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Mildenhall V Dudley - Weds 24th October - Please Read - NOW AT KINGS LYNN


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That reply is pretty par for the course, although I am a little surprised (and disappointed) at GP. The comments on face book last night were unbelievable - crap referees, poor decisions, being robbed, stupid play off system, rubbish NL and Mildenhall cheats (despite the fact that virtually everyone commenting wasn't at the meeting).


There wasn't one single word of plaudit for Mildenhall (and that includes from Stoke fans) and hardly a word about the fantastic effort by the Heathens to get so close with so weakened a team.


I haven't seen the decision yet either, so I won't comment on its accuracy.


That won't stop me offering my sincere congratulations to the Fen Tigers and, in particular, to all my old mates at West Row who stuck with the team during the dark days of 2006-11. True supporters who totally deserve this.

What Stoke fans have got to do with this I don't know. Why your problem with Stoke fans? You make loads of comments and I'm sure at some stage you have said something passable about Stoke but I'm not prepared to bet on it; anyway, two excellent teams battling it out and to go to one point was the best finish that the season could of had. Really is a massive downer with Adam and the way it finished for him. Hope the Potters and the rest of the teams next year get competitive line -ups as it's the only way forward for this league.

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Fentiger your champions over a playoff final, we were best in league overall i think, u had the luck with sum bad injuries to key riders for us, perry n bekker we wouldnt of had no problems. Well done anyway, take ya luck.


How long have u been able to crash into a rider and not get excluded, crazy and dangerous move it was, as roynon is now feeling it


Are you for real fen, we were missing 2nd best rider in the league and byron, where we had to av a novice in, where you was full strength, and struggled to beat us. So at full strength, pretty obvious wud av been different


Lets hope dudley go prem next year, get out rhis league. We av done our time in national league, time to move up


With regards to injuries we have had our fair share this season.Just happeneds that your injuries to riders have unfortunately come right at the end of the season.

For the millionth time.He didn't crash into him.I have no idea what some of you are watching.Was as clear as day that Stefan was on the outside of Adam.Adam tried to block the move but unfortunately miss timed it and hit into Stef.

The ref did the correct thing and looked at the recording to make the decision.I think you should do the same when the DVD gets released.

You post very similar to someone on the Dudley facebook page.If you are the same person,you have no right to bring up people cheering riders falls.If you aren't the same then I apologise but you post identical.


Anyway best wishes to Adam Roynon.No luck at all.


well done to the lads from both teams who got on with it on a difficult track.


Congrats though to the Mildenhall boys.Have done us proud all season.Chuffed to bits.

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Congratz to Mildenhall :cheers:


As a neutral last night, all I went to see was some good racing and wasn't too bothered who won the league myself. Sadly, the rain did spoil the conditions and the racing wasn't too good early on, but hats off to all the riders for going out there and racing on it. Whenever anyone moved to the outside, there was always that risk of someone falling off!


Heat 13 was my race of the night. Was a pretty good ride by Stefan Nielsen. The incident in heat 15 involving Roynon, Nielsen and Morris was just an unfortunate accident. It was good that the ref had footage to watch back cos it all happened so fast that even I couldn't remember who was exactly where on the track and I was stood right in front of where it all happened. All I could remember was Nielsen being in a Dudley sandwich! Dudley were on a 5-1 out of the gate, but for some of the Heathens fans to say that they were cheated out of the result to my dad on our exit seemed a bit much. In heat 15 it was all or nothing. Roynon and Morris knew what they needed to do and Nielsen knew what he needed to do. He was close enough to the pair to try and get past them, so he made his move. You wouldn't expect anyone to do anything less. Mildenhall needed a 3-3 at least and both sides knew this and what was at stake. Yes, it is sad that it all ended in that way, but sometimes that's what happens in speedway - riders give it a real go and sometimes they or others get hurt in the process.


I wish Adam a speedy recovery. He never seems to get lucky on track!

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As a neutral, it really didn't matter to me one way or the other who won, as I have friends in both camps, and it's such a terrible shame that some people have posted inaccurate and bitter statements on Facebook.


Adam Roynon is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet in speedway, and a terrific talent. However, with regards to Heat 15, I would urge those people that are slagging Stefan Nielsen off to obtain a copy of the DVD, then you'll change your minds about who was to blame for the accident.


Thankfully both riders escaped without crippling or life threatening injuries, which is the main thing all supporters should be grateful for, whether you be from Dudley or Mildenhall, although I understand Adam has a possible broken ankle or leg.


Quite why the group of Dudley fans that left the stadium prior to the re-run of Heat 15, felt the need to throw abuse (two fingers and swearing) at the man that was running the track shop, beggars belief, as he was only sitting doing his job, and this doesn't paint a good picture of a certain section of the clubs fans, and I can only assume that they may have been the same people that caused problems that I read about at Mildenhall a few weeks ago. On the other side of the coin, a big pat on the back to those Dudley fans that I witnessed who went up to some of the female Mildenhall officials and congraulated them by means of a hug and kiss.


So, in conclusion, congratulations to both Dudley and Mildenhall for providing such entertainment throughout 2012, culminating in them both reaching the finals of the National League Play-Off's and KOC Cup. Congratulations also to Keith 'Buster' Chapman, who worked absolute miracles to provide a track for both teams to ply their trade on, I can't think of many that could have achieved that feat.

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Re Heat 15 - ref more than within his rights to view video replay before making a decision - personally I was disappointed he didn't choose to also view my recording of it from head on.


However it is wrong in my opinion that ref's final decision was made after a visit to the refs box by one of the home promotion and after both of them then watched the video together.


Anyway, I offer my congratulations to the Fen Tigers as NL Champions and commiserations to the Heathens

Edited by ballinger
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Great meeting considering the appalling conditions!


Times were 10+ seconds down on normal times yet there was some very good racing which goes to prove that its not all about speed. If this would of been a regular League match in the middle of the summer, this meeting would have been called of way before the start time. Yet again more proof that quite often not enough effort is made to save meetings. Probably the fact that King's Lynn have all the equipment on hand, something which many other tracks don't seem to, played a big part in getting the meeting on!


My view on the heat 15 incident was Roynon was in front and Nielsen tryed to go through a gap that wasn't there, so I think the ref got that one wrong. Although I didn't have the benefit of replays like the ref did!


Anyway congrats to Mildenhall and hope Roynons not to badly hurt!


And please all this stuff about Mildenhall moving into the PL - Please no!


Its been tryed before and failed. While Mildenhalls crowds have been excellent in the last couple of years, a lot of the reason is cause they have about 10 less meetings than your average PL track so fans aren't saturated with meetings and therefore aren't forced to pick and choose meetings. I don't think crowds would increase with a PL move and likely would drop as many fans would find it difficult to attend all the extra meetings. Also like others have said, Mildenhall is Ipswichs nursery track so riding in the same League as the Witches wouldn't be ideal!

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Re Heat 15 - ref more than within his rights to view video replay before making a decision - personally I was disappointed he didn't choose to also view my recording of it from head on.


However it is wrong in my opinion that ref's final decision was made after a visit to the refs box by one of the home promotion and after both of them then watched the video together.


Anyway, I offer my congratulations to the Fen Tigers as NL Champions and commiserations to the Heathens


I think it is very good practice for a referee to view a video recording in such circumstances - particularly given what was at stake.


I have to say that I am astonished that a referee allowed any member of either teams camp into his box at any point in the meeting as that quite clearly could be interpreted as having affected his view on any incident.


Great meeting considering the appalling conditions!


Times were 10+ seconds down on normal times yet there was some very good racing which goes to prove that its not all about speed. If this would of been a regular League match in the middle of the summer, this meeting would have been called of way before the start time. Yet again more proof that quite often not enough effort is made to save meetings. Probably the fact that King's Lynn have all the equipment on hand, something which many other tracks don't seem to, played a big part in getting the meeting on!


My view on the heat 15 incident was Roynon was in front and Nielsen tryed to go through a gap that wasn't there, so I think the ref got that one wrong. Although I didn't have the benefit of replays like the ref did!


Anyway congrats to Mildenhall and hope Roynons not to badly hurt!


And please all this stuff about Mildenhall moving into the PL - Please no!


Its been tryed before and failed. While Mildenhalls crowds have been excellent in the last couple of years, a lot of the reason is cause they have about 10 less meetings than your average PL track so fans aren't saturated with meetings and therefore aren't forced to pick and choose meetings. I don't think crowds would increase with a PL move and likely would drop as many fans would find it difficult to attend all the extra meetings. Also like others have said, Mildenhall is Ipswichs nursery track so riding in the same League as the Witches wouldn't be ideal!


Good post - I knew there must be one Dudley fan who'd give a reasonably objective view :D:t: .


I agree with you about Mildenhall going PL. They have attracted some big gates to West Row but, believe me, half of them will clear off at the first chance of a home defeat (in that, they are only slightly worse than most speedway teams). Don't get me wrong, they have some fantastic supporters who will stick with the club through thick and thin but I think it will be a serious financial gamble to go PL - unless circumstances are such that they virtually have to move up.

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Adam has a badly broken leg just below the knee and faces an operation today. He also has a less serious break to the bottom of his shoulder blade. His Tweets have been very downbeat. Chin up Royno. :t:


Just a racing incident and some of the comments I've seen about Stef are bang out of order. But all clubs have some little 'treasures'. Had some of you, and perhaps some did, seen the way a couple of Mildenhall fans reacted after Ash was knocked off early on you'd have been sharing my view that any club can have a small minority that shout the loudest shall we say?!


As for the way the ref came to his decision in heat 15 - more when I have the time.



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As a neutral, it really didn't matter to me one way or the other who won, as I have friends in both camps, and it's such a terrible shame that some people have posted inaccurate and bitter statements on Facebook.


Adam Roynon is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet in speedway, and a terrific talent. However, with regards to Heat 15, I would urge those people that are slagging Stefan Nielsen off to obtain a copy of the DVD, then you'll change your minds about who was to blame for the accident.


Thankfully both riders escaped without crippling or life threatening injuries, which is the main thing all supporters should be grateful for, whether you be from Dudley or Mildenhall, although I understand Adam has a possible broken ankle or leg.


Quite why the group of Dudley fans that left the stadium prior to the re-run of Heat 15, felt the need to throw abuse (two fingers and swearing) at the man that was running the track shop, beggars belief, as he was only sitting doing his job, and this doesn't paint a good picture of a certain section of the clubs fans, and I can only assume that they may have been the same people that caused problems that I read about at Mildenhall a few weeks ago. On the other side of the coin, a big pat on the back to those Dudley fans that I witnessed who went up to some of the female Mildenhall officials and congraulated them by means of a hug and kiss.


So, in conclusion, congratulations to both Dudley and Mildenhall for providing such entertainment throughout 2012, culminating in them both reaching the finals of the National League Play-Off's and KOC Cup. Congratulations also to Keith 'Buster' Chapman, who worked absolute miracles to provide a track for both teams to ply their trade on, I can't think of many that could have achieved that feat.

Quality post Mike, the voice of reason

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What Stoke fans have got to do with this I don't know. Why your problem with Stoke fans? You make loads of comments and I'm sure at some stage you have said something passable about Stoke but I'm not prepared to bet on it; anyway, two excellent teams battling it out and to go to one point was the best finish that the season could of had. Really is a massive downer with Adam and the way it finished for him. Hope the Potters and the rest of the teams next year get competitive line -ups as it's the only way forward for this league.


I don't have a problem with Stoke fans at all (quite the opposite in fact).


All I am saying is that I could identify two or three Stoke fans among the posters and they were almost as biased as the Dudley ones.I would have thought that their comments would have been a lot more objective, giving that they were effectively neutral.


You will find that I say what I see. Credit where credit is due, criticism where I believe that is called for and that is not motivated by having some axe to grind but what I am convinced are the best interests of the sport and its ability to grow and prosper.


If I have merely been critical about Stoke this year (and I think that is true) that is because what I have seen there has only been worthy of criticism.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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i hope the idoits who shouted abuse at roynon as he was treated on the track are proud of themselves. get well soon royno


I didn't hear anything from where I was standing .Was pretty quiet

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i hope the idoits who shouted abuse at roynon as he was treated on the track are proud of themselves. get well soon royno


I was stood right in front of Adam, and didn't hear any abuse, in fact if anything it was the opposite, and very quiet in fear of what might of happened to him.

So Mr S1, please don't make statements like that which you well know aren't true, we're all batting for the same side here in the love of our sport, and no real supporter wants to see any rider get hurt, no matter who he is.

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As a neutral, it really didn't matter to me one way or the other who won, as I have friends in both camps, and it's such a terrible shame that some people have posted inaccurate and bitter statements on Facebook.


Adam Roynon is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet in speedway, and a terrific talent. However, with regards to Heat 15, I would urge those people that are slagging Stefan Nielsen off to obtain a copy of the DVD, then you'll change your minds about who was to blame for the accident.


Thankfully both riders escaped without crippling or life threatening injuries, which is the main thing all supporters should be grateful for, whether you be from Dudley or Mildenhall, although I understand Adam has a possible broken ankle or leg.


Quite why the group of Dudley fans that left the stadium prior to the re-run of Heat 15, felt the need to throw abuse (two fingers and swearing) at the man that was running the track shop, beggars belief, as he was only sitting doing his job, and this doesn't paint a good picture of a certain section of the clubs fans, and I can only assume that they may have been the same people that caused problems that I read about at Mildenhall a few weeks ago. On the other side of the coin, a big pat on the back to those Dudley fans that I witnessed who went up to some of the female Mildenhall officials and congraulated them by means of a hug and kiss.


So, in conclusion, congratulations to both Dudley and Mildenhall for providing such entertainment throughout 2012, culminating in them both reaching the finals of the National League Play-Off's and KOC Cup. Congratulations also to Keith 'Buster' Chapman, who worked absolute miracles to provide a track for both teams to ply their trade on, I can't think of many that could have achieved that feat.


.....come on you cant let a defeat get in the way if theres a chance of a snog.................can you

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It will be interesting if/when the video of the exclusion is released.


Only speculating, but if the video suggests Roynon was at fault then who should be blamed, the referee or Chris Louis?


Edit - I should add that I haven't heard the radio evidence as I am at work and unable to listen, perhaps that will be more enlightening?

Edited by fentigers lad
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Dudley - you lost despite having the advatage of a home leg and a leg on a neutral track, yes you had injuries but were not the opposition without their 1 and 2 Heeps and Blackbird




Adam Roynon - you really have upset someone up there. I hope you have a speedy recovery and battle back again.


Congratulations to the Tiger Boyz on a wonderfull season


The ability to accept defeat shows the type of sportsman you are.

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