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Stoke 2013


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Good list GC, however, would be interesting to see which of those would fit the 3.41? and "float the boat" of the Stoke fans for their last spot.



I think that there is only Richard Andrews who fits that average exactly but I haven't seen him around lately so not sure what he is up to right now. Failing him, it is down to the 3 pointers: Ryan Daley, Danny Phillips, Tommy Fenwick, Conor Dwyer, Lee Geary, Jack Kingston are some that spring to mind.

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They all could do a decent job i think Tommy Fenwick he showed a fair bit of what he can do bearing in mind i think he has only been riding a year, best of luck to all the team whoever they choose and hope the supporters get behind everyone involved


You are dead right about Tommy having only ridden for just over a year and you have to bear in mind he was in the NL within about six months of first putting his leg over a 500 and his points were scored from the main body of the team rather than reserve. He has got plenty of potential and is very committed. I think Stoke would be pleasantly surprised if they gave him a place.

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Good response and I think that Soke need a good year result wise, and presentation wise. I was there a couple of times last year and the crowds were very poor despite some good racing by the teams on display.

I hope I am proved wrong but I don't think what happens on the track will affect the crowds too much at all this year. When we moved to national quite a few decided that it wasn't worth following; quite wrongly may I add, then Stoke got back in the Premiership and now the Vale are doing well. In an area that this well known for poor pay compared to the rest of the country and unemployment like the rest of the country terrible; people prefer to buy a few cans and stay in or spend it on something else. Speedway is no longer looked on by the majority of the sports watching public as the one that can do without. I enjoy rugby union and the speedway and if one had to go because of funds then I'm sorry the speedway would have to go. Yes money is that tight for some people.

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great central yes i do clearly understand averages but you have not understood my post


another thing wrong is those riders you have listed cant be a guest


I am led to believe the guest rider ruling may well be changing at the forthcoming agm, for teams who have a 2nd injured rider at least.

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I hope I am proved wrong but I don't think what happens on the track will affect the crowds too much at all this year. When we moved to national quite a few decided that it wasn't worth following; quite wrongly may I add, then Stoke got back in the Premiership and now the Vale are doing well. In an area that this well known for poor pay compared to the rest of the country and unemployment like the rest of the country terrible; people prefer to buy a few cans and stay in or spend it on something else. Speedway is no longer looked on by the majority of the sports watching public as the one that can do without. I enjoy rugby union and the speedway and if one had to go because of funds then I'm sorry the speedway would have to go. Yes money is that tight for some people.


Let's hope the new commercial manager gets us more publicity.


From my own point of view speedway tops all other sports - what made me attend less last year was the weather, and the reruns clashing with family events - so it was just unfortunate. I hope to attend more this year, but with a non-speedway supporting wife it can be difficult !


I think the main trouble last year was the team was poor at home, possibly due to lack of opportunities to practice due to weather, and also the team changed a lot - not the team's fault it was mainly due to injuries - it didn't deter me but I can see how it may have effected others.

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''When we moved to national quite a few decided that it wasn't worth following; quite wrongly may I add, ''


I like many others had followed the Potters all our lives, we loved the club, but it was the way in which we found ourselves in the NL. There was no hint of this happening until the AGM of that year, and then it was just forced upon us. From that day most of the long time supporters have not gone, and will not go back until we get back into the PL, where we belong. We, and most others judging by the gate numbers, are not interested in the NL.

You could win everything in the NL, and most would still prefer to be mid/bottom of the PL.

When I think of the class of riders we used to watch , Pickers, Steckers, Moggo, Crabby, just to name a few, it makes me cry to see what has become of my beloved club.

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I understand what your all saying but my opinion is that there is more chance of going back into the PL if the figures were up , and it is a shame that the potters are not in the pl, but without the support of the fans in which any club need be thankful that the promotion are giving you speedway

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''When we moved to national quite a few decided that it wasn't worth following; quite wrongly may I add, ''


I like many others had followed the Potters all our lives, we loved the club, but it was the way in which we found ourselves in the NL. There was no hint of this happening until the AGM of that year, and then it was just forced upon us. From that day most of the long time supporters have not gone, and will not go back until we get back into the PL, where we belong. We, and most others judging by the gate numbers, are not interested in the NL.

You could win everything in the NL, and most would still prefer to be mid/bottom of the PL.

When I think of the class of riders we used to watch , Pickers, Steckers, Moggo, Crabby, just to name a few, it makes me cry to see what has become of my beloved club.

I quite understand your frustrations with how it has all gone with the Potters and I would like to throw Tom Owen and Billy Burton who were my early favourites but times have changed and balances have to be meet at the bank and at National is were we find ourselves. Some very good riders in the league at times and my main complaint...if I have complaint is that the range of ability of the lads racing at times can be large with some big gaps in riders. Plenty are holding out for the return to Premier but it could be no return at all with few punters paying.

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I quite understand your frustrations with how it has all gone with the Potters and I would like to throw Tom Owen and Billy Burton who were my early favourites but times have changed and balances have to be meet at the bank and at National is were we find ourselves. Some very good riders in the league at times and my main complaint...if I have complaint is that the range of ability of the lads racing at times can be large with some big gaps in riders. Plenty are holding out for the return to Premier but it could be no return at all with few punters paying.


Hit the nail on the head imo and mine only

Edited by Derek 613
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''Some very good riders in the league at times''


But even the best of them are only good enough to hold down a reserve position in the P.L and still they expect people to turn up in a rubbish hole of a stadium, with crap food (and charged the earth for) and still pay near what we were paying to see the top lads in the PL. Get real, most of the riders in the NL are going nowhere except the NL ,fact. Maybe if they were to advertise the fact that they are still running Speedway there they may get the odd few going, but every time I speak to anyone in Stoke and say anything about Speedway, they are always surprised that it is still running. Let me ask you this , would you be pleased to take anyone there for the first time ,in that stadium, and tell them what a good night out this is , stood around ,sometimes for hours in the cold just to watch a bunch of no hopers, and pay good money for it. I think not.

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I see.. so Tommy gets a team place before he is ready and someone else who IS ready misses out , then because poor old Tommy could'nt quite learn on the Job that's a reason to carry him for another season while lads who are ready to score miss out again , and the paying public at whichever team is benevolent enough to take him on, watch their team struggle week after week , good logic there . certainly beats the idea of letting him ride in the amateur leagues until he is race ready and then giving him a chance . I suppose that's why I'll never be a team manager and you are .

I will put it in simpler terms. I believe Tommy Fenwick IS already ready for the National League. He has already acheived a 3 point average from the main body of the Scunthorpe team and has ridden most if not all the tracks. By my reckoning he has already done his initial 'learning on the job' and Stoke need a reserve. For those who haven't seen Tommy ride as much as I have my opinion is that Tommy would be a good signing. There may be other candidates but for the record who would you suggest to fill the gap at Stoke?

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I wouldn't dream of offering my opinion on who would be a good reserve signing . especially not in such exalted company as on this thread , you are a team manager and from reading your posts can see that talented kids will continue to walk away from speedway frustrated that despite showing their ability and commitment they lack the one key factor to success in the sport being the favourite of a team manager , maybe I should get a TM job and then I can have my choices . one thing for sure there won't be anyone in my teams who have had a whole season in the NL and still can only manage to attain their assessed average and cant even hold his own in the Amateur leagues



C'mon who's ya son man! Obviously got ya nose outta joint because he hasn't a team place :wink:

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''Some very good riders in the league at times''


But even the best of them are only good enough to hold down a reserve position in the P.L and still they expect people to turn up in a rubbish hole of a stadium, with crap food (and charged the earth for) and still pay near what we were paying to see the top lads in the PL. Get real, most of the riders in the NL are going nowhere except the NL ,fact. Maybe if they were to advertise the fact that they are still running Speedway there they may get the odd few going, but every time I speak to anyone in Stoke and say anything about Speedway, they are always surprised that it is still running. Let me ask you this , would you be pleased to take anyone there for the first time ,in that stadium, and tell them what a good night out this is , stood around ,sometimes for hours in the cold just to watch a bunch of no hopers, and pay good money for it. I think not.

I think I have "got real". There is nobody with a pile of money to turn it into a top sporting stadium regardless of Premier speedway or not. I'm not a beef(horse) burger chips and that type of food fan so your description is correct, again that will not change in the Premier; although them may move up market with pickled eggs!!. Quite right that a lot of the riders are probably at their level but to call them no hopers is grossly unfair. Watching Ben progress last year was very rewarding and Liam Carr will be a bright star if given the track time. The track craft of Richie, Ash, Tom Perry, Adam Roynan, Blackbird, Jacobs, Heeps...the Scunny boys and the development of riders like Richings is great to see. Ok the times were slower in majority of races but when they are all going at a similar pace then the racing is just as close. Would I invite someone to Stoke as a first timer with everything in the poor condition it is in? Well, yes because that's what we have at present. Yes the meetings are drawn out and other things could be better and it is a little expensive but I'm enjoying it and I want it to continue. We do need the profile of the speedway team raising in the city and we can all have a hand with that. It is cold up there but a curry on the way home normally sorts that. I had to do that in the Premier too.

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