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Comets In Trouble

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Sad but true Glasgow recorded losses off £30k last season during there title winning season , seems that success in this sport is rewarded with big losses Edinburgh made the same noises about loss a couple off years ago after one off there title winning season's


Except wasn't a lot of that due to trackwork being carried out, with only a vague scheme that might pay for it - and didn't.?

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Sadly it's not just about the price of admission.


In my case I live near Nottingham and go to see Leicester.


Admission £15.00


Programme £2.50


Fuel £10.00



Total £27.50 pw


Month £110


It's my choice to pay that, I love speedway, been watching since I was 12 years old. A long time.


But, if you think about it..........it's a lot of money. People simply haven't got available to spend on leisure activates.

I personally think speedway is becoming to expensive.



Speedway must be just about the most expensive sport on the planet to watch proportionately !


Lets be honest , realistically it's a pound a minute and that's extortionate ! You won't find many others that work out that much !

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The PL would sorely miss the Comets. Here's hoping you are running next year.

Yet another stark warning against fans who wallow in dropping crowd levels instead of getting some friends to accompany them.


Too very true.


He is a businessman, he doesn't give a toss about the die hard Comets fans. Quite the opposite. Instead of interacting with the fans, any time his operation is criticized he reacts like an angry child. Not to mention certain cracks about his relationship with different riders. Tony Mole didn't get to many meetings which is understandable considering his base, but more often than not him and Ian Thomas gave the fans what they wanted. In this financial climate, it is a lot for fans to have to fork out, considering that Workington Town are doing well and attracting bigger crowds - not everyone can afford speedway on Saturday night and rugby on Sunday afternoon. The general consensus is that Denham does not come across as an owner that can be liked. A lot of Comets fans are stubborn and will not give their money to someone they do not like or does not listen to their opinion without threatening them with a ban from Comets meetings. I remember years ago when we would be missing out on certain riders as Mole wouldn't splash daft money, people were crying for Denham as they believed he would make us the Chelsea of the PL and creating a title winning team. Didn't quite happen, but at the same time there are a lot of other men in the area that have made fortunes through their firms, I'm sure someone local or not local would be prepared to take the team on. Problem is, Comets fans love their heroes. The priority would surely have to be for another Stoney. Someone the fans know will give all on the track but has a big personality and interaction with them off it.


Why do fans always blame the owner/promotor. Fans are just not turning up simple as. No fans no Speedway

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A significant factor outwith any Promotions control, is the terrible weather that has resulted in either postponements or meetings being run under unattractive conditions.


I will stand to be corrected, but it appears to me that Workington have probably been the hardest hit club on this factor.


The constant rise in admission costs will be partly attributable to the riders running costs spiralling as machinery (including engine tuning bills, dearer silencers, fancy carburettors, etc) becomes more and more expensive to maintain.


Until a unified front on restricting super fast bikes is imposed by the UK Promoters, I can envisage Speedway at PL level certainly going bust :sad:

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Lets see how many turn up this Sat!

I agree with a lot of things that have been said, however, we have had speedway for the last five years when maybe we wouldn't have, I really struggle to think who could take it on. I look at the programme and I would say the majority of the sponsors have an Armstrong connection, thats a lot of cash to find, the plant eqpt thats used for the track etc, if he cant make it pay who can?

I also look at the crowds at other tracks and wonder how they can survive if we cant?

I also think the sport is to highly priced at £30 a week per couple and even higher for families, so it just isnt KD's fault, the fans are not supporting it.

900 fans lost from the first meeting is a huge drop off and there must be other factors, is it not value for money, poor racing etc.

Its said that Workington people wont support a losing team, but we are right up there with the leaders so surely that cant be the case either.

Would love some opinions because I would hate for the Speedway to close down in Workington, once its gone it won't come back, the track will go to ruin, Rugby Club won't want it back, noise concerns etc.

Lets hope their is someone out there willing to give it a go for a season, would be interesting to see if crowds would improve.

So to conclude, no fans = no speedway, its up to the fans to show that they want Speedway, Get the crowds back for the last few meetings and make it a viable proposition for someone to come in and save the club.

We really should be voting with our feet to save the Comets!


Absolutely what is needed. Fans turning up, not whinging at every turn. Worse in Denhams case as he`s made some money through hard work. Perhaps some `fans` should be in Denhams shoes, funding the 3 grand losses, and then put up with all the whinging. Fans pay for 15 heats of racing, thats it, it does not entitle you to anything else.

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Would it be better for the loyal Workington fans & KD to drop into the NL? Doesn't seem to have done IoW any harm and 500 paying fans must make money in the NL.

Everybody wins.........if that doesn't go ....then


I would point out that Stokes crowds are probably less than 500, yet we made a profit in the NL. The question is how many of your 500 fans continue to turn up, and how many turn their noses up at NL racing. The unfortunate fact is that, if your promotion is not liked, fans won't turn up regardless of division.

Edited by vog
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Edinburgh didnt do any track work did they?? yet they said somewhere in the region of 30k i think also??


This thread in quick succession reveals that Edinburgh, Glasgow, Berwick and Workington all in trouble. Yet the only solution mostly given is an attack on the Workington owner, whose actually funding the Comets fans weekly Speedway entertainment. They should be queuing up to thank him, not tear him to pieces on here.

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This thread in quick succession reveals that Edinburgh, Glasgow, Berwick and Workington all in trouble. Yet the only solution mostly given is an attack on the Workington owner, whose actually funding the Comets fans weekly Speedway entertainment. They should be queuing up to thank him, not tear him to pieces on here.


That depends. By his own admission, he lost 3k in the Glasgow meeting. If him annoying the fans has caused 250 fans to walk away, then the current plight is his fault, as with those fans he would have made a profit...

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That depends. By his own admission, he lost 3k in the Glasgow meeting. If him annoying the fans has caused 250 fans to walk away, then the current plight is his fault, as with those fans he would have made a profit...


Judging by the success of his company outside of Speedway, it suggests he`s a very able person and businessman. I see parallels here with Leicester in the sense that Hemsley is a thoroughly successful person outside of Speedway but he`s targeted no doubt partly due to his success. Of course, there's no suggestion Leicester are struggling but it does seem that at leicester, at Workington,and elsewhere so-called fans demand everything but they are the ones who can for a whole number of reasons can chose not bother to attend - work, childcare, unemployment, change in circumstances, the last match was crap, the team is woeful, we are winning by too many, just getting bored with it, we are not winning enough, a new relationship, its on Sky - but the promotors have to be there and they don't get to choose which bills they have to pay! Lets be frank about it, most of the tracks in the UK are being funded and subsidised by promotors out of their own pockets and perhaps occasionally fans should realise that and stop knocking them at every conceivable turn. Its obvious some promotors do themselves no favours but in the main they are fans who have done fairly well in life and are effectively funding most fans Speedway entertainment most weeks out of their own pockets.

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And remodelled their team accordingly.But that had nothing to do with Glasgow's losses.


Glasgow had significant increased cost's out with the track alteration cost so yes it has a great deal to do with Glasgow's losses last season , Alan Dick had an interview a few months back saying the increased points money alone last season incurred significant losses.


But you are quite correct that teams need to be re-shaped accordingly to fit in with there cash flow model which will also need to be altered to reflect costs against lower income streams.

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This is a sad day for Workington Speedway and I find it incredible that Keith Denham is criticised for his promotion of the Comets.

Here we have a successful local business man who has, from significant contributions from his own pocket, kept the sport running in Workington during the most difficult financial period in history!

Not only that, since taking over, he has shown a genuine desire to put together teams which are capable of winning things, and it is my belief that only injuries this season will stop us winning the Premier League. The genuine supporters will, I know, feel the same as I do and sympathise with Keith and all his loyal team, but fully understand that the losses that are being incurred now are simply unsustainable.

The people who should take a look at themselves are those who continually have a go at the promotion with no basis at all to their narrow minded comments. Such like people may feel that they have, in a strange way, won - but today there are no winners, we are all losers as speedway at

Workington looks likely to close.

To Tony Mole, Keith Denham, Tony Jackson, the late Ian Thomas and all the teams of helpers over the years - THANKS, IT'S BEEN GREAT

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Judging by the success of his company outside of Speedway, it suggests he`s a very able person and businessman. I see parallels here with Leicester in the sense that Hemsley is a thoroughly successful person outside of Speedway but he`s targeted no doubt partly due to his success. Of course, there's no suggestion Leicester are struggling but it does seem that at leicester, at Workington,and elsewhere so-called fans demand everything but they are the ones who can for a whole number of reasons can chose not bother to attend - work, childcare, unemployment, change in circumstances, the last match was crap, the team is woeful, we are winning by too many, just getting bored with it, we are not winning enough, a new relationship, its on Sky - but the promotors have to be there and they don't get to choose which bills they have to pay! Lets be frank about it, most of the tracks in the UK are being funded and subsidised by promotors out of their own pockets and perhaps occasionally fans should realise that and stop knocking them at every conceivable turn. Its obvious some promotors do themselves no favours but in the main they are fans who have done fairly well in life and are effectively funding most fans Speedway entertainment most weeks out of their own pockets.

Well said Ballroom, love him or hate him KD has kept speedway alive in Workington for the past 7 years and in the process given us some top quality teams. ( this year being no exception). I would take the view that as a supporter I also have a responsibility to do what I can to keep this great sport alive in the town, "use it or loose it" so as to speak, unfortunately for what ever reason not everyone feels the same way so now we face the prospect of no speedway next season. As so called supporters have we done all we can to keep it?

Edited by stemoc
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Speedway should be £10 at premier league & £12 elite league max look at leicester they want £16 the same as local elite league neighbours coventry.


I hope they dont close workington


Actually Leicester charge £15 for adults and Coventry's went up to £17 this season but concessions are the same price - £13. Agree with you though speedway is too expensive for the amount of racing we see.

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Well said Ballroom, love him or hate him KD has kept speedway alive in Workington for the past 7 years and in the process given us some top quality teams. ( this year being no exception). I would take the view that as a supporter I also have a responsibility to do what I can to keep this great sport alive in the town, "use it or loose it" so as to speak, unfortunately for what ever reason not everyone feels the same way so now we face the prospect of no speedway next season. As so called supporters have we done all we can to keep it?

Well said Ballroom, love him or hate him KD has kept speedway alive in Workington for the past 7 years and in the process given us some top quality teams. ( this year being no exception). I would take the view that as a supporter I also have a responsibility to do what I can to keep this great sport alive in the town, "use it or loose it" so as to speak, unfortunately for what ever reason not everyone feels the same way so now we face the prospect of no speedway next season. As so called supporters have we done all we can to keep it?

As I stated earlier Stemoc, Saturday will be the proof of how many want the sport to continue, no support till the end of the season and it doesnt give a prospective buyer any incentive, need to get a message out to all fans past and present to vote with their feet and to show there is support for the Comets, we are still in with a shout of winning something and if sufficient numbers turn up for the remaining few meetings it may throw us a lifeline!!! Albeit a thin one.
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As I stated earlier Stemoc, Saturday will be the proof of how many want the sport to continue, no support till the end of the season and it doesnt give a prospective buyer any incentive, need to get a message out to all fans past and present to vote with their feet and to show there is support for the Comets, we are still in with a shout of winning something and if sufficient numbers turn up for the remaining few meetings it may throw us a lifeline!!! Albeit a thin one.

Hopefully we get to Saturday Fixerman :blink: , I really hope Keith will try to keep going at least til the end of the season. We are in 2 semi's and the playoffs still a hell of alot to ride for as you say we need to vote with our feet , so come on you fans who have stopped going lets get behind and support the club because it certainly needs us all now . (quick pass me the box of tissues :sad: )

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Hopefully we get to Saturday Fixerman :blink: , I really hope Keith will try to keep going at least til the end of the season. We are in 2 semi's and the playoffs still a hell of alot to ride for as you say we need to vote with our feet , so come on you fans who have stopped going lets get behind and support the club because it certainly needs us all now . (quick pass me the box of tissues :sad: )

Would Keith Denham be easy to deal with regarding selling the club (if anybody came forward),he strikes me to be in the same mould as the Mallets at Newport (if Icant have no-one else will).Not since to hear ANY club in trouble but this might not be the only tale of woe to emerge after the end of the season.Speedway in General is going through a rough patch and the dire summer weather hasn't helped.
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