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Mildenhall V Dudley - Weds 24th October - Please Read - NOW AT KINGS LYNN


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Firstly, I would like to wish Adam Roynon a speedy recovery from yet another nasty injury. He is such a talent, as he has shown in all 3 leagues this season, and does not deserve such crappy luck. I also wish Tom Perry well.


It IS awful for the Dudley fans after losing by one point. There are a group of supporters who know exactly how you feel... yep, us Mildenhall fans! After the unforgettable struggle last season with Scunthorpe we came away devastated. But just look at us now. Dudley will get there rewards soon enough.


Heat 15 at Lynn was not an ordinary heat 15. The whole season depended on that race. All 4 riders were pumped up. None of the riders were gonna give an ounce to the opposition, this was sh*t or bust. Stefan went for a gap which may have been too small, we’ll never know. Adam saw Stefan coming and tried to shut the door. I think the slippery surface caused Adam’s bike to slide further than he intended. I believe the ref was bang on with the decision. No malice, just racing.


I attended both legs of the final and have to say it was great to see an abundance of young British talent on show. It’s exactly what the NL is about.


You should post more often. Spot on. :approve:

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At NO time was a BLUE light on without being tedious I repeat no time did ref put blue light on only to change it to white I can't be clearer than that, I would like to know who was told the ref had chosen Stefan to be excluded ? Or is the dudley fans making mischief again (re: time of meeting).

I would urge all the doubters of whom should be excluded to go to anglia itv web and check out the filming of heat 15 clarifies it all


Go to this link and see ht15 from another angle



It is nothing to do with dudley fans making mischeif its fact!, Steffans mechanic told milldenhall management the ref had excluded stefan, everyone was aware of it and dudley even had Dan Greenwood ready with helmet on to replace the injured Roynon, then Mr Louis did his bit and the rest is history as they say - what makes it worse is Louis knew exactly what he had done with his smug grin on his face. The video shows that the ref made the right call but its the way that the call was made thats left a nasty taste in heathens fans mouths, and had the shoe been on the other foot mildy fans would feel exactly the same.

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It is nothing to do with dudley fans making mischeif its fact!, Steffans mechanic told milldenhall management the ref had excluded stefan, everyone was aware of it and dudley even had Dan Greenwood ready with helmet on to replace the injured Roynon, then Mr Louis did his bit and the rest is history as they say - what makes it worse is Louis knew exactly what he had done with his smug grin on his face. The video shows that the ref made the right call but its the way that the call was made thats left a nasty taste in heathens fans mouths, and had the shoe been on the other foot mildy fans would feel exactly the same.

And how do you know this ? We've seen evidence of the actual heat and I think we agree the refs decision was correct,I want evidence of what you are saying not too much to ask and when I've seen evidence that the ref excluded Stefan then changed his mind I will have all the facts and then I can make an informed decision until then it's just he said/ she said etc

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And how do you know this ? We've seen evidence of the actual heat and I think we agree the refs decision was correct,I want evidence of what you are saying not too much to ask and when I've seen evidence that the ref excluded Stefan then changed his mind I will have all the facts and then I can make an informed decision until then it's just he said/ she said etc


I know it because im Ashley Morris mechanic and i was stood next to stefans mechanic when it was all said, im not in the habit of making things up and telling lies - so now you have it - FACT!

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It is nothing to do with dudley fans making mischeif its fact!, Steffans mechanic told milldenhall management the ref had excluded stefan, everyone was aware of it and dudley even had Dan Greenwood ready with helmet on to replace the injured Roynon, then Mr Louis did his bit and the rest is history as they say - what makes it worse is Louis knew exactly what he had done with his smug grin on his face. The video shows that the ref made the right call but its the way that the call was made thats left a nasty taste in heathens fans mouths, and had the shoe been on the other foot mildy fans would feel exactly the same.


Only one person to blame for that - and its not Chris Louis.


'Rule 14.9.2 During the meeting, The referee shall refuse access, either in person or by telephone from any Competitor or Official, subject to reasonable communication being granted to the Clerk of Course and Team Managers'.


As far as I am aware, Chris Louis is neither, so why was he allowed to even speak to the referee, never mind go up to the box ?

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Quite how Roynon didnt expect him to be there i will never no,he bloody looked and saw him!!!!!!


Jeez Mont, i know you aint keen on the Heathens, or me for that matter, but dont let it blind you, going into the 3rd Bend Nielsen was last, unless Royno has eyes up his ass, theres NO way Royno could realise Nielsen was that close, yes he expected someone coming round but, i think he was genuinly surprised to see Nielsen where he was, out wide Yes, but alongside NO.


Oh by the way, i havent said either way, but to my eyes a racing incident.

Edited by greyhoundp
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I know it because im Ashley Morris mechanic and i was stood next to stefans mechanic when it was all said, im not in the habit of making things up and telling lies - so now you have it - FACT!


Wouldn't that have been easier to say in the first place and I didn't accuse you of making it up or lying, so you admit it was hearsay, as I said evidence from the ref would have been a blue light it's the way things are decided not by messages in the pits, as you say you are Ashley Morris's mechanic perhaps you can also confirm the fact that Ashley punched Stefan in the face after the incident on track ht 4 ? I was standing overlooking the pit and saw this happen !

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Roynon didnt change his line at all, he rode the same line from when he entered the corner until he was hit side on.

Nielsen came from wider out and across his line, not to mention the fact that Roynon was the rider in front as well.

So i would say the decision was incorrect.

Either way well done to Milldenahall, bad luck to Dudley.

Cheers Chopper


ps, only seen one ref change his mind Lee , and we remember when that was

Edited by chopper
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Roynon didnt change his line at all, he rode the same line from when he entered the corner until he was hit side on.

Nielsen came from wider out and across his line, not to mention the fact that Roynon was the rider in front as well.

So i would say the decision was incorrect.

Either way well done to Milldenahall, bad luck to Dudley.

Cheers Chopper


ps, only seen one ref change his mind Lee , and we remember when that was

It's bizarre how you can see the ht 15 and come up with a complete reverse of numerous other people see, so I'm assuming its all only people's opinions of what they see so somewhere between the eye and the brain things get clouded, I would have assumed the video evidence should have ended this debate obviously not to be

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Ashley didnt punch anyone so i think you need to pay specsavers a visit, there was a scuffle and a bit of pushing but Ashley certainly didnt throw any punches, its no wonder there is so many fallings out on these forums with people like you posting complete and utter rubbish.


It wasnt hearsay the ref had told someone on the phone that stef had been excluded - ask yourself this, if the ref hadnt originally excluded Stef why did Chris Louis feel the need to get a copy of the video and march it up to the refs box ???

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mimmo if you had been near the pit gate you would of heard the abuse at roynon by the same two people that abused a morris as he walked off the track after his spill


Fair enough, maybe that was by the pit gate, but as I said, I was in front of Adam Roynon where is was very quiet.

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I know Ash didnt throw any punches because he was deliberatley shepparded back to his pit area and when the scuffle broke out he wasnt even involved, And to be fair anyone who knows the kid knows that he certainly isnt the kind of person to be throwing his fists about , i shouldnt rise to the bait because thats all it is - i know what happened and i know what was said because i was there in the middle of it. The facts are Dudley lost the final when Byron and Tom got injured not in heat 15 last night, so injuries aside mildenhall deserved to be the winners - but that does not detract from what chris louis did to change a refs decision.

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I know Ash didnt throw any punches because he was deliberatley shepparded back to his pit area and when the scuffle broke out he wasnt even involved, And to be fair anyone who knows the kid knows that he certainly isnt the kind of person to be throwing his fists about , i shouldnt rise to the bait because thats all it is - i know what happened and i know what was said because i was there in the middle of it. The facts are Dudley lost the final when Byron and Tom got injured not in heat 15 last night, so injuries aside mildenhall deserved to be the winners - but that does not detract from what chris louis did to change a refs decision.


Rami, dont get dragged into it mate; FT aint been around on here long but he is a one eyed Tigers fan. They aint in the NL for nowt, its about there level , :wink: and as for CL & ML well all i can say about them and there antics of requesting the use of Adam Ellis as there No 8, just to stop us using him. Then Lo and Behold Blackbird is fit enough to ride at KL, it just shows the level some will stoop to, and they accuse US of win at ALL costs :lol: .

But Hey its all Dudleys fault.


Just to re-iterate Dudley are NOT trying to get the result overturned, they have objected to Chris Louis being allowed into the Ref,s box, which has been pointed out, is against the rules. It appears that at Ipswich for the PLLC against Somerset the refs box had a padlock on, to keep certain officials OUT :rofl: .

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The light never went on but someone was told on the phone that blue was excluded, and i will ask again if this wasnt the case why did Chris Louis feel the need to get hold of the video and visit the ref in his box??? surely he would want to know who the ref was going to exclude before doing that - imagine the ref originally said roynons out, do you think chris would run up to see him with a video just to make sure he got it correct. Im going round in circles here and getting nowhere so congratulations mildenhall enjoy your trophy.


One last thing fentigers79 - you blow any reasonable argument out of the water by telling blatant lies in saying Ash punched Steffan i know 100% that didnt happen, just spoke to ash and he cant beleive your even saying that, theres no point trying to reason with someone who makes things up.

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Wouldn't that have been easier to say in the first place and I didn't accuse you of making it up or lying, so you admit it was hearsay, as I said evidence from the ref would have been a blue light it's the way things are decided not by messages in the pits, as you say you are Ashley Morris's mechanic perhaps you can also confirm the fact that Ashley punched Stefan in the face after the incident on track ht 4 ? I was standing overlooking the pit and saw this happen !


I was stood in the area looking down on the pits and none of us saw Stefan get punched, just saw the scuffles... Didn't hear anything about it afterward either though I'm sure there are others on here who could clarify that.

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