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Tai Woffinden

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Tai has travelled and is expected to participate in today's practice. Will decided after practice if fit or not.

Fantastic news, hope he makes it, brave thing to do, but with the World Title still within grasp he kinda needs to take the risk and hope he and Niki avoid each other this time.

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TAI, remarkably, was one of the few riders to take all his six practice runs yesterday, Looked at ease on the bike but, of course, he was on his own. Just hope he doesn't get a big bang at some stage. If he further damages his shoulder he could be out for the season. Brave but a big risk, hence the long face on Peter Adams. Sorry, he always has that!

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The vast majority of those posts were in the PL & NL sections. I very rarely stray from them. You're just trying to deflect attention from the fact you wrote Tai off. Nice try!


I was one who wrote him off,how wrong I was,Woffinden is right in contention for a high finish and should easily retain his place for next year,

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The vast majority of those posts were in the PL & NL sections. I very rarely stray from them. You're just trying to deflect attention from the fact you wrote Tai off. Nice try!

A fairly pointless post Shadders... most people felt Tai was not good enough when he was given the pick, myself included, yet most people, myself included, have already posted weeks ago that we were wrong, and we are glad to be proved wrong. Tai is taking his chance and proving us wrong, good for Tai. Now stop points scoring Shadders :)

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I dearly want Tai to be World Champion, but I do wish he gave tonight a miss. Like somebody said, one bang on that shoulder and it could put him out for the season, or more. He has plenty of years on his side to become champ. But whatever he decides, Go Woffy Woffy Woffy!!!!

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Oh my! What a performance that was last night. You could clearly see Tai was in agony but after 2 points from 3 rides he storms into the final. Unbelievable!! But then to make the podium? Sensational!! And you don't see Tai being followed about by a physiotherapist unlike some.


What a hero. Go Woffy!!

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A fairly pointless post Shadders... most people felt Tai was not good enough when he was given the pick, myself included, yet most people, myself included, have already posted weeks ago that we were wrong, and we are glad to be proved wrong. Tai is taking his chance and proving us wrong, good for Tai. Now stop points scoring Shadders :)

Stop being silly


Bit of a difference of opinion in our house. Of course, as an ex Rocket and part of our 2007 PL winning side I watch and support him Tai great interest. My son, on the other hand, will never forgive him for refusing an autograph at the 2007 PLRC. My boy was an impressionable 9 year old then and has never forgiven him. Ben Barker, someone who gets a terrible press, couldn't have been more accommodating, signing our programme and posing for photos.

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Well done fella,what a heroic performance that was.


But ??????????????


Why has he got such a lack of sponsorship on his race suit(and cap)which he pointed to,bythe way,when every other rider has them plastered everywhere.

You would have thought,given his perfomances so far in the GPs this year,there would have been plenty of takers.


Cant be such a lack of money,with some of the better off British firms,that they cant find a few bob to help one of our own.

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I've never been a past supporter of Tai's - mainly down to his perceived past attitude/personality - but last night the kid was simply awesome and deserved all the plaudits he is getting. As far as his lack of sponsorship, that may also have something to do with his past 'reputation', which he needs to continue to work on!! Maybe an approach to Red Bull is required as they seem to have a better knack of choosing riders that win GPs this year, than say Monster for example.

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The main problem with Tai is that he doesn't endear himself to sponsors as he looks such a mess with big pierced ears and huge ugly tatooes plastered over his neck and body. Not something many companies would like to be associated with.


Having said that, he is riding great so well done to him. he comes accross as a sensible young man. Such a shame about what he has done to himself.

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Who cares what he looks like its what he does on the track and his conduct off of it that matter!


im holding my hands up big time


said he wouldnt get more than 8

said he wouldnt make a semi

said he would do well not to be 15th


nothing against tai but thats what i thought.


couldnt be more pleased to be proved wrong what a great season he is on.

lets hope he makes the podium at least.

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great performance from tai well done should he had rode so soon after injury well i expect friends and advisors told him no but thats what makes speedway riders a breed apart the history of the world championship shows riders who defied their injuries to win hope he now rests again before the next gp as some forum members are right another crash could put him out for the season

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If it is true mr woffinden is lacking sponsorship I am frankly surprised. Monster/redbull profile is pretty cool and according to my 18 year old daughter so is tai. Personally I hate tattos but apparently its the in thing and riders like woffinden ,ward and sayfutinov are the future and profile of our sport. Thought tai came across on the tv very well last night and his attempt at polish was very professional, his polish was better that havelocks english.

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Bravo bravo super Tai,what an absolute belter of a performance.For the first time since the heady exciting days of Mark Loram have we got a genuine contender for the world crown.I personally don`t care what he looks like as long as he keeps on riding like he is at the moment. I just love the way he attacks every circuit he rides on, even when he had that awkward moment in his second ride ( I think ) he still kept his control. I wish him all the best this season in the GP`s no matter where he finishes.


PS. Isn`t it nice to have a British rider who can trap..........

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