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Swindon 2013

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I still have the mentality of a 10 year old though so does that mean I get in free??.


Seriously it looks like my Thursday nights won't be spent at The Abbey anymore as simply can't justify paying for me & my 12 year old.


The promotors have every right to charge what they want so i'm just stating my case before anyone has a pop.


Only if you sneak in like Beefy used to! ;)

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I think the Robins fans should start using the Peterborough thread and leave the panther moaners to carry on with their bickering about "The Rules" on here. It's all getting boring now!!!!!


Yup, it's good to see the positivity return after the season opener now that you're left to your own devices! Doesn't sound like Patchett will be having much spare cash available in 2013 to increase his asset base.

Edited by Crump99
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I have posted my comments on the individual/testimonial meeting thread re the car parking. Will be parking on St.Andrews Ridge next time.The move by Pedersen to fence Woffy was typical of the dangerous danish d1ckhead. They would have got a better crowd on a Sunday in July/August. I know clubs are losing money but you cant keep bashing the same fans.I would be surprised if there were 1300 there last night. What did the Robins fans think of the new souvenir shop and sweet stall(no Speedway Stars on sale)?

Thought Shop looked good, also speedway stars was on sale at the track shop,

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You are right on the money there Racers, Doylie did a handsome job last night against tough opposition, which on Steady's one showing this year at King's Lynn (1+1 from 4 rides in a team event) makes your point well made, I wasn't thinking that way until you pointed it out.

Like I said on another thread, Simon Stead did well last week, there are not many people who do AJ from the back, before he got a puncture, then with bike mended he won his second half heat and rode well in the final. Speaking with him last night he is well happy to be at Lynn. I reckon your lost will be our gain........

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Yup, it's good to see the positivity return after the season opener now that you're left to your own devices! Doesn't sound like Patchett will be having much spare cash available in 2013 to increase his asset base.

You just can't stay away can you, think you prefer our thread to your own, ours is more interesting :D

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Glad to see you're giving the lad some time to settle in. Unbelievable......

Fair comment, I was being a little harsh on Eddie there and I am sure he will do us a good job in the League, I'm just so disappointed that Steady was moved on and Eddie is his replacement in my mind, so it may take me a while to convert!

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If its 3 quid a pop for a programme at every home meeting in 2013 then like many, I won't be buying one this year there are better ways to spend your cash - unjustified hikes just serve as tipping points for fans to go without or make the effort and download a racecard. Whacking up the parking up by 50% is also just the wrong message in this climate - why do businesses boot "own goals" into their own net with such poor decisions? They should think harder about keeping their existing customer base and maintaining existing revenues rather than hitting their loyal fan base with sharp hikes. These acts of greed just push more of the "will try to get along for every meeting" fan into either a "fair weather fan" or "cherry picking the best meetings" fan. Me and my posse gave the Kilby meeting a miss for the first time this year partly because it was so cold but more because the price and value for money was so poor.

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Only if you sneak in like Beefy used to! ;)


I've tested all the walls and fences, and the only way in now is to pole vault over the wall on bend 2 ;)


Still thawing out from last night, sincerely hope the burger van on the back straight gets the hot water sorted by next week, was expecting to get a hot drink at least. Also there was no air horns either for sale to help the atmosphere Beefy Keefy. :o. Not the usual standard, I noticed a lot of 'Regulars' missing which surprised me, hope they turn up next week and the weather is warmer. To be fair, the promotion have had a lot of 'aggro' to put up with this winter, all of it unnecessary.!!!


A couple next to us had air horns but found no reason to use them. Perhaps as a one-off the promoters should issue 'em free to kids to ramp up the atmosphere(if there's any left). Would be prepared to lash out 6 quid for a purple Excalibur scarf or bobhat. Really dont know how they can get fans coming back in. There is a massive catchment area of a few million, they are the defending Champions. Should there be fortnightly instead of weekly meetings? Do they need better marketing/advertising? Or has league speedway had its day in this country? Dont know if a new stadium would make a difference to the levels of support. The local football club, who charge more for entry, parking etc.,and ice hockey club are doing ok support wise. The management should organise a forum with fans to see what can be done to move forward.

Dont see how they can cut admission as costs are escalating for riders. Its not comparable to football, cricket, rugby, ice hockey. I pay 15 quid to stand undercover for top-class rugby at Gloucester's Kingsholm(good atmosphere) which is good value IMO.

Something needs to be done to save speedway across GB before its too late. Another bad summer could see some clubs going to the wall.

People on here care about their speedway, I believe promoters need to listen to their customers, the same as any successful business

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Like I said on another thread, Simon Stead did well last week, there are not many people who do AJ from the back, before he got a puncture, then with bike mended he won his second half heat and rode well in the final. Speaking with him last night he is well happy to be at Lynn. I reckon your lost will be our gain........


At home, I think you are absolutely correct, the problem is Simon struggled to consistently score points away from home.


That said, his performances in the final were one of the big reasons Swindon managed to win the title.


I wish him all the best for the season (except against the Robins of course) and hope he has a safe & successful season.

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A couple next to us had air horns but found no reason to use them. Perhaps as a one-off the promoters should issue 'em free to kids to ramp up the atmosphere(if there's any left).


I've always thought this. You can get a job lot on eBay for about a quid each and then you could potentially make money on the re-fills.

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I believe the main reason Swindon didn't resign Steady is because he wanted to ride PL with Sheffield, so basically only being available for away meetings, where lets be honest is his achilles heel. KL should be getting a good rider due to him being busier, so good luck to them, I'm sure once dialled in EK will do a good job.

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What was worrying the other night was the awful crowd,can't remember many worse do think speedway now is just to exspensive. I never get a programme now 3 pound too much if you go too football to do both is impossible.Promoters need to look after the hard core not take them for granted and need to listen to there views this does look a tough time ahead for British speedway.

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What was worrying the other night was the awful crowd,can't remember many worse do think speedway now is just to exspensive. I never get a programme now 3 pound too much if you go too football to do both is impossible.Promoters need to look after the hard core not take them for granted and need to listen to there views this does look a tough time ahead for British speedway.


Just a thought, could it be that the programme for Kilb's testimonial was 3 quid and that it will revert back to 2 quid for league matches?


I have to say, there has been a lack of communication or even an explanation from the management about the price rises. To not say anything, especially in these difficult times, is poor in my book. I accept that the car park is nothing to do with the club, but fans should still be prepared and able to make their own choices, not turn up on the evening and have the price rise 'sprung' on them.

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. I accept that the car park is nothing to do with the club,


Maybe but in my book the club should pay for the car parking on at least put towards it , the reason being it might help in getting a bigger crowd in .


Not just Swindon but Speedways answer to it's problems tends to be put prices up and by the look of it it's not working .

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Maybe but in my book the club should pay for the car parking on at least put towards it , the reason being it might help in getting a bigger crowd in .


Not just Swindon but Speedways answer to it's problems tends to be put prices up and by the look of it it's not working .


Speedway's relied on the hard core turning up irrespective of what's on offer despite season on season dwindling numbers of that hard core. It appears that reality is going to hit in 2013?

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Speedway's relied on the hard core turning up irrespective of what's on offer despite season on season dwindling numbers of that hard core. It appears that reality is going to hit in 2013?


The thing that amazes me is how little clubs do to reward loyal fans. OK, you can buy a season ticket, which saves you the equivalent of two to three meetings, but that isn't suitable for everyone. There are simple things a club can do which costs them nothing, such as attend five meetings and receive a free pre-meeting pit walk, ten meetings get a meet-and-greet with your favourite rider and fifteen meetings get to watch the final heat from the centre green.


These kinds of things reward loyalty and help get fans re-discover the sport they love. Then you can charge them anything!

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What was worrying the other night was the awful crowd,can't remember many worse do think speedway now is just to exspensive. I never get a programme now 3 pound too much if you go too football to do both is impossible.Promoters need to look after the hard core not take them for granted and need to listen to there views this does look a tough time ahead for British speedway.


The crowd wasn't good, but we did have worse last year in my opinion The season starts too early and it was bitterly cold even for someone who works outside all the time, I expected an increase on the car park but didn't realize inflation was running at 50%! and why now start charging for the under 11,s utter madness, come on Gary get real, otherwise more fans will desert speedway for good!

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What was worrying the other night was the awful crowd,can't remember many worse do think speedway now is just to exspensive. I never get a programme now 3 pound too much if you go too football to do both is impossible.Promoters need to look after the hard core not take them for granted and need to listen to there views this does look a tough time ahead for British speedway.


Can you name me one club that has asked for its supporters views over the winter.

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The thing that amazes me is how little clubs do to reward loyal fans. OK, you can buy a season ticket, which saves you the equivalent of two to three meetings, but that isn't suitable for everyone. There are simple things a club can do which costs them nothing, such as attend five meetings and receive a free pre-meeting pit walk, ten meetings get a meet-and-greet with your favourite rider and fifteen meetings get to watch the final heat from the centre green.


These kinds of things reward loyalty and help get fans re-discover the sport they love. Then you can charge them anything!


Wont work, try getting 500-1000 hard core fans into any of your suggestions, even if you space then out over a season still wont work, for me I would suggest an entrance fee of no more than £2 for all 5 to 15 year olds with parent or relative and proof of age and more to keep them interested during the heats.

We could also try a lottery system, say £2 per ticket the winning ticket is drawn before heat 15 and the winner get free admission for the next home league meeting (inc P/Off) and half price for partner and children with a pre meeting pit walk and chat with team captain for the family.

Edited by hyderd
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