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Coventry 2013


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This is excellent news all round. The Mercia Vikings will act as the feeder team for the NL side and it will create a lot of opportunities for the MDL riders to progress. I hope a lot of the other Elite league clubs take note as this is the way forward if we are ever going to be a force in the Grand Prix and World cup again

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Edward Kennett


Sorry but that did make me laugh. :D

Would like Lee Geary to have a team place, also Nathan Grieves if he is old enough next year as he seems to be clocking up faster times than riders in the MDL.

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I would imagine Jaimie Pickard could also be in line for a place?

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I would imagine Jaimie Pickard could also be in line for a place?


Well he certainly deserves a try, after being thrown on the Scrapheap, 1 meeting short of his new lower average, i really felt sorry for the kid. whats his average Vog ?.

Edited by greyhoundp
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Gem - Yes, he turns 15 in time I believe.


Vog - Why would Jaimie be in-line? Not that I think it's a bad idea you understand, but you seem to be quite convinced of it.


gp - 6.87 I believe.


I would expect to see Dan Greenwood and Nathan Grieves. Jaimie and Lee are a good call as well but with Greaves seeming likely two 3-pointers could be a risk. Perhaps one could be the number 8?


Making the really rather wild assumption, until we hear officially one way or the other, that the Heathens go PL I would not be at all surprised if Cov try to use some of the current Heathens riders, or former riders, in a bid to try to tempt some Heathens fans over to watch. With that in mind I would suggest Darryl Ritchings above all others. You will never see a rider try harder for four laps and although not the most consistent from the tapes or on the quickest bike in the world the lad he's a very accomplished rider on the verge of a big breakthrough (needs sponsorship to really kick on). He very rarely makes a mistake and more often than not goes forward in a race not backwards. He's a very good and safe rider that is high on my 'when I win the Lotto I will sponsor' list.


A heat leader, or two, and a reserve required. Mildenhall will have to lose riders. Heeps, I imagine, will go PL only. I think Nielsen and Jacobs will be retained with a view to moving up to the Ipswich team within a year or two. That could leave Blackbird looking for a place, so let's slot him in. I'd love to Danny Stoneman leg trailing around Brandon. He's never going to be a world champion, except perhaps a WC poser :D, but he's a great lad. He's brilliant with the fans and well-loved by the Heathens faithful still. I reckon you'd get a handful turn up just to see him!! :D That leaves one slot and I think I know the man for the job. 'Boris' Bekker has done a super job for us to increase his average by nearly a point given that he's been riding alongside Tom Perry who's put 4 points on his average this season. I think everyone will have to wait a long time to see another pairing put 5 points on their averages between them in just a season. So could Coventry look something like this?


Bekker - 7.44

Blackbird - 7.01

Pickard - 6.87

Greenwood - 5.90

Ritchings - 5.84

Geary/Stoneman - 3.00/3.83

Greaves - 3.00


Total = 39.06/39.89


That would have a minimal effect on the other clubs and has some potential although most are being asked to step it up a level from this season.

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Gem - Yes, he turns 15 in time I believe.


Vog - Why would Jaimie be in-line? Not that I think it's a bad idea you understand, but you seem to be quite convinced of it.


gp - 6.87 I believe.


I would expect to see Dan Greenwood and Nathan Grieves. Jaimie and Lee are a good call as well but with Greaves seeming likely two 3-pointers could be a risk. Perhaps one could be the number 8?


Making the really rather wild assumption, until we hear officially one way or the other, that the Heathens go PL I would not be at all surprised if Cov try to use some of the current Heathens riders, or former riders, in a bid to try to tempt some Heathens fans over to watch. With that in mind I would suggest Darryl Ritchings above all others. You will never see a rider try harder for four laps and although not the most consistent from the tapes or on the quickest bike in the world the lad he's a very accomplished rider on the verge of a big breakthrough (needs sponsorship to really kick on). He very rarely makes a mistake and more often than not goes forward in a race not backwards. He's a very good and safe rider that is high on my 'when I win the Lotto I will sponsor' list.


A heat leader, or two, and a reserve required. Mildenhall will have to lose riders. Heeps, I imagine, will go PL only. I think Nielsen and Jacobs will be retained with a view to moving up to the Ipswich team within a year or two. That could leave Blackbird looking for a place, so let's slot him in. I'd love to Danny Stoneman leg trailing around Brandon. He's never going to be a world champion, except perhaps a WC poser :D, but he's a great lad. He's brilliant with the fans and well-loved by the Heathens faithful still. I reckon you'd get a handful turn up just to see him!! :D That leaves one slot and I think I know the man for the job. 'Boris' Bekker has done a super job for us to increase his average by nearly a point given that he's been riding alongside Tom Perry who's put 4 points on his average this season. I think everyone will have to wait a long time to see another pairing put 5 points on their averages between them in just a season. So could Coventry look something like this?


Bekker - 7.44

Blackbird - 7.01

Pickard - 6.87

Greenwood - 5.90

Ritchings - 5.84

Geary/Stoneman - 3.00/3.83

Greaves - 3.00


Total = 39.06/39.89


That would have a minimal effect on the other clubs and has some potential although most are being asked to step it up a level from this season.


I don't know who Blayne and Laurence intend to use at this stage but I would assume it would be made up of only riders that are to become Coventry assets. I can't see Mick investing on other clubs assets.


I agree that Jaimie Pickard would be a good call - he is very enthusiastic and on his day can beat anyone in the NL, but my concern is he has been around a few seasons now so is he ever going to make it above NL or just be a good NL rider and I think that is the difference that the Coventry promotion would be looking at.

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Vog - Why would Jaimie be in-line? Not that I think it's a bad idea you understand, but you seem to be quite convinced of it.


I always thought Jaimie was local to Coventry?


Pickard hasn't been around as much as you'd think. He seemed to click overnight and become a decent rider. If a team will let him stay in their team, he will reach PL level.


Jaimie has been around a few years (He actually rode for the Stoke Spitfires at one point, so at least 4 years ago) but only really broke through last season. He had averaged 4.35 in 2010, and then that shot up to 6.87 in 2011. After the first few meetings of 2012, he looked short of confidence and his equipment didn't seem fast enough. It's a shame, because I honestly thought he could push on and be at a higher level than Ben Reade was this season.

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I would imagine there will be a team place for James Sarjaent as i beleive he is coventry owned, also if Dudley stay NL and the rule of one over 8 point rider comes in that would mean either Ash or Tom will be looking for a new club, lots of ifs and buts its going to be an interesting close season.

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Bekker - 7.44

Blackbird - 7.01

Pickard - 6.87

Greenwood - 5.90

Ritchings - 5.84

Geary/Stoneman - 3.00/3.83

Greaves - 3.00

As the idea is to surely find riders who'll go on to ride EL with some hope, Bekker is a great big waste of a space. Would be better giving Blayne Scroggins a go, he might be a natural. Bekker has been riding NL for about 7 or 8 seasons now so has little chance of making it in the PL and none what so ever in the EL. TBH, I'd say similar about Pickard, ok it's not the same 7 or 8 season but it's a name I recognise form a few season ago, not going to make it. I know nothing of Greenwood and Ritching career history to know if they're worth bothering with.


Obviously someone like Nathan Greaves is pretty essential or it make running a NL team kind of pointless unless it's about filling in the gaps on non-EL weeks. But that won't work if they're not winning so someone like Greaves is needed.

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As the idea is to surely find riders who'll go on to ride EL with some hope, Bekker is a great big waste of a space. Would be better giving Blayne Scroggins a go, he might be a natural. Bekker has been riding NL for about 7 or 8 seasons now so has little chance of making it in the PL and none what so ever in the EL. TBH, I'd say similar about Pickard, ok it's not the same 7 or 8 season but it's a name I recognise form a few season ago, not going to make it. I know nothing of Greenwood and Ritching career history to know if they're worth bothering with.


Obviously someone like Nathan Greaves is pretty essential or it make running a NL team kind of pointless unless it's about filling in the gaps on non-EL weeks. But that won't work if they're not winning so someone like Greaves is needed.

So Becker is a waste of space and Packard much the same so no good for the team yet you say it won't work if there not winning ,would suggest in the nl you would want this type of rider to create a winning team

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As the idea is to surely find riders who'll go on to ride EL with some hope,


Of course, but you're not going to name 7 riders each year that will go on to EL status. If you could then where are all the EL Brits because we've had a CL/NL for years. If you're lucky you'll find a talent for the future once or twice every couple of years or so. You need to put together a competitive team because if you don't it won't be a success. If it's not a success then people won't keep coming. If they don't keep coming the NL team will fold. If the NL team folds you won't get any talented youngsters on your books because they'll elsewhere etcetera. In putting together a competitive team you must consider all that a more experienced rider can bring to the table even if that does not include the potential to get in to the EL team one day. Otherwise what's the plan? Are you going to sign seven 15-18 years old and expect them to know everything, take on the roll of Captain and be able to hold their own at number 1 against some of the league's big names?


If you get rid of everyone that won't get to the top at the level they're riding you won't have a sport left to support. The GPs have riders that won't ever been WC. The EL is propped up by PL riders. PL is packed with riders that won't turn a wheel exclusively in the EL and so on.


I don't know who Blayne and Laurence intend to use at this stage but I would assume it would be made up of only riders that are to become Coventry assets. I can't see Mick investing on other clubs assets.


That's a fair point but can a new club (to this level) jump in and expect to name only it's own assets every year? And the investment can't be that significant in loaning a few at this level. Heathens only have 1 asset riding for it.


Pickard hasn't been around as much as you'd think. He seemed to click overnight and become a decent rider. If a team will let him stay in their team, he will reach PL level.


I think he's about 21. :unsure:


I always thought Jaimie was local to Coventry?


Perhaps. I thought he was nearer to W'ton, but yes he does (or did) live relatively local to Cov.


I would imagine there will be a team place for James Sarjaent as i beleive he is coventry owned, also if Dudley stay NL and the rule of one over 8 point rider comes in that would mean either Ash or Tom will be looking for a new club, lots of ifs and buts its going to be an interesting close season.


I forgot about Sarj actually. Good shout. He was an asset so assuming he still is then there must be a good chance he'll be lined up.


If the Heathens stay NL it will be a shame to see Ash or Tom go as they've been with us for the three years and it's been great to see them grow. I suspect that if it came to it then Tom would stay as he's the only active asset that the club have.


When he rode for Rye I think Kyle Hughes was a Coventry asset.


Kyle Hughes did sign for Cov a few years back when they were signing up the like of Auty, Royno, Frampton, Barker, Allen & Sarj. It seemed they were on some sort of mission to snap up all the Brits as I think Richardson was still an asset and they had Nicholls and Harris too.

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So Becker is a waste of space and Packard much the same so no good for the team yet you say it won't work if there not winning ,would suggest in the nl you would want this type of rider to create a winning team

Why would Bekker, the guy who averaged about 7 in the NL 8 year ago and is still averaging 7 in the NL now be the kind of rider Coventry want to sign? Fair enough if they have a gap sign him but to list him as a rider that would be a good signing is weird.



Of course, but you're not going to name 7 riders each year that will go on to EL status. If you could then where are all the EL Brits because we've had a CL/NL for years. If you're lucky you'll find a talent for the future once or twice every couple of years or so. You need to put together a competitive team because if you don't it won't be a success. If it's not a success then people won't keep coming. If they don't keep coming the NL team will fold. If the NL team folds you won't get any talented youngsters on your books because they'll elsewhere etcetera. In putting together a competitive team you must consider all that a more experienced rider can bring to the table even if that does not include the potential to get in to the EL team one day. Otherwise what's the plan? Are you going to sign seven 15-18 years old and expect them to know everything, take on the roll of Captain and be able to hold their own at number 1 against some of the league's big names?

Ok you're not going to find 7 of them (mind you, look at Peterborough '97 Howe, Stead, Allen, Brady, Wilkinson, Clews - all rode at EL level at some point with variying degrees of success), not in season 1 anyway. But Byron Bekker?! If you're going to use up 7 points try and find a lad in his early 20s or even an old hand, a Jon Armstrong sort of rider who will help the kids. Riders like King, Wright, Hughes etc would be better. In the case of Hughes he's an asset too, so a double whammy.



I wonder what happened to Richard Franklin and thought he was a Coventry asset and from that area. Really nice lad and potentially useful in the middle order.
His mum is/was Clerk of the course at Coventry but he's a Scunny asset.


Would prefer to go do the Scunthorpe route of things, signing kids who stand a chance of being EL one day and losing, than signing riders like Bekker just "because" and still not winning.


Personally I'd try and get 3 or 4 15-17 year olds at the lower end and then sign riders who are on the cusp of the EL, doing ok in the PL and get them signed up as assets. What Tom Perry going to be up to next year?

Edited by SCB
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Rich used to practice at Cov after the EL meetings when he was pretty young and I must admit I thought he was signed as a Cov asset initially, but I'm sure I read somewhere he was an asset of a NL club. :unsure:


He's a Scunny asset. Hopefully Cov will give him a team place - it was a shame he missed out this year.


All the best


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