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This release of David Mason shows just hiw ridiculous the averages are. They never achieve equalisation of team strengths as is proved by results once the season gets underway. It now means the departure of a rider who is far better and probably always will be than others who continue to make up the Kings team.

It's not the first time nor will it be the last in which a quality rider has been forced out of the sport because people with calculators have to much say in the sport's governance.

I wonder what sort of local following David Mason had with new fans at Central Park and how they will react to what has happened and lose some (or all?) interest in speedway?

The loss of David Mason will be felt in the pits as much as on the track. I should think his advice was invaluable for the younger members of the team.

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The Kings problem isn't the long tail, there are plenty of NL sides with long tails, it's not a negative thing, three pointers riding in the NL means that young Brits are coming through. It is important however that the Kings top three score points to enable the 3 pointers to settle in.


It's a shame David has gone as his experience and guidance would prove invaluable but there is no way he would have achieved his starting average, especially with his home track not being Rye House.


It'll be interesting to see what happens with the extra point the Kings have gained as David has moved on, it's a new venture though so they have to start winning meetings before too long.



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I've got to agree with Pitstop 100%. That so called Press Release was obviously written by Hans Christian Anderson. However if you do believe it, then sit by your chimney on Christmas Eve and a man in a Red Suit will pop out. The losers in this farce are the paying fans and the youngsters from the original line up who have lost an honest and respected mentor. A mentor who Helped, Encouraged, and someone who would have helped every rider in any way, by his advice and encouragement would,I believe, have put a further 1,2 or even 3 points on to their averages. Then we would have had a team that was going places. Why have the powers that be had to tell, what tantamounts to a pack of blatant lies about this whole sorry saga. To expect us to believe that a rider has thrown his hand in after just 7 races, well it beggars belief.

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The Kings problem isn't the long tail, there are plenty of NL sides with long tails, it's not a negative thing, three pointers riding in the NL means that young Brits are coming through. It is important however that the Kings top three score points to enable the 3 pointers to settle in.


It's a shame David has gone as his experience and guidance would prove invaluable but there is no way he would have achieved his starting average, especially with his home track not being Rye House.


It'll be interesting to see what happens with the extra point the Kings have gained as David has moved on, it's a new venture though so they have to start winning meetings before too long.

At the start of the season Len Silver said that he never looks at the riders averages and the team total average, when asked why the Rye House team was built with around 2 pts to spare.


I believe he also said Kent with the team they had planned were going to be challenging for honors this year!!!

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At the start of the season Len Silver said that he never looks at the riders averages and the team total average, when asked why the Rye House team was built with around 2 pts to spare.


I believe he also said Kent with the team they had planned were going to be challenging for honors this year!!!

I'm guessing he thought Robert Lambert would do a whole season when he said this..

Unfortunately it appears this whole situation is a whole load of bad press..Not what a club (especially a new 1) needs in these times

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By David Mason Racing.co.uk | Wednesday 15th May 2013

“I don’t believe what is going on!” These were the words uttered by a rider who has been a loyal servant to his promoter whom he has known for fourteen years. That is Kent CTA Fire Kings co-promoter Len Silver, who Wednesday morning sacked his skipper after just seven rides this year.


Mason clearly annoyed by the way he was informed and the whole episode handled on Wednesday said, “I’ve known Len for fourteen years and he has treated me like this is disgusting and I can’t believe it. He didn’t even have the decency to say goodbye on the phone, he just hung up. I did not stand down, no way did I stand down and no way did I give up my captaincy!”


The first signing for Kent CTA Fire Kings earlier this year explained today’s bombshell. “Len phoned me and said he’s got no choice but to make changes after the second meeting because we lost by twenty points. He sacked me, he told me I was sacked and that he was bringing in Benji Compton. I said to Len at the time that you must be joking because I’ve put so much effort in this year not only to help and promote Kent Speedway along with bringing my sponsors to become involved with the club, I feel that not only has Len let them down, I feel disgusted for them because of the way that I have been treated.”


Mason has been associated with Silver for many years, when not picked to ride for his Rye House team he has been loaned out to other clubs such as Weymouth and Mildenhall during this last decade. The idea of a transfer to another team has never crossed his mind; he has always stayed loyal to the promoter who holds his registration. “With the investment in equipment for the season that I have made do you think that I would stand down? This is not about me standing down at all, I wouldn’t dream of standing down. If I commit to something then I commit to something and give it 100%. I don’t back down after one and a half meetings, why would I want to do that?” Continued Mason who added, “I feel so sorry for my sponsors and my supporters. Many have made me fully aware that they will not be attending Kent Speedway in the future.”


After reading the press release issued by Kent Speedway Mason was furious and said, “I can’t believe the press release that was issued by my promoter, supporters and sponsors deserve to know the truth that ‘I was sacked’, I certainly would not stand down and do that to Kent Speedway, the supporters and sponsors.”


Mason concluded, “This isn’t the best decision that the club has made, Benji and I are not the answer for Kent Speedway. People who go and understand speedway know where the answer lies. If you make changes you don’t do it after seven races you give everyone a fair chance.”

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What affect will this SACKING have on the rest of the team? How is Steve going to raise morale? Will they all be looking over their shoulder now? Sadly the first two meetings were against teams having much stronger riders and though David did not score well it is a new track and HOME ADVANTAGE does not yet exist, I am sure that with less able riders visiting shortly, the ability of David to inspire the youngsters would have shone through and his own average would have been met. His knowledge of the away tracks would have been invaluable to the youngsters. The sport is a lot about confidence and if that is lacking in a rider then he needs to be helped not kicked in the teeth.

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There are three main issues being played here as far as I can see, there is a certain blurring between the lines of each in some areas perhaps but nevertheless you have; 1) Personal 2)Speedway 3)Business.


The latter two reasons are more prevalent when trying to be successful than the former. David Mason is a nice bloke and has clearly put a lot into being prepared for the season, I feel for him and I'm sure that the fans do too but you can't expect people to turn up each week just to see a nice bloke unfortunately.


The paying public want to see a winning team and if they don't they'll soon lose interest which cannot happen from a business point of view. The three pointers at the bottom end are a necessity when accommodating a rider like Steve Boxall. In Boxall the Kings have the National League's best rider, something to be proud of and every time Steve has been on track at Central Park, the atmosphere has been tangible. He comes with a high average but it is good for business as he brings the punters in. Morley is doing his thing and once he settles in at Central Park he will be a very good foil for Boxall, the fans have taken to him already too, why? He has been winning races. Any three pointers in this league are going to be raw, there may be better out there than the Kings trio but there also may be worse options. Kingston and Kirby look very tentative but both have scope to improve and they have shown that on track, that improvement will come with rides, that is something you can afford three point riders though. Woods does seem to be struggling but it's early doors. Coles is a talent, having watched him at Rye last season I can confidently say the lad is a racer. He seems to have added gating to his arsenal over the winter but his machinery is holding him back. Connor Coles on a competitive bike is one of the National League's finest young prospects.


That left Mason, he is the rider likely to drop the most points from his average on the track and was always going to be vulnerable if the axe was to fall on any King during the season. It has struck early admittedly but from a Speedway and Business point of view the Kings have done what they had to. On a personal note it is a shame. I'm not taking sides as I can see both, these things need to be looked at from a measured perspective.

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buxton and kent are very similar as they both are 3 man teams with basically 4 reserves, unless 1 or2 of the lower riders become an overnight sensation then both these teams are going to struggle as most of the other teams are better balanced

i dont think compton for mason will help i think they should have droped boxhall for compton and brought in another 7 pointer in place of 1 of the bottom 4

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Not for the first time averages have possibly ended a rider's career because he had to make way for another big scorer. It leaves riders of lesser score power still in place and possibly careerwise never going to equal what David `Mason has achieved.


What has happened here is one of the reasons why speedway is increasingly not being taken seriously by the mainstream media.

I yearn for the old days when there were speedway CLUBS not speedway teams. Riders continuing with the same club season on season - new riders fighting for their place through novice heats and second-half races. No guests, no rider-replacment.


I know that this set-up will never return but under it riders won their places in sides through graduation and went the reverse way if and when their ability started to wane.


The "sacking" of David Mason is going to baffle new supporters of Kent Kings as they see a reasonable scorer depart yet lesser scorers and possibly in some cases (?) lesser talent still in the side. The practice will disenchant some newcomers to speedway as they realise that speedway teams are not all they seem - more so when they see the star of a visiting side possibly turn up a few weeks later as a guest for a visiting team, then revert to his original side if they make a return visit to Central Park.


David Mason - as other riders have been - is a victim of the system and not failed on his riding ability.

Well said.Would not of said anything different.I follow Stoke and this is not a dig at Kent but speedway in general. All we want is to see the best lads in the country race against each other and not a system that "weeds" out the good to allow the lads of; shall I say, lesser ability at present get a ride. Very much disenchanted with our great sport.

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I think Len has finally flipped !!!!!

Why sack one of your top three after two matches? One that scores points, turns up each time on good equipment, helps out other members of the team, is a fan friendly and always ready to assist with promoting the club and speedway.

Over the years Rye has had a list of riders that should have been cast aside during the season but Len said the fans were wrong and he would do things his way coz he knows best.


Well this time he sure has done it his way and its totally out of character for him .......... lets wait and see if he is right and the results start to change and the wins come in thick and fast. (I have my doubts somehow) :unsure:

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There are three main issues being played here as far as I can see, there is a certain blurring between the lines of each in some areas perhaps but nevertheless you have; 1) Personal 2)Speedway 3)Business.


The latter two reasons are more prevalent when trying to be successful than the former. David Mason is a nice bloke and has clearly put a lot into being prepared for the season, I feel for him and I'm sure that the fans do too but you can't expect people to turn up each week just to see a nice bloke unfortunately.


The paying public want to see a winning team and if they don't they'll soon lose interest which cannot happen from a business point of view. The three pointers at the bottom end are a necessity when accommodating a rider like Steve Boxall. In Boxall the Kings have the National League's best rider, something to be proud of and every time Steve has been on track at Central Park, the atmosphere has been tangible. He comes with a high average but it is good for business as he brings the punters in. Morley is doing his thing and once he settles in at Central Park he will be a very good foil for Boxall, the fans have taken to him already too, why? He has been winning races. Any three pointers in this league are going to be raw, there may be better out there than the Kings trio but there also may be worse options. Kingston and Kirby look very tentative but both have scope to improve and they have shown that on track, that improvement will come with rides, that is something you can afford three point riders though. Woods does seem to be struggling but it's early doors. Coles is a talent, having watched him at Rye last season I can confidently say the lad is a racer. He seems to have added gating to his arsenal over the winter but his machinery is holding him back. Connor Coles on a competitive bike is one of the National League's finest young prospects.


That left Mason, he is the rider likely to drop the most points from his average on the track and was always going to be vulnerable if the axe was to fall on any King during the season. It has struck early admittedly but from a Speedway and Business point of view the Kings have done what they had to. On a personal note it is a shame. I'm not taking sides as I can see both, these things need to be looked at from a measured perspective.


So its simple in terms of business eh, get a grip. What you are intimating is that if Benji does not perform in 7 rides he also will be out of work?

Realism is that the management bottled it. Every new fan who went will be dumbfounded at the decision, but eh Di Matteo was booted out for failing. Ahhhhhh but the owner is a billionaire and not adverse to throwing his toys out and getting his own way.


Good luck Benji, hope you do well and David, with contacts like the ones who sold you out you know what to do!!!!!!!!!!

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Let's be honest newcomers won't know how the sport works so why would they be dumbfounded?For all they know this happens all the time....i doubt after two meetings that many newcomers have suddenly got emotionally attached to any of the riders.Doesn't sound good,might have been an action taken too quick,but i guess they thought something had to be done.Some seem to be over-reacting in how newbies will see this though


And if they are dumbfounded now then it will keep them in good stead for the future.I remember when i first started going on my own and taking notice of riders....there was a guy called Jim Tebby who wasn't in the team but we were told would be trying to get in by riding second halves....whoops a week or two later he was riding for Newport!Were we dumbfounded? Few years later we were told our number 1 would be Christer Lofqvist.He was even in the programme as our number one for a few weeks,but never turned up!Not sure how dumbfounded we all were at the time.....

Edited by iris123
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So its simple in terms of business eh, get a grip. What you are intimating is that if Benji does not perform in 7 rides he also will be out of work?

Realism is that the management bottled it. Every new fan who went will be dumbfounded at the decision, but eh Di Matteo was booted out for failing. Ahhhhhh but the owner is a billionaire and not adverse to throwing his toys out and getting his own way.


Good luck Benji, hope you do well and David, with contacts like the ones who sold you out you know what to do!!!!!!!!!!


How have they "bottled it" may I ask? Surely if they hadn't got the backbone to lose a rider who won't score to his average then that is "bottling it."


I'd say a rider being dropped and replaced by another is one of the more straight forward things in the Speedway World to understand. Kent Speedway need to build a reputation for winning at home at least and the promotion have taken steps to achieve this. As I said before you can't hold on to someone because they are a nice guy. I'm a nice guy but I'm sure no-one would pay to watch me ride a Speedway bike.


I hope David gets fixed up, I honestly do as I grew up watching him dominate the Conference League at Rye House. He is a victim of his average perhaps but that's the way the sport has been for a very long time.

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