Racing wise pretty bad. As bad as a Czech GP. Things can only get better. Thought the commentary was good though I do prefer the British team better. Who did the pickup commentary? He seems to know what he was talking about. Glad no more back to the studio. Much better to stay at the track. Having just moved and no Sky fitted yet, I watched via the Eurosport Player on my laptop, pugged into my TV via hdmi. Very good picture on a 40 inch screen with no buffering on a 1.9MB Wi-Fi. Far better image than a free stream sourced online and as good as a SD image on TV. Paid £4.99 for a month with no subscription as Sky is being fitted next week. Well worth it for those without Sky.

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The commentary in Semi Final 1 summed it up for me, something like;


"Ward going for that wide run again, but the line is no longer there after the pre-race track grade".


Having witnessed the only genuinely exciting race of the meeting in Heat 20, what possessed them to get rid of the racing line? I usually love the GP's, but this was probably the most boring international meetings I've ever seen.


As the track was so heavily favourable to the inside gates, it's hard to really make any great judgement on the riders, who all looked capable of winning races. I have to admit Woffinden was much better than I expected and a huge improvement on Harris.


I don't know if Iversen laid it down or was just distracted by Ward (who did miraculously well to stay on) and slid off. I think his time will come when the series hits Europe though, where he is one of the top riders.



Edited by JT
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You speedway fans never learn.


Accept the coverage you get and stop bellyaching about daft little things.


Look at the winter you have just had... SKY not covering this, not covering that... people threatening to stop their subscription and close down the channel, as the wave of speedway fans adopting this approach threatened SKY's profits.


Now, live speedway retained, we still have them... "The camera work was this," "it (the meeting) was on too early," "I had to watch with the sound down," "I had to watch with the sound up but picture off."


Just be thankful you have another chance of watching live racing.

Edited by moxey63
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The commentary in Semi Final 1 summed it up for me, something like;


"Ward going for that wide run again, but the line is no longer there after the pre-race track grade".


Having witnessed the only genuinely exciting race of the meeting in Heat 20, what possessed them to get rid of the racing line? I usually love the GP's, but this was probably the most boring international meeting I've ever seen.







The thing was Jarek did use the outside line to blast around Nicki on the first lap so it wasn't completely removed

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I agree, very enjoyable.

I also liked the fact that they kept giving the sponsors plenty of plugs.

This is important if we want them to keep pumping money into the sport.

Great to have the GP's on TV not the best racing with gate 1 being by far the best, but IMHO although it is early days yet, I think the Eurosport production was very good and the commentary was excellent, so much better than what Sky dished up with Screamy & Shouty, why do those two have to scream all the time it certainly doesn't add to the excitement, I would imagine it puts many people off, I really think this is way commentary needs to go.

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Great to have the GP's on TV not the best racing with gate 1 being by far the best, but IMHO although it is early days yet, I think the Eurosport production was very good and the commentary was excellent, so much better than what Sky dished up with Screamy & Shouty, why do those two have to scream all the time it certainly doesn't add to the excitement, I would imagine it puts many people off, I really think this is way commentary needs to go.


On the button!

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Wade Aunger who did the commentary has been announcing and commentating for years in Australia...he was the announcer and race commentator at Claremont in Perth for years and was excellent and added a lot to meetings...meetings are very differently presented over there ......he wll be slightly biased for Tai though as he has known him since he was a baby !


i thougt the coveage was good...of course he pictures were the same as would have been seen on Sky so no comparisoncan be made onthat front but it was a good show...the racing wasn't the best but ok and the crowd ooked decent to me....better than at the NZ v England test match !!!!

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You speedway fans never learn.


Accept the coverage you get and stop bellyaching about daft little things.


Look at the winter you have just had... SKY not covering this, not covering that... people threatening to stop their subscription and close down the channel, as the wave of speedway fans adopting this approach threatened SKY's profits.


Now, live speedway retained, we still have them... "The camera work was this," "it (the meeting) was on too early," "I had to watch with the sound down," "I had to watch with the sound up but picture off."


Just be thankful you have another chance of watching live racing.

Couldn't agree more :approve: .I am happy just watching speedway on the tv.Beats the days of not having speedway broadcast at all.

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The commentary in Semi Final 1 summed it up for me, something like;


"Ward going for that wide run again, but the line is no longer there after the pre-race track grade".


Having witnessed the only genuinely exciting race of the meeting in Heat 20, what possessed them to get rid of the racing line? I usually love the GP's, but this was probably the most boring international meetings I've ever seen.


As the track was so heavily favourable to the inside gates, it's hard to really make any great judgement on the riders, who all looked capable of winning races. I have to admit Woffinden was much better than I expected and a huge improvement on Harris.


I don't know if Iversen laid it down or was just distracted by Ward (who did miraculously well to stay on) and slid off. I think his time will come when the series hits Europe though, where he is one of the top riders.




Absolutely spot on!!....There was one exciting race all meeting (heat 20) and then immediately the clueless cretins go and ruin the track again for the semi's. I'm SO glad I didnt get up in the middle of the night to witness that procession of a meeting!.

Things can (and MUST!!) only get better in the next GP's

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Set the alarm and was up and at the ready...pity I felt like going back to bed half way through!! Cleared the withdrawal symptoms after a long winter and shall hope and pray the European GPs are an improvement on the NZ meeting. Eurosport did a fine job, pity the racing couldnt match :sad: .Loved Johnno and his plug for Cardiff...yes it is the best one to go to...roll on June 1st!

I hope what few highlights theyd have looked good on the highlights programme this morning...we need to find new followers of this great sport, but it will only happen if there is "RACING" and excitement to catch the eye of newbies!!

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Its so sad listening to people complain on here. It wasn't the greatest meeting no, but was by no means awful. There was a sprinkling of overtaking, some close races & everyone was taking points off one another. I bet if you were there live it looked pretty special the way they were motoring around that big track. As for the coverage, those of you moaning about that, well I'm lost for words. I can only assume you try and find fault with every situation you come across. It was more then fine.

I say well done to all and look forward to the rest of the series.

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Its so sad listening to people complain on here. It wasn't the greatest meeting no, but was by no means awful. There was a sprinkling of overtaking, some close races & everyone was taking points off one another. I bet if you were there live it looked pretty special the way they were motoring around that big track. As for the coverage, those of you moaning about that, well I'm lost for words. I can only assume you try and find fault with every situation you come across. It was more then fine.

I say well done to all and look forward to the rest of the series.


I enjoyed it too! Yeh, it wasn't a classic but I have no doubt the series will be better and more explosive than ever this year. I loved the commentary team, even if there was the odd mistake. Can we keep them permanently please? :t:

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