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Kent 2013


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I hope David gets fixed up, I honestly do as I grew up watching him dominate the Conference League at Rye House. He is a victim of his average perhaps but that's the way the sport has been for a very long time.


...and it's stupid rules like this and many others that over the years have and are continuing to do so ruined the sport.

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...and it's stupid rules like this and many others that over the years have and are continuing to do so ruined the sport.


There is always going to be team strength controls and there has been rider control for a long time, even before the averages came into play. A few seasons back when the grading system was used in the NL David was a Grade 11 and if that system was still in place he still would be and wouldn't have got a look in as Steve Boxall would have been too.


The National League is always going to be unique because are standalone sides and second sides, when he was at Rye House David was a great rider to help bring the youngsters through with his experience. The Kent side is a standalone one however regardless of Len Silver and John Sampford's involvement and they have to build a winning side which would rely on David scoring his average on track too.

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Not surprised at Silver's treatment of David. Anyone who has read his press relaeases know Silver lies through his teeth. The local Herts Mercury print anything he says, so they can gain access to the team. I still have the clipping from his attack on me, lies in that too.The rag wouldn't even give me a right to reply.

Safe to say he's gone way down in my estimation, even more now he's basically knifed David in the back.

Edited by Shadders
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Very harsh on Mason who although struggling deserved more time than this!


The problem is having 3 guys barely up to NL standard at the bottom end of the team is too much!


Whilst I agree that the NLs about bringing on young riders, Sam Woods has been riding for a long while now without ever being enough good for NL reserve standard which says it all!


Kirbys been knocking around for a while now as well, another tell tale sign!


Hope things work out for everyone at Kent but moves like the one on Mason will not help things, particularly the PR side of things!

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Whilst I agree that the NLs about bringing on young riders Sam Woods has been riding for a long while now without being enough good for NL standard which says it all!


Kirbys been knocling around for a while now as well another tell tale sign!


Agree with you about those two. Should have really progressed by now and not falling off so often

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Yeah I don't want to be harsh but if a riders been riding adult speedway races (amatuer/junior league 2nd halfs and in the case of Woods riding abroad as well) ) for 3+ years and is still not NL reserve standard then its obvious that they will probably not get any better. I suspect one or more of the bottom 3 at Kent were only brought in order to accomodate the high average Boxhall, cause the new set up Kent understandably done their team building later than the other teams so had few options and cause they were also waiting for a certain R Lambert to complete their line up and be their trump card at reserve?


As for Mason, hes not the rider he was and is on the wane but can still do a 2nd string job as well as pass on his vast knowledge to the younger riders. To drop him this early into the season is harsh to say the least. To replace him with a guy whos had a stop start speedway career to date makes it even more hard to swallow for Mason, though I'd suspect Compton (whos probably using this as a stop gap/practise till his home town team Bradfords likely return next year in the PL) would probably do better?


Mason apparently brought a lot of people with to the speedway so this could have been handled better. Had he been struggling after 10 meetings then Mason himself would of taken it better and held his hands up not to mention others!


But of course nobody can tell the now often niave and ignorant Len "I've been in speedway since the stone age, so I know more than anyone and I'm always right" Silver anything!!


(Just to say that I respect Len Silver tremendously for whats hes done in speedway and he'd know more than almost anyone about speedway but he isn't always right which has been proved many times in recent years!)


(I also hope that messrs Woods and Kirby prove me and many other people wrong and go onto have tremendous speedway careers cause afterall they are British, something which is an extremely endangered species in the sport these days!)

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Yeah I don't want to be harsh but if a riders been riding adult speedway races (amatuer/junior league 2nd halfs and in the case of Woods riding abroad as well) ) for 3+ years and is still not NL reserve standard then its obvious that they will probably not get any better

Not defending anyone here but the decision to drop Mason was very strange and for the new supporters at Sittingbourne is bad PR.

As for Sam Woods, please look at his injuries over the last 3 years which have not given him a full season of racing. Adam Kirby hasn't had the chance to prove himself at NL level so again give him a chance. I know that is difficult when we all want to win but taking Richie Worrall as an example, he wasn't always at the level that he is now so fair play to the promoters that stuck with him during the tougher times.

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These three dates are likely to set the tempo for Kent Kings prospects for the rest of the season. Any views on them?

Sunday May 26 Away National Trophy Buxton Hitmen

Monday May 27 Home National Trophy Mildenhall

Tuesday May 28 Away K.O Cup Isle of Wight

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Very true when one considers the pre-season build-up for Kent Kings which many times was linked to the role David Mason would play. In football terms - an own goal!


The thing I don't get is why Kent think Benji is going to do a better job than David.

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The thing I don't get is why Kent think Benji is going to do a better job than David.


Interesting to see how David Mason is still very much the dominant figure on the Kent Kings website.



Good meeting for Adam Kirby tonight riding for Kings Lynn Young Stars. He scored 5+1 from 4 riding at number 4 and he's never ridden at Monmore before. Well done Adam.


I think he'll find Buxton, Mildenhall and Isle of Wight harder opposition?

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Interesting to see how David Mason is still very much the dominant figure on the Kent Kings website.





I think he'll find Buxton, Mildenhall and Isle of Wight slightly harder opposition?


Maybe but he has ridden those tracks before. My point was that he did well tonight on a track he has never ridden before so that will help his confidence and that's good for the Kings

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Interesting to see how David Mason is still very much the dominant figure on the Kent Kings website.





I think he'll find Buxton, Mildenhall and Isle of Wight slightly harder opposition?


Yes Adam Improved as the meeting went on, and had 2 very good and competitive second places, Are YOU joking Gustix Buxton harder than Dudley ????, You must be the only person who thinks that..except probably Buxton.


Good meeting for Adam Kirby tonight riding for Kings Lynn Young Stars. He scored 5+1 from 4 riding at number 4 and he's never ridden at Monmore before. Well done Adam.


Yes Adam Improved as the meeting went on, and had 2 very good and competitive second places

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Yes Adam Improved as the meeting went on, and had 2 very good and competitive second places, Are YOU joking Gustix Buxton harder than Dudley ????, You must be the only person who thinks that..except probably Buxton.

Yes Adam Improved as the meeting went on, and had 2 very good and competitive second places


You seem to have misunderstood - I was referring to the NEXT THREE meetings in as many days which are against Buxton, Mildenhall and Isle of Wight.


In fact, I think Kent Kings generally are in for three hard, testing matches. The results should sort out all their strengths and weaknesses.


Beyond that I am in no doubt about the merits of Dudley. That test is further away!

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Yes, there are no easy pickings there, Buxton not the easiest of Tracks to ride, Mildenhall the 2012 Treble winning team, and The IOW, many peoples pick to be Champions in 2013. The management have done what they consider the right thing to do, really it was Boxhall or Mason, that needed to be changed, Boxhall has done nothing wrong, so Mason had to be the fall guy, wether or not Benji will do a better job than David, remains to be seen. In my opinion it is the balance of The Team which is wrong but had Lambert signed, it could have been the right balance.

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